kingslayern7 · 1 hour
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kingslayern7 · 2 years
Viserys in the books Viserys in HotD
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kingslayern7 · 3 years
Since HotD is coming out soon, who’s ready for all the Dr. Who fans from 2014 tumblr to come of the woodwork to stan a child murdering groomer?
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kingslayern7 · 3 years
Highschoolers in CW shows:
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kingslayern7 · 4 years
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The “human male character in a BioWare game who’s the first to join your party and who the entire fandom hates for some reason but I still like them just cause they’re nice” starter pack
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
Todd Howard rising from the depths of hell to announce Fallout 76 for 6 different platforms and VR
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
Lying Video Game Developer Alignments
Hideki Kamiya, Lawful Good: Technically never lies, just tells people asking for things to fuck off. After it’s revealed that the things are happening, he tells those people he loves them and is incredibly thankful for their support.
Ed Boon, Chaotic Good: Will make direct eye contact with you and lie through his teeth about not having any plans for the thing you want, only to reveal it was a lie days later with an elaborate trailer and the biggest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen.
Masahiro Sakurai, Lawful Neutral: Honestly believes he was never going to do the thing he said he would never do, but always does. He should really know better by now, but his overwhelming pessimism blinds him.
Peter Molyneux, Chaotic Neutral: Honestly believes he was going to do the thing he said he was going to do, and has never once done it. He really should know better by now, but his overwhelming optimism blinds him.
Sean Murray/Hello Games and No Man’s Sky, Lawful Evil: A man/studio put in an unenviable position of having a small indie game put in the center of a hype storm for 2+ years. Knowingly lied about the state of the game and features, multiple times, but was likely under intense pressure from all sides to do so.
Todd Howard and Bethesda Games, Chaotic Evil: A studio with all the money and prestige in the world that can’t be bothered to update their deteriorating 15+ year old game engine or pay for quality assurance, and instead are content to release games they are fully aware are riddled with problems and just lie about them instead.
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
“Hi my name is Jeyne and I’m here to treat your arrow woun-“
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
Hosteen Frey: Who the fuck killed my nephew
Wyman Manderly:
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
When you’re charging toward the watchtower but you start hearing ice cracking
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
I hope that at least one GoT actor wins an Emmy for season 8 and they “kinda forget” to mention D&D in their acceptance speech.
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
Concept for a comedy-fantasy movie:
A movie about a session of Dungeons and Dragons that switches off between the players’ imagination and real life. Sort of like how “The Princess Bride” was both the fairy tale and the grandfather telling the story in the real world. Also, sorta like “Jumanji 2” where it’s people talking through their game avatars.
Anthony Mackie plays the DM and, in-game, the wizard that guides the party.
Zendaya plays the lead player and her character, a ranger, is played by Winston Duke.
Tom Holland plays the overexcited nerd of the group and his character, a wizard, is played by Natalie Portman.
Lana Condor plays the newbie/noob of the group and her character, a rogue, is played by Diego Luna.
Nick Robinson plays the asshole nerd (the “um, actually” guy) of the group and his character, a barbarian, is played by Dave Bautista.
Maisie Williams plays a valley girl/social media influencer who is streaming this session of Dungeons and Dragons to her followers and her character, a cleric, is played by Gemma Chan.
Jacob Tremblay plays the kid of the group who is actually the best player and his character, a warlock, is played by David Harbour.
Josh Brolin plays the old guy of the group who was invited to play by his friend, Anthony Mackie, and his character, a bard, is played by Jack Black.
Rashida Jones plays an in-game noble.
Kit Harrington cameos as a ranger that is so obviously a parody of Jon Snow.
Andy Serkis plays the main villain, the mindflayer.
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
Remember when the DP on Game of Thrones told us it was our fault that we couldn’t see shit during the Battle of Winterfell?
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
I would have liked to of seen what happened with the small folk in the GoT finale. Or were we only meant to care about the small folk when Dany is burning them? They literally hammered in the narrative of the small folk constantly paying the cost of the fight for power, so were we meant to be invested or what? They only showed the starks getting what they want in the epilogue but nothing about whether it was better for the small folk now.
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kingslayern7 · 5 years
"Love is the death of the duty." "Duty is the death of love."
D&D really twisted the words Aemon said to justify killing Dany. Maester Aemon who, in the books, was invigorated to learn she was alive and had hatched dragons, who wanted to forsake his vows to the Night's Watch to go to her and give her council when he was 102, who was only stopped by death itself.
They. Fucking. Did that.
Fuck you, D&D.
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