how does it feel to tell a 16 year old to "suck a dick" when youre literally 20? they did nothing to you :)
And telling them to "suck a dick" did nothing to them, hun :)
That "They're a widdle 16 year old baby UwU" shit doesn't work with me. That's a pathetic attempt at a guilt-trip. I'll tell a million teenagers to go fuck off if they need it, it's the damn internet, worse has been said 🤙🤙🤙 Teens on social media love to act like they're mature and know shit and demand the respect that entails, but the moment someone huwts their feewings they turn the tables to "WAHhahhh I'm a minor you big meanie!!! You're an adult and you're a sicko for calling me a name!!!1!! Wahhhhhh". I know so many adults far beyond my years who would tell a whiny, lyin' ass, shit-stirring 16 year old to fuck off, and you know what? It's completely valid. Trying to make me feel as if I need to be on some "higher level" as a 20 yo and not tell a dumbass teenager to fuck off/suck a dick/get a damn life is comedy gold. ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
IDK who TF I said it to at this point but they were probably being a nuisance and telling people the same shit I told them. They were probably just being a little annoying fuckhead, popping up in people's inboxes and commenting on posts like they're the morals police, saying shit is problematic and acting like their minor status gives them dominion over content and users.
The fact this is such a big deal cracks me up, so I guess I'd say it makes me feel pretty good, actually.😜
BTW, to whom it applies:
You can't expect to make it far in life if a stranger mildly insulting you on the internet drives you to orchestrate witch hunts and flood inboxes. That kind of sensitivity will eat you alive outside of whatever the hell kind of Tumblr dreamscape y'all live in.
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I want to be a fairy perched on that rock 😭😭😭
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Garden Of Ginkaku-ji, Kyoto, Japan
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has this been done
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Josuhan: A primarily loving, goofy, and usually POST-CANON ship that has characters whose professions/headcanoned professions compliment each other, allows for mutual comfort due to shared experiences, and has characters with plenty in common, as well as allows for the SCRuMPtIOUS plot device of "I hate you---- wait, you're not actually that bad, you're attractive, and you're starting to grow on me???!"
Antis: oooOOO😭😭😭😭 A 4 year age-gap that is only a huge moral outcry on AMERICAN social media, plus they looked at each other wrong, you should die you pedo abuse enabler!!!!1!!1
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brat vs brat
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Early twenties Josuke: Yeah, I graduated from the academy, now I'm a police detective
Rohan, who is literally a staple mangaka for the crime/horror/suspense genre: ✍️✍️✍️👀
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Fic writers and fanartists who acknowledge Rohan is pretty much two completely different characters at the start of DiU compared to the middle and end, then write/draw accordingly are 💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌
Early DiU Rohan is menacing, borderline psychotic, and overall appears more villainous and sinister. In terms of Josuhan, it allows much more room for d a r k e r themes, some of which aren't exactly a lot of people's cup of tea , but nonetheless feel natural.
Mid-story to the penultimate chapters, Rohan is given a more naive side, a touch of fashion, an endearing (to some) inflated ego, and is shown to have a lot more heart and care than his early-story counterpart could ever have. Not to mention, if you look at it right, he's a bit of a tsundere. It's also implied that he and the protagonist aren't on as such shaky ground (which allows for a fuckton of shipping imagination to take place)
Anyway I luv u
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This made me laugh for a couple of minutes it is so hilarious and cute!
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GOD I just want to be CREATIVE but all my energy is being used to survive
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happy valentine’s day <3 courtesy from Rohan <3 
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Local police officer saves his feral mangaka boyf 
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Shower thought:
Rohan is pretty much like Araki's barbie....or a 2d equivalent 😂
✒️Awesome house
✒️ cool car
✒️a gajillion outfits
✒️poseable lol
✒️Araki makes him do a bunch of random shit
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Glub glub, he a fish
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