kashmoneyss · 17 hours
The Pirate and the Siren
Chayanne loved the ocean, loved the feeling of the wind blowing in his hair, the taste of the salty air, and the sound of the waves splashing against the ship's side.
Out here, in the ocean, he felt free. There was nothing holding him back. The waters were HIS domain, his home.
Nothing could drive Chayanne out of the sea. Not the deathly battles, the terrible storms, or even the monsters that lurked in the water down below. From krakens to leviathans the ocean harbored dangerous creatures. Some beings even seemed harmless, like the one currently under the waves.
The ship is not moving, it’s offshore of an island as the rest of the crew went out to gather some supplies. Chayanne stayed behind on the ship, leaning against the rail lost to the sounds of the water below. His eyes are closed, taking in every bit of the calm serene ocean.
Two slitted eyes peak above the water to the lone pirate on the boat. Mischief laced in the small smirk they display. The creature dunks back below water, swimming up to the ladder on the side of the boat.
Their scaley hands grab onto the ropes, tugging harshly making sure it is secured. They smile. Sharp teeth peek out of their mouth, a small hiss of happiness escapes as they hull themselves up into one of the safety boats.
The pirate above them is still unmoving, eyes still closed and unaware of the commotion below him.
The creature picks themselves up by the ship's edge, head peeking through the bottom of the rails. They reach for his feet, but before their claws could swipe at him he is jumping over the railing and onto the safety boat as well.
Chayanne takes out his sword and points it directly at the creature's head, “Didn’t think I could hear you?”
Below his weapon was one of the most dangerous creatures Chayanne thinks you would ever find at sea. A beautiful magical being that can fog your mind and entrance you. It was almost impossible to fight off a being like this, one that could haunt your memories, lure, and bait you. A being half human half fish. Shiny shimmery scales decorated their body from head to tail fin. They were ruthless as much as they were astounding. A siren, one song and Chayanne would be done for.
This one was smaller than most, a kid around Chayanne’s age. She had dark black hair and white and purple scales. A necklace with a red flower sat on her chest and a few bits of purple coral sprouted on top of her head below her gills. She looked like she was wearing a crown, and she also looked angry.
With one swipe she swished her tail and sent Chayanne flying off the boat into the water below. The siren growled and peeked over the boat into the water where the young pirate had fallen.
A big gasp and a cough came out of him as Chayanne broke through the surface, “That was mean.”
The siren rolled her eyes, “Oh shut up you pointed a sword at me first.”
“Because you tried sneaking up on me!”
“Yeah and I was doing a great job wasn’t I?” The siren flashed her teeth with a wicked smile.
“Sure you were.”
“What’s that supposed to mean??” She huffs and crosses her arms, cheeks puffing out.
Chayanne giggled, “I missed you Tallulah.”
She rolls her eyes.
“Now can you please help me up and get off the boat? The others are going to be back soon.”
“That’s no way to treat your little sister Chay. Besides, I can take care of myself.”
He sighs, “I know you can, I’m worried about them.”
She laughs, “Hust one little song? Pleaaaaseee.”
“Lullah!” He scolds.
“Fine! You’re lucky I love you.” She gives a half hearted side eye.
“Yeah yeah whatever, love you too. Now go, I’ll meet you at the cove as always okay? Just give me a day to get some things ready.”
“Okay okay I’ll meet you there, see you hermanito!”
“See ya!”
The siren jumps down into the water and waves to her older brother. One blink and she’s gone into the water below.
Chayanne smiles down at his wrist, a bracelet with a red flower as a charm. Tallulah had given it to him a long time ago, when they first had crossed paths. He was human, she was a siren, and yet they loved and cared for each other as any regular siblings would. The sea was their home.
He should probably get out of it though.
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kashmoneyss · 3 days
People bringing up Chayanne is a glass child like yeah this has been a huge thing and was one of the culminating points of the fight that happened with Chayanne and Tallulah last year. I love this family sm and I love the way q!Phil is portrayed as a flawed parent
I don’t think a lot of people realize that q!Phil is absolutely incapable of reading emotions specifically Chayanne’s. Especially when Chayanne hides them to act tougher and fine. It’s a double edge sword and it’s nothing that can be fixed if it’s not said to his face.
ex: when Chayanne said that he hated fighting q!Phil he IMMEDIATELY broke into “I’m so sorry” and apologized over and over again you can tell he felt HORRIBLE. He cracked the moment Chayanne started opening up about what he really felt.
q!Phil sucks ass at noticing when his kid feels a certain way and it’s something he KNOWS. It’s why they said they would open up to each other more because q!Phil just /cant/ read his kids minds. And Chayanne is trying his best to slowly let out his emotions and that’s GOOD.
It’s FINE. He doesn’t need to bleed right then and there. It will take time for him to process what happened and it will take time for him to open up and q!Phil will be there ready when he can.
And I know it fucking sucks to see it happen but I for one think it needs to happen.
q!Phil and Chayanne’s relationship is very unique and specific. They believe in each others abilities and trust each other to take care of themselves. Chayanne has always seen his dad as untouchable so imagine how he feels knowing that he’s not invincible?
Chayanne is a mirror image of q!Phil both in all the good and the bad. Things aren’t black and white as most people make it out to be and no q!Phil is not a horrible parent, he’s not a bad guy and no Chayanne does not think less of his father.
Having q!Phil in Chayanne’s life has been so important to his development and it’s been good. He just needs the balance that q!Missa brings. Because in all the flaws that q!Missa has q!Phil is there to pick him up and vice versa.
The death family is the most flawed, troubled, loved, imperfectly perfect family and it’s why I love them so deeply. Because through all the pain and flaws they prefer to go through it together. They love one another and support each other unconditionally.
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kashmoneyss · 5 days
The Sun’s (Phil and Chayanne) always the most overprotective over the Moon’s of the family (Missa and Tallulah)
Like today with q!Phil being extra worried for Tallulah so he saved her first and Chayanne always being the one to jump in and attack anybody who dares to hurt q!Missa.
The entire family is protective of course but those two have this flare to them where they burn like the sun and unleash on those that dare hurt the most emotional of the family. Chayanne brings out his sword and stands in front of Tallulah and q!Missa if need be and Phil will go out of his way to scold and yell, making it known that if anyone misses with his family they will mess with him too.
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kashmoneyss · 6 days
Tengo muchas ideas y debo subir aunque sea una aquí *rueda* ok, ya que pasó el cumpleaños de Tallulah me quiero unir con mi versión de como fue encontrada por la Deathfamily.
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Missa estaba regresando de uno de sus largos viajes, estaba ansioso por ver a su esposo e hijo, odiaba tener que dejarlos por tanto tiempo pero es algo que no está en su control. Cómo sea, esta vez viene muy decidido a pasar cada minuto de su tiempo a lado de ellos aunque ¿que forma tan frívola sería de llegar sin almenos un regalo? desgraciadamente su inventario está casi vacío así que decide pasar por los alrededores esperando encontrar aunque sea flores y hacer un ramo improvisado, aunque igual podría tomar prestado algo de los cofres de Roier, duda que lo vaya a notar.
Sin embargo, y como no podía faltarle a su suerte de dibujo animado, acaba en una persecución de mods a los cuales no puede combatir porque (de nuevo) no tiene suficiente en su inventario para crear un arma. Tras correr varios metros divisa el viejo centro de adopción y se lanza dentro del sitio, recuerda que por alguna razón los mods no pueden entrar ahí. Entre gritos, chillidos y tropezones llega y se queda tirado en el suelo polvoriento recuperando el aliento mientras se repite mentalmente que debería tomar clases con Roier o Spreen para mejorar sus habilidades de combate.
Luego de unos minutos se levanta y un sentimiento nostálgico lo inunda al contemplar con mayor detalle el sitio, pareciera que fue ayer cuando un simple ticket cambió su vida por completo, recuerda perfectamente cuál era el espacio donde estaba Chayanne y como su flotador de patito robó toda su atención, se queda de pie frente a la vitrina, por dentro está llena de telarañas y los cristales tiene una gruesa capa de polvo, le sorprende que haya pasado tanto tiempo.
Y entonces un sonido lo vuelve a poner alerta, ve hacia ambas entradas pensando que eran de nuevo los mobs, o con algo de suerte, otro isleño que vino a ayudarlo pero todo está despejado ¿quizás era la madera desgastada del sitio? un nuevo sonido hace eco en el sitio, es como algo rascando la pared, asustado empieza a girar a todos lados ¿alguien quería jugarle una broma? Finalmente se le ocurre alzar la vista y divisa que en el techo hay un pequeño hueco que filtra algo de luz artificial, extraño, no recordaba que existiera un segundo piso.
Lo medita unos segundos, irse o subir, normalmente la respuesta sería lo primero pero una extraña corazonada le dice que debe subir, necesita hacerlo.
Rompe un poco más los bloques de madera, se da impulso saltando desde el borde de una de las vitrinas y deslizando con un poco de dificultad su cuerpo por el estrecho espacio finalmente llega. Si en la planta baja el abandono es palpable ahí lo es aún más, las paredes están tapizadas por telarañas mientras que del techo algunas enredaderas han empezado a crecer y el aire está lleno de partículas de polvo, no hay mucho a dónde mirar pues es solo un cuartito, lo único que destaca es una vitrina similar a las de abajo pero que tiene los cristales totalmente tapados por musgo y tierra. No iba a mentir, le sorprendía que la federación tuviera tal nivel de descuido considerando como siempre quieren todo "perfecto".
Y entonces el mismo sonido de tierra siendo removida vuelve a hacerse presente y viene del interior de esa vitrina, un escalofrío corre por su espalda pensando que algún animal o mob salvaje encontró refugio ahí, cuidadosamente camina, da unas respiraciones profundas antes de bajar la escotilla de cristal y entonces su miedo inicial se transforma en incredulidad.
Una pequeña niña se encontraba escondida alimentándose solo con puñados de tierra.
Ambos se quedan viendo fijamente por lo que pareció una eternidad, la niña con confusión mientras que a Missa se le encoge el corazón pensando en como alguien podría ser tan cruel para abandonar a un niño para, básicamente, morir. Se hinca para quedar a la misma altura y su corazón se derrite un poco más al notar que poseen el mismo color de cabello y ojos, observa que una de sus muñecas tiene un brazalete de hospital con algo escrito.
Con su voz más suave y gentil logra que la la pequeña le deje ver y solo un nombre es legible: Tallulah. Curioso, los otros niños en su momento no tenían nombre asignado pero al menos será un poco más fácil comunicarse con la niña y darle algo de familiaridad. El rugido de su estómago hambriento le pone alerta y rápido busca entre sus pocas cosas, por fortuna tenía un par de manzanas que cayeron cuando su capa se atoró entre las ramas de un roble, los ojitos de Tallulah se iluminan cuando Missa le entrega la fruta cosa que solo conmueve más la mayor ¿cuánto tiempo estaría sin alimento digno?
Mientras la deja comer le observa con más atención, su cabello rizado está enredado y algunas ramitas se pegaron, solo está vestida con un blusón blanco a juego con un gorrito que le queda algo grande, si tuviera que compararla con Chayanne está definitivamente más delgada y más baja de estatura, ambas cosas muy probablemente son resultado del estado deplorable en qué tuvo que vivir por quien sabe cuánto tiempo.
Definitivamente no puede dejarla ahí, lo que sea que pretendiera la federación poco le importaba, no estaría en paz sabiendo que un ser tan indefenso podría morir por mera maldad y es cuando decide que, a partir de ahora, la pequeña Tallulah será su hija también. Con sumo cuidado la cubre con la parte desmontable de su túnica y la carga entre sus brazos, dios, si que está muy delgada pero se encargará de alimentarla y darle un hogar mejor que ese diminuto cuarto.
"¿Sabes? este día pensaba llegar solo con algunas flores o incluso un pastel para mí esposo e hijo... supongo que los planes cambiaron un poquito"
Durante el camino Tallulah solo lo escucha mientras se acurruca en su regazo, ese nuevo mundo lleno de color es curioso y terrorífico a partes iguales pero se mantiene calmada gracias a la voz que no ha dejado de hablarle desde que salieron del centro de adopción.
"Somos una familia chiquita y quizás no tengamos tantos lujos como otros residentes pero somos muy felices, te prometo que amor nunca te faltará. Philza y yo te cuidaremos, serás nuestra linda niña"
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kashmoneyss · 8 days
That’s HIS Missa hope you guys know that I don’t know if you didn’t catch it but he’s /his/ like the man with the purple hood and skeletal face? yeah? that guy? yeah! he’s q!Phil’s idk if you knew but it’s been said and it’s in writing q!Missa is his and only his don’t forget it! Tattoo it into your eyelids, the crow has a precious gem and damn anybody who tries to take him away.
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kashmoneyss · 15 days
welcome back to:
kash’s death family moments and scenarios she comes up with!!
here’s the second one:
imagine, the family buys one of those inflatable ring pools for your backyard over the summer for the kids to play in. they start using it, it’s a fun time, all is well!
then, chayanne and tallulah get an idea; why don’t they bring it inside to have a pool party inside! (imagine it probably is about to rain or something and they can’t use it while it’s raining cause q!phil and q!missa say so)
so, cut to q!deathduo being completely distracted and unaware of what their kids are doing and chayanne and tallulah are trying their absolute hardest to hurry and sneakily bring this already inflated pool (with a tiny puddle of water still in it) through their back door and up into their shared bedroom.
after about 10-15 minutes of trying to shove the pool in through many different ways, folding it, probably switching who is on what side of the pool; they finally get it in and drag it up to their room to get the pool party started.
jump forward to a while later, q!phil and q!missa have not checked in on what their kids have been doing, and once they see the trail of water from the back door that’s heading straight up into the children’s room, they know something is up. they make their way upstairs, and once they open the bedroom door their jaws drop.
in the middle of the kids’ room, is the pool, not even filled up all the way (about a sliver of it is filled cause they only had 2 cups, a sink, and a dream to fill that pool up and they got tired and antsy fast). there’s a clearly visible trail of water running from the bathroom and to their room from where a ton of water spilt out while the kids were rushing to fill the pool. all of the toys you can possibly imagine are just sitting in the centimeter high water, and chayanne and tallulah are happily right in the middle of it all, swimsuits on fully, enjoying themselves.
q!phil and q!missa are completely shocked, because 1. what does one parent do in this scenario, and 2. their kids managed to do this without them knowing and they are genuinely impressed!
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kashmoneyss · 15 days
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In today's stream missa almost burn down the house while making a cake for tallulah and chayanne. He is so sweet <tres.
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kashmoneyss · 15 days
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The siblings ever
If you like without reblogging you have to sacrifice your firstborn child to the snail gods
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kashmoneyss · 15 days
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Putting my Chayanne design here since i’m gonna update it :D
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kashmoneyss · 15 days
Missa cubito ohmygod today’s stream was SOOO.
Firstly, I haven’t talked about this but the fact that q!Missa has finally accepted the family home as his home too makes me want to snob. The fact that he calls it HIS home too, after spending so long distancing himself and saying that he doesn’t deserve to live with them? It makes my heart spin. And yes he still has his movements of self doubt but he knows now that this is his home and this is where he will always return to no matter what.
And I adore the little things that Missa notices. Last stream he got so giddy over the barrel in the house with his name on it and got so happy that he was included with the rest of the family even if he didn’t have anything in it. And then once again today gasping and getting happy at seeing the barrel again as if it was the first time all over. Missa loves being loved and he adores the little things the family does to show it. And how does he return the favor? With drawings he can leave behind dedicated to each one of them. Because he loves his family and he will find a way to physically show it even if he can’t be awake when they are.
And ohhh today with the cakes. He struggled so much and he lost so much energy trying to make the birthday cake for Tallulah but he would not give up until he got it done for both of them because his kids deserve it. And can I also point out I don’t think he realized it was also Chayanne’s birthday but he still made him a cake because he wanted to give something to his son and not make him feel left out. And when he was making the drawing for Tallulah he would not stop and he would not let ANYTHING distract him because his daughter deserves the world and she deserves the perfect painting.
Then come the raccoons. He goes and helps them clean because maybe he can earn money for the family and help out more around the house -> something Missa has always struggled with. He always wants to provide for the family the way they have him so he goes along with these raccoons. Then it all goes to shit when Bad logs on and he finds out it was his home they were cleaning. He finds the dead bodies and he gets scared because… who is this man he’s been calling his friend? Why does he have a grave of bodies underneath his home?
Missa runs. He tries to run away from q!Bad but he always finds him. And then it gets revealed that Missa was working with the raccoons and Bad backs away from Missa because how could he betray him. And Missa does try to explain it, he doesn’t know what is going on. He’s lost and confused and no one is answering his questions. q!Bad threatens and leaves q!Missa with the racoons just for the racoons to stab Missa in the back and rob him too.
This is when he asks himself, who can he trust? q!Bad isn’t who he thought he was, and the racoons betrayed him. He has considered q!Bad a friend for a long time because he’s always on when Missa is on and is always there to help (though if you ask me I would argue the opposite). He tried finding a way to justify Bad’s behavior, even the stuff chat brings up until he can’t. So, he goes back home and prepares a letter to Phil.
Because he realizes after everything in his life, after continuously trusting and relying on the wrong people, he concludes he can only trust q!Phil.
Missa never really leaves letters. His thing has always been paintings and small gifts. But for the first time (in what might be a long time) he leaves Phil a letter. Now that he’s accepted this is his home, he sees it’s also a place people can use to hurt him, in this case q!Bad.
Notice how when q!Bad came back and said he was gonna prank q!Phil and left, q!Missa immediately ran in to check on the kids? His priority and his fear will always be losing his family. He has spent so much of his life pushing himself a way from them, he doesn’t want to lose them when they’re so so close.
But as always… Missa runs. He runs away and sleeps somewhere else for tonight.
In his defense, I will say that this time it’s different. He’s running to protect his family. Is it the best option? I don’t think so. Missa always has struggled with feeling like he isn’t enough. And in this case, his families lives could be in danger so he runs away, because it’s his fault and he isn’t enough to protect them.
I will say. Things have changed. Because this time around he warned Phil. These two have had SOOO many instances of miscommunication and not talking to one another and we finally have a moment in which Phil is hearing directly from Missa. Not some other character, not his kids, Missa.
And the last thing Missa said when he went to bed. He wasn’t sleeping on a bed, because the only bed he will ever sleep on is the one in his home. LIKE FUCK. Yes he ran, yes he left to protect his family. But that’s his home. That’s where he will ALWAYS return to for comfort and safety. It isn’t a forever. It’s just for now.
For the first time, Missa is certain he will always have a home to return to.
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kashmoneyss · 19 days
going to start a little “series” where i post these domestic family ideas or scenarios i come up with (or have came up with together while on call with marv) that are all centered around death family! just cause i think they’re silly and cute and they make me happy :3
also, we NEED MORE DOMESTIC FAMILY MOMENTS WITH DEATH FAMILY PLEASE!!! just think of the possibilities, people!!!
here’s the first one:
q!missa started the idea with the kids when they were super young (babies, basically) that if they ever got hurt, you can kiss the hurt spot to make it all better. q!phil is always amused by it and thought it was silly, but of course went along with it (it quickly became routine, and he took the job seriously lmao) chayanne and tallulah both fully believed it, and it always stuck with them. whenever one of them (or both of them maybe) got hurt, always would ask q!missa or q!phil for a kiss on their owie to make it feel better. (sometimes they would ask each other too if needed). and it always worked. of course, q!phil and q!missa would properly cover up whatever they hurt so it doesn’t get infected or irritated etc. but they always make sure to kiss it first before just so it stops hurting. :))
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kashmoneyss · 1 month
Sundrop and Moondrop AU
(something I randomly thought of at 1 am)
Phil and Tallulah
Tallulah refused to turn around, “I didn’t think you’d come looking.”
It felt like a punch to the gut. Something ugly twisted in Phil, how could she ever think that? He might not have known her for long, but Tallulah had already changed his life for the better. He would always come running.
Softly he questioned her, “Why?”
“No one ever does.”
And that’s when everything slowly clicked in place for him. How many times has she done this? How many times has she been abandoned? Phil couldn’t process who in the world could ever leave a little girl behind like that. It makes him think back to how he found her, he thought she had just lost her parents, but it seems like she never had anybody to begin with. It’s why she has been so cold, so distant. Her wary smiles, her hesitant hugs, the way she would stare at them as if she was already mourning them.
He hears a sniffle.
“It’s okay, thanks for worrying about me. You have been the nicest out of all of them.” And he has, Tallulah thinks Phil and his family are wonderful. Missa was so kind, and she hopes one day she can find Chayanne again. It would’ve been nice to stay she thinks.
Instead, Tallulah begins walking away.
Quickly Phil interrupts, “I didn’t keep my promise.”
She stops, and glances back perplexed.
“I promised to take you fishing in the Goddesses Lagoon, let me fulfill that promise, then you can decide if you want to leave.” Give us a chance, give me a chance, and then you can decide.
Tallulah stares at Phil’s outstretched hand.
She’s terrified.
Can she really walk away? Can she really trust this? She doesn’t want to be heartbroken again. It is easier to go back to what she knows, to go back to what she is used to. It will hurt less once they decide to get rid of her. And yet here Phil is standing out in the cold rain in the middle of nowhere asking her to stay. He came out all this way, just for her.
He did promise to show her the lagoon one day, and you can’t break a promise.
“Okay, but just for a bit.” I’ll give you a chance.
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kashmoneyss · 1 month
Philza lore :D
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I desperately want to make a full animation but I'm wary of losing motivation/not having enough time so I wanted to post some frames just in case I don't get farther
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kashmoneyss · 1 month
Missa and chay fishing please 🥺
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family bonding
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kashmoneyss · 1 month
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forgot to post this here!!! here's my only qsmp content you'll ever see >:)
i love egg....
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kashmoneyss · 1 month
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sleepy saturday mornings
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kashmoneyss · 1 month
If you're still doing Philza headcannons, how about some specifically about Phil, Chayanne, and Tallulah? I miss the kiddos...
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Those two are the light of his fucking life ok. If you were someone that had something against him, they're how you get to him. They're how you hurt him. He will do ANYTHING for them. He'll kill his friends, he'll fly on broken wings, he'll die for them. Nothing matters more than those two kids.
He's not typically a very physically affectionate person. But to the kids? Suddenly he's a cuddler. Suddenly he's head kisses and carrying them on his hip just because he can. Suddenly he's braiding hair and painting nails and playfully tormenting them with tickles. They flip a switch in his brain.
Nothing could ever make him waver on how proud of them he is. Both of them. Chayanne so brave and strong, stressed to the teeth like his dad but persevering like a true warrior. Tallulah is so loving and open, even in the face of so much pain and adversity. She's been through so much, largely alone, and yet she still has the strength to smile and be silly after everything. Ideally he wishes they would've never experienced any pain at all, but Quesadilla says Damn You All
Chayanne & Tallulah can make him laugh until his stomach hurts, and they can do it faster than friends he's known for YEARS. Tallulah especially is the queen of comedic nonverbal timing. All it takes is a certain look with a slow turn after Phil says something stupid and he's Dying.
His favorite thing is when either of them fall to pieces emote bc smth stupid happened. Or whenever they Orange Justice after smth fucked happens.
Listen. LISTEN. Don't be fooled by this man. He LOVES adventures with the kids. He loves them. The reason he refuses to venture out with them or go dungeon raiding with them super often is because survivalist brain is like if the worst happens, the Feds do not have your back. If you lose the kids you have nothing much to live for on this island. Do not risk their lives, even if it sounds fun.
He fucking loves watching the kids talk to the other eggs. The constant taptaptaptaptap of signs being placed while they chat together makes him giggle. He also loves watching them just crouch and silently communicate.
Dude Rose's love for the two of them makes his heart so full. Like legit the first time she told him "they're under my protection" he nearly cried. And not just from relief that they'd be safe from EK.
And related: Oh my GOD does he fucking love the term "fledglings" for them. It's SO CUTE. Rose was so right for that. Something about it drives home the thought of "these are MY kids" even more. He just 🥺
Chayanne's mask reminds him of Techno's boar one sometimes and it makes him wanna cry /pos. If Chayanne ever mentions being guided by Techno's spirit to fight EK Phil will never recover
He loves this "new era" of Tallulah, between her cutting her hair short a while back and now dying it + changing her hat. It feels like she's getting more independent despite everything and considering Phil used to have to Really hover around her to help her out, he's the world's proudest papa about it
He's told them stories about all the hardcore gods (that he knows of) at this point. Rose bc ofc he did. EK bc he kinda had to. The others bc at this point he's expecting them to poke their heads around at one point or another too. Chayanne loves Blaze. Tallulah still loves Rose the most. She's gone on a rant about "Papa how the fuck is Ocean Overlord a god when he fumbles things so badly???" He wishes he knew, Tallulah.
He wants to take them on a flight so bad it hurts. Literally. He's more angry EK fucked up his wings maybe permanently bc he robbed them of that than he is that EK did it to spite him.
He really really really hopes they do hatch some day and become lil dragon hybrids bc then he can watch them fly and teach them how to do it well (the best he can while he's grounded) (he might get a little envious)
He fucking LOVES sparring with the kids. He goes easy bc he's insanely skilled and experienced compared to Two Literal Children but they catch on and improve So Quick and it makes him so unbelievably proud and excited to see them demonstrate their skills in a real (hopefully non-lethal) situation.
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