kittycatabyss · 9 years
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kittycatabyss · 9 years
me: *gets upset at you* me: *tells you I’m mad in the most passive aggressive way possible* me: *apologizes for getting upset before you even have a chance to respond* me: *invalidates my own emotions* me: *gets upset at you for not caring more that I was upset* me: *gets upset at myself for being shitty* me: *dissociates*
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kittycatabyss · 9 years
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Lying down, nibbling on my Chocolate Biscotti, and thinking of ways to concise the multiple chapters I just read. "Sometimes one of the most productive moves to make is to forget about work. -Science" (reference: #Imagine by #JonahLehrer ch. 3; specifically pg. 82 end of 2nd paragraph; paperback) #knowledge #neurology #workhard by #forgettingabouttheproblem (+1 Neurology) #HW #HandWriting #Vulnerability #Project
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kittycatabyss · 9 years
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Quote I just heard right now: The internet is full of a lot nonsense. You need to create a filter and figure out what is real and what is fake. Originating cafe shop of yesterday's espresso! Trying their Cinque. I asked what the difference is between this and a Cortada is and its less espresso: Their milk is frothed extremely well, and their espresso has early bright notes. It has a full body that is slightly bold, but the milk complements it really well. Smooth milk, slightly coarse grind, and full body. Makes me want to taste more. Ah, man. I want to get this good with coffee (: #coffee #slowingmypacedown #Vulnerability #Project #imagine
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kittycatabyss · 9 years
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On the pursuit of knowledge. #Espresso flavor notes: Smooth, bold, not too dynamic. Excellent balance between fruity and earthy. Probably my personal favorite espresso shot made so far. Not too course of a grind. Maybe a little too light, but almost perfect; from what I know haha #coffee #appreciative #calm #slowingmypacedown #Vulnerability #Project (+1 Coffee Appreciation)
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kittycatabyss · 9 years
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♡ (source)
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kittycatabyss · 9 years
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kittycatabyss · 9 years
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One page of my sketchbook. I hate using colored pencils, but I love how other artists create awesome things with it. I can post cute, aesthetically pleasing art on my social media, but as a beginning artist, this mental and physical struggle of practicing art is more appealing to me. I was told my art was getting stiffer and stiffer since November, so I practiced just doing with no concern of what it looks like, among other techniques. Art forces me to remember that there aren't any real rules. Poetry, videography, photography, music, drawing, painting, writing, making clothes, theories, stories, etc. It's all expression of self, and I'm getting better at learning about myself and what I want to see in any of my crafts.
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kittycatabyss · 10 years
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Part 1 of my break: I've gone to Demitasse quite a bit. I love being at Demitasse and getting their Pistachio Latte, reading, and gesture drawing people as they pass by outside. Also, I've been working on my visual library and trying to become a serious artist who creates cute art (: So I've been practicing at least 8 hrs a day, reading, researching, and pushing myself to becoming better each day! (: I've also been feeding Addie's kitties and I got to go to an amazing bar with Sashiana to watch Spencer and his band, Saint Diego, perform in Hollywood. Extremely chill, and plenty of pizza, anime, manga, and video games (: I just took the bottom right picture a minute ago (: (at Demitasse)
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kittycatabyss · 10 years
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Good Morning, San Diego! A simple breakfast and food for thought at Claire de Lune. The staff here are always such a pleasure to talk to. "[11 years ago] I got in trouble at my last job for being too happy. Here I get to be a little goofy and people enjoy it, hah!" It's energy like hers that make me love frequenting certain coffee houses. I wish today was the first Friday so I could see the boppers and jivers get down to a live rockabilly band, but having breakfast here is more than I could have asked for (: (at Claire de Lune Coffee Lounge)
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kittycatabyss · 10 years
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Sept. 12, 2014 - My first date in such a long time with this dork. I miss having lunch dates with my mom 😭
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kittycatabyss · 10 years
This weekend at Las Vegas watching and helping out at my sister's shop @glam_factory has been so much fun! I even had fun hanging with the grampugs and 3 legged kitty cat (: Time to head out to the rockabilly and mod concerts, after I clean up a little bit! ~ (at Las Vegas)
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kittycatabyss · 10 years
(Cont.). Man, this is incredibly chill. Now band is talking to this other band from AZ that's going to perform at another private gig and the vibe here's chill. I'm sad I have to dip soon.
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kittycatabyss · 10 years
Coffee, a book, and live Jazz at my favorite LA coffee house in Little Tokyo. Easily my ideal Friday evening. All Things You Are (cover) by The Fabian Chavez Trio.
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kittycatabyss · 10 years
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In San Diego! I was able to read half of Malcolm Gladwell's Blink, watch 5 episodes of Kimi to Boku, catch up with @jobiehott as well as get plenty of skin care tips and inspirational advice. Also, seeing muscles forming on my body is a nice (: I need to get more protein. I miss going to school with Jobie! Just half a quarter left and I'll see Jobie in LA 😄 (I need to post on IG more 😋)
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kittycatabyss · 10 years
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My good friend bought me a large mexican hot chocolate after chatting a bit with me at Lestat's. He appreciated a lot of the artistic advice I gave him quite awhile back. I love being able to talk to familiar faces (:
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kittycatabyss · 10 years
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Here are some selfies I took within the past 3 weeks I never posted. The top left one was today (: being a #fashion design student is fun, but a lot of work (: #FIDM
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