konkyatto · 3 years
i can understand the use of large house for a family but what do those single rich fucks with the goddamn true mansions do with all that space exactly? like let's table all valid criticisms of the spending and constructing of them aside and just focus on what exactly you do with that space
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konkyatto · 3 years
The mashup you never thought would work
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konkyatto · 3 years
So far my favorite AU Logan that I've made is the one where he is basically the definition of Logos. Where he has definitions tattooed all up and down his arms, only the closer that you look the more vaguely threatening the words of the definitions are.
He is not neat.
He is like a jumbled dictionary sewn together out of spite itself.
His eyes never stay the same, and the same goes with his outfit.
Rapidly changing on a whim to fit with whatever series of definitions take up his skin.
He's more partial to the dark academia look, and he reflects that.
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konkyatto · 3 years
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Happy belated birthday!
The first one is a redraw and the second is an edit!
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konkyatto · 3 years
I recall you making the comparison (at least once) that Twitter is to blogging like crack cocaine is to a nice glass of wine (or something to that effect). I was wondering what comparison your Tumblr experience would elicit, or would Tumblr kind of fall under the generic "blogging" umbrella?
Tumblr is junk food. It’s mostly really nice junk food, though. Like the kind of chocolate that comes packaged in wrapping that points out that nobody was enslaved or murdered to bring you this chocolate, and that trees were planted and anyway, cocoa is an antioxidant. So you can absolutely almost forget that, at the end of the day, you’re still scoffing chocolate.
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konkyatto · 3 years
sci-fi MUST have:
-laser guns that can be set to stun
-idiot found family on a spaceship
-gay people
However it can be improved upon by also having:
-train but in space
-ocean creatures but in space
-gay people again
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konkyatto · 3 years
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I love Twitter bc everyone is dumb
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konkyatto · 3 years
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Not sorry, I love these things-
My Star Trek friends, reblog with your favourite most ‘out of context’ Star Trek image
I’ll start:
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konkyatto · 3 years
Give me Logan wearing suspenders and funky, but scientifically accurate button ups.
Or give me death!
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konkyatto · 3 years
Can we talk about the fact that Logan writes Star-Trek fanfiction is canon or are we going to ignore it
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konkyatto · 3 years
Post it- your theory- I'd love to read it!
One ask but we're gonna do it anyways-
Okay so remember how Remus said he was Cain and Roman was Abel during DWIT? Based on the theory of Cain not knowing that he killed Abel (another theory we came up with that Cain was the first to murder and is blamed with being the beginning of evil and Abel was the first to die but since he was the first to die, Cain didn't know that death was a thing so what if Cain was just like "oh I'll just hit him over the head with a rock as a joke" and then Abel's just...dead), what if that was foreshadowing for a future episode where Remus hurts Roman in some way (physical or otherwise) but he doesn't realize it? However, the fandom (or at least the rest of the sides) think he's even more evil because of what he's done. Since Janus has started to be accepted by Thomas, there's a chance his mentality slowly shifts to how Virgil's is, thus making him turn his back on Remus as well.
...but what if it already happened?
So when Remus bonked Roman, it knocked him out right? So what if that actually changed Roman? Like before we know he was super princely and an egoist and all that jazz but we know he started to shift at some point in the series where he became easily manipulatable and vv confused and kind of lost in a way like he had lost sight of his purpose so-
what if, when Remus hit him, it changed him?
What if Remus killed a part of Roman? More specifically, his happiness? We know that Roman got progressively sadder as the series went on. He was less outgoing and kept to himself more, lashing out in defense because of his fragile state of mind. Remus is intrusive thoughts and they're mostly seen in a negative light, usually making you feel bad or unnerved. So what if he gave Roman intrusive thoughts so bad that it killed his happiness?
Remus did it unknowingly, of course, not intentionally meaning to hurt Ro. But what if Romans redemption (?) arc is him confessing that he changed and that it all started when Remus showed up? He wouldn't want to blame it on Remus (mostly because the last time he declared a side was at fault or evil he was ridiculed and manipulated into thinking so), but he knows he played a part in it, but the others would still blame Remus for it and most likely shun and/or disown him. Then again, Roman might take up for his brother and we might finally get the brotherly Creativtwins content we love bUT THATS FOR ANOTHER DAY.
Anyway, this was just a lil theory we came up with and we thought we'd share :)
Hope you enjoyed and we may share other crazy shit we come up with later :)
(also bible enthusiasts don't come after us we're just throwing out ideas pls don't bombard us with facts and shit okay thankssss)
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konkyatto · 3 years
Logan: The man I want to be romantically involved with must be classy, intelligent, sophisticated-
Remus: Hey, Logan! Are you made up of dark matter? Because you’re indescribable.
Logan: That one, I want that one.
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konkyatto · 3 years
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konkyatto · 3 years
I’m sorry but I strongly refuse to accept “married man finds the love of his life in another woman and leaves his wife and children behind (to get married to the new one)” as romantic - not even a little bit.
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konkyatto · 3 years
Random Headcanon: That Federation vessels in Star Trek seem to experience bizarre malfunctions with such overwhelming frequency isn’t just an artefact of the television serial format. Rather, it’s because the Federation as a culture are a bunch of deranged hyper-neophiles, tooling around in ships packed full of beyond-cutting-edge tech they don’t really understand. Endlessly frustrating if you have to fight them, because they can pull an effectively unlimited number of bullshit space-magic countermeasures out of their arses - but they’re as likely as not to give themselves a lethal five-dimensional wedgie in the process. All those rampant holograms and warp core malfunctions and accidentally-traveling-back-in-time incidents? That doesn’t actually happen to anyone else; it’s literally just Federation vessels that go off the rails like that. And they do so on a fairly regular basis.
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konkyatto · 3 years
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konkyatto · 4 years
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Some stuff from Logan’s Birthday week!! (Hosted by @/yoonsumii on IG) These took a while but were a TON of fun to work on. First post here, so likes / comments / reblogs are GREATLY appreciated!!! Instagram is @ribbonsbydaylight if you’re interested in seeing more. Tyssm!! <3
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