kimsabu 1 month
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"Kembang Kertas itu menyala. Bagaikan rindu di dada yang tak pernah ingin padam."
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kimsabu 2 months
"hujan rintik, rindu berbisik..."
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kimsabu 5 months
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Young Mangoes and Longing
The pleasure of young mango is an experience that not only satisfies the palate but is also akin to the quivering sensation of longing. The delectability of young mango evokes memories of childhood, where each bite brings a refreshing and tantalizing sweetness.
Like the kind of yearning that can make the heart tremble, every touch of the tongue to the young mango induces a happiness that flows through every fiber of the fruit. Its fragrant aroma and sweet-sour taste create a harmony of delight, as if embracing the entire heart that yearns for it.
Young mango, with its tender flesh and refreshing sensation, seems to weave a tale that is timeless. Its flavor resonates like the vibration of longing stored in memories, making every experience of consuming it an unforgettable emotional journey.
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kimsabu 5 months
Anger is a natural human reaction, however, getting too carried away can open the door to regret, especially if the anger is directed at loved ones. Sometimes, we forget the power of our words and actions when anger is at its peak.
Getting too angry can leave wounds that are hard to heal, especially if it's directed at our loved ones. So, before letting anger take over, it's important to give ourselves time to reflect and understand the source of the anger.
Good communication is crucial in overcoming conflict. Sometimes, a calmer and wiser expression of anger can prevent regrets later on. Speaking with a cool heart, trying to understand each other's perspectives, can keep us away from the mistakes that may arise from overly harsh words.
Remember, our loved ones are a precious part of our lives. It's okay to feel anger, but we also have the control to choose how we express it. By understanding that too much anger can damage relationships, we can maintain a balance and avoid future regrets.
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kimsabu 6 months
#TwinklingWatermelon, The Best Korean Drama
Oh my gosh, this is such a cool drama. I had to marathon it because of TW. I couldn't hold back my tears when Eun Gyeol met her mother's youth in 1995. Seeing her holding back tears while teaching sign language, my chest felt tight. It was really moving.
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kimsabu 7 months
Starting the day with a smile, sincere intentions, and good goals is a very important first step to creating a productive and meaningful day. These are actions that can shape our attitudes and positively influence our lives.
A smile is a universal language that can dissolve tension and create better relationships with others. When we greet the morning with a smile, we create a positive atmosphere that can influence those around us.
Sincere intention is a strong foundation for all our actions. When we start the day with good intentions, we create a greater purpose in our lives than just material achievements. Sincere intentions give meaning and purpose to every step we take.
Setting good goals to achieve is a way to give direction to our day. It helps us stay focused and organized. With good targets, we can track our progress and feel satisfied when we reach our milestones.
So, starting the day with a smile, sincere intentions, and good targets is a recipe for a meaningful day. It helps us create a positive atmosphere, follow strong values, and move towards greater achievements in our lives.
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kimsabu 7 months
Many people around us can give examples or advice, but not all of them are worthy of being an example (role model). This is a reality that often occurs in everyday life. How we choose our role models is very important as they can influence our values, attitudes and actions.
When we look for role models, we should choose people who have proven their integrity, honesty and success in relevant fields. These are individuals who have practiced what they say, and their behavior is in line with our values.
In addition, when we choose role models, we also need to remember that each individual has their own uniqueness and weaknesses. No one is perfect. Therefore, it is important to take inspiration from them without putting them on an unrealistic pedestal. We can pick out the positive aspects of various role models and apply them to our own lives.
In choosing examples and role models, we must be wise and critical. Don't just follow trends or popularity, but consider whether the person's values and principles are in line with what we believe in. Thus, we can choose role models that truly help us grow as better individuals.
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kimsabu 7 months
Let's protect our generation from bullying together
Bullying is a serious issue that can have a devastating impact on our youth. It's not just a common problem at school or online; it's a mental and emotional health challenge that can have a long-term impact on victims of bullying.
It is important that we all come together to safeguard our generation from bullying. This is not only the responsibility of schools or authorities, but also our responsibility as individuals and community members. Here are some reasons why this is so important:
1. Mental Health: Bullying can result in mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide. Protecting our generation from these traumatic experiences is our collective duty.
2. Safe Environment: All children have the right to feel safe at school, online and around their friends. We must create an environment that is supportive and free from bullying.
3. Effective Learning: Children who are victims of bullying often struggle to concentrate and learn well at school. Reducing bullying helps create a more effective learning environment.
4. Character Building: Teaching children to respect each other and behave well is an important part of their character building. These are valuable lessons that will help them become good adults.
5. Better Generation: By avoiding bullying, we help shape a generation that is kinder, more tolerant, and more caring towards others. This is an investment in the future of our society.
So, let's play our part in protecting our generation from bullying. Let's be role models of good behavior and teach our children to do the same. With collective action and heightened awareness, we can create a safer and kinder world for our children.
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kimsabu 7 months
"Moving, bye-bye!"
Just finished watching Moving. Always made me cry with Ganghoon and his idiot father. All parents will do anything to protect their children. Very touching until the ending. The best drama this year. Thank you for filling our Wednesday with heroism, thank you for taking us to the sky. Waiting for the second season of Moving drama.
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kimsabu 8 months
Life is like an onion, my friends. It is always whipped, sliced, and sometimes cooked in the trials of life. But, have you ever seen an onion cry? Of course not. What cries are the hands that try to cut it.
The message behind this is that in life, we often experience trials and tribulations. However, we need to be strong and steadfast, not only to survive, but also to grow. Like the onion that never cries, we too should go through this journey without complaining or giving up.
We must learn from every experience, be it painful or challenging. After all, when we see someone trying to hurt us, it is an opportunity for us to become better and stronger. We should not get stuck in pain or anger, but rather we should grow from it.
So, let's live like a strong and steadfast onion. Don't let trials or difficulties make us cry. Instead, let it be a step towards greater growth and wisdom in our lives.
*) The Longing Room, Monday, September 18, 2023
**) Monday spirit, work, work, work, work, work, work, earn money to eat!
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kimsabu 8 months
Longing on Friday
On Fridays, longing comes together, like the morning dew, fresh and radiant. My heart clings to old memories, you and me, in the embrace of eternal love.
Time goes by, days change, but this longing is still present in the heart. Beautiful Friday, may the day come soon when we are reunited again, in a loving embrace.
*) The Longing Room, September 15, 2023
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kimsabu 8 months
Again the latest episode is moving more and more thumbs up. I can't wait for next Wednesday. Very curious what will happen to supernatural humans and their children in South Korea. North Korea began to attack them, many became words. Oh my!
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kimsabu 8 months
Happily Engulfed in Flames
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In the dark night, flames rule the space,
Profound sorrow, the heart feels the ache.
A home once filled with tales and cherished trace,
Now consumed by fire, in fervent blaze it breaks.
People flee, panic-stricken, in search of a place,
No time to stumble, precious possessions erased.
Black smoke cloaks the quiet night's embrace,
Destruction rampant, grief within hearts encased.
Yet in the depth of sorrow, strength unites the race,
Holding hands, facing the darkest night's face.
We'll rise again, rebuild the burned-down base,
In togetherness, finding light in the profound space.
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kimsabu 8 months
Writing Improves Emotional Intelligence
Writing has an incredible ability to heal on an emotional level. Both personally and in observing many of my students, I've witnessed the significant benefits of this activity. The evidence lies in the positive transformations that are seen in myself and my students after engaging in writing.
When we write, we provide ourselves with a channel to express and process emotions that can sometimes be too complex to convey verbally. I have experienced a profound sense of calm after writing about my feelings or the issues I've faced. Similarly, my students often report feeling a sense of relief after writing about their personal experiences. This is strong evidence that writing allows us to release emotional pressure that we may be carrying.
Furthermore, writing offers us an opportunity for reflection and a better understanding of ourselves. It helps us to solve problems, navigate internal conflicts, and ultimately achieve a deeper self-awareness. When my students engage in reflective writing exercises, they often express that it helps them feel more at ease and better prepared to face any emotional challenges that may arise.
So, based on personal experience and observations of my students, I believe that writing is a highly effective tool for healing on an emotional level. It helps us alleviate stress, reflect on life, and ultimately become better equipped to handle the emotional challenges we encounter.
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kimsabu 8 months
Oh my God, episode 14 of moving made me not stop shedding tears. The episode of The Fool really teaches us about loving children. Can't wait for next Wednesday's episode, because it has entered the battle of parents and children against the villains.
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kimsabu 8 months
My Love is a Flowering Cactus
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My love is like a cactus, it grows in the dry sands,
Amidst life's hardness, it blooms gracefully.
Its sturdy thorns protect it, just like our story,
But its beautiful flowers, they blossom in the warmth of the heart.
My love's cactus, never fading despite the scorching sun,
Just like us, united in sincere love.
In the desert of life, we are the refreshing oasis,
The beautiful flowers of our love, blooming amidst hardships.
In every thorn and blossoming flower,
My love for you will never fade or vanish.
Like a strong cactus, our love is eternal,
Beautiful, priceless, in the midst of this harsh world.
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kimsabu 8 months
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Love, like an internet tower amidst trees and mountains,
Connects souls in an unparalleled weave.
Towering high, unwavering, as far as the eye can see,
Illuminating the dark, presenting an infinite world.
The trees and mountains, symbols of steadfastness and challenges,
Cannot obstruct the love that dwells in the heart.
Just like an unbroken signal at the heights,
Love knows no distance, stretching as far as the sunrise.
As time goes by, the tower of love continues to stand tall,
Illuminating life with an everlasting and un-fading light.
Love, like an internet tower, boundless and ever-connected,
Binds hearts in endless tales, eternal and beloved.
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