kissandtell · 10 years
someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready. they can love you in a way you have never been loved and still not join you on the bridge. and whatever their reasons you must leave. because you never ever have to inspire anyone to meet you on the bridge. you never ever have to convince someone to do the work to be ready. there is more extraordinary love, more love that you have never seen, out here in this wide and wild universe. and there is the love that will be ready.
nayyirah waheed   (via ohhhkat)
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kissandtell · 10 years
Stop faking your fucking orgasms. Society already tells young men that they run the fucking universe - if they can’t turn your cunt into a shooting star then for god’s sake, let them know about it.
Daisy Lola (via fullybalanced)
always reblog
(via areyouwritingthisalldown) wish someone had told me this ten years ago (via autostraddle)
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kissandtell · 11 years
You tried to change didn’t you? closed your mouth more tried to be softer prettier less volatile, less awake but even when sleeping you could feel him travelling away from you in his dreams so what did you want to do, love split his head open? you can’t make homes out of human beings someone should have already told you that and if he wants to leave then let him leave you are terrifying and strange and beautiful something not everyone knows how to love.
“For Women Who Are Difficult to Love,” Warsan Shire
you can’t make homes out of human beings …
(via live-to-the-point-of-tears)
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kissandtell · 11 years
the morning after.
the rug burns on your knees. the bruises tumbling in a violent violet avalanche down your spine. the cut on the top of the foot from the stairwell, where the forces of fucking and friction collided with stainproof carpeting, where you discarded pain like an old handbag, heavy and workworn, in favor of freedom and pleasure and luminous eyes gazing from behind lust's veil. the hum of the body, surging nerves under skin singing like fiber optic cables, sparkling white lights reigniting last night's shadows. the body remembers and is hungry again. - m
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kissandtell · 11 years
Monarchy - Disintegration ft Dita Von Teese
Disclaimer:  Do not watch this in a room full of ugly people.   You'll want to bone immediately.
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kissandtell · 11 years
i'm a smug little bitch...and it feels so good.
married guy sent me a facebook message and i never responded. 
then he texts me and i don't recognize the number
him: "I'm assuming you saw the sweet Arrested Development news?!" me: "Who is this?" him: "You deleted me from your phone AND facebook! It's Aaron. How are you?" me: (deletes phone number and text)
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kissandtell · 11 years
going to the Silver Dollar if you kittens want to come out
- hot chef from Kentucky 
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kissandtell · 11 years
idiots in love
MC: I have to be more open to being loved and vulnerable. I know I've been burned too many times. But, I think it's because I was TOO vulnerable in the beginning and just craved the attention. Now it's like oh, ok...So, this is what it's like when someone else does cute things for you - shit you'd do for someone else. Ok. But that still doesn't prove to me that you have a good heart...I'm not totally trusting you yet.
M: And that's still playing defense. Which is the step between where we were (idiots) and where we are headed (idiots who can accept love!)
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kissandtell · 11 years
the best way to get over someone?
to get under another person? 
what if this person is someone you've known since the 7th grade and you slept with this person for about 5-6 consistent years. And then you had a dry spell and didn't so much as touch each other for another 5. and then got kind of tipsy on Saturday and boned for awhile. 
because that happened. i-five?
- mc
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kissandtell · 11 years
A is in town visiting family for the holidays.  I haven't heard from him.  At all.  Has now been six months of radio silence and it bothers me more than I'd like to admit.  OK FINE I think about him all the time.
Ergo, I am spending a lot of my holiday brain power telling myself, 'LIVE YOUR LIFE, GIRL. LIVE YOUR FUCKING LIFE.'
Because I am the star in this show, goddamnit.
And also, fuck him.  
- m
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kissandtell · 11 years
sears/married guy's wife had a baby last month. 
way to let unavailable dickwads into your life, mc. 
everything about him has been deleted from my life. 
- mc 
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kissandtell · 12 years
I wanted to make sure to tell you... You are awesome. I am basically obsessed with you, and if you haven't noticed, that is rare of me. I pretty much think I am better than everybody while simultaneously having incredibly low self-esteem. It's a gift. But seriously, you don't need to have anyone in your life who makes you feel less than awesome. Because you are amazing. And you will not die alone and Butters will not feast on your bloated body. You will find someone who thinks you fart rainbows and he might argue with you occasionally, but he will never make you feel worthless. And from what you've told me, I don't think that is (redacted). You are working harder at making you great than anyone I have ever known, but you just have to remember that it's a journey, a process, all those absurd cliches. But you're on your way. And in the meantime, I am here. And I sincerely believe you fart rainbows. And I will make sure Butters doesn't eat you if you die. That's a promise.
- the bestest friend/text messager in the world
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kissandtell · 12 years
Be still my heart
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kissandtell · 12 years
“Holding people away from you, and denying yourself love, that doesn’t make you strong. if anything, it makes you weaker. Because you’re doing it out of fear.”
― Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby (via justbesplendid)
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kissandtell · 12 years
Reminder: What we say is important.
- m
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Gender Grammar! To learn more, click here!
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kissandtell · 12 years
Blanche ftw.
- M
ps natural segway into routine post of Plan B coupon?  yep.
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kissandtell · 12 years
this is fucking brilliant.
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