kuromiyakun · 2 days
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kuromiyakun · 10 months
Tasuo sensed the attention of his youngest son and his eyes found Ruka and Caspar about to approach him. Straightening his back a small smile appeared in the corner of his lips, arching his brows in interest.
Ruka’s face jerked into a reluctant grimace for a moment was noticed by only those knew him well-enough. Of course Daiji as a psychic couldn’t miss it either, and gazed the back of the second heir for a moment, understanding where his discomfort is coming from before nodding towards Caspar, appreciating the apology. 
Squeezing his fiancé’s hand Ruka inhaled slowly through his nose as he stopped in front of his mother. Not expecting the move, his eyes jumped on Tasuo’s outreached right hand. It wasn’t the usual formal way of greeting, rather a warm gentle invite to hold hands for a moment like close relatives do.
And Ruka before he could understand, squeezed the fragile looking hand of his mother, smiling from the warmth he noticed in his eyes.
- Good to see you, son. - he mouthed, earning a hard sigh from his elder son stood behind him. - And you too, Caspar. - he nod with a small smile.
Equinox ball in the castle
Ruka’s heart was aching. It’s been a while he was as anxious, nervous and upset the last time it ached like this, physically. If he wasn’t standing in a line of vampires ready to enter the big ball room, he’d slam a toilet door after himself to burst out crying.
Instead he sucked in air through his nose and exhaled with his lips mildly pursed. The haori and the obi (belt) holding it together was tight. It highlighted his thin waist and Ruka had mixed feelings about his appearance. He looked stunning in his first formal clothing was made exclusively to him, stitch by stitch. Which he hated for the first time.
His back feeling stiff and straight like a column, Ruka turned his head to look at Cas stood by the opposite wall of the corridor, his fiancé too, waiting to enter the hall. The jewel stroked the side of his neck and his heart sunk again, realizing the meaningful, decorated chain across his face.
- Cas… - he whispered, knowing well he had his mate’s attention, feeling every cell, every atom of his energy touching his own, like they didn’t stay a meter away but tightly side by side. Ruka reached his arm out, knowing if Caspar did the same they could exchange a brief hand-holding what he needed so much.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
Hearing the word princess and queen made Ruka’s eyes to move at Caspar, suddenly feeling flattered, in the depth of his look, dirty promises.
“Skip courting or else... I’ll drag you out of here.” - he thought to his partner with a tiny, lopsided smile.
- Sure, go. - the second heir nod, pulling his hand gently back. Non-verbal communication was considered rude in the presence of someone who understood them. Daiji could as well feel the remark of Caspar and the reaction it had on Ruka being called a queen. - Later I’ll greet him too. - he added, pulling his fingers through his kimono again, looking a bit nervous.
Peeking towards his mother he frowned, narrowing his eyes to focus more on his appearance, noticing a thin, elegant jewel across his face, very similar to his own. - Or you know what? Let me come with you. - he reached after his partner.
Equinox ball in the castle
Ruka’s heart was aching. It’s been a while he was as anxious, nervous and upset the last time it ached like this, physically. If he wasn’t standing in a line of vampires ready to enter the big ball room, he’d slam a toilet door after himself to burst out crying.
Instead he sucked in air through his nose and exhaled with his lips mildly pursed. The haori and the obi (belt) holding it together was tight. It highlighted his thin waist and Ruka had mixed feelings about his appearance. He looked stunning in his first formal clothing was made exclusively to him, stitch by stitch. Which he hated for the first time.
His back feeling stiff and straight like a column, Ruka turned his head to look at Cas stood by the opposite wall of the corridor, his fiancé too, waiting to enter the hall. The jewel stroked the side of his neck and his heart sunk again, realizing the meaningful, decorated chain across his face.
- Cas… - he whispered, knowing well he had his mate’s attention, feeling every cell, every atom of his energy touching his own, like they didn’t stay a meter away but tightly side by side. Ruka reached his arm out, knowing if Caspar did the same they could exchange a brief hand-holding what he needed so much.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- No, I don’t know. - Ruka shook his head a little, his stomach aching from nervousness as the jewel swung lightly on both sides of his jaw. - I feel like a fucking cow, labeled. - the second heir gritted his teeth, adjusting the front of his kimono once more, trying to suppress his emotions.
When the farther double door of the ballroom opened and he noticed the snow white kimonos he moaned out loud with a tiny jerk of his upper lip. The Kitaos gracefully entered, his mother on the front, followed by his elder son.
Ruka’s spine squirmed under the luxurious material of his kimono and goosebumps ran up on his arms, mostly from feeling the aversion of Nikida and his father who both stood not too far from him. The only one should feel most irked, the king’s dragon companion smiled the lightest on the newly entering guests, straight at the vampire his mate cheated him with, on the front.
Nikida gazed back at Ruka, who swallowed dryly from what he saw in the first heir’s eyes. His elder sibling tried to seek his feelings out for seeming his mother. The one for everyone else was an enemy.
- Enjoying the party? - Ruka heard from behind himself. Jumping a bit, he squeezed Cas’ hand reflexively until he realized who spoke to him.
- Colonel. Very not. - he peeked back over his shoulder, recognizing the black,-purple uniformed kimono the warrior wore, always.
Equinox ball in the castle
Ruka’s heart was aching. It’s been a while he was as anxious, nervous and upset the last time it ached like this, physically. If he wasn’t standing in a line of vampires ready to enter the big ball room, he’d slam a toilet door after himself to burst out crying.
Instead he sucked in air through his nose and exhaled with his lips mildly pursed. The haori and the obi (belt) holding it together was tight. It highlighted his thin waist and Ruka had mixed feelings about his appearance. He looked stunning in his first formal clothing was made exclusively to him, stitch by stitch. Which he hated for the first time.
His back feeling stiff and straight like a column, Ruka turned his head to look at Cas stood by the opposite wall of the corridor, his fiancé too, waiting to enter the hall. The jewel stroked the side of his neck and his heart sunk again, realizing the meaningful, decorated chain across his face.
- Cas… - he whispered, knowing well he had his mate’s attention, feeling every cell, every atom of his energy touching his own, like they didn’t stay a meter away but tightly side by side. Ruka reached his arm out, knowing if Caspar did the same they could exchange a brief hand-holding what he needed so much.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
Taking another self-calming breath through his nose, Ruka squeezed the hand in his hold lightly, with a smile. “I know.” - he thought to Cas, his voice and mind swirling around his partner’s inside his head. The presence of the other was really reassuring and making Ruka to feel less stupid.
Gently a hand pressed against the back of his neck, warm fingers squeezing his muscle. Turning his head he faced Nikida, who left his place on the front of the line to show his support to Ruka, wordlessly. The sinlings exchanged a smile and one more with Razor, who looked back over his shoulder. The intersex vampire stood right in front of the second heir, his long hair falling free on his back. He wore elegant make-up and a very similar jewel to Ruka’s which looked stunning across his face.
Releasing Cas’s hand when the double doors opened, light music became louder and the line of Edora family members moved ahead, led by the first heir. Ruka had to leave his fiancé behind for some seconds, until Cas could enter the room too, walking in behind Amun. The elderly vampire in traditional red kimono, who looked no more than 30 in human standards was a far relative of the Edoras and one of the oldest vampires on Earth, led the Edora’s personal guests into the ballroom.
Equinox ball in the castle
Ruka’s heart was aching. It’s been a while he was as anxious, nervous and upset the last time it ached like this, physically. If he wasn’t standing in a line of vampires ready to enter the big ball room, he’d slam a toilet door after himself to burst out crying.
Instead he sucked in air through his nose and exhaled with his lips mildly pursed. The haori and the obi (belt) holding it together was tight. It highlighted his thin waist and Ruka had mixed feelings about his appearance. He looked stunning in his first formal clothing was made exclusively to him, stitch by stitch. Which he hated for the first time.
His back feeling stiff and straight like a column, Ruka turned his head to look at Cas stood by the opposite wall of the corridor, his fiancé too, waiting to enter the hall. The jewel stroked the side of his neck and his heart sunk again, realizing the meaningful, decorated chain across his face.
- Cas… - he whispered, knowing well he had his mate’s attention, feeling every cell, every atom of his energy touching his own, like they didn’t stay a meter away but tightly side by side. Ruka reached his arm out, knowing if Caspar did the same they could exchange a brief hand-holding what he needed so much.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
Equinox ball in the castle
Ruka’s heart was aching. It’s been a while he was as anxious, nervous and upset the last time it ached like this, physically. If he wasn’t standing in a line of vampires ready to enter the big ball room, he’d slam a toilet door after himself to burst out crying.
Instead he sucked in air through his nose and exhaled with his lips mildly pursed. The haori and the obi (belt) holding it together was tight. It highlighted his thin waist and Ruka had mixed feelings about his appearance. He looked stunning in his first formal clothing was made exclusively to him, stitch by stitch. Which he hated for the first time.
His back feeling stiff and straight like a column, Ruka turned his head to look at Cas stood by the opposite wall of the corridor, his fiancé too, waiting to enter the hall. The jewel stroked the side of his neck and his heart sunk again, realizing the meaningful, decorated chain across his face.
- Cas... - he whispered, knowing well he had his mate’s attention, feeling every cell, every atom of his energy touching his own, like they didn’t stay a meter away but tightly side by side. Ruka reached his arm out, knowing if Caspar did the same they could exchange a brief hand-holding what he needed so much.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- Oh, maybe I will. - he shrugged with a cheeky smile to the invitation. - You know, I work hard, night and day, I deserve a holiday. - he grunted not too elegantly, with a hint of a giggle. - Well, if my jailer and my lover allows me to leave alone.
- Noble vampires will keep on kicking your ass for an awful long time, do not mind it a bit. It’s to hammer you into the line of identical nails. They tolerate no differences, so not woke. - he complained, as he walked up to the cashier and paid for his watch and cashmere shawl.
Chaos for Christmas
((Cas would have contacted Asylum before Christmas since they had plans to get together with them around that time (roughly))) A few days after they returned and Caspar got the news about the ball, he knew that it would be impossible to judge just how long some of the lingering problems would take to resolve. Catching up with everything the ball preparations were eating up their time, which meant no time for anything else including reviewing the marriage contract in enough detail he felt comfortable with it. That he wanted to resolve as well, before continuing with his travels if they were able to continue traveling.  He decided it would be best to call Asylum and let him know what was going on. He waited for either the answering machine or Asylum to pick up. “Heyah, how’s my favorite blonde doing?” He asked as an opener… @kuromiyakun
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
The calls and the response after was promising in one hand, but not at all in the other. Cas had to promise to “pay” Masao somehow and Ruka was almost certain they didn’t talk about money but something way more valuable.
Crouching he looked up at his mate with unease, picturing the situation of Mason who was surely scared to death for his best friend’s life.
Standing he nod when Cas mentioned he’d pass out, ready to catch him. His fiancé was obviously strong enough to endure a process of Masao but it wasn’t reassuring enough for his worrying heart.
- I’m here. - he ensured his partner and sighed, self-calming.
I broke Banshee!
It happened in a friction of a moment. In one second Banshee was scolding him for coming home drunk and in the next, he collapsed, lying stiff and motionless on his back in the last three minutes while Mason, completely sobered from shock, tried to shake the Nosferatu up.
Struggling to remember, he was almost sure Ban grabbed his wrist kind of rough then all Mason saw was a blinding white light and when he opened his eyes, his friend was lying on the ground, his arms beside his body, straight and stiff like a coffin nail, his eyes rolled back.
Pulling out his phone the young vampire hastily looked for the only phone number he could call in a situation like this: Caspar. Turning the speaker on, he put the cellphone down with shaking hand, to the chair as he set on his heels, on the floor, beside Banshee, chanting:
- Pick it up. Pick it up. Pick it up.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- What do you mean? You don’t know who you are or you don’t know what to occupy yourself with? A job won’t define you and me either. - Ruka frowned with a smile, cocking his head. - Come on, as a hitman, street fighter, bodyguard, I built everything around kicking asses too but... - he shrugged with a sigh. - we both have other skills and connections. No? Or... what would root you to reality?
Joining Cas on the sofa, he lied down on his stomach, looking up at the dark haired vampire, smiling.
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- Hey. Wanna take a bath with me? - asked, recalling the last time they relaxed in a hot tub of water. It was a while ago.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- Oh, darling. It’s only question of time, no one stands me on a long run. - he grunted with a hint of a chuckle, but in the end his own words felt like swallowing poison.
“That’s right” - Promise confirmed as he swirled around inside the angel’s mind like an eel.
- Anyway, I can see the trauma-reflex, but you are not as one dimensional as you think. But not a victim either, so don’t let them toying with you ever again. - He turned around lightly, to invite the shop assistant closer, pointing at the watch he checked seconds ago.
- You are a sweet talker, my little bloodsucker. Just don’t get too comfortable. In the end, you’ll find yourself bitten in the ass. - the Lord of Promiscuity smirked, however touched by the compliment deep inside.
Chaos for Christmas
((Cas would have contacted Asylum before Christmas since they had plans to get together with them around that time (roughly))) A few days after they returned and Caspar got the news about the ball, he knew that it would be impossible to judge just how long some of the lingering problems would take to resolve. Catching up with everything the ball preparations were eating up their time, which meant no time for anything else including reviewing the marriage contract in enough detail he felt comfortable with it. That he wanted to resolve as well, before continuing with his travels if they were able to continue traveling.  He decided it would be best to call Asylum and let him know what was going on. He waited for either the answering machine or Asylum to pick up. “Heyah, how’s my favorite blonde doing?” He asked as an opener… @kuromiyakun
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- I know Razor and I wouldn’t want to mess with him. - Asylum chuckled, sticking his tongue out as he picked a watch up in the store. - Oh, yeah, it would be a cute gag but you know, honestly... - he raised the watch higher to check the little diamonds on the face of the watch. - nowadays I mess around with one particular Lord, only. And he’d burn my hair down sooner than Ox, if I fucked a bunch of vampires. - he laughed, airily.
- If you insist, send me sweets from over there. I miss those. All kinds.
Chaos for Christmas
((Cas would have contacted Asylum before Christmas since they had plans to get together with them around that time (roughly))) A few days after they returned and Caspar got the news about the ball, he knew that it would be impossible to judge just how long some of the lingering problems would take to resolve. Catching up with everything the ball preparations were eating up their time, which meant no time for anything else including reviewing the marriage contract in enough detail he felt comfortable with it. That he wanted to resolve as well, before continuing with his travels if they were able to continue traveling.  He decided it would be best to call Asylum and let him know what was going on. He waited for either the answering machine or Asylum to pick up. “Heyah, how’s my favorite blonde doing?” He asked as an opener… @kuromiyakun
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- I’m glad you are not against it. And yeah... we can re-discuss if either of us burns out. - he shrugged, moving forward, sitting on his heels between Cas’ legs. - Let’s get out of the tub. After the final adjustments your hakama arrived. I want to see what it looks on you. Would you put it on? - he smiled, tempting.
Joining Cas on the sofa, he lied down on his stomach, looking up at the dark haired vampire, smiling.
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- Hey. Wanna take a bath with me? - asked, recalling the last time they relaxed in a hot tub of water. It was a while ago.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- Yes, I would like to hear about different kind of abilities and how they are under the leadership of Edora family. I am curious about their training and education too. Also, it would be nice to catch up with my training and classes, if you don’t mind?
Leaning back in the tub, he put his arms up on the rim. - Let’s see the opening contract before discussing any divorce closure. But I don’t mind it either.
Joining Cas on the sofa, he lied down on his stomach, looking up at the dark haired vampire, smiling.
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- Hey. Wanna take a bath with me? - asked, recalling the last time they relaxed in a hot tub of water. It was a while ago.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- Oh, I cause no troubles, I’ll just lead some out of the hall by their jewels to... you know, investigate if they are wearing it rightfully. - he pressed the tip of his tongue against his upper teeth, smirking.
“The idea amuses me.” - Promise giggled inside his head.
- They didn’t attract your attention to the contract, deliberately, I assume. They wanted to earn time. To see if you fit, but you will not and they soon will understand and let you be. Trust me. - he smiled.
Chaos for Christmas
((Cas would have contacted Asylum before Christmas since they had plans to get together with them around that time (roughly))) A few days after they returned and Caspar got the news about the ball, he knew that it would be impossible to judge just how long some of the lingering problems would take to resolve. Catching up with everything the ball preparations were eating up their time, which meant no time for anything else including reviewing the marriage contract in enough detail he felt comfortable with it. That he wanted to resolve as well, before continuing with his travels if they were able to continue traveling.  He decided it would be best to call Asylum and let him know what was going on. He waited for either the answering machine or Asylum to pick up. “Heyah, how’s my favorite blonde doing?” He asked as an opener… @kuromiyakun
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- Honey, don’t be silly. Whatever you try to make them believe you are someone else, is totally in vain. If you play a role it will always be trashy, because we can’t be other than who we are. You are loved for you and if you change, you loose that. What is the reason then? - he stood, walking back and forth slowly, with a frown. - You are a noble man. Traits make a nobleman, not a certain behavior. You are loyal, honest, fair and just, it doesn’t matter how well you bow or how much you know their culture.
Coughing he laughed out. - What? An “I have a vagina” jewel? I hope so much, this is just a joke. If not, Ruka will surely feel miserable the whole night, how his father can make him to do this? Damn, intersex vampires are walking around with stuff like that advertising their fertility? This kinda turns me on, get me an invitation.
Chaos for Christmas
((Cas would have contacted Asylum before Christmas since they had plans to get together with them around that time (roughly))) A few days after they returned and Caspar got the news about the ball, he knew that it would be impossible to judge just how long some of the lingering problems would take to resolve. Catching up with everything the ball preparations were eating up their time, which meant no time for anything else including reviewing the marriage contract in enough detail he felt comfortable with it. That he wanted to resolve as well, before continuing with his travels if they were able to continue traveling.  He decided it would be best to call Asylum and let him know what was going on. He waited for either the answering machine or Asylum to pick up. “Heyah, how’s my favorite blonde doing?” He asked as an opener... @kuromiyakun
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
- I believe not only elders will be there. The Omura and Eiko family has heirs our age. Kinji and Lux. I’m kind of curious about them. But Tora and Kouyou will be attending too, we can team up with them in a corner. - he grunted, amused.
- Oh, I like this idea too. I’d do either this or I’d go whisper something into my father’s ear, while gazing the one gave me the side-eye. They’d surely piss themselves. - he grinned, evilly.
Joining Cas on the sofa, he lied down on his stomach, looking up at the dark haired vampire, smiling.
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- Hey. Wanna take a bath with me? - asked, recalling the last time they relaxed in a hot tub of water. It was a while ago.
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kuromiyakun · 1 year
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