krxjieun · 6 years
Sorry about my lack of activity... 
{ read below if you wanna know lol }
I don’t mean this as an excuse, simply explanation. I had exams for term two and then I swore I was going to get active (which fair enough I would have but...) I was traveling in Spain for spring break and a wardrobe fell and shattered my best friends ankle so I was in hospital with her for a week. Then my other friend lost her backpack with her wallet, BRP, and passport so we had to struggle with some embassy. On top of that I’ve been dealing with legal stuff because now we gotta civil lawsuit on this Airbnb. Got back to the UK and spent the last two weeks basically in and out of doctors appointments and moving my friend into my flat so she doesn’t have to deal with stairs. It’s just been hectic. 
But I think most of it is now taken care of and calming down so I will be back on top of everything oh so very soon. 
If you want a starter and/ or I promised you one and haven’t done it please drop me a message and I’ll start writing asap... I need some new threads anyways 
*hugs you all for a very long time* 
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krxjieun · 6 years
ღ for a crush my muse has had.
ღ for a crush my muse has had.
When Jieun was younger she certainly had a laundry lists of idols and otherwise whom she daydreamed about walking an aisle with. Being as she is a free spirit she is not one to monogamously crush. She has admittedly felt amorous to tea shop regulars, a few close friends of hers, and even has found herself blushing over some small words by Jongdae. 
Although if she’s being honest with herself there is one specific spirit she seems awfully drawn too. As reclusive as he may be and as few times as they’ve had the chance to talk, there is something almost divine about every interaction she’s had with this sullen soul.  
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krxjieun · 6 years
Send ♡ for a friendship headcanon
When Jieun was younger she was very wary of how others viewed her. The sensitive child tried to give her innocent heart away to everyone. In order to keep up with this laundry list of people to please she used to keep a journal. Her journal contained information she deemed important about people who she was acquainted with. This often meant a small profile with their favourite colours, foods, and hobbies in case the odd chance popped up and she had to act quick to fix a broken heart or sickly stomach. Although this journal is long exhausted in a memory box back home, she still requires herself to know a few key facts in any important friendship she has in her life. 
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krxjieun · 6 years
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Hey there lovelies, we’re back with a little meme for everyone! You’ll be able to reblog this meme for one week, starting today, but feel free to continue answering memes after that. Go wild with them, send as many as you want, or at least one to everyone who reblogs it and have fun! (Feel free to use this as starters, turn them into drabbles or simply use them to give headcanons to your muse, it’s up to you). Hopefully, it’ll spark some new plot ideas, interactions, and more dash activity. And the important thing: it WILL count for activity!)
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it too. This is not by any means mandatory, but we’d love to see you participate but most importantly though, have fun!
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krxjieun · 6 years
🔗, 🌎 ,🎭
🔗 - What are your muse’s standards for meaningful relationships? How quickly do they form relationships like these?
Being such a loving person as Jieun is, she is quick to make friends. Due to this, she is also very wary of keeping any one person too close. She likes the comfort of a friend but is cautious about the intimacy of love. It takes time to build complete trust, longer and harder to keep it, and all to easy to return back to acquaintanceship. Her standards are, therefore, high. It involves a lot of heartfelt moments, late nights, secrets, and trust for her too feel completely at ease in an intimate relationship. 
🌎 - Does your muse want to change the world? How would they go about it?
Jieun see’s all the pain and strife in the world. She understands there are many horrible things. Of course her morals lead her to say yes. She would change world hunger and poverty. She would gladly stop illegal trades and murders. Jieun would give her own life if it meant she could erase bigotry and terrorism. 
But she also knows that those problems come with living. When she can manage she puts her best foot forward. She buy’s locally, gives to charity, and walks when she can. But she doesn’t let the darkness in the world ruin her light. Besides, death comes to us all. 
🎭 - How does your muse handle their emotions? Do they bottle them up or pour them out as soon as they start to feel?
They pour out. Negatives generally all come out as eyes brimming with tears in public because she does try to hold them back. Her joys, however, are unrestrained. She gladly dancing down the street and laughs loudly in public. 
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krxjieun · 6 years
⌛️ - How often does your muse think about death? Do they think about it at all?
Jieun often muses over the idea of death and afterlife. It mostly happens when she’s on her own with too much time on her hands. It’s never a scary thing in her eyes, more a point of curiosity. Her idea of what happens after death changes with the days. 
Somedays she hope that rebirth is the cycle we all follow. If that’s true, how did she die in all her past lives? Perhaps, she ponders, freezing to death in a cold barren winter. Or surrounded by gold fabrics and jewels because old age. 
Other days she believes in alterations of underworlds. Someplace where everyone can live out earths time in serendipity. Maybe surrounded by flames that have tongues of ice. 
Whatever may be, Jieun finds herself still at peace with that ultimate unknown. Some little part of her is comforted by the idea of death. As though death knows just where to place his silken hands when it’s time to leave the mortal realm; death would never let Jieun down. 
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krxjieun · 6 years
📊👻🌠 ( have a great day !! )
📊 - How does your muse feel about the state of the world? Could it be better? Could it be worse?
Jieun thinks the world is balanced - there is both good and bad. Of course the world could always use positivity and growth, which she tries to support in her everyday life. However, she’s aware of all the terrible things that happen and that always will happen. She does not strive for world peace. Rather, Jieun hopes to find as much peace as she can and clings on to the fact that, this too, shall end. 
👻 - Does your muse believe in an afterlife? What do they think it’s like?
Yes, Jieun does believe in a form of eternal resting place for souls. To an extent, she would even go as far to say it’s possible for the energy of human to be captured and remain in the mortal realm (Lol ghosts). That being said; if there is an after life she hopes it isn’t one that is insufferable. Besides, eternity is an awful long time - dead or alive. 
🌠 - Would your muse make a wish on a star? If so, what would they wish for?
Although Jieun doesn’t believe in magic or anything of that sort, she finds there something to be so calming about telling a part of the universe her desires. Jieun wishes on stars every time she remembers to look up. They act as a confidant to her. She wishes for a lot of things; to find love and bring happiness to the world. She wishes for those without a home to find a warm bed each night. She sometimes wishes for strawberry & cream cake to appear in her fridge. But more than anything she wishes to one day know what her father did to bring gang members to Jinsari and how she managed to do what she did that day without fear of her own true self. 
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krxjieun · 6 years
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Hey there lovelies, we’re back with a little meme for everyone! You’ll be able to reblog this meme for one week, starting today, but feel free to continue answering memes after that. Go wild with them, send as many as you want, or at least one to everyone who reblogs it and have fun! (Feel free to use this as starters or drabbles if you want to or just as a stand-alone thing, it’s up to you). Hopefully, it’ll spark some new plot ideas, interactions, and more dash activity. And the important thing: it WILL count for activity!!)
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it too. This is not by any means mandatory, but we’d love to see you participate but most importantly though, have fun!
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krxjieun · 6 years
☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them .
Jongin’s hair clung across his face, trying to catch the feeling of his cheek. The water droplets rolled down against his skin, catching on eyelashes and jawlines before giving way to gravity completely and greeting the wet pavement with soft plunks. The heavy rainfall that overtook Seoul drowned out their need for conversation as well, so, together, Jieun and Jongin trudged along the glistening streets. 
Nanjin still stood a while away in the distance. Jieun’s socks squished about in her boots. “You know I should have expected this; Spring showers bring may flowers.” Her attempt to start up conversation was left in the puddle they just crossed over. Jongin’s face just kept forward, lost in thought and smiling. Perhaps he was still lost in the paintings they’d just gone to see at a new exhibit in town. 
Jieun tried again to pull him from his abyss. “As much as I love rain, I could really do for some dry clothes and hot tea.” Jongin nodded his agreement, but that didn’t seem to satisfy Jieun. 
Lightly nudging him off the sidewalk , Jieun makes a small whine that requests better conversation from the other. He paused a moment to give her a look before finally taking the chance to nudge her back. 
“Alright, alright.” He finally said. “and if we make it back to Nanjin without drowning, we can even throw in a movie too.” 
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krxjieun · 6 years
↱ = being lost with them
Jieun stared at the LED screen. It taunted her with a message of “No service”. She was beginning to despise modern technology and its affinity to fail you when you need it the most. Jongdae’s face didn’t manage to reassure her any further, as his look seemed to show nothing but confusion whilst he tried to orient himself once more. 
The sun was beginning to set devastatingly fast and they seemed no closer to finding their campsite. Yeri and Jongin must have started worrying at this point, and she was just hoping they won’t stray too far. The last thing she wanted to think about was them being just as lost as she and Jongdae were. 
The thought caused her anxiety to grow to the point she was beginning to find it hard to steady herself. It had only been a short walk to find fuel for the campfire. Now, every tree looked familiar. The stress of being lost began to settle in her heart. Jieun was considering giving up and crying when Jongdae finally grabbed her wrist and suggested they just keep moving. 
The sun was stooping precariously low on the horizon, and very little light remains filtering through the trees. “Maybe their out looking for us.” She finally suggests, but Jongdae just shakes his head. Neither one of them wanted to think those two would be in their same situation. 
“We can find them. This forest isn’t that big.” At least he’s trying to stay positive. His stomach makes a low growling sound and she realizes neither of them have eaten since lunch. He tries not too seemed fazed. Jieun, on the other hand, has never been one to cover what she felt. “Well then, you think we wouldn’t be so damned lost.” She wasn’t sure where the anger came from but she immediately regretted it when she registered Jongdae’s reaction. Wounded.
It wasn’t fair to act with such an attitude. Jongdae was just as lost and worried and Jieun was. His expression sobered her and she nodded her resignation. He didn’t even need to say a word for her to understand that he wouldn’t give up till they were safe and nor should she. Jieun took his hand again and they set off further into the dense forest. 
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krxjieun · 6 years
☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them .
Small towns don’t always offer much variety in day to day activities. That’s why anytime some sort of event happens in town you generally find yourself out with everyone else. Weekend farmers markets are always cause for family outings and town congregations on main street. That’s where Jieun ran into Baekhyun for the first time when they were younger, and that’s where she continued to meet him during their sporadic visits home. 
Kids danced through the streets just as she had when her height matched theirs and It made her smile to see their jovial childhoods spring forth. Jieun sondered by Baekhyun’s side. He didn’t always fit the surrounding town, and never really had in Jieun’s eyes, but perhaps she didn’t either. That’s how they managed to escape it eventually. 
She’d become completely entranced by the thought of getting out she hadn’t noticed the sharp scent of a storm overtake the area. Zeus couldn’t have been too happy because such little warning preceded the pouring rain that followed. Her squeal quickly turned to laughter as she realized their attempt to find shelter was pointless. 
They stood under a small tent that shook ferociously with the wind and rain. Water still sprayed at them and the nearest building was still a few yards off. Jieun  looked to Baekhyun, who wasn’t looking too happy about his impromptu shower this afternoon. She tried to quell her laughter to offer some words of comfort. “it could be worse,” She pointed out, “We can go ahead and wait this one out I suppose.” Jieun smiled as she plopped onto the dirt ground. She grinned as another idea filled her head. 
“Or we can see who can run faster.”
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krxjieun · 6 years
{ ~ }
“I am sorry, I had to come.” He tells her “I was informed that you were not well.”
He is beating around the bush, trying to find the words to articulate the questions he wants to ask her. No matter how certain he is of the woman’s (real) identity, he would rather be a hundred percent sure. Meanwhile the god in him probably facepalms every time he doubts himself or his ability to read everyone’s soul like an open book.
“This may sound strange, princess, but indulge my question, please. I have had a dream and seen flowers in your path and velvet-like petals painting it as you walked.” He remembers when she told him about her favorites. Red roses. He remembers telling her his favorites as well and  If she is who he thinks she is, she’ll know what he’s hinting at. “Can you imagine what kind of flower adorned that path I have seen?”
The man who steps around the door causes time to stop. He only allows eye contact for a moment, but even that is more than enough time to see the room shiver in the wake of these two.
He is adorned in garments much lower than her own. If Jieun has realised anything in this world, it is that status is more than just a title. It is what allows this world to grow and pulsate. Those who don’t understand the hierarchy are refused basic needs and wither away. Sometimes, even the most exquisite blooms will not surface if it does not suffice the flowers above. And, oh, is he exquisite. He may not wear a crown, but he holds himself as if the world is so. There is a delicate equilibrium in the room, so wiry that casting his head down causes fractures to form. Jieun’s lips part to speak but sound cannot be made - She fears too much that the world would then shatter from under them.
He breaks the silence first. Jieun smiles at him but doesn’t bow. A princess would only stoop to the patriarchs of Goryeo, the king and princes. But, still, the man in front of her brought with him the regality worth many millenniums of power. “No, please, don’t be sorry. I’m rather grateful you cared enough to come see me.” Jieun sought his eye contact once more, “I seem to have been thrown into some rather unwanted situations which I suppose have begun taking their toll.”
Jieun’s heart was overjoyed to be near a kindred spirit for reasons she can’t comprehend. The eunuchs question puzzles her though and it shows on her creased brow. She steps around to study the man before closing her eyes and musing about the room. Jieun can see the image. A slow directed glide which springs forth life but is surrounded by something much more obsolete. “I think I can,” She buzzed, accidentally happy in tone. “It’s beautiful but an incredibly difficult balance of Orchid and Rose.” Jieun turns back to face the other, “They’re incredibly predominant florets, but, if understood, they generate the most intricate display.”
The small voice in her is trying so hard to place this spirit but she’s throwing out any suggested answers as quickly as possible. It’s not safe to make presumption here and Jieun needs to stay alive if she’s ever going to find out how to get back to Seoul. Still, she yearns to know more amongst her censorship. “Why do you ask?”
━ twisted fate
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krxjieun · 6 years
{ ~ }
“horror movie guys? eh, i’m not the biggest fan of the guys in horror, i do love the ladies though. like, especially the beautiful ones with the harsh demeanor, but half way through the movie they have some kind of life changing softening of the heart.” she chuckled and nodded her head. “oh yes, they’re the best.” she hummed out dramatically as she thought over dreamy horror girls. 
“oh man.” yoona smirked as she gave the sweet feline a few scratches to it’s head. “i feel suddenly unworthy of the throne now. look at this precious babe? how could i compete? this sweetheart deserves it all.” yoona had a habit of treating the cat with more respect than she would most royalty. “gosh, i wish my cat was this social. he’s really just a grump, sadly.” 
she sighed before she happily moved from the pile and timidly moved the blankets around as to not disturb the kitty. “okay, i’ll go ahead and get the first movie going.” she said as she pushed herself up from her thrown and played with the television until she got their movie going. 
Jieun’s eyes rolled as Yoona went on about her dream girl. “So, you want yourself?” Noting Yoona with her ice cream spoon. Jiuen went on to imagine the marquee, indicating the headline with theatrical flare. “two hot-headed rebels find true love and mutual softness in the midst of horrible life-ruining event” She laughed
The other began to dote over the cat and it made Jieun smile. Iseul was extremely pleased with the petting she was receiving, looking mildly upset when Yoona up and left her. Iseul’s head plopped on the pile. Jieun shook her head as she threw down her armada of pillows in front of the tv.
Yoona talking about her cat got another eye roll from Jieun.”What are you doing to make him grumpy then?” She suggested, running back to grab the ice cream. “You’re welcome to move the cat” Jieun laughed more, watching Yoona carefully remove herself from her perch. “I’m sure Iseul would love a head scratch and a movie night.”
Jieun looked over their make-shift movie theatre for the night. Looking back at Yoona with a smirk on her face. “What do you think about blanket forts, ma cherie?”
-after hours; yoona & jieun
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krxjieun · 6 years
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Hey there lovelies, we’re back with a little meme for everyone! You’ll be able to reblog this meme for one week, starting today, but feel free to continue answering memes after that. Go wild with them, send as many as you want, or at least one to everyone who reblogs it and have fun! (Feel free to use this as starters or drabbles if you want to or just as a stand-alone thing, it’s up to you). Hopefully, it’ll spark some new plot ideas, interactions, and more dash activity. And the important thing: it WILL count for activity!!)
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it too. This is not by any means mandatory, but we’d love to see you participate but most importantly though, have fun!
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krxjieun · 6 years
in these kinds of situations, changsun didn’t really know what he should say, or could say, to make the situation better. if it were a subject he was more versed in he might be offering advice or saying something to try and lighten the mood, but relationships was something he knew next to nothing about. he’d never had a girlfriend in his life, but he did know he wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt her, not so she ended up getting drunk and just sitting in the rain in the dark, anyway. 
“i should be the one worrying about you, really,” he did have to offer after a moment with a small smile and a laugh, shifting the umbrella in his hand so it was a little more comfortable, “you are the one sitting here crying, after all.” and he would ask more about it, but he didn’t want to be rude and pry too much into her personal business when it might not be something she wanted to talk about or tell some stranger. it was not like the two of them were friends or anything, this was their first meeting and the problem seemed rather personal, not really something you would start sharing with someone you had never met before. 
frowning deeper as he noticed the failed attempt to stand up again, his head cocked a little to the side as he looked at her. “do you want some help getting home?” he did have to offer. in the state she was currently in, he was worried that she wouldn’t be able to make it by herself. and she didn’t have an umbrella or anything so she would only up getting even wetter than she already was. “i really don’t mind,” he added with a smile, trying to press the idea on her, “i was only heading home myself, i’m not in a rush and you look like you need the help.” 
Jieun stared at what was left in the second bottle of alcohol. Regrets began to swim around her: Crying, sitting in the rain, drinking, caring about the asshole in the first place. The thoughts hardened her momentarily. She began stiffening up, becoming dreadfully aware of the rain that still skidded onto her legs and arms. Her words were becoming unpredictable and unstoppable; Jieun had always been quite a chatty drunk. 
Jieun shrugged at him, a smile hinting at her lips. “I mean, you’re not wrong.” She made an attempt at laughing. The frail sound that escaped her though didn’t do her justice which Jieun found to be comical. Her laugh became more present as she continued, “It’s not everyday you meet a crybaby sitting on a bench in the rain.” Giggles cut through her sentences as she continued. “And I got lucky, I guess, by getting someone to stop.” Alcohol soaked every emotion and made them feel so rich and real. She took a few large breaths to get a hold of herself. The entire night was beginning to feel like a bit of a cliché, but that was a wave she was willing to ride. 
Smiling at last, she nodded. Perhaps it was the drink but she was beginning to feel content. “Would you?” She felt quite a bit guilty about so quickly accepting his offer. The thought that someone would care so much about an absolute stranger was just such a heartwarming thought. ‘Perhaps humanity isn’t so bad’ a quiet voice whispered in her head. “I live all the way at Nanjin though, I don’t want you to go out of your way for me.” 
‘Water hyssop’
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krxjieun · 6 years
There were still shards of ceramic scattered on the floor. She was just beginning to find her footing in this world, understanding all the duties and dynamics that came with whatever twisted fate she’d wound up in. In fact, Princess JiSoo rung quite nicely. Perhaps it was the sign she was getting too comfortable. 
Court-ladies had entered her room once more, carrying assortments of tea, garments, and hairpins. Her handmaiden, Su-ae, requested she sit for tea and “information from the king”, which Jieun obliged too. The princess let Su-ae drone on her list as she lifted the jade-green cup to her lips. The cup slipped between her fingers, shattering between the two. She’s trying to comprehend her next royal duty. 
Without further comment, she requests to be left alone. Jieun doesn’t know how to respond to this quite yet; on one hand this isn’t her life and she shouldn’t care. On the other, if she’s stuck here for good, Jieun can’t stomach being stuck in an arranged marriage under a man so foreign to her in age and likeness. Is it worth fighting such a battle? 
A voice on the outside soothes her on some level, so she lets the disembodied voice enter. “Yes, of course.” The princess watches as a man she doesn’t recognise - but certainly knows - come into her room. Her eyes are wide and brimming with questions she doesn’t know how to articulate so she waits for him to break the silence. 
━ twisted fate
@krxjieun Kyungsoo walks in a fast pace down the corridor, pretending to know where he goes and each corner of the palace as if he’s been living there all of his life. He has always been good at hiding his intentions and keeping a poker face, so he supposes he can do that in this world as well. 
He’s been hearing rumours, people talking about the third princess, which he hasn’t set his eyes on ever since he woke up in his new body. One of the maids have been going around with clean robes, back and forth from the princess’s room, so he inquires about all that fuss. She bows her head when she sees him and he has to admit that he likes the power that he holds against those of lower status or hierarchy.
The princess is being groomed. In a few days, she will be sent to her soon-to-be husband. He is from a different city and the agreement is merely political, he understands, mainly made to reinforce the power of the current king. She is just a bargaining chip and he is feeling bad for her.
Something compels him to stand outside of her room after sending the maid away. He’s not there to calm her or to make her feel better, but maybe that’s exactly what he’s there to do. “Princess? May I be allowed to enter?”  
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krxjieun · 6 years
yoona felt a sense of relief that the other princess had mentioned that she was not who she was either. there was certainly not going to be any explaining the situation, but at least she wasn’t alone in it. she didn’t know what they were supposed to do in this sticky situation.  “no, no. you’re not crazy.” she tried to console the girl before she heard other voices on the other side as well.
yoona listened to the gossip-y voices, and felt completely uncertain on what to do. she had realized earlier that enticing fear seemed to have a decent effect, but if this was such an oddity to them they would be sure to come back with even more curiosity. 
quickly scurrying out of the bed, she moved closer over to the other girl in order to avoid being heard. “should… should we do something? should i scare them off? i was able to make them leave the room earlier.” the entire situation was strange. why was it such an atrocity for sisters to be in the same room together? “i don’t understand why it’s so mind blowing for us to be- well… actually the people we’re supposed to be, in the same room? are we not supposed to get along, or is it some kind of tradition thing?” the only knowledge she had about history was from watching historical dramas. they weren’t exactly the most credible sources, that was for sure. “or maybe they’ll go away if we’re quiet for long enough?
Still flabbergasted by this mornings event’s thus far, Jieun forced herself to stop her shaking. Her heart may not stop racing till this ordeal was over but the longer the hushed tones outside continued, the more she began to feel as though there was a knife at her neck. This didn’t seem to be the most understanding community and the longer these two floundered in confusion, the closer they got to a gallows. 
She wasn’t to eager to see her neck - or any neck - in a rope anytime soon. 
Luckily, this girl seemed more understanding than the huddles groups of servants she’d been aware of. Although they seemed no closer to an answer. 
“In what world is hating a sister tradition?” The longer Jieun thought about that question, the more things made sense. Sure you love your siblings but there was always natural feuding. Perhaps these two princesses - with their natural souls - managed to evade the loving bond. If this relationship was made of vices they would certainly need to uphold that facade. “But if we send them off they might just start rumours. I don’t think we should risk letting them have assumptions...” Jieun’s voice fell off to silence. Was she actually suggest they try fighting? 
‘Old Moons’
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