katefrancine · 3 years
"Broken Family"
A broken family is a unit where the family members have significant emotional problems with one another. As a child, you don't realize it, but this environment's effects are life changing. There could be abuse or neglect. And there's definitely a lack of support for a child or children in the family.
To the parents: The consequence of broken family to the parent is caused by death and other reasons apart from divorce. When they lose their children, they develop grieve and anxiety. Their mental suffering adversely affects their health. There are some parents lost their health and eventually died.
Don’t tell them I told you so. They would never believe I said it. Maybe that’s why I feel tense (maybe even a little defensive) anytime I can feel someone judging them. My parents divorced when I was in eighth grade, so I am “one of those” who is part of a statistic. I literally still remember one of my friends in high school quoting statistics to me about how “kids with divorced parents are 99% more likely to get divorced themselves.” (Okay, I don’t remember the percentage. I just remember how it was said and it might as well have been a forgone conclusion).
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katefrancine · 3 years
"Children poverty"
We all know that Poverty entails more than the lack of income and productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods. Its manifestations include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision-making. It is the challenge that facing the Philippines is how to transform their recent strong growth into more inclusive growth, to reduce this chronic poverty while continuing to deal with the existing high level of daily suffering.
The Philippines struggles with high population growth and high levels of inequality, affecting the welfare of millions. The country remains trapped in a debt cycle where international loan repayments limit the ability of the government to make investments in its own human and physical capital. Critical public services such as health and education are severely underfunded. Higher food and energy prices, particularly the cost of rice, also hurt the poor disproportionately.
We have been able to help many children who were found suffering and give them a future. We have wonderful stories of children we have helped to be adopted into homes around the world where at last they are getting the love and care they need to fulfil their potential and reach for their dreams. We encourage you to get involved, to get your friends involved, to be a part of solving this chronic cycle of poverty and suffering. A simple donation makes a great difference, a meaningful difference - to the children, to their families and to the community.
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