kreekey · 4 years
Looking to read up on Yoko Ono?
Is anyone else a bit of a fan of Yoko Ono and feels like there isn’t enough discourse on her? I found these interesting--opinions pieces, discussions, arguments, even critiques--I found them intriguing nonetheless. There tends to be a problem when I try to read up on Yoko where it’s so negatively biased or a “Yoko Bad”-circle-jerk that I find it exhausting. I didn’t particularly mind these:
Hearing Yoko Ono All Over Again - www.nytimes.com/2015/06/28/arts/music/hearing-yoko-ono-all-over-again.html
Yoko Ono hits back with rerelease of 1970s albums - www.sfchronicle.com/music/article/Yoko-Ono-hits-back-with-rerelease-of-1970s-albums-11745345.php?cmpid=gsa-sfgate-result [A nice look back/reevaluation of her 1970s albums]
Yoko Ono and Her Sixteen-Track Voice - www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/yoko-ono-and-her-sixteen-track-voice-237782/
Yoko Ono's '60s Art Revisited - www.csmonitor.com/1989/0411/lono.htmlhttps://www.uncut.co.uk/features/john-lennon-remembered-by-yoko-ono-we-were-in-love-desperately-71166/ 
Remembering Yoko Ono's "Cut Piece" - arthistory.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Remembering-Yoko-Onos-_Cut-Piece_-.pdf
Passive Objectification: Vulnerability in Yoko Ono’s Participatory Art - www.bu.edu/writingprogram/journal/past-issues/issue-8/gallagher/
Essay: Yoko Ono “Grapefruit” - fluxusfoundation.com/archive/about-yoko-fluxus-foundation-archive/grapefruit-1964/essay-yoko-ono-grapefruit/ 
Observations on an Event: Yoko Ono: Poetry, Painting, Music, Objects, Events, and Wish Trees / Anna Ioanes - asapjournal.com/observations-on-an-event-yoko-ono-poetry-painting-music-objects-events-and-wish-trees-anna-ioanes/
Catching Flies and Catching Memories: The Skin-Crawling Sounds of Yoko Ono’s FLY (1970) - mediacommons.org/intransition/catching-flies-and-catching-memories-skin-crawling-sounds-yoko-ono%E2%80%99s-fly-1970 
Yoko Ono: Ideas on Film - womenfilmeditors.princeton.edu/assets/pdfs/ONO_Ideas_on_Film_MacDonald.pdf
Fluxus: The Significant Role of Female Artists - digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1185&context=honorscollege_theses [Doesn’t focus on only Yoko, but still writes on her work]
Opinion Pieces/Articles
Yoko Ono: A Feminist Analysis - http://imaginepeace.com/archives/5272
Yoko Ono and the Myth That Deserves to Die - www.vulture.com/2015/05/yoko-ono-one-woman-show.html 
Yes, She’s A Witch: Why I Admire Yoko Ono - medium.com/@ChloeSheila_/yes-shes-a-witch-why-i-admire-yoko-ono-ca2643be5e24
Yoko Ono: A Reconsideration - www.nytimes.com./2012/10/21/magazine/how-i-learned-to-love-yoko-ono.html  [By Lisa Carver, author of the Reaching Out with No Hands biography about Yoko] 
Vilifying Yoko Ono - rebelgrrrl.wordpress.com/2007/04/20/feminism-friday-menheroeswomenvillains/
Kim Gordon, tUnE-yArDs, and 6 Other Musicians on Why Yoko Ono Matters - pitchfork.com/thepitch/1366-kim-gordon-tune-yards-and-6-other-musicians-on-why-yoko-ono-matters/
Poetic Larks Bid Bald Eagle Welcome Swan of Liverpool - www.newyorker.com/magazine/1972/12/09/poetic-larks-bid-bald-eagle-welcome-swan-of-liverpool [Informational and from 1972, so I found it interesting due to its contemporary perspective. Is a bit of a product of it’s time.]
Yoko and John… Cage - madelinex.com/2018/09/05/yoko-and-john-cage/
Shattered. Season of Glass. - madelinex.com/2019/06/08/shattered-season-of-glass-yoko-ono/
Yes, I’m a Witch - https://madelinex.com/2019/10/31/yes-im-a-witch/madelinex.com/2020/01/18/queen-of-the-scream/ [If you can’t tell, I really like Madeline Bocaro’s articles.]
My Own Response to One of Those Anti-Yoko Posts - kreekey.tumblr.com/post/620306908548661248/smothermeinrelish 
Let’s Talk: Yoko Ono - https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkMusic/comments/214nm9/lets_talk_yoko_ono/
Why is Yoko Ono’s music significant? - https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkMusic/comments/9fmzkb/why_is_yoko_onos_music_significant/ [Includes a nice response as to why Yoko’s work is important regardless of her connection to Lennon: www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkMusic/comments/9fmzkb/why_is_yoko_onos_music_significant/e5zn5d8/]
The ballad of John [Cage] and Yoko: "Downtown music" and its lasting impact on jazz, classical, and popular music - www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkMusic/comments/apatf9/the_ballad_of_john_cage_and_yoko_downtown_music/
14 Page Beatles Bible Yoko Appreciation Thread - www.beatlesbible.com/forum/yesterday-and-today/the-yoko-ono-appreciation-thread/ 
The iconic/eccentric/enduring style of YOKO ONO LENNON - www.beatlelinks.net/forums/showthread.php?t=44919 [Really gushing about her fashion]
Yoko's life after death - www.tampabay.com/archive/1990/05/06/yoko-s-life-after-death/
Yoko Ono: 'Who's the best? Me' - www.telegraph.co.uk./music/what-to-listen-to/yoko-ono-whos-the-best-me/
A legend turns 80: Interview with Yoko Ono - www.brigitte.de/woman/kultur/kunst-theater/kuenstlerin--eine-legende-wird-80--yoko-ono-im-interview-10180408.html [German, but nice if you have Google’s auto-translate on]
Desert Island Discs w/ Yoko Ono - www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b007nc7n
Weekend Women’s Hour w/ Yoko Ono -www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01shqch
Yoko Ono: A Kind of Meeting Point -www.getty.edu/recordingartists/season-1/ono/ 
Elliot Mintz Interview With Yoko Ono (1971) - www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThmzN8qgXw4
John Lennon remembered by Yoko Ono: “We were in love desperately” - www.uncut.co.uk/features/john-lennon-remembered-by-yoko-ono-we-were-in-love-desperately-71166/
Yoko Ono: A ‘Lost’ Interview, From the Dakota - bestclassicbands.com/yoko-ono-interview-2003-2-18-177/
The Big Read – Yoko Ono: Imagine The Future - www.nme.com/big-reads/yoko-ono-interview-imagine-big-read-2423954
The Ballad of Sean & Yoko - www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/features/a10377044/yoko-ono-sean-lennon-interview/
YOKO ONO - www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1982/12/08/yoko-ono/c9322161-5ce5-4a1c-ac46-fc4688e58b13/
The Case for Yoko Ono | The Art Assignment - youtu.be/KoU0E_ab36Q 
The Real Yoko Ono - www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f5SbaMMI7U&list=PL66C0D87412005F39 [Documentary] 
Yoko Ono - Live 1974 - Nakano Sun Plaza, Tokyo (FULL) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lJi5x3h8hk [I included this specific performance because it’s a personal favorite and this tour is underrated - wish there was a better quality recording, though!]
Yoko’s Online Works at the MoMA - https://www.moma.org/artists/4410#works
SEASON OF GLASS (AND ITS COVER)… - thebeatleaesthetic.tumblr.com/post/622296414923472896/season-of-glass-and-its-cover-i-used-a-photo-i
ONOBOX - www.johnlennon.com/music/with-yoko-ono/onobox/
Yes Yoko Ono - archive.org/details/yesyokoono0000munr/mode/1up 
IMAGINE PEACE Ebook - www.imaginepeace.com/imaginepeace.html
Yoko Ono’s First Musical Work – A Grapefruit in the World of Park (1961) – Original Hand Typed Script - blogthehum.com/2016/03/04/yoko-onos-first-musical-work-a-grapefruit-in-the-world-of-park-1961-original-hand-typed-script/
comewhatbrianmay.tumblr.com/ [Writes or complies some great posts on her :)]
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kreekey · 4 years
Hey, I haven't interacted with The Beatles fandom in weeks, but I was reminded by a friend I had this response half-typed up back when this was still a fresh argument. The original doc with my notes was made the day after you responded, in fact. Might as well post this, although it's only a start to responding to your all points and there are some half baked ideas left in there and unfinished transitions, but it's about 11,000 words long and I don't have the time or interest to finish it now. Shoutout to the lovely @comewhatbrianmay as always.
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xtWYcrajOADJshCk0E1urBr2O2nmUZW9AmJOvV_3vRU/edit?usp=sharing 
“You guys only hate Yoko because she’s not a white! Because she’s a woman!”
And yet I adore and feel sympathy, empathy for May Pang, who actually seemed to care for John and wanted him happy, wanted him and encouraged him to be around old friends and family, was warm to Julian, felt for Cynthia, wanted John to become more independent and sure of himself, and had a huge distaste for John’s substance abuse. She cried for him not being able to reunite with Paul, when he seemed so excited, because Yoko pulled her strings and he was back in her clutches (even though May told him not to go back, don’t go see her, and he simply told her he’d be fine– yeah right) and I’ll be bloody shallow– May was beautiful.
So no, majority of us don’t like her because she’s not white and because she’s a woman. Majority of us despise her, or simply cannot support her because of how manipulative she was/is, she stalked both Paul and John, she harassed John, she got him on heroin, she isolated him, she fed into his impulsive, irrational anger and cruelty towards Paul, she was controlling, cruel to Julian and Cynthia, entitled, brought out the worse in John, enabled John’s substance abuse even though she knew it made him violent and unstable because he could be easier to handle when out of it, picked the woman John was to have an affair with and forced them to keep tabs and played puppet master, plays widow even though she’d moved on months before John was unfortunately killed and there were plans to divorce, and then had that man move right in and wear John’s clothes, cremated John even though he vehemently opposed it, didn’t invite any close family or friends to the ceremony, acted like Paul never helped her even though HE DID, made Julian tell Sean John died, wouldn’t give Julian many things of his dad and so Paul had to help buy back a lot of his things to give to Julian, okay'ed putting John’s bloody clothes and glasses up to be gawked at, has never ONCE apologized for anything she’d done, she’s a proud and open sexist(men are subservient and all women of the world are ni**ers), and to this day still uses John and his name. And if I’ve missed anything I’m sorry there’s just so much vitriolic bullshit this woman has done and behaved like.
It’s all very convenient how just, all that she’s done is simply forgotten or whitewashed because you can’t fathom a woman, a woman from a minority, could be, can be a horrible person, and that’s simply why she isn’t liked or supported.
As a woman who is a minority, I think you’re willfully ignorant and stupidly stubborn.
She’s a vile, scummy human being and the fact the lot of you defend her and try to White Knight for her simply because she’s got a pussy, and isn’t white, is embarrassing. You’re near as embarrassing and pathetic as those who openly and proudly stan Amber Heard.
And you cannot change my mind.
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kreekey · 4 years
“Yoko Ono never expressed regret!” They yell. “Never apologised for anything!” They cry. “Never reconciled with anyone!” They…lie?
“I see your face looking into the space. All tired and worried. Why does it have to be like this? You and I. I wanted us to be happy. No one can see me like you do. No one can see you like I do. I see your face with a trace of life. Being a wife and a woman. If I ever hurt you, please, remember. I wanted you to be happy.” - Nobody Sees Me Like You Do, from Season of Glass. 
 “I think all of us are responsible for his [John’s] death…of course, including myself.” - Yoko Ono in 1981 (x)
“I thought I was finally doing things right [in late 1980]…arrogance, maybe…” (x)
 Yoko calls the bed-in “naïve” and “narcissistic.” (x)
 Yoko talks openly about her drug use with John in the late 60s. (x)
 Here she talks about her drug relapses later - including after John’s death. She also talks of kicking the habit, and needing to pull herself together. (x)
 “Don’t be too rash and don’t be too pushy, just let things happen in it’s own time.” Yoko’s advice to her younger self. (x)
 “I didn’t mean it, I’m just in pain. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” - What A Bastard The World Is, from Approximately Infinite Universe. 
 “I certainly did not mean to hurt Paul, and, if I did, I am very sorry.” - Yoko apologising for insinuating Paul’s songs were more trite than John’s (x)
In this really quite recent interview, Yoko reflects on Beatles songs and says Yesterday is her favourite. “Most people say ‘I’m sure you’re not into Yesterday!’ But I am. When I hear it in a restaurant or something I feel glad about it…and also, well, it gives me a little emotion, you know?” (x) 
 Here’s a list of nice things Paul and Yoko have said to each other throughout the years, as well a reminder they made a song together, Hiroshima Sky (Is Always Blue) (x)
 Ringo and Yoko’s relationship has always been on fairly steady ground - in the Sky TV program, Classic Albums: John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band, Starr gushes about drumming on Yoko’s album. And when mentioning her, turns to the camera and flashes a peace sign, saying “Peace and love, Yoko!”
 Starr and Yoko also restaged the bed-in in 2018. ”You know it’s - it’s an incredible day for me to finally go to bed with Yoko,“ Starr joked. (x)
 “For me, it was a good experience and cathartic at the same time. I enjoyed the film very much and also learned quite a few things from watching it. Yoko and I have had our issues in the past, but I have to say that I was actually blown away by how much involvement she really [had]. She wasn’t in the background; she was part of the mix. No question about it. And I was quite surprised and I was, you know, I have to say I bow down to her involvement. She guided him pretty well through that album. I really believe that. Obviously, he was at the forefront, but her inspiration came through.” - Julian Lennon talking about working with Yoko Ono on the film, Above Us Only Sky. (x)
 “I unleashed Hell on her. Now I’ve made my peace with her and put the past on the back-burner.” - Julian Lennon talking about Yoko in 2009. (x)
 “"I unleashed hell on her,“ he said in 2009. But today he can smile. ”Things have been resolved,“ he says.” - From a 2011 interview with Julian. (x)
Some of the things Julian has liked on Instagram in the last few years… 
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(In before someone goes “Buttttt they’re only pretending to like her for business/PR reasons!!!” Because that’s ludicrous. If they really, truly, despised her, they’d do the bare minimum. They wouldn’t make a song with her, or recreate the bed-in with her, or invite her to their exhibitions. I reckon I can confidently say that no axe was going to come down on Julian’s neck if he didn’t ‘like’ a pic of Yoko preparing to play table tennis.)
By all means dislike Yoko, but please stop making out that she’s some cold unchanging Evil Queen while John had this miraculous film-worthy ‘redemption arc’ in the late 70s. He was getting better (all the time…) and it’s massively devastating that he never got the chance to keep doing so, but he did say at that time that Julian came from “a whiskey bottle” - which hurt him. Julian later said, “where’s the love in that?” (x)
John also hurt a young Sean, losing his rag with him and screaming in his ear, causing pain so severe he had to go to hospital. John was apologetic, but still…he had a bad temper, and couldn’t control that temper around a small child. (x)
It’s certainly not a cut-and-dry case of “John was good in the late 70s and Yoko wasn’t!” - they were both complicated individuals. To deny that smacks of a parasocial investment where these people become almost fictional characters to you. They were/are real people. Yes, they lived some of their joy and anguish publicly. Yes, they created beautiful art which has become vitally important to so many people. But they’re not paper dolls for you to play with. For you to insist you know the inner-workings of their minds and hearts. For you to cast in the role of hero, or the role of villain. 
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kreekey · 4 years
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"Yoko saved him. The fans don't want to believe that, they see only the bad in her. But she's a great person. They were funny together. John often stopped her to say something, or she would stop him, or they finished each other's sentences, just like that. Whether you liked the music they made together or not, they really inspired each other, I can tell you that first-hand. What people don't realise is that she's hilarious. I came to think of them as like Siamese twins, who had been separated at birth." - Klaus Voormann on Yoko Ono in the new book Who Killed John Lennon? by Lesley-Ann Jones
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kreekey · 4 years
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Yoko Ono
“What has often been underestimated is the radical influence that Yoko Ono represented in both art and politics. She had a huge impact on [John’s] ideas and, even in the late 70s, told him off in public for being too dismissive of his radicalism. “ - Tariq Ali
“There was something absolutely lovely about her which I’m not sure if I can quite put my finger on, but she was completely different to the propaganda we’ve all been led to believe that she was this devil woman, a foreigner led to boot, who broke up the beatles.” - Kieron Murphy
“I always got on with Yoko. She’s very sensitive. You wouldn’t believe it. I remember once in Berlin I met her. I came over. I had other things to do and was maybe a bit preoccupied or disturbed or whatever. And years later, she was still saying, ‘Klaus, you were not nice to me that time in Berlin.’ She doesn’t forget those things. And sometimes she can be very abrupt and very hard. Makes people feel bad. But in another way she’s the loveliest person you could imagine. She’s very inspiring, very excitable and enthusiastic about things.” Klaus Voormann
“I thought she was a hard woman. I don’t think she is now. I think she’s just the opposite. I think she’s a very loving, caring woman.” - Paul McCartney
“I do think in a way that she does thrive off of energy—whether it’s good or bad—and she manages to somehow refocus that impulse into something positive.” - Sean Lennon
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kreekey · 4 years
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In 1974, after separating from John Lennon, Yoko Ono embarked on a solo tour of Japan, accompanied by the ‘Plastic Ono Super Band.’ 
Her entire Tokyo concert can be seen on YouTube, though it’s not in the best quality sadly, I still very much enjoy seeing her sing I Felt Like Smashing My face in a Clear Glass Window live at 20:50!
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kreekey · 4 years
“When I’m with people, I thank God, I can talk hip when I’m crying inside.
When I’m with friends, I thank God, I can light a cigarette when I’m choking inside.”
John and Yoko introduce Yoko’s 1973 song Death of Samantha, followed by a performance.
One of Yoko’s better known and more critically successful numbers, Sean Lennon claims the song is about a party in 1972, where John, furious about Nixon’s victory, had sex with another woman in an adjoining room. All the guests could hear, including Yoko. 
Yoko later said of the incident: 
“They started to make love, and we can all hear it. And I was just frozen, stuck there, sitting. And all that time this woman was saying, ‘You don’t understand how we feel about John, do you? I mean, he’s the most lovely, the most beautiful person, and we all love him,’ you know? To me. And I’m saying, ‘Yes, yes. Thank-you?’ I didn’t know what to say.”
Bob Gruen, who was at the party, commented on Yoko’s reaction:
“There’s different ways to react. She was just very sad and depressed, just sitting there waiting for it to be over. Whereas I suppose other people would have interrupted, started screaming or throwing dishes or something…She’s not like that…”
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kreekey · 4 years
The way some of y’all talk so freely about how you’re excited for Yoko to die just so Paul possibly might give some ‘tea’ about him and John is very disturbing...
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kreekey · 4 years
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August 27th, 1947. Happy Birthday Barbara! 
“I never felt I was a fantastic beauty and I did not want to be known as a sex symbol. I had different films offered to me where I was to play attractive, sexy people, but I was not interested.”
“There have been bad times, but I don’t care how bad it gets as long as it’s me and her. I love the woman. She loves me. Some days, I tell her, ‘You’ve got to leave me. “I” want to leave me.’ She says, ‘I’ll never leave you.’ There’s nothing better.” -Ringo Starr.
“She still got me writing love songs after 30 years.” - Ringo Starr
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kreekey · 4 years
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“She performed with me on stage wearing a see-through lace catsuit and people thought it was an insult because you could see her bottom. I’m the lady who did an exhibition of bottoms. How could hers offend me? She has a very lovely bottom. I think she’s wonderful. John would have loved her, because she’s an artist, she’s fearless and she pushes every limit, which we both always adored. She has played on John’s white piano and I think that’s wonderful. Life moves on and you embrace it.” - Yoko Ono on Lady Gaga
“We are Plastic Ono. I got to sit in as a guest musician tonight, what a legendary band and mother, Yoko.” - Lady Gaga
“Thanks for being so brilliant and such an inspiration to so many women.” - Lady Gaga to Yoko Ono, after their duet.
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kreekey · 4 years
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Unless it's a very obscure one, pretty much every Yoko Ono video has a comment section like this. I go through phases of thinking I'm used to it, but then sometimes I actually think about it for a little while and it horrifies me all over again.
The hatred is so visceral - it's not just a case of "her singing sucks" or even "I don't like her" - it's this feeling of indignation, how dare she get up and sing? How dare she stand next to John Lennon? The comments are often violent, lewd and just plain nasty.
And it's so normalised. Bill Burr can do a whole 'comedy' routine about how John should have punched Yoko in the face to put her in her place and joke that John's only collaborating with her creatively because she's "sucking his dick" and that sits pretty at half a million views with fewer than two hundred dislikes. And yet I'm to believe "there's no misogyny, just legitimate reasons to dislike her!" Give me a fucking break.
Also, what the fuck are these people doing? Most of these comments are taken from videos of Yoko singing solo...why are people spending their allotted time on earth watching and subsequently seething over performances of someone who is now an octogenarian? What drives you to that? It's pathetic.
Anyway, I'm always hyper-aware that conversations about Yoko take place against this backdrop. To say anything at all positive about her can feel like swimming against the tide. And yet, she's a remarkable woman - utterly unique, with a spine of steel, and she deserved (and still deserves) better.
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kreekey · 4 years
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some of the the highlights from Yoko Ono’s exhibition War Is Over at the MCA.
the middle image is an interactive work where the artist encouraged viewers to write a note to their mother. this one really interested me.
the bottom two had you piece broken items together - i wasnt happy with mine so i emptied my cigarette onto it. i think she’d like that.
and the top two were casts that i fell in love with. she also made silicone casts of her body so you could literally squeeze and touch her knees, feet, crotch, belly, breasts and mouth. it was great!
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kreekey · 4 years
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I’m posting this here because I’m honestly so sick and tired of this kind of thing. Especially in regards to endangered languages
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kreekey · 4 years
John: How’d you like the circus?
Sean: …
John: I see.
Yoko: He’s so excited he can’t say a word, you know?
John: He’s got a little bored applauding, you know?
John and Yoko with baby Sean at the circus in 1977.
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kreekey · 4 years
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kreekey · 4 years
me, trying to explain my classic rockstar crush: It’s not that he’s ugly. he just had really really awful hair for a few years.
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kreekey · 4 years
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