kittyeekcube · 23 hours
what are three thousand things you associate with me
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
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Oh to be a little animal living in a tree
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
i want to build a home with my partner that's safe from the loudness of the world. there will be no yelling, no slamming of doors, no passive aggressive comments. we will resolve our issues as a family. i want to build a home that's full of love.
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
some days you really do have to just find and wrench one tiny thing from the world w the determination of a hog digging out truffles and make it your anchor. raindrops on a window. smell of the bakery in the supermarket. single defiant tuft of grass between the cracks on the pavement. etc. hold it all w equally grubby and defiant hands.
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
i love a fog. i love a woods.
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
anything that brings out your childlike wonder is worth giving your attention to
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
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this pencil sharpener that every classroom had
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
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I always dreamed I would have a home open to happening: weekend coffee with everyone gathering in the kitchen, dinner parties which leave laughter ringing in empty rooms for days afterwards, our bed a shore and us a wave crashing down in the early hours. In the morning, I get up and see our sofa made up with an array of pilows, knowing our home is full of our friends makes my heart hurt with the bursting joy of it all
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
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anyway on that note: seeking a beginner friendly gay beach volleyball group in the LA area dm me if u can hook a guy up lol 🤙🏻🏐🏝
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
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dream tiger
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
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the season of golden trees & mystery
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kittyeekcube · 23 hours
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nature is full of wonderful colours
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kittyeekcube · 2 days
abandoned barn, clover, and tadpole for woodland asks! 🌲💚
abandoned barn - have you ever explored an abandoned building?
yes i have! i grew up a town over from a ghost town!! a few of the historic buildings are looked after there and used as a museum that you can go inside and visit! and the rest of the old buildings there have been abandoned for a long time so you can wander around the ghost town and explore if you feel like it! abandoned buildings do possess an energy that make you feel drawn in and curious to look inside and explore, as long as you’re cautious and respectful!! sometimes it’s best to leave an abandoned building or a ghost town be! there’s also these big old red barns that i loved driving by all the time in the country!! they were abandoned but still so beautiful!! ❤️ so yes old buildings and barns are a familiar presence to me!! 🥰🏚️ i’ll return and visit again some day!
clover - do you believe in luck/carry any good luck charms?
yes! i have a bone necklace that’s very dear to me i’ve had since i was small and i always called it my good luck charm! haha i would wear it all the time as a kid because i adored it and i held onto it whenever i needed any comfort! along with my bone necklace, i switch between wearing a few necklaces for good luck and mostly a sense of comfort as i continue my little ritual! hehe
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lately i’ve been bringing my cat necklace along with me on my little adventures!! 🐈‍⬛💚✨
tadpole - have you ever swam in a pond/lake/river?
yes! all of the above!! hehe i’ve swam in a big river once (the river was right next to the ghost town actually haha) during a middle school field trip for river rafting! we had the option to jump into a river where the current wasn’t strong with a life jacket on while being attached to the raft (please don’t go into a rushing river btw, the currents are deadly!!) and i was the only one in my class who did it LOL it was a thrill to jump into a river but it was FREEZING cold and even without a strong current the river still felt so heavy and strong! i was in the water for maybe a minute before climbing back into the raft and tried to row away the cold in the sun! haha i spent a few summers taking a swim in a lake or a pond! the water is cold (not as cold as the river haha) and refreshing during a hot summer! it was fun to swim of course and sometimes i would row a boat or paddle in a paddle boat or go on a makeshift water slide down an incredibly bumpy rocky hill haha but it was worth it! 😌 i’ve also swam in a swimming hole once that was secluded way out in the forest and mountains which was a really fun experience!! it was fun to jump from rocks into the deep water and slide down some tiny falls! ahh i wish i could go swim in a lake again this summer!! that’s one of the things i miss about the country, just being able to say “do you want to go to the lake today?”or “do you want to sit by the river for lunch?” and be close by big bodies of blue sparkling water to admire and swim in!! 💙
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kittyeekcube · 2 days
it's the lack of casual closeness in long distance friendships that kills me. we can't take a walk together, down the road or in a park. can't window shop or run errands. we can't see each other's reactions as we make fun little small talk. that's all i want
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kittyeekcube · 3 days
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kittyeekcube · 3 days
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Botanical Garden in Sans-Sauci Park, Potsdam ♡
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kittyeekcube · 3 days
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