keziade · 4 years
Amsal 17:22 (TB)
Hati yang gembira adalah obat yang manjur, tetapi semangat yang patah mengeringkan tulang.
Amsal 13:12 (TB)
Harapan yang tertunda menyedihkan hati, tetapi keinginan yang terpenuhi adalah pohon kehidupan.
A person’s ability to love and connect with others lays the foundation for both psychological and physical health.
― Henry Cloud, Changes That Heal: The Four Shifts That Make Everything Better…And That Everyone Can Do
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keziade · 5 years
hold on steady don't be afraid it will get better in the end just know that you did well
don't lose hope the sun will always shine again after the rain so you can start again
may you never take for granted everything that life has given you this day oh how time will fly away
may you dare to take life's chances don't settle when your fear is taking over lift your eyes and you'll see better
please stop your worries what they think of you won't matter anyway take all your doubts away
so take a courage and go see the world with all its beauty and its pain still love it anyway
cause life is a dance of holding on and letting go and there'll be times when you're not sure which way to go but this you can be sure... that i love you so much
may you never take for granted everything that life has given you this day oh how time will fly away
may you dare to take life's chances don't settle when your fear is taking over lift your eyes and you'll see better
heart be brave your God is stronger than the giant you will face just hold on to His grace
so keep smiling you're my treasure oh i think the world of you and i'll be here for you
cause life is a dance of holding on and letting go and oh there'll be times when you're not sure which way to go but this you can be sure... that i love you so much
"life is a dance of holding on and letting go, those who master the dance will always carry their loved ones within their heart." Sidney Mohede
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keziade · 8 years
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ICCA 2016 I learn many things here.
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keziade · 8 years
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Liburan panjang kali ini cuma bisa ngerasain oleh-oleh dan ngences liat foto-fotonya aja, yah soalnya piket lebaran. Semoga lain waktu bisa ikutan melihat dan menikmati keindahan Indonesia tercinta ini.
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keziade · 8 years
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Just the three of us. We can make it if we try...🎶 well yeah it was me myself and I #shopping #shoptillyoudrop #metime #happyshopping #happytime #friendship #manekin #memyselfandi #xoxo
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keziade · 8 years
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Hari sabtu, 3 hari sebelum Lebaran. Sehabis mencairkan voucher makan di Red Capit. RED CAPIT Resto yang menu andalannya lobster. Paket untuk 6 orang kami habiskan bertiga saja. Karena itu paket lunch tapi kami baru keluar kantor sore, jadilah kami makan sendirian. Syukur Red Capit masih ngizinkan kami makan padahal itu jam break mereka. Tapi seru sih, cuma kami jadi seolah resto memang dibooking buat kami. 😊
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keziade · 8 years
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Bersama belajar. Demi mencapai yg terbaik. Bersama kita bisa. (di CityWalk)
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keziade · 8 years
Kecuali kau berdoa dan menangis untuk nya, kau tidak berhak menghakimi dia.
Pdt. Siringo ringo
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keziade · 8 years
Take Time to Think
Kadang di tengah hiruk pikuk kehidupan ada baiknya kita berhenti sejenak dan melihat kembali apakah kita berada di jalan yang benar atau malah salah arah. Bekerja demi kebutuhan hidup. Terus bekerja.. keras.. kemudian lupa dengan apa yang sebenarnya dibutuhkan dalam hidup. Saat sadar mungkin sudah banyak yang tanpa sadar sudah kita korbankan. Demi hidup. Hidup yang bahkan tidak kita nikmati. Jadi apa guna berlelah lelah?
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