kindselfblr · 4 months
How to Stop Procrastinating by Managing Your Emotions
Procrastination happens when we delay doing things, and it's often connected to our emotions. Feelings like being afraid to fail, feeling worried or stressed, getting bored, or lacking motivation can all contribute to procrastination. To stop procrastinating and get more things done, it's important to learn how to handle our emotions better.
Break the task into smaller, more engaging sub-tasks.
Find ways to make the task more interesting or challenging.
Set a timer and work on the task for a specific amount of time, followed by a short break doing something enjoyable.
Feeling Overwhelmed:
Prioritize tasks and focus on one thing at a time.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable steps.
Delegate some parts of the task if possible or seek help from others.
Use tools like to-do lists or task management apps to stay organized.
Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to calm yourself.
Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.
Start with the easier or less intimidating aspects of the task to build momentum.
Set realistic expectations and remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes.
Focus on past accomplishments and successes to boost your confidence.
Seek support or feedback from others to gain reassurance.
Remind yourself of your skills and capabilities to tackle the task.
Use positive affirmations to counteract negative self-talk.
Embrace the concept of "good enough" rather than seeking perfection.
Set realistic and achievable goals for each task.
Recognize that mistakes and imperfections are part of the learning process and growth.
Break decisions into smaller steps and make one small decision at a time.
Set a time limit for making decisions to avoid overthinking.
Trust your instincts and make the best decision you can with the information available.
Apathy or Lack of Interest:
Find aspects of the task that align with your values or long-term goals.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable parts and focus on completing one at a time.
Reward yourself for completing the task to make it more appealing.
Stress or Burnout:
Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.
Break tasks into smaller steps to reduce the feeling of overwhelm.
Prioritize self-care and take breaks to avoid burnout.
Feeling Uninspired or Creatively Blocked:
Engage in activities that stimulate creativity, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or seeking inspiration from others' work.
Start with a simple and basic version of the task to get the creative juices flowing.
Collaborate with others or seek feedback to gain new perspectives.
Fear of Success:
Identify and challenge the negative beliefs or fears that may be holding you back.
Visualize the positive outcomes of completing the task successfully.
Focus on the benefits and personal growth that come with success.
Break long-term goals into smaller milestones to track progress.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and patient throughout the process.
Remind yourself that progress takes time and effort.
Lack of Confidence:
Celebrate your past accomplishments to boost your confidence.
Seek support and encouragement from friends, family, or mentors.
Focus on building specific skills related to the task to increase confidence.
Avoiding Discomfort:
Acknowledge that discomfort is a natural part of growth and improvement.
Break tasks into smaller steps and tackle the more challenging aspects gradually.
Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of facing discomfort.
Overestimating Future Motivation:
Practice discipline and commit to starting tasks even when motivation is low.
Set specific deadlines for tasks to create a sense of urgency.
Establish a routine that includes regular work on the task to build consistency.
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kindselfblr · 4 months
how to actually grow in 2024
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hey loves! to keep it short i don't like new years resolution's at all. this time each year all these adults talk about how this is the year they're going to lose weight or be more active, and it rarely ever works. most people fail their new year's resolutions because the concept in itself is flawed. but anyways, i know that a lot of people find them fun, so i'll give some tips on how to actually improve this year :)
why do resolutions fail?
theyre hard to measure. when people make their resolutions to 'eat healthier' or 'exercise more' it's not something you can really measure because it's not specific.
goals vs. habits:
how to grow:
create goals that're attainable and measureable. i like to avoid goals that're like "i want to workout everyday for 30 minutes", because that's more of a habit (working out daily) and also it's pretty hard to accomplish since there might be days when you're sick, or too busy, etc.
instead of "i want to sew more in 2024" -> "i want to sew 10 projects in 2024"
instead of "i want to read more in 2024" -> "i want to read 10 books in 2024"
create a step by step plan. when you set a goal you need to think about HOW you're going to accomplish it. this is where daily habits come in.
alter your daily routine to incorporate new healthy habits. anytime i want to get a new habit i just do it little by little everyday. like read for 10 minutes or meditate for 5.
first of all: don't wait for new year's! i know it just feels good to think that the new year is when you're going to start doing all these things, but really you should be starting before then. don't wait
remember: progress ISNT linear!! you might have a month (or multiple) where you're really in a slump and not doing what you want to be doing, but that doesn't mean that you failed in any way. you don't need to wait for a new year to have a clean slate, just brush yourself off after these mistakes and keep going. progress isn't something that is constant- you have good times and bad times, you just need to keep doing your thing.
sending u all positive energy and all of my love :) -amy <3
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kindselfblr · 9 months
Becoming more productive
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Be a bit delulu... Believe in yourself; every goal you set yourself is archivable!! ;)
Challenging/tedious tasks first!! Get them out of the way!! ew!!
Visualise your goals!! What do you want to archive? How will you feel when you reach your goal? Write everything down, and make a cute vision card on Pinterest. Always helps me stay motivated <33
Make the most of your time. Got some free extra minutes? Start working on something from your to-do list!! :)
Organise your space. Being in a comfortable and inviting environment is so so important to be able to focus properly. Some scented candles, a cute bookshelf, some pictures…
Plan ahead, make a simple to-do list (no more than 7 points)
Fix your sleep schedule… I'm still working on this myself… once I figure out how I'll definitely make a little guide lol…
Take breaks, especially when studying. Exercise is perfect for relaxing your mind; if you don't love working out - like me... lol - going on a walk is a great option too!! <33
Be aware of procrastination… are you procrastinating right now..?
Reward yourself!! Spend some time taking care of yourself, invest time in your hobbies, eat your favourite meal, or get yourself a nice coffee… small things that make you feel good :)
As always, Please feel free to add your own suggestions and tips in the comments!! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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kindselfblr · 2 years
aug 6th '22
for the past three days I’ve just relaxed.. I think U really needed that moment to take time and stop everything around me especially work/study. I’m alone for the week as my bf is away for work
Really need to start romantizing my life and taking more pictures of the little things 🥺
Anyway tomorrow I come back into my parents house and I am so excited as I didn’t see them since a couple of months 🫶🏼
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kindselfblr · 2 years
Starting this account more like a journal to get off my phone and be less on social media like tiktok/ig and I’ll pin that message to keep me motivated
I need to focus on my studies, on my apartment, on myself and my motivation🫧
The goals are just to eat better, study everyday and find an organisation for all of my lil life to be together just like an “it girl” would do🪅
so we’re August, 3rd 2022! let’s see where all of that go
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kindselfblr · 2 years
started something in July, let’s see if in January, for my 20s, something changed !
The goals are :
- drinking my daily 2L of water
- not more than 1 fast-food/delivery a month
- working out 4x a week
- seeing professional when needed
- reading daily
- screen time under 4h unless it’s from my study apps
- less or not processing food, just home made!!
- keeping the house clean everyday
- studying 5-6x a week
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kindselfblr · 2 years
My Top Glow Up Tips
Do it for you; not because of revenge glow up, not because you want them to regret losing you or any such reason. Do it for yourself because you're worth it.
It takes time to go from point A to point B and that's okay. Don't expect change overnight.
Remissions are normal. Falling off track is normal, you're only human. The important thing is you realize this, hold yourself accountable, and then get back up again.
Consistency and determination are more important than motivation, which is just a temporary solution to help you get started.
Know when to accept help, levelling up is not a journey you need to do alone.
Be strategic about your level up journey. Create a plan, divide it into sections, then take it step by step. You can't tackle all areas at once.
Every now and then, pause to celebrate your growth and congratulate yourself for all the hard work.
Glowing up is not just a summer marathon (even though it can be, if that's all you need); it's a lifestyle and a lifelong mindset.
Don't mind how other people are levelling up. The only person you should compare yourself with is your past self.
True growth, when done right, includes discomfort. To admit your vices, your shortcomings. Holding yourself accountable. Choosing what is uncomfortable short-term, but which will be beneficial long-term. Stepping out of your comfort zone. Applying for a new job, changing your look, improving your mindset drastically. All of these things may feel challenging at first, simply because they're unfamiliar. Push through anyway.
Don't go broke trying to look rich.
The power of money is not in the products you buy, but the potential it has. Focus on the smart potential, not just in the flashy things which give you a rush.
A holistic glow up includes improving your mindset regarding finances, and financial literacy. Abundance mindset > scarcity mindset. Everybody can win > why do they win and I don't. If they succeeded, I can too > why did they succeed and I didn't.
You don't need a fortune in order to substantially improve your life. Your best resource is knowledge, the internet, and your mind. There are free ebooks, free articles, free videos online on every subject you can think of. If you're at the beginning, start there, and only afterwards start investing in more costly resources like courses, coaching/mentorships, etc.
Never underestimate the power of gratitude journaling, positive affirmations, moodboards, and meditation. The key here is the Law of Attraction. Understand the simple principle of what you focus over = what you empower with energy = what manifests next in your reality. A crystal-clear vision of your ideal life has greater chance of becoming reality than a vague idea of "something better" that you never actually define.
The most important foundation for leveling up your life will always start with your mindset. Until you have a solid foundation of an abundance mindset, confidence, self-worth, and awareness of "I'm worth it" and "I can and I will", everything else will be built on shaky ground and liable to fall apart.
Everybody's journey is different, because everyone is different. Respect this truth and avoid casting judgement on seeing other people's attempts in glowing up, even if you think they're doing it wrong. Instead, be gracious and admire them for their dedication; either offer them guidance, or allow them to walk their own path.
Less is more. When in doubt, remember that simple is better, and minimal is more classy (ex. a classic watch and simple necklace is always better than 10 jewelry items piled on to look expensive).
You don't need the most expensive everything in order to look classy. You just need to look like you take care of your body, and wear quality items that look put together. They can be thrifted, on sale, inherited or whatever else, it doesn't matter; as long as they're in good condition with a cut and color that flatters you, you will look elegant.
For emotional and mental level up, don't be afraid to reach out to a therapist/specialist. It is their job to help you work through any traumas, fears, challenges, childhood memories, etc. It really is okay, there's nothing taboo or strange about seeking professional help. It is one of the best investments you can make for your mental health. Talking about your inner world, your experiences and off-loading should be made into a frequent habit as it is healthy and necessary for your overall wellbeing. And sometimes, the support of family and friends is not enough.
Don't get blinded by the polemics of "high value", "high caliber", etc. You will find as many definitions as there are people speaking of it. Being of high value simply means that you continuously invest in your happiness, health, education and self-development. It is not about some convoluted perception that other people have of what is a classy woman. Read more
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kindselfblr · 2 years
tricks to be more productive
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get up 2 hours earlier, do the more important things first thing in the morning
focus on your progress not only on the outcome
stop complaining
change the "i have to" to "i get to"
take time to plan and prioritize
focus on minutes no hours
set routines
let go of imperfections and kickstart anyway
leave some free time in your schedule
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kindselfblr · 2 years
Yesterday went pretty well ! After a good day at work, where I’m starting to become more confident, I went home under a beautiful sun.
Studied for around 1:30 and then I cooked, washed dishes and run a machine. I think the sun made me be productive and motivated !!
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kindselfblr · 2 years
i was proud of myself yesterday !!
i found a new study technic and now, it’s better and I am not losing time anymore. Let’s see how it turns out when I use it for an entire week!
So I worked on a subject called Développement Durable which is about ecology and I went to see my bf at work. Was cool and sweet ☺️
Anyway, today we’re Sunday and I’m working so no school work for me. See y’a Monday ✨
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kindselfblr · 2 years
The checklist you need
The summer holidays are over, autumn is just around the corner and the new semester is here faster than you would have expected
What now?
Here are my tips to start the new year in an organised way!
Basic requirements
Of course, it's always helpful to start with a tidy and organised workspace, so if you still have papers lying around on your desk from last year and you haven't cleaned them out yet, you should definitely do so
It's also a good idea to create a study corner where you feel comfortable and safe. Whether your desk is in the basement or you only have a tiny little corner to yourself, try to design it the way you like it and experiment with some decorations and different lights to create a nice atmosphere
Although I'm a big advocate of minimalism, there are still one or two things that you should buy
Even if you work on the computer most of the time, it is still good to get a notebook to take notes (I prefer to write down my notes by hand and not on the laptop)
To avoid a mess of notes, a folder is essential. I can't stress this enough, GET A FOLDER AND FILE YOUR NOTES/DOCUMENTS
Get nice pens that you can write well with to get the nicest handwriting possible (my handwriting is terrible so I use fountain pens). Of course you also need different markers to highlight the most important things
Get a planner or bullet journal to write down all your important appointments and have everything at a glance
Think of 2-3 meals or snacks that are quick to prepare and whose ingredients you usually have at home to keep you well-fed while studying. Regular meals are important to keep your body and brain working well
Same with hydration, you need to drink regularly and keep yourself hydrated to function properly. So buy your favourite tea/coffee, a cute cup to make it more appealing and your brain will be happy
Are you someone who listens to music whilst studying? Yes? And you don't have your own playlist yet? I think you know what to do in this case
The important questions and answers
In order to be up to date and always well informed, it definitely makes sense to write down a plan at the beginning of each year. The questions are embarrassingly easy but of great importance. This plan really saved my ass, so I can only recommend it to everyone
1. What year/semester am I currently in?
2. When does the semester start and end?
3. How many subjects do I have this year and which lecturer is responsible for which subject?
4. Are there subjects that are more important than others?
5. What do your exams look like in the respective subjects? Are there oral exams, written exams, project work or essays?
6. When will the exams be written/when are the deadlines? Write down each date of each exam/deadline
7. Which topics are covered by which lecturers?
8. What do I know about my lecturers? Are the questions asked easy or difficult to answer? Does he stick to the script or does he expect his students to read into the subject on their own? Does he ask open questions or single choice questions?
9. Are there any special features this year, such as an internship or an excursion or practical lessons?
10. Are there any places nearby (libraries, parks, cafés) where I can study? If not, then you should look around a bit and I'm sure you'll find something quickly
11. Is there anyone besides my lecturer that I can ask for advice? (Maybe other fellow students or students from higher semesters)
12. Facts on the table. How were my performances in the past and where do I want to go this semester? What are my goals and what possible mistakes have I made? Actually write down possible mistakes to visualise them
13. Who can I turn to when I am feeling bad, who is my reference person or is there perhaps a counselling teacher, a psychologist or a safe place to ground myself?
14. Last but not least, remember why you decided to start this study and what motivates you to persevere. Why do I want to do it so badly?
Once you have written this plan, keep it in a place where you can find it easily. Since I started answering these questions over and over again, I have become much more organised and confident in my studies. Of course, these are just the very basics. Feel free to add your own questions or materials, but once these things are checked off, a good start to the new year is definitely assured
Currently listening to: Asking Alexandria - Alone Again 🎶
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kindselfblr · 2 years
study tips to remember as we inevitably have (mini) breakdowns and burnouts during the semester
- plan out the entire day the night before; set out the next day's clothes and envision the day ahead.
- studies have shown that if we plan out the day, it eliminates the fear of the unknown, reducing the fight or flight response so we can stay calm, collected, and focused.
- exercise twice: once early in the morning to get the day's momentum started and once in the evening to de-stress
- use timers to set hard deadlines for each task
- take mini breaks after each task
- during the breaks, don't scroll through social media or websites; instead, lay your head down and blank out the mind.
- eat healthy meals and try not to consume too much sugar or added fats. post-lunch blood sugar spikes are absolutely brutal.
- GO TO OFFICE HOURS to build and maintain connections with professors.
- practice active recall: don't just read through the study notes; quiz yourself and try to each an imaginary student the concepts
- study (only!!!) 30 minutes for each class every single day to retain the information learned that day, on top of the necessary homework and assignments
- TIME MANAGEMENT IS KEY. you can maintain an active social life while being on top of everything academically by using every spare minute to work on assignments, homework, studying, etc.
- remember: it might be stressful now, but imagine the peace and comfort 5-10 years from now as you're in your dream career, reminiscing and thanking your past self for making the sacrifice and working so damn hard to get to where you are.
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kindselfblr · 2 years
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1.     Organize your study space
Organizing your study space is really important. Avoid starting to study before that because getting up to get things you don’t have at hand will distract you. I have my own “desk organization list”. Laptop, iPad, Apple Pencil, earphones, water, fruits, my pencil case, my folders, paper, etc.
2.     Make a plan and get control of your calendar
Make a to do list and plan everything out. When exactly are your exams?  How many days do you want to study for each subject? Which subject needs more time? Etc., etc.
3.     Mistakes are good
When studying we do make mistakes sometimes. I hate it. You hate it. Yes, it’s awful. But they are GOOD. You learn from them. A short anecdote of my life: If I didn’t make the mistake of dating a complete idiot, I probably would not have learned that bad boys really aren’t that great haha.
4.     Find examples
To really understand something, you should find examples. E. g. if you are learning about some kind of criminal law, look up cases. If you are studying about the business cycle, look up examples of different countries. Is the US in a boom? Or a depression? Has it been in a depression before? What was that like?
5.     Test yourself
Quizz yourself. This is the most important thing when studying something by heart or learning a language. Get your flashcards out of your pocket!  And quizz yourself every single day!
6.     Take regular breaks and sleep for 8 hours
I know, studying is important. But what is even more important is your health. Don’t drain yourself. You got this. Don’t worry! Take a short break after 25 minutes every time. Just a short one. Allow yourself to breath and close your eyes. Your brain needs sleep and breaks to function!
7.     Study before going to sleep
A numerous amount of studies have found out that the brain processes a lot of things while sleeping. This can be very beneficial to us! Study for a few minutes before going to bed or revise what you have studied that day. It will help you remember it better.
8.     Eat good foods
I know you don’t want to hear this… A pizza is quite nice. But is it good for you? Probably not. Food is fuel. But we need good fuel to function properly. Eat nutritious foods and be good to your body. It really needs a healthy diet to maintain your health and stay happy. Also: Your brain needs calories. Don’t starve yourself. Aaaand, remember to drink enough water. I recommend watching “The Game Changers” on Netflix.
9.     Exercise
Working out can be extremely beneficial to you. Not just for your physical strength but also for your mental health and productivity, studies have found. Going for a run or going to the gym can increase your overall well-being! So let’s go! I’m getting ripped tonight, RIP that… umm sorry.
10.  Be kind to yourself
Last but not least, please be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up. Everything is going to be fine. You are not alone. You are loved. You are worthy. Please remember that! I love you.
IIf you are struggling right now, please join our self help group on Discord. We’re doing self help “group therapy” calls and „live study with me‘s“. We’re stronger together. I’m also working on a website to help students with studying and mental health issues.
I am also currently looking for a job and I would like to tutor German online. So hit me up if you know someone who could use a German tutor. <3
Love, Sophia
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kindselfblr · 2 years
How to Start Studying
Sometimes it's really hard and annoying to start studying so I've compiled a few tips that will help you to start studying:
1. clear a study space
Clean your workspace for 5-10 minutes before your study session so you’ll feel super motivated to get working. There’s something about having a decluttered desk that will make you feel so organized it will make you want to sit behind the desk & study!
2. get all the items you will need
all motivation goes down the drain when you have to get up multiple times to get every item you need so getting all the essentials before studying really helps.
3. grab some water and snacks
staying hydrated while studying is very important and you can never go wrong with snacks :)
4. get rid of all distractions
Turn off your phone or put it on DND to help you focus. Some people do study better with music but it's better to have music with no lyrics because if you are like me you will just end up singing and jamming to the song instead of studying xD
5. make a list
Write down all the tasks you need to accomplish, breaking the bigger ones down into smaller, bite-sized pieces.
6. start with something easy
The idea is that it’s something that you can just knock out without much brainpower but that doesn’t waste time. It also gives you sense of accomplishment and boosts your motivation to continue working.
7. use a system
I personally use the Pomodoro Technique. It’s great at keeping you focused. I usually study for 75 min and take a 15 min break since it works best for me. It doesn’t really matter what system you use to study – find something that works for you and stick to it.
8. make it a habit
If you turn studying into a daily habit, you won’t even have to think about starting anymore because you’re so used to it. Don’t question it, I just do it!
9. dont strive for perfection
Let that strive for perfection go, as it will take you a lot longer to finish the work. This will make your study experience less fun and more stressful which will make starting next time harder. So instead of wanting to do your work perfectly, try to focus on getting it done.
10. make it fun and enjoyable
burn a candle, put on some music, whatever helps you to get started.
i hope these are useful!! :) -love pika☁️
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kindselfblr · 3 years
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10 minute and category/task planner!
Here are a few printables aimed to both track your time and tasks. Add in your categories (e.g. subjects, work, area of study, names, etc), then what you have to do and check it off when complete. Utilise the 10 minute planner underneath to see how much time you’re spending on what and plan out your day. Includes 5 days to be spacious! Comes in 5 colour options and 1 without.
Download here
All other free printables
I hope you enjoy using these and if so, I’d love to see them in action!  Feel free to tag me #emmastudies in any photos you upload on Tumblr, Instagram or Twitter.
Whilst these printables are free of charge, it would be amazing of you to check out my Ko-fi account! :-)
Thank you for checking this out! If you have any questions and issues, please let me know. 
Disclaimer: This printable is for personal use only. You may edit it yourself if you like, but please do not redistribute without my permission. Thank you!  
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kindselfblr · 3 years
the right person will make you fall in love with yourself too. the right person won't make you question their love for you.
read that again.
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kindselfblr · 3 years
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