kilielweek · 2 years
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Tolkien Gen Week: July 4-10, 2022
Hello and welcome to Tolkien Gen Week!
This is a week to appreciate all of the incredible characters and relationships within Tolkien’s legendarium that fall under the broad category of “gen.” There is a great wealth of wonderful gen content in the Tolkien fandom, but those creations are not always the most visible because of the shipping-focused nature of fandom at large. This week is an effort to give them the appreciation they deserve.
Tolkien Gen Week began in 2018 and occurred again in 2020 and 2021, and we’re back for more from July 4-10, 2022!
Any content and creations are welcome as long as it is non-romantic and non-sexual! You can create edits, gifs, fanart, fanfic, fanmixes, and more! Please tag your posts with #tolkiengenweek AND @ mention this blog @tolkiengenweek​ so they can be easily found. If your submission turns into a long post, please put what you can beneath a “Keep reading” divider.
Below are some prompts for each day of the week. They are not mandatory, but they are here to inspire you. This page will lead to an explanation for each one. This year, we are expanding the number of prompts per day from one to three!
DAY ONE: Family ● Mentorships ● Community DAY TWO: Friendship ● Animals ● Group Dynamic DAY THREE: Gray Spaces ● Enemies and Rivalries ● Fealty DAY FOUR: Solo ● Work and Craft ● Language DAY FIVE: Culture ● Diversity ● Traditions DAY SIX: Environment ● Places ● Objects and Symbols DAY SEVEN: Freeform
This event is being organized by @arofili. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to message this blog or my main.
For further clarification, check out our about, FAQ, code of conduct, and prompts pages! Happy creating!!
Mobile links are accessible here.
Art in the promo banner is by @matrose​.
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kilielweek · 2 years
Did you pick up Tolkien or join the Tolkien fandom because of the films?
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"Fandom Voices" is a sub-project of our Cultus Dispatches column, a monthly column about Tolkien fandom cultures and history, where we invite Tolkien fans to share their experiences around a topic. As we continue to explore the impact of the two Jackson film trilogies on the Tolkien fandom, we are looking for "film-first fans" who would be willing to share their experiences with joining the Tolkien fandom in part or entirely due to the films.
Note that we are defining "film-first" very loosely. Did you pick up Tolkien's books because of the films? Did you join the Tolkien fandom because of the films? Maybe you'd read the books but never felt like you wanted to be part of fandom (or never knew fandom existed!) until the films came out. You count too!
Responses will be published on the SWG site, and some will be selected for an upcoming article based this project. You are welcome to respond with as few or as many words as you'd like, and you can remain anonymous if you prefer.
If you'd like to share your experiences of joining fandom during the films, you can find the response form here.
While we are a Silmarillion fanfiction group, all Tolkien fans who participate in Tolkien fandom in all ways are welcome. Please signal boost to other fans and fandom groups, as we want diverse fans to respond.
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kilielweek · 2 years
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Aspec Arda Week starts tomorrow, May 9!
Hello and welcome to Aspec Arda Week!
This is a week-long event to celebrate the interaction of the asexual and aromantic-spectrums and Tolkien’s Legendarium of Arda. Though these experiences are not explicit within Tolkien’s work, many fans across the a-spectrum see themselves in Arda, and we are here to appreciate any and all interpretation of characters, relationships, and events through an aspec lens.
Any content about the a-spectrum in Arda is welcome! You can create edits, gifs, fanart, fanfic, fanmixes, and more! This event will run from May 9-15, 2022! Please tag your posts with #aspecardaweek AND @ mention this blog @aspecardaweek​ so they can be easily found. If your submission turns into a long post, please put what you can beneath a “Keep reading” divider.
Below are some prompts for each day of the week. They are not mandatory, but they are here to inspire you. This page will lead to an explanation for each one. The first prompt is the “main” prompt, but this year we are also providing more open-ended secondary prompts.
DAY ONE: Asexuality || Discovery, Confusion, Education DAY TWO: Aromanticism || Acceptance, Loneliness, Pride DAY THREE: Across the A-Spectrum || Hope, Complexity, Diversity DAY FOUR: Worldbuilding || Community, Change, Family DAY FIVE: Relationships || Companionship, Intimacy, Queerplatonic DAY SIX: Intersectionality || Connection, Relief, Friendship DAY SEVEN: Freeform || Love, Vulnerability, Identity
This event is being organized by @arofili​. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to message this blog or my main.
For further clarification, check out our about, FAQ, code of conduct, and prompts pages! Happy creating!!
Mobile links are accessible here.
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kilielweek · 2 years
TRSB2022: Welcome + Schedule
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Hello hello, TRSB-ers!
We hope 2022 is treating you kindly so far.  Here at TRSB Mod HQ we have started work on this year’s event, and there are a couple of things we would like to share.
First of all, please welcome the lovely @gratuacuun​ to our mod team!  That’s right, there are six of us now.  Your other event mods are @joyfullynervouscreator​ (AKA Raiyana), @lathalea​, @naryaflame​, @ettelene​ and @hauntedsiriel-blog​ (AKA Findekàniel).
Secondly, please find below our dates for 2022:
1st April - suggestions spreadsheet opens
15th April - sign ups open
8th May - artist sign ups close
15th May - art drafts due
20th May - gallery open
22nd May - author sign ups close
29th May - claims
(***TBA - additional claims***)
5th June - post claims check in
12th June - final art due from artists who chose the “free rein” collaboration option
26th June - check in #2
31st July - check in #3
7th August - final art due from all other artists
14th August - final check in / deadline to abandon your fic to a pinch hitter
4th September - fics due in collection
9th September - reveals
12th September - staggered Tumblr reblogs begin
Please note that these dates are not all on the same day of the week!  For example, fics are due on a Sunday, so people have the full weekend to write, but then revealed on a Friday, giving the whole weekend to read.
Hope that’s got you excited…keep an eye on the blog for more announcements over the coming weeks, and don’t forget that as per our previous posts, in the current year we will only be accepting two submissions per artist, in order to keep numbers manageable.
xoxo, the TRSB Mod Team
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kilielweek · 2 years
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Have you ever wished there was a comprehensive, easy access resource of Every Tolkien Character Ever? Look no further! Now presenting:
The Tolkien Legendarium Characters Masterdoc!
compiled by @arofili, @ambrorussa aka @welcometolotr, @jaz-the-bard, and @fingons-rad-harp, this spreadsheet contains - to the best of our ability - ALL 1100+ characters that Tolkien incorporated into (or considered for) his Legendarium! this resource is open to the public for perusal and use in your fan projects of all kinds, though its creators are fanfiction writers and we organized the doc with our craft in mind.
we have organized this database by character race/species and Age. each character has attached information on their name(s), cultural/familial affiliation(s), life dates (when known), associated places, textual source, Ages/timeframe of activity, gender, relative canonicity, and brief pertinent information - as well as a link to their page on Tolkien Gateway (our main source) where you can continue your research on any character you choose.
characters of ALL levels of canonicity are represented in this sheet. that includes the wacky, wild stuff from the Book of Lost Tales, as well as Frodo himself! our designations of “how canon” a character is are inherently subjective, and you are free to disagree with our rankings; with this categorization we hoped to give people an idea of what to expect upon exploring the characters yourselves. please consult our Key for information on how we made these decisions. this document is a jumping-off point for your own research!
if there’s something you’d like to sort for that we didn’t provide, you are free to make a copy and reorganize the spreadsheet however you would like. (however, we do ask that you only redistribute the original sheet.)
this sheet includes characters from every text written by Tolkien that we could find information about on Tolkien Gateway. we are only human, and are thus likely to have made some mistakes or missed some characters - if you think that’s the case, please let us know so we can update the document!
if you think there is a character missing, or you would like something added/redacted/altered, contact the sheet owner @arofili on tumblr or annaquenta#6263 on discord and we will consider your request.
in addition to Tolkien’s own characters, we have included some characters who only appeared in Peter Jackson’s film trilogy adaptations. we are open to including characters from other adaptations, but we weren’t familiar enough with those to add them to the document. if you desperately want to see an adaptation-only character in the document, let us know!
we hope this resource is helpful for Tolkien fans of all kinds in learning more about his characters both weird and wonderful! happy headcanoning!
LINK TO THE DOCUMENT: tinyurl.com/TolkMasterDoc
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kilielweek · 2 years
week-long fandom events: some tips from a pro
a while ago someone asked for advice for running week-long fandom events, and I thought my thoughts might be useful for other people too!
disclaimer: I am NOT actually a pro, that was just a catchy turn of phrase, lol. however I have run several events for several years, and I’d love to share some of my tips and tricks!
these are tips for tumblr-based events; if you’re running your event on a different site or on multiple sites, this might not be the most applicable to you.
some of these points will also be useful for events outside of the week-long structure, but some will be specific to that structure, as it is the one I am most familiar with!
here we go:
it’s really nice to have an event sideblog to organize things; the events I’ve seen that run on people’s main blogs are a little more confusing / hard to promote & follow
make sure you know the most popular tags in your fandom and get your promo posts into those tags! especially for first time events, tag blogs with lots of followers / influence and/or DM them and ask for them to boost the event, even if they’re not participating
visual banners will draw in more eyes than posts that are just plain text, so try adding a header to your promo posts
give people enough time to prep for the event. I usually make the first announcement about 2 months before the event, and then schedule regular reminder posts as I get closer to the event. I make a reminder post 1 month out, 1 week out, and 1 day before, and then make sure I’m posting something every day of the event (at least) - the queue function is extremely useful for this, so you don’t forget to post!
themes for each day give people something to plan around / inspire them, I definitely recommend them. I usually just have one theme per day, but I’ve also seen events that give different themes for different mediums, or a list of themes each day that creators can pick from
have a pinned post with links to important information! this includes prompts, rules, FAQs, a link to an AO3 collection, etc. since blog pages are not accessible on the mobile app, it might be useful to also have post versions of any pages you make, and link to those in your pinned post.
when it comes to FAQs & etc, feel free to look at the pages on any of my event blogs (listed at the bottom of this post) and borrow concepts/phrasing from those if it’s helpful for you. if you do this PLEASE credit me, but you are welcome to do so
off-site promos might not be the most wide-reaching, but Discord especially is a good place to draw attention to your event for people who don’t track tumblr tags. I know I also post links to my promo posts on Twitter, and I usually catch a couple people there who are like “oh I didn’t know that was happening, cool!”
track your event tag AND frequently check your event blog’s activity - tumblr is rotten about notifications, so it’s important to keep an eye on things and make sure you’re not missing any submissions!
reblog every submission to your event to the event blog. this is why the blog is there! this is how you can bost the content for your event and help other people find it! I recommend tagging those reblogs for organization with at least the url of the OP; I will also tag for relevant characters, sometimes relevant ships, and the medium of the post (art, fic, etc), and sometimes which prompt the submission was inspired by. also, I find it useful to tag which year the event takes place so you can track your event’s growth over time.
finally, make sure to participate in your own event; it doesn’t have to be every day, but I think it’s a little weird if you aren’t creating content yourself, even if it’s “just” a text post with headcanons or something!
these are all just things I like to do in organizing my events; there are other ways to run things, and you’ll figure out your own system as you go on, but I hope this gives you a starting ground!
if anyone has any questions about running an event, I’m happy to give you further advice! send me an ask or a DM with any questions :)
AND check out my event blogs: @finweanladiesweek​ @tolkiengenweek​ @aspecardaweek​ @kilielweek​
happy event planning!
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kilielweek · 3 years
Sign-ups for Tolkien Secret Santa 2021 are officially open!
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We are so pleased to welcome all of you to the 5th anniversary edition of the  Tolkien Secret Santa!
This year marks five wonderful years since the TSS began, and we hope that it shall prove to be an exchange of special magnificence. Sign ups are officially open and we can’t wait to get you paired up and making your gifts! 
Before signing up, make sure you have thoroughly read our Guide, which is full of lots of information about how to sign up, how to post, guidance on the different kinds of gifts you can make, and important information about late gifts, dropouts, and penalties. Once you’re all set, head over to the Join page to sign your preferences on to our handy dandy Google Form.
Signups close November 20th at 23:59 UTC+0 and assignments will be sent out November 24th by 23:59 UTC+0. Last day for dropouts is December 14th by 23:59 UTC+0. Reveals are on December 24th at 11:00 UTC+0.
(If you are on mobile and the links aren’t working, check out the links in this post!)
The return of the Tolkien Secret Santa Advent Calendar
We’re happy to share that the Advent Calendar companion event will be returning in 2021! Signups occur concurrently with the usual Secret Santa signups, but close earlier (November 11th at 23:59 UTC+0). Check out the special Advent Calendar section (also linked in the Guide) for more information.
Live gift-making events
To celebrate this special anniversary, the mod team will be running some live gift-making events during December, hosted on a designated Discord server. During these live events, you’ll have the opportunity to work on your gift alongside other participants. You can use the space for motivation, accountability, inspiration, and having fun with your fellow Tolkien fans! We will share more information on how these events will work closer to December.
We hope you’ll join us for the main exchange and consider signing up to contribute to the Advent Calendar, and we hope to see you at one of the live events as well! It’s wonderful to be welcoming so many people back - and if this is your first time joining the TSS, we’re here with mugs of hot cocoa, lots of good company, and a chair for you by the fire…
Welcome to Tolkien Secret Santa 2021!
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kilielweek · 3 years
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Tolkien Gen Week starts tomorrow, July 5!
Hello and welcome to Tolkien Gen Week!
This is a week to appreciate all of the incredible characters and relationships within Tolkien’s legendarium that fall under the broad category of “gen”. Gen content is often less visible because of the shipping-focused nature of fandom, but Tolkien’s works are full of other kinds of stories, and this week is an effort to give them the appreciation they deserve.
The first Tolkien Gen Week ran from January 14-20, 2018 and was rebooted in 2020 in the week of July 6-12. We are back again for a third time from July 5-11, 2021!
Any content and creations are welcome as long as it is non-romantic and non-sexual! You can create edits, gifs, fanart, fanfic, fanmixes, and more! Please tag your posts with #tolkiengenweek AND @ mention this blog @tolkiengenweek so they can be easily found. If your submission turns into a long post, please put what you can beneath a “Keep reading” divider.
Below are some prompts for each day of the week. They are not mandatory, but they are here to inspire you. This page will lead to an explanation for each one.
DAY ONE: Family DAY TWO: Friendship DAY THREE: Gray Spaces DAY FOUR: Solo DAY FIVE: Culture DAY SIX: Environment DAY SEVEN: Freefrom
This event is being organized by @arofili. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to message this blog or my main.
For further clarification, check out our about, FAQ, code of conduct, and prompts pages! Happy creating!!
Mobile links are accessible here.
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kilielweek · 3 years
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Tolkien Gen Week: July 5-11, 2021
Hello and welcome to Tolkien Gen Week!
This is a week to appreciate all of the incredible characters and relationships within Tolkien’s legendarium that fall under the broad category of “gen”. Gen content is often less visible because of the shipping-focused nature of fandom, but Tolkien’s works are full of other kinds of stories, and this week is an effort to give them the appreciation they deserve.
The first Tolkien Gen Week ran from January 14-20, 2018 and was rebooted in 2020 in the week of July 6-12. We are back again for a third time from July 5-11, 2021!
Any content and creations are welcome as long as it is non-romantic and non-sexual! You can create edits, gifs, fanart, fanfic, fanmixes, and more! Please tag your posts with #tolkiengenweek AND @ mention this blog @tolkiengenweek so they can be easily found. If your submission turns into a long post, please put what you can beneath a “Keep reading” divider.
Below are some prompts for each day of the week. They are not mandatory, but they are here to inspire you. This page will lead to an explanation for each one.
DAY ONE: Family DAY TWO: Friendship DAY THREE: Gray Spaces DAY FOUR: Solo DAY FIVE: Culture DAY SIX: Environment DAY SEVEN: Freefrom
This event is being organized by @arofili. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to message this blog or my main.
For further clarification, check out our about, FAQ, code of conduct, and prompts pages! Happy creating!!
Mobile links are accessible here.
Art in the promo banner by Ted Nasmith.
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kilielweek · 3 years
Tolkien OC Week: a fandom event for OCs and underdeveloped characters in Tolkien's world!
This blog celebrates both characters of Tolkien’s world and our own characters that need more love, by creating and reblogging all kind of fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fanvideos, fancrafts, headcanons, playlists, edits, moodboards etc. NSFW text entries are allowed and we’ll tag them accordingly when we reblog them, but please put them behind a “read more”.
We’re tracking the tag tolkienocweek!
The event is modded by @niphredilien, @elamarth-calmagol and @stormxpadme and will take place between 26th July - 1st August 2021 for the first time.
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The event schedule for 2021:
Day 1 (26th July): Shipping - create a piece of fanwork about an OC that you ship with a canon character.
Day 2 (27th July): Family members - create a piece of fanwork about a character who fills a gap left in a family tree (e.g., Legolas’ mother, Maglor’s spouse, Aragorn and Arwen’s younger children).
Day 3 (28th July): Background characters - create a piece of fanwork about a character who is in the background of canon scenes and is either never mentioned or barely mentioned in the story (e.g., an extra from Laketown, a Teler defending their ships during the First Kinslaying, the Haradric man that Sam sees die) and show their view of the events.
Day 4 (29th July): Self insert/reader insert - create a piece of fanwork that includes yourself being in Middle Earth, or write a reader insert story.
Day 5 (30th July): Worldbuilding - create a piece of fanwork about a character who lives in a different place or time from the main canonical events (e.g., a character from Rhûn, a character who stays in Valinor after the Darkening, a character living in Gondor when the kings were still ruling etc.) and flesh out their world.
Day 6 (31th July): Forgotten characters - take a character who is neglected (e.g. Bob and Nob in Bree, Eärwen) or abandoned by Tolkien (e.g. Trotter the hobbit) and make them your own by creating a piece of fanwork about them. Or, completely redesign a canon character to make them yours (e.g., Gil-Galad becoming Fin-Galad).
Day 7 (1st August): Freeform - create a piece of fanwork about whatever resonates with you.
******************************************* ******************************************* We are looking forward to see and share all the awesome work you come up with.
Since we want to celebrate creations about neglected characters all year long, the mods will occasionally reblog posts and fancreations about OCs and underdeveloped characters. If you would like to see your post on our blog, you’re very welcome to tag tolkienocweek. Since tumblr’s tagging system is often being faulty, don’t hesitate to message us, too!
Let’s get creative!
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kilielweek · 3 years
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Aspec Arda Week starts tomorrow, May 3!
May 3-9, 2021
Hello and welcome to Aspec Arda Week!
This is a week-long event to celebrate the interaction of the asexual and aromantic-spectrums and Tolkien’s Legendarium of Arda. Though these experiences are not explicit within Tolkien’s work, many fans across the a-spectrum see themselves in Arda, and we are here to appreciate any and all interpretation of characters, relationships, and events through an aspec lens.
Any content about the a-spectrum in Arda is welcome! You can create edits, gifs, fanart, fanfic, fanmixes, and more! This event will run from May 3-9, 2021! Please tag your posts with #aspecardaweek AND @ mention this blog @aspecardaweek​ so they can be easily found. If your submission turns into a long post, please put what you can beneath a “Keep reading” divider.
Below are some prompts for each day of the week. They are not mandatory, but they are here to inspire you. This page will lead to an explanation for each one, and also includes a list of more open-ended creative prompts unconnected to the main themes of each day.
DAY ONE: Asexuality DAY TWO: Aromanticism DAY THREE: Across the A-Spectrum DAY FOUR: Worldbuilding DAY FIVE: Relationships DAY SIX: Intersectionality DAY SEVEN: Freeform
This event is being organized by @arofili. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to message this blog or my main.
For further clarification, check out our about, FAQ, code of conduct, and prompts pages! Happy creating!!
Mobile links are accessible here.
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kilielweek · 3 years
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@kilielweek​​ day six: Alternate Universes & Headcanons; Everyone in Middle-Earth is Brown [54/?]: Kiliel x Pokémon 
Everybody wants to make a statement, Everybody needs to carve their mark, To stand alone in the victory circle, Stake their claim when the music starts.
Give it all you’ve got, You can be the very best ever, Take your best shot, And what you’ll learn will come together.
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kilielweek · 3 years
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✨ Kiliel Week  //  Day Seven ✨
Freeform |  Art  @kilielweek
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kilielweek · 3 years
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✨ Kiliel Week  //  Day Seven ✨
Freeform |  Touch  @kilielweek
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kilielweek · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies) Characters: Kíli (Tolkien), Tauriel (Hobbit Movies) Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Misunderstandings, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies Summary:
Five misunderstandings of varying degrees, and, after everything is over, a moment of complete understanding.
Written for @kilielweek and posted on day 7, “freeform”, because it’s different in form from the other stuff I’ve done for this week, and…I can’t think of another double-drabble. :D
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kilielweek · 3 years
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@kilielweek​​ day seven: Freeform (insp.);Everyone in Middle-Earth is Brown [53/?]: 
  A whole new world,   A dazzling place I never knew,   But when I’m way up here,   It’s crystal clear,   That now I’m in a whole new world with you,   Now I’m in a whole new world with you.
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kilielweek · 3 years
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@kilielweek day seven ☆ freeform ☆ the children of kíli and tauriel
          ÁSA is the eldest child of Kíli and Tauriel. She is a quiet person who prefers her own company and that of her books, but she is fiercely protective of her younger siblings and unafraid to stand up for herself. She is a close counselor of her uncle King Fíli and writes many of his speeches. Ása is also known as GILORNETH, and it is under this name that she publishes her historical treatises, which have the honor of being hotly debated among the scholars of Rivendell.
          Kíli and Tauriel’s second child is BRENNA. Though her name signifies “sword,” she favors the bow as do her parents, and is often in their company on hunting trips. Brenna is a bold, outgoing woman, quick to laugh but also quick to anger. When visiting her mother’s home realm of Greenwood, she goes by the name MAETHORIEL and joins the Guard and her uncle-figure Legolas in their efforts to drive out the giant spiders.
          SOLVI is the third daughter of Kíli and Tauriel and renowned for her skill with animals. Her elvish heritage allows her to speak with them as she might a friend, and her dwarvish ancestry gives her a special connection with the birds of Erebor. Solvi is the master of the King’s Letters, training ravens to carry messages, thrushes to communicate in code, and owls to keep the night watch. Her constant companion is the owl Celevral, who knows her by her elvish name of BELLASIEL.
          The youngest child and only son of Kíli and Tauriel is known primarily by his Sindarin name GONDRENOR. He was trained in masonry by the most talented craftsdwarves of Erebor and befriended his father’s cousin Gimli, and was among the dwarves who joined him in the Glittering Caves of Aglarond after working the stone of Minas Tirith. Gondrenor is also called HALVAR, and endeavours for his name to become as famous as Narvi, the stonemason of old, through his collaboration with both elves and dwarves,
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