kazzys-wx · 4 months
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Milfxian and his baby
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kazzys-wx · 8 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 4
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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kazzys-wx · 10 months
Wangxian, mer!wwx, dragon!lwj
Merxian who tries to court dragonji by bringing him fish, caught in his jaws. He’s got a big smile on his face, surely this big of a fish will make lwj his husband!
lwj: Is this for me?
wwx: Mhmm! For gege!
lwj: Thank you.
wwx: ….Share?
lwj: You want some?
wwx: Please. 🥺
They’re definitely mates now that the dragon has accepted his fish. Merxian is so happy, especially when lwj cooks the fish for them and merxian can eat his husbands delicious cooking! Merxian wishes he knew how to speak the human tongue better so he could give many more compliments to his mate.
wwx: yummy!!
lwj: You liked it?
wwx: Mhm! Husband is good!
lwj freezes, his jaw dropping open by an inch in shock.
lwj: Husband…?
wwx: My husband! 😍😘🥰
lwj: …Then what are you?
wwx tilts his head to the side cutely. wwx’s face splits into a wide grin, showing off his pointy teeth.
wwx: Husbands wife!
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kazzys-wx · 10 months
wangxian modern au where lwj and wwx are neighbors, and one day when lwj is watering his lawn in the front, wwx comes back from the grocery store and gets so distracted by his hot neighbor in a white t-shirt thats stretching over all his muscles that wwx rams into their trash cans while trying to park in the drive way.
lwj see’s all of this happen.
wwx or course is mortified and ducks his head down, his face on fire from embarrassment. Did he really just do that in front of his hot as shit neighbor!?
Lwj however, thinks it’s amusing seeing his neighbor (that he’s been noticing for some time now) get so embarrassed. Of course, lwj is gonna offer to help him clean up, but first he wants to see wwx all flustered.
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kazzys-wx · 10 months
i wanna write more arranged marriage wangxian. i love writing ones where lwj doesnt wanna be in it… angst is real juicy
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kazzys-wx · 10 months
a/b/o, omega!wwx, alpha!lwj, mpreg, fluff
When they first moved for good to the cottage, wwx and lwj had shared many of the chores. Cooking, cleaning, mending clothes, doing laundry. They had their own respective tasks they liked to do themselves, like wwx and his garden and the farm, and lwj and gathering wood for them and tending to the animals. but over all they shared the work.
That is, until wwx had found out he was pregnant a few weeks after his latest heat.
Now, lwj won’t even let him near the potatoes that are begging to just be harvested!
He’s sat on a plush cushion on their porch, watching as his alpha and husband rolls up his sleeves and plows the fields.
Earlier, the man had been chopping up wood, and had carried a large piece of log easily on his shoulders to go and repair some of the animal pens.
wwx had been so hot and bothered that he had half a mind to demand his alpha drop everything then and there and just take him out in the open.
But! He managed to refrain. Getting to stare at lwj’s biceps flexing was far more enjoyable.
wwx smiles to himself, and smooths a hand over the soft curve of his belly. He’s six months along now, and steadily growing bigger.
“Are you alright?” Comes Lwj’s voice.
wwx looks up, taking in the sweat beading at his husbands forehead, the earthy, musky smell of him. Lwj is a clean man, and wwx never really gets to smell the full force of his alpha musk. But oh, is it delicious like this.
wwx silently beckons him closer and lwj leans down. wwx kisses his sweaty forehead softly, dabbing at his face with a cloth he kept beside him just for this.
“Your omega is just fine,” wwx hums out pleased. “I’ve been relaxing all day, watching my alpha work and flaunt his muscles. How could I not be perfectly fine?”
lwj huffs, a corner of his lip ticking up. “My omega likes what he sees?”
wwx giggles softly, a blush rising to his cheeks. He softly swats at lwjs shoulder. “Speaking like that, I think you really are just trying to flaunt in front of me! Are you becoming a peacock? Trying to impress the omega you want to court, hm?”
Lwj shifts closer, burying his face into the omega’s neck, under his jawline where it connects to his ear. There, the smell of lavender and the new added tinge of milk is strongest.
wwx feels and hears his alpha breathe in deep
Lwj remains quiet, pulling away slightly only to come back closer and brush his lips over the omega’s sensitive neck, scenting him meanwhile.
He places a few kisses, wwx squirming under him and beginning to make breathy little sounds.
“Ah, Lan Zhan, sensitive…!”
“Mm.” Lwj pulls away finally, and he brings a hand up to cup the swell of wwx’s pregnant belly. “You smell good.”
wwx blushes furiously, overcome with so much emotion and love for his husband. “Too much! Ah, my heart can’t take it. When you treat me like that I feel like a lovesick maiden! You’re too much for this frail omega’s heart!”
Lwj huffs laughingly, tucking a piece of hair behind wwx’s ear. “You are a lovesick maiden, and you are anything but frail.”
“…..Then let me harvest the potatoes! I’m dying for them!”
“Aiya! Laaan Zhaaaaan!”
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kazzys-wx · 11 months
wq who is idol omegaxian’s manager, ends up catching alphaji (his bodyguard) and omegaxian making out in one of the recording studios.
wq: ….
wwx: —QING-JIE!
lwj: 😶
wq: Lan Wangji, you’re defiling my idol!?!
lwj: Wen Qing—
wq: How long!?
lwj: …Since I was hired.
wq stares him down, a crazed look on her face. Finally, she jabs a finger in his face, glowering.
wq: If you get him pregnant before his contract is over, it’s /your/ balls on the line.
wwx: Qing-Jie not his balls! We both need those! 😢
lwj: I will… make sure to wear protection.
wwx: Thanks for the cockblock.
wq: Have you been doing it raw!?!
wwx: I’m on birth control!
wq slams the studio’s door in their faces, done with the conversation. If wwx wants to get pregnant, let him!
And then he /does/ get pregnant, 3 weeks later.
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kazzys-wx · 11 months
I feel like I’m gonna get crucified just being here on tumblr lol ….. Twitter better not fuckin implode because of Elon I swear to fuck 😭
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kazzys-wx · 1 year
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hearing these words coming from wwx like
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wwx was so strong throughout every single thing he suffered, but deep down even he wanted someone to save him from it all 😭
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kazzys-wx · 1 year
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Wangxian abo AU
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kazzys-wx · 1 year
am I really gonna have to move to tumblr…. 😂😭😭
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kazzys-wx · 1 year
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I was talking to my friend Cheese (@ganen-cheese) the other day and mentioned that the colors for their Moth!WWX and Wizard!LWJ reminded me of Kirby and Metaknight and Cheese drew Kirby and Metaknight into their beautiful beautiful piece!! I couldn't let them draw Kirby all by themselves though so I decided to join them in drawing silly Kirby themed Wangxian!
It's been over a year since I drew Modern!AU WX and it's an "only two people in this world would be interested in this" collab piece but I had a ton of fun drawing it!! I love Wangxian and Kirby so much!
(The outfits are based on the recent Super Groupies Kirby 30th Anniversary Collaboration collection!)
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kazzys-wx · 1 year
ok so i keep seeing these headcanons about how wen ning has to have blind trust in wwx, or he had to tell jc about the golden core transfer in order for wen ning not to think about how he himself was violated or some other take like that. and i- i just have to put my own interpretation and the actual facts out there.
did we read the same book? like now people are going after wwx and wen ning’s relationship? the one built on actual trust and mutual respect that developed due to the other person showing that they are constantly deserving of this respect and trust? i mean we see wen ning lay down his life for wwx, we see wwx desperate to try to get wen ning and wen qing’s ashes, we see wen ning respond to wwx’s call at dafan when he wasn’t even conscious, we see wwx’s faith that wen ning can take care of song lan, we see how much wen ning is worried about wwx once he finds out about what happened after he and his sister turned themselves in—and people want to diminish their relationship by saying it’s blind faith when their faith in each other is constantly backed up? wen ning was right to believe in wwx because wwx saved his family despite the backlash he received. and once this backlash came, wwx didn’t waver. we see how wwx can so easily depend on wen ning because he knows wen ning’s morals and strength. we see how much wwx hates it when wen ning lowers himself towards wwx. but wen ning still calls wwx wei-gongzi to show his respect because no one else ever does.
there is absolutely no blind faith. the faith is backed up, meaning it isn’t blind. stop trying to make this into an unhealthy relationship.
continuing on…
wen ning has his consciousness back. if he really had a problem with being alive once again he had every single opportunity to take his life. wwx would not have protested this. we know this because wwx is so annoyed when xy calls wen ning a ‘thing.’ wen ning is a person to wwx and wwx respects wen ning way too much to ever try to control his life. why do we know that wwx doesn’t control wen ning’s life? because wwx is perfectly fine with wen ning taking his own path and not staying by his side once the novels end.
we can clearly see that wen ning doesn’t kill himself. wen ning is grateful that he gets to be with his family again. he is grateful to see them safe and protected by the person he put his trust and respect in. wen ning remains by wwx’s side because he cares about him and respects him: ergo the reason as to why he always refers to wwx as gongzi. wen ning decides to stay in the land of the living because he wants to.
now, why did wen ning tell jc about the golden core transfer? it’s simple. jc caused wwx to have a slight qi deviation and tried to whip wwx after wwx fell unconscious. wen ning blocked this strike and told jc about the golden core transfer. he does this to get jc to leave wwx alone bc jc is constantly harassing and hurting wwx.
now. idk about some people. but for me, if i was killed brutally for nothing, if i was killed and was in fear for my loved ones bc they may also be killed, ofc i would want to be brought back to life. living is great. it is certainly more preferable than being dead. being dead is full of uncertainty and it forces you to leave those you care about behind.
when wen ning is resurrected, he not only gets to see his family again and see them safe, he is also able to protect them.
was wen ning’s consent violated? yes. i agree with that. cause how tf could wen ning consent after he had been killed?
but my point still stands that if wen ning truly didn’t want to be alive then he would have said something. wen ning had agency after he was resurrected. he could have done anything after he was resurrected because his life was once again in his hands. in death he didn’t have agency. he now does and he gets to decide if he wants to continue living or if he would rather stay dead.
stop making wen ning’s resurrection seem as if it’s something selfish wwx did. wen ning was dead at this time and no one had ever brought a dead persons consciousness back into their body before. wwx created a miracle for wen ning after devoting hours and hours and hours of effort towards the goal of bringing wen ning back to life.
now connecting this back to jc and the core transfer.
i don’t feel like saying much about this because i’m, quite frankly, sick of people using this to fuel their arguments of ‘morally grey’ wwx or ‘selfish wwx’ or to just simply diminish wwx’s character.
but my personal opinion on it is that jc is an ungrateful purple grape. he was perfectly fine with taking the golden core when he was taking wwx’s last connection to his parents. but only has a problem with his new golden core because his inferiority and superiority complex is popping out and he doesn’t like that WWX is incredibly selfless and giving. he doesn’t like that he was reminded that WWX is an amazing person and he doesn’t like that he’s being forced to acknowledge that he was the one in the wrong for the things he did to wwx. jc is feeling guilty. once again, he doesn’t have an actual problem with the new golden core. he’s just mad because it’s wwx. jc would never give up his golden core voluntarily, especially in the present timeline, because jc would rather die than be ordinary. he’s perfectly happy with having the golden core, it’s just that he was forced to acknowledge that wwx is still better than him. this is literally why he cries in the temple arc. cause he’s pissed that he can no longer make wwx out to be some sort of monster and because he can no longer hold the “debts” wwx “owes” over wwx’s head.
it’s a fanon take that jc would have rather not let wwx do the golden core transfer.
i get that some people may feel off about the lack of informed consent, but i feel like i need to remind everyone that jc was very happy to get a new core and bc jc never complains about the actual core. just that wwx is so selfless and jc hates that wwx is morally good.
thanks for listening to my horribly written ted talk. i am wayyyy to tired to include quotes.
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kazzys-wx · 1 year
I would post more here but I feel like I’ll be sniped by the tumblr gods and puritans 😂
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kazzys-wx · 1 year
I would post more here but tumblrs censorship sucks 😂😂
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kazzys-wx · 1 year
Will there ever be a day I don't forget about WIP Wednesday?  Unlikely.  It's been a hot minute since I posted anything about Precious Like Jade, so here's a piece. (Did y'all know this fic is currently at 88K.) I have no idea if I've posted this part before, so if I have well you're getting it again. lol [For more of this fic, please click the Precious Like Jade tag below.]
(wc:  1.536,  cw:  internalized transphobia)
Opening the door, Wei Ying froze and his heart promptly dropped off a cliff.  His mouth fell open.  He was going to kill Nie Huaisang dead.
“Lan Zhan?” he squeaked, the sound grating at his throat.
It was indeed Lan Zhan standing at the door.  He was dressed in his usual school wear.  Loose trousers and vest in white as usual, shirt a pale pink, ascot diagonally striped.  His hair was in a French braid, not a hair out of place to obstruct his gorgeous face.  His ears were slowly turning very pink, and he was holding a sizable box with a red bow in his hands.  His expression, however, was as unmoved as ever.
He was beautiful and silent, and his eyes were fixed on Wei Ying.  He blinked, and Wei Ying snapped out of his stupor.
“Uh, hi,” Wei Ying said.  His voice was cracked and breathless, like the air had been squeezed out of his lungs.  He was still trying to process the fact that Lan Zhan was here, at his apartment, holding a — a gift, it seemed, when he realized Lan Zhan had not yet said anything.  Not even a greeting.  He watched Lan Zhan blink again.  Then, again, and finally, Lan Zhan's lips parted.
It took a second.
“Hello, Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said, quite belatedly.
Wei Ying felt his knees threaten to give way at the deep velvet of his voice.  He inwardly scolded his knees and blamed it entirely on his cold.  His face was hot.  He was surely getting a fever again.  Wei Ying lifted a hand, touching the back of it to his forehead, touched his cheeks and his throat.
His temperature was warm as it had been the entire day, but not overly hot like before.
He stopped.
“Oh, I forgot to put on a mask!”  He slapped a hand over his face, and suddenly realized he had not just forgotten about a mask.
He had forgotten he was wearing makeup, and he could feel his lipstick smear as his palm slid against his lips.
“No need,” Lan Zhan said.
Silently freaking out, Wei Ying began mentally catologuing his appearance.  Sorting through exactly how much of a disaster he accumulated.  His hair was tied up in a ponytail that was steadily coming undone.  His clothes were a lost cause.  Ratty sweats, careworn shirt, a sweater he was pretty sure was stained by bleach at the hem.  His feet were no better.  He was barefoot, and the sweats were quite old — so old they came up short and did not cover his weirdly bony ankles.  He immediately moved one foot over the other, knowing it did nothing to hide them.
And his face — well, Wei Ying was about ready to walk up the closest mountain and become the local cryptid.  Jiang Yanli had used her entire makeup bag on him, expressing her sorrow — while she mercilessly went at his eyebrows with tweezers — that she did not have the rest since it was merely her go bag.  He was wearing no less than ten different types of product and she had given him a spectacular smoky-eyed look with edges of red liner and blood-red lips.
When she had presented him with a mirror, Wei Ying had delightedly called himself a harlot, and promptly earned himself a pinch for it.  But it had been meant as a compliment!  Truly!
There was no delight to be found at present.  Lan Zhan was before him, and Wei Ying felt vulnerable and exposed.  He wanted nothing more than to shut the door in his face and bury himself in his bed to never come out again.  There was that fear again, clawing its way up his throat.  He suddenly remembered his nails then and curled them inwards to hide them.
It was one thing to brush off Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang's questions about the makeup and nail polish.  They knew him.  Shameless Wei Ying!  He could do anything and not feel the least bit embarrassed.  And they knew Jiang Yanli, too.  And they knew he would do anything to make her happy.  If he told them she asked him to be her doll for the day, they knew well that Wei Ying would jump at the chance.  Because Wei Ying would never deny Jiang Yanli anything.
But Lan Zhan did not know him.  Lan Zhan did not know Jiang Yanli.
Lan Zhan did not know why Wei Ying would wear makeup.  He only knew that Wei Ying was, and that he was not supposed to.  Because he had a dick, and apparently that meant that he was a man.  Even though he was starting to learn that might not be true.
“I have a strong immunity,” Lan Zhan said.  “No need.”
Wei Ying ripped himself from his thoughts, quickly trying to recall the conversation.  And, ah, yes, the mask.  He lowered his palm enough to say, “It's still risky, Lan Zhan!”
Lan Zhan's gaze dropped from his eyes.  For a moment, he did not reply.  Wei Ying was considering whether it would be rude to leave Lan Zhan at the door while he grabbed a mask, when he finally spoke.
“You have smeared your lipstick,” Lan Zhan said.
Wei Ying was not sure if he was purposely changing the subject or if his makeup was truly distracting enough — though he was inclined to think the latter.  Lifting his hand again as a makeshift mask — with the dual purpose of hiding half of his face, he looked at his palm and noted the smear of lipstick.  He did not press it to his mouth again.
“Uh, look,” he said, “I can explain —”  He waved his hand a little in front of his face, but did not lower it.
“No need,” Lan Zhan said.
“Hah?”  Wei Ying felt like he had missed a step going down a flight of stairs.  “No, really,” he insisted.  “See, my jiejie came over, and she likes practicing her makeup on other people, so I volunteered!”
“Wei Ying —”
“And I'm just too lazy to wash my face, you know?” Wei Ying barreled on.  “I'm at home anyway, so what does it matter?  Or, at least, I didn't think I was going to see anyone today other than Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang, so —”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan repeated, and Wei Ying cut off, feeling his stomach clench.  “No need.  You are free to make your own choices.”
Of course he was.  But that was not the issue.  Nervously, Wei Ying waved his hands around.  He needed to get ahead of this.
“Ah, but, Lan Zhan,” he protested, “I'm not just some —”
Weirdo.  Freak.
He cut himself off immediately, his stomach churning.  There were many ways to finish that sentence.  And none of them were kind to himself.  Because he was whatever he would have said.  He was someone who enjoyed makeup.  He was different.  He was —
He thought to Jiang Yanli and her chastisement when he called himself a freak.  She would be disappointed if he kept referring himself like that.  And though he still felt it.  Still considered himself wrong for feeling pleasure at things that were not meant for him.  He needed to do better.
So he actively corrected himself.
There's nothing wrong with me, he told himself.  Jiejie says so.  And jiejie is always right.
He took a breath and — though it trembled — finally dropped his hand.
“Anyway,” he said, “I'm lazy.”  He smiled, though he was sure it came out strained.  “Jiejie is talented, isn't she?  Doesn't it look nice?”  His stomach was full of fluttering winged things, and he held his breath as Lan Zhan looked over his face, eyes coming to rest on his lips.  He stared for so long a moment, that Wei Ying was starting to twitch with nerves.
But then Lan Zhan shifted the box he held to a single arm and tucked his free hand into his pocket.  He removed it, pulling a pink-striped, white handkerchief from within.  It unfolded in his grasp and he maneuvered it around his finger.  Then, carefully, he reached up and ran it delicately above and below Wei Ying's lips, tracing its lines.
Breath trapped in his chest, Wei Ying's heart thudded strongly, his eyes wide.  He remained very still, feeling his entire face go hot and mortified at Lan Zhan's gentle touch.  He was thrown again to that night with the thudding music, the chilly air, Lan Zhan's impressive chest underneath his hands.
“What is attraction?” he had asked Jiang Yanli.  But he was pretty sure he knew what it was.  What it felt like.
Wei Ying said nothing, rendered mute and simmering with warmth.  And then Lan Zhan lingered at the corner of his lips, pressing in the slightest bit.
Lan Zhan's lips parted like he would speak, and Wei Ying had the stray thought that Lan Zhan had nice lips.  He waited as Lan Zhan seemed to breathe through his mouth, but no words came.  Wei Ying could do nothing but stand very still and forget how to breathe.
Then the hand was lowered, and Lan Zhan was looking at it.  At the red smear across the striped, white cloth.
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kazzys-wx · 2 years
should I post that mamaxian drabble here too? 🤔
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