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“Joy was not meant to be a crumb” - Mary Oliver
still one of my favorite reminders
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“You learned to laugh before you learned to talk.”
— Unknown
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when josé olivarez said “i once killed a plant because i gave it too much water, lord i worry that love is violence” and when mahmoud darwish said “If the olive trees knew the hands that planted them, their oil would become tears.” and when oscar wilde said “I have given away my whole soul to someone who treats it as if it were a flower to put in his coat.”
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Anne de Marcken, from It Lasts Forever and Then It's Over [ID'd]
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“I was always either so unreasonably and pointlessly happy that no one place could seem to contain me, or so melancholy, so sick and silly with sadness that there was no place I could stomach the thought of entering.”
— David Foster Wallace, The Broom of the System
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The little girl’s sense of secrecy that developed at prepuberty only grows in importance. She closes herself up in fierce solitude: she refuses to reveal to those around her the hidden self that she considers to be her real self and that is in fact an imaginary character: she plays at being a dancer like Tolstoy’s Natasha, or a saint like Marie Leneru, or simply the singular wonder that is herself. There is still an enormous difference between this heroine and the objective face that her parents and friends recognize in her. She is also convinced that she is misunderstood: her relationship with herself becomes even more passionate: she becomes intoxicated with her isolation, feels different, superior, exceptional: she promises that the future will take revenge on the mediocrity of her present life. From this narrow and petty existence she escapes by dreams.
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
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When you least expect it, love might surprise you.
-Flynn Caulfield
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– Audrey Hepburn
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nobody is coming to save you. get up
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Friends 3.09 "The One With The Football"
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idk how to flirt but i can make things awkward if you're into that
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The sort of work that feels like play
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a trope we don't talk enough about
is friends to strangers. ex-best friends. we talk about friends to enemies, friends to lovers, friends to lovers to enemies, enemies to friends, and all other possible variations of this trope. but ex-best friends? imagine the possibilities
- my mom still talks about you sometimes and asks if we hung out and i force a smile and say you're doing good because i don't have the heart to tell her that we haven't spoken for three years
- i called you my best friend when i mentioned you to someone else and then i realized that i don't even remember the last time we spoke to each other and now my heart is breaking but i can't correct myself
- i haven't thought about you in four months but then i saw the painting you made me years ago and oops im crying at 3am
- we see each other in the hallway all the time but every time we try to talk it gets all awkward and stiff and wow we really don't know each other at all anymore
- i asked if we should hang out sometime as a last-ditch effort to renew our friendship and instead of sending a noncommittal "yeah we should" like you normally do you straight up said no and holy shit breakups hurt less than this
- i once asked a mutual friend if you were mad at me and she said " i don't think she's capable of being mad at you." i reread that text every time i count the days since we last spoke
- everyone around me tells me to get over it and move on because it takes two to make a friendship work but everything in me tells me that i just need to try harder
- every childhood memory i have involves you and i laugh when i recount them but im really two seconds away from crying because we should be telling this story together
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kings-and-queens--21 · 2 months
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BILLIE PIPER in Scoop (2024) dir. Philip Martin
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