kitkatisweird7 · 21 days
Recent Creative Endeavours
In the last couple of months, I have been hard at work doing various things. I've been doing YouTube, as is standard for me these days, though none of my major projects have been finished yet. Issue I've been having is running into a couple of creative roadblocks there. I had to learn to use Blender to animate a really dodgy music video, like THAT will see the light of day lmfao. In any case, that was an interesting set of skills to learn and I do eventually want to do something with what I learned, however small it ends up being. I'm no animator though, haven't got the patience to do major projects with it.
The last thing I've been working on is a Star Wars fanfiction as a writing exercise to vent out leftover emotions. We'll see how that turns out but it's the project I've been working on closest to being basically done. Though I've changed my mind on an ending several times. The premise of the fic is that on the last few days of the Clone Wars a Jedi Master and his Padawan find themselves facing off against Separatist loyalists. Being the last few days of the Clone Wars, it goes more or less how you'd think though and that's where my creative roadblocks have come through.
Not really got much to say beyond that, just thought a tiny update was in order to put my thoughts into words. Peace.
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kitkatisweird7 · 9 months
Rumour #2187 of Musk making Twitter pay for.
Do or don't, but quit the dossing about.
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kitkatisweird7 · 9 months
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Brb, about to become the Pokémon Master.
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kitkatisweird7 · 9 months
CITV is dead. Long live CITV.
So, we knew this day was coming but it's finally actually arrived. CITV was the home of many wonderful shows in the 2000s and 2010s. So to see it thrown away in favour of the shite that is "streaming" is disappointing, if expected.
CITV was a channel I came straight home from school after 3:15pm to watch. At 4pm was Horrid Henry. For a whole hour. Sometimes I would catch the 3:30 timeslot airing Emu.
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I remember staying at my grandparents aged 5 and watching Kid vs Kat and My Goldfish is Evil. I remember waking up on a weekend to find Toonattik on (I also played the board game of that). I remember Action Stations, Sooty, a sock puppet that made this weird horn noise...
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Anyway with the closing down of yet another pinnacle of my childhood, joining Jetix, Disney XD, Playhouse Disney, Disney Channel and Disney Junior (eagle eyed readers would know these channels shared three particular spots), the 2020s are proving my disdain for modern "culture" is warranted personally. I cannot express enough how sad this makes me.
Video on its way to Infinity Games to accompany this:
In the meantime, CBBC stands. But not for much longer. The end of raising kids in a vaguely responsible way is upon us.
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kitkatisweird7 · 9 months
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Well, I like you. You're nice and you're funny. And you don't smoke. Yeah, okay, werewolf, but that's not all the time. I mean, three days out of the month I'm not much fun to be around either.
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kitkatisweird7 · 10 months
No Blocking on Xvideos
I'm here to seize the moment, Twitter has a manchild making decisions and until that stops we can't be certain the site can actually live in its new form.
Come join me here. I plan to make this place wonderful.
Remember, I am King. Because I am Chaos.
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
So I've read Buffy Season 8.
I don't like it all that much.
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
Chaos in the Threads
So, a new rival has arisen from the ashes of Facebook's old crown. Stemming from Instagram, which Facebook (or "Meta", blerghhhh) owns now, Threads has basically become Twitter back at the very start. Simple. Peaceful. Just people posting whatever dumb crap springs to mind.
And I love it.
You see, I don't come to social media to DM people. I don't come to it to watch a photo that will be gone the next day.
I come for the pure unhinged nature of humanity.
It's why I came here, pretty quietly. To observe. Don't get me wrong, I knew that fandoms would become a bit of a mess if I chased them here. But chaos is something I have a fascination with. I watch it. I admire it. I study it. I don't really approve of the behaviour in most fandoms. But I am interested by it.
So to see Threads be the current platform of choice for many of the old Whovians from Twitter... Fascinating. Deeply fascinating. Naturally I have to be very VERY careful with things I post to Threads because my Instagram historically has been a place for my IRL people. Can't have them all know about the Chaos.
So here I am. On Tumblr. Rounding off another update. We shall see what becomes of this. And yet, here I am desperately hoping for another major player in the game of social media...
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
So I am contemplating just kinda watching the old DwTwt lot from a distance if they migrate here. Not to say I'd be joining them. Just cackling from a distance. You know the kind of thing.
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
Passion... It lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden. It will stir, open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us... Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments; the joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank... Without passion, we'd be truly dead.
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
What now?
Here's the big question. Now that this place is a thing for me, what now?
I came here once in my past, then left to never return.
Wildly curious on if this becomes a big thing for me.
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
My relationship with fandom
The fascinating thing with fandom is that it's always been a bloody nuisance. I mean, Whovians have never been a reasonable bunch for example. Take their early incarnation, the DWAS. Levine and his bunch. Levine is still out there making an ass of himself daily.
Then in the 2010s it was, to my understanding AND occasional experience, people whinging that David Tennant wasn't permanently the Doctor. So it's not like the current state of Whovians is ENTIRELY unexpected given these people NEVER shut up. Then in 2018 it became the dreaded NMDs. Losers, of the highest order. I cannot stand them. Now, the most vocal dissenters in fandom are the fans of the era just passed. Now, don't get me wrong this is normal. I was that in 2014. I was also just a kid.
Star Wars fans are no better. Always have to have a mortal enemy those lot do. George Lucas and Binks, Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson, Dave Filoni. Between the lot of them they have a severe problem with their inability to just not like a bloody movie without it being some kind of big drama.
Pokemon fans are a nuisance in every capacity, Zelda fans mostly consist of open world lovers who seem to think that this direction is in any way sustainable when in reality it's cool for a couple of games but needs binning soon realistically.
I don't even KNOW any Buffyverse fans besides like two people and tbh with the minefield that HE is I wouldn't WANT to know any fans of it. I'm quite satisfied with the idea that there's a grand total of three POVs on Buffy. Mine, Frazzle's and Guy's. I don't wanna get into actual debates on Buffy and Spike vs Buffy and Angel, or Tara vs Oz, or really anything like that. It's peace. I like that.
This is kinda why I like it here the way it is right now. I'm not debating with anyone. You can hardly even classify my actions as interacting with Tumblr's userbase. I came, I monologued, I kept things simple. Fandom is a waste of time. Especially when we give WAY too much respect to stan behaviour. Which is why I stayed away from this place for so long. Because this site is kinda where it started. The stuff in fandom I find tiring. This site initially compiled it.
I won't lie, if I lose Twitter and ergo lose my last connection to those fandoms beyond the odd YouTube video I won't be too broken up. I'm not too saddened by the prospect that I won't have to see someone calling Ahsoka a bad show because it's not just about new characters or saying RTD is a bad man because he followed Jodie Whittaker with David Tennant and not Jo Martin. I'll watch it happen if Twitter does stay up, but if it remains a frustrating to use mess then so be it.
This blog thing is funny. I'll be making a rather interesting use of it soon enough.
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
Chippy and TV
Do yourselves a favour, my legion of internet retakers...
One evening a week, go to the chippy on your way home from your business, order your favourite (from kebab, to fish and chips, to battered sausage, to pizza) and go home, stick a proper British classic on the box, chill. Truly the best way to relax. I swear to you.
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
Thought I'd send you one of your very first asks. Can't believe you joined the site where I'm at my most unhinged and unfiltered
I'm here to clean up and create a legion of people who just want a bit of freedom from dumb stuff like rate limits
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
Who am I?
Don't get it twisted, I'm not part of the usual core audience of Tumblr.
Don't get me wrong, I'm heavily involved in fandom. Or rather, I was. I likely quit all that carnage.
I'm here to forge ahead a new path. One where we go back to not being under the thumb of a billionaire.
I like the layout of the old internet, and believe it or not Tumblr is similar. In particular, the blog stuff. As soon as I can go more decentralised for my unhinged ravings I am packing my bags.
But for now, welcome aboard.
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
Twitter is still broken
So the thing with Twitter is that whatever the Billionaire did, it's not been fixed yet.
So I'm here, whinging about that which is a gosh darn same I cannot lie to you. I was TRYING to get the word out about my existence here.
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kitkatisweird7 · 11 months
Why come to Tumblr?
Well, those that know me know I 100% exist to cause havoc across the internet. Think Angelus meets Doomslayer meets Cousin Mortimer. And that absolutely includes the leather jacket. If Chaos is your thing, I'm your thing.
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