Okay so I lost my virginity and had sex a few times after but with the same person, I regret it because I've always wanted to wait until marriage... I've seen a few post of yours where people ask you similar question, if you don't mind me asking... are you celibate and waiting until marriage? Or are you a virgin waiting until marriage? If your are the first one, can you tell me how your dealing with it, I'm not talking about the urge, but more so the guilt and forgiving yourself.
I’m celibate because that’s the stage I am at in my life, focusing on myself, all else is but a distraction. I never felt guilty for having sex, I’m not religious so I don’t associate sex with shame. I was in a relationship during the process, I’ve never had one night stands, nor do I intend on doing. Sex isn’t taken that seriously in England in terms of guilt and shame, it’s considered normal to have sex or not. I don’t regret it because I think it was necessary for my psychological maturity, it’s a fact that losing ones virginity is a necessary process in psychological development into womanhood (I learnt that in the book “She”) I wouldn’t be emotionally mature as I am now, giving you all sound advice, if I didn’t go through the process. I know it’s a difficult subject if one is religious, it’s of course emphasised how important it is to wait till marriage, but I’m going to be honest with you most of the people I know who were of religion (whether Christian or Muslim) lost the virginity at the same time as everyone else did, so psychology does prove to have a point. It also may help to remember people use to get married at a much younger age than they do now, even in the bible the wives are usually only very young (14-16 - Virgin Mary herself was only 16 when she became pregnant) obviously that’s not necessary now because we live to much older. However my point is the body has always sexually developed around the same age, and I don’t think nature does that by accident. Now of course I’m not saying go wild and have sex🙄I’m just saying there’s no point feeling guilty about something that’s already happened, most likely due to a natural psychological development.
I’ve been celibate for a while now, so it’s very hard to see myself sexually, thus I feel no shame in being a human with natural reproductive urges, it would be concerning if you don’t have them. It was obviously a psychological process you needed to go through, to initiate you into womanhood, I’m sorry it didn’t match your belief system, but I mean who doesn’t contradict their own belief system? Like really? Is that not what life is? One big contradiction. At some point we need to develop from the naive innocent mindset, it just happened to be your time, because naivety is extremely dangerous once you go out into the real world, you need to learn how to protect your vulnerability. I’m celibate because I chose to devote myself to myself and God, however just because someone is virgin doesn’t mean those are their reason for not having sex, I know plenty of virgins who want to have sex but just haven’t had the right opportunity yet, so it doesn’t necessary make someone morally better because their a virgin. Which is better honestly? Having sex, learning from the experience and faults, then becoming celibate after learning from ones mistakes, and consciously by ones own will devoting oneself to God. Or being a virgin who desires to have sex, but doesn’t out of fear of a belief system imposed on them, yet still resents the belief system and feels shame in regards to ones own self because regardless ones going to have sexual urges virgin or not.
I don’t know what the obsession is with you guys and my celibacy man😂Please can we stop with the celibacy questions now, thanks to @melissahypolite telling my mother and sister my replies to these questions, it is now topic of common discussion in my house hold, me and my precious celibacy🙃
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tell me about your biggest fears?
I don’t really have any big fears, no permanent fears at least. I’ve never been able to understand how people are scared of spiders, or the dark etc. However I’ll tell you something that does scare me! Human nature! Human nature scares me. I just don’t get how people watch disgustingly violent films and get enjoyment out of it, like they thoroughly enjoy watching people be killed in the most violent way possible, that something I find terribly unnerving. I’m not afraid of scary films at all, but I refuse to watch them out of the disgust at the fact that some sick weirdo is enjoying it. Like honestly there is some disturbing films out there that people enjoy watching, one person I once knew (not anymore), spent 2hours watching a popular film about two guys in a jail cell being forced to eat their own shit, like who would want to watch that?!! That scares me, human psychological nature and the things they desire scares me.
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I'm sixteen and it's natural for me to analyze myself so deeply. It's more of a habit. I've always been an introspective type of person. That's a bad thing?
Not necessarily if you’re a person who belongs to a category of detachment, but due to hormones 16 year olds tend to be more emotional, and nothing good comes from letting the emotions rule the mind. You see the thing is with self-analysis is it requires isolation, and I don’t think it’s healthy for anyone of such young age to be locked up in isolation. Especially considering at such a age one should be naturally developing their social skills and abilities, learning to converse with other persons, it is said by a psychologist that up till the age of 17 one should be developing their extrovert qualities. Don’t mentally isolate yourself, get out and enjoy your youth 🌹
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What are your top 5 favorite books and how have they enhanced your knowledge?
I don’t really have favourite books because I’ve read so many (over 100), I can give you book names in relation to specific categories (spiritual, self-help, philosophy, poetry, novels, romance, astrology) I think all books enhance you knowledge, the ability to learn is in the person not the teaching, I’ve learnt things from books I don’t like. If you are naturally intellectually inclined any book you read will provide you knowledge because you have the inherit ability to observe and analyse not just the words but the spaces in between. All books educate you in some way just not the same as others. The Interior Castle taught me the profound importance of humility, The Power of Now taught me how to live in the moment, Socrates taught me my own inner-wisdom, Liz Greene taught me astrology which is a wealth of knowledge in itself, The Kybalion taught me about the Laws, Don’t let anything dull your sparkle gave me insight into why people are the way they are, You can heal your life taught me the power of positive thinking, The Secret teaches you the art of manifesting, ‘She’ taught me about myself as a woman (feminine energy), 'He’ taught me about my own animus, The Monk who sold his Ferrari taught me the importance of self-discipline, The richest man in Babylon taught me the wisdom in relation to money, poetry taught me how to express my soul, change your life in 7 days taught me the key tips for life, I can make you thin taught me the importance of health, The lost teachings of Atlantis taught me about the importance of my own existence as well as everyone else’s, The shack helped my relationship with God…as you can see the list is endless, and it would only be limiting to have a top 5, no book is more knowledgable than the other, it’s just certain books provide you knowledge you need to know at a certain point in your growth.
I would start by evaluating where you are in your life in terms of growth, where you want to go and what you still need to learn, pick a book that you think would be suitable and that will be the book that will provide you the knowledge you need. Trust me don’t buy books because someone else is reading it. If you want to learn to love yourself you buy books in relation to that, if you want to be more responsible financially you buy books that help you in that section, that’s what I do, I think what do I need to develop now? My financial maturity, okay let me search books in relation to that and read the descriptions on amazon and choose the book I think is right for me. Your own intuition will always bring you to the book you need to read, trust it, any book that was recommended I ended up thinking it was dull and gave it away. Just read the descriptions and if you think you’ll like it, get it, who cares if it’s knowledgable or not, a knowledgable person can turn any piece of information into knowledge, I do it all the time for example with Beauty and The Beast I gave an analysis on how it’s actually about alchemy. You have the ability to enhance your knowledge by knowing your own mind and what your life needs right now ❤️
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Smh Happy Birthday & R.I.P to Philando Castile 🎈🙏😔
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You know when you breathe oxygen?
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Remember Tomi Lahren? 
The 23 year old right wing republican nut job that claimed Beyoncé’s Super Bowl performance was “prejudice against cops” and “racist”? The same one that argued the MURDER of Alton Scott was warranted? Well tonight thanks to Black Twitter’s “@Yauniexo” (click her name to follow on twitter), she was exposed and it is VERY INTERESTING to say the least. She ended her exposé by posting Tomi’s parents SD address! I chose not to include that tweet for legal reasons. 
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Michael Brown Jr. (May 20, 1996 – August 9, 2014)
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The essence of love and compassion is understanding, the ability to recognize the physical, material, and psychological suffering of others, to put ourselves “inside the skin” of the other. We “go inside” their body, feelings, and mental formations, and witness for ourselves their suffering. Shallow observation as an outsider is not enough to see their suffering. We must become one with the subject of our observation. When we are in contact with another’s suffering, a feeling of compassion is born in us. Compassion means, literally, “to suffer with.
Thich Nhat Hanh (via purplebuddhaproject)
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“people look at their phones 2 much in public places!” 
u have no idea what that person is looking at it may very well be their dissertation, the last letter they got from their grandma, or a book that’s too big to carry. who care that they wanna look at insta more than at u
people used to be bored/self-isolating in public w/newspapers + books don’t act like we were all chatty + friendly before the internet
ppl w/anxiety find it comforting and this generation has the highest rate of anxiety on record
on that note, phones are transitional objects, which means that they function as a comfort device (a piece of “home” in an unfamiliar place)
go touch a soft animal and calm down 
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