kanevill · 3 years
life is good again (ordered something online)
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kanevill · 3 years
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I found a bunch more!!
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kanevill · 5 years
trust your instincts (2/2)
prompt: He had warned you. You just hadn’t known he’d been warning you for the death of your brother, and that he would play a hand in it.
please don’t plagiarize my work!
word count: 1,483
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Against your better judgement, you had gone to Mass. Despite Francesco’s words.
It was not that you completely disregarded his words – in fact, they were the reason you arrived late, slipping in through the crowds in hopes of falling next to your spot next to Giuliano. You pondered about what his words could mean for hours, since he had spoken them. And at first, you had no intentions of going. Francesco would not have spoken the words if they were pointless.
But mother had just nearly had a fit at the thought of you not attending Mass, and honestly, it even felt wrong to you. Giuliano had said he would save you a spot next to himself in hopes that that would coarse you to come along, if anything to calm mother. After much argument, you agreed you would come but might arrive later.
You’d wanted to find Francesco. Ask him what he meant by his warning and if it was something you should truly take into consideration, especially concerning your family.
But you hadn’t been able to, and when you realized the time, you were extremely late. You’d turned in haste, picking up the speed in your steps to reach Mass as quickly as possible, and the moment you had, you wasted no time pushing yourself through the crowds, as discreetly as possible, hoping to reach Giuliano.
And then you saw Francesco, and your brows had furrowed in great confusion. Why would he warn you not to go, and then not follow the advice himself? Not only that, but he was not by Jacopo or any of his family or friends and instead behind Giuliano. It made no logical sense, and you had reluctantly slowed in thought, only then realizing that prayer was done and everyone was bowing. 
Caught in the crowd, you had no choice to relent, moving to your knees, clasping your hands before yourself.
All too soon was the silence interrupted. You heard the familiar cry and shriek of your mother, prompting you to raise your head in both surprise and concern, glancing at her through the crowd. When your eyes caught what hers had, you felt your heart plummet to the pit of your stomach and quite literally break into pieces.
Your mother’s cry had elicited panic in the Mass, and you felt those around you shove and push their way out as you remained frozen in your spot. Your hands rose to your lips, where they shook violently, your eyes sliding from your brother, Giuliano, being stabbed, to your other brother, Lorenzo, with a knife pressed against his throat. And the worst part of all, was that it was Francesco stabbing Giuliano.
The man you loved, stabbing your own brother.
In the midst of it all, you still head your mother’s cries and saw the faint image of Clarice desperately pulling the woman back from harms way. But you couldn’t move. You were stricken were heart break and disbelief. You couldn’t even fathom the thought of it in your own mind, and your body remained frozen solid in the spot as Francesco and another man wrestled with your brother with the knife that had just been pierced into his belly.
You saw Giuliano shove himself away from the men, taking the knife he’d gained and passing it to Lorenzo who remained injured on his back. You heard Lorenzo screech out Giuliano’s name as he was taken by the arms and Francesco moved in front of him. Stabbing him.
Your body lurched in response, all alone as the crowd dispersed around you, your body shaking with tears in you eyes.
As Francesco moved to stab Giuliano once more, that’s when your body finally moved. Finally reacted. Your lips parted without thought and his name left your lips in a cracked and pitched voice. It instantly gained Francesco’s attention, his head snapping to your own as your eyes met his, his own widening in disbelief. He obviously hadn’t expected to see you there, hoping you would heed to his vague warning.
He obviously hadn’t wanted you to see him murder your brothers.
With his attention came everyone else’s, and you heard Lorenzo call your name, pleading with you to run away but you couldn’t. Your eyes remained on that of Francesco’s, in disbelief, heartbreak, hope, you weren’t sure…
“Francesco,” you called, your voice lowering to a whisper. “Please.”
You barely noticed Lorenzo crawl back onto his feet, two of the man, obviously working with Francesco, chasing him into the aisles. Your eyes wouldn’t leave Francesco’s, and you heard Giuliano heave out in pain, causing your heart to twist and your heart to shatter further. 
“Kill him!” It was Jacopo.
Jacopo’s voice pulled Francesco’s attention away from you to him, and then, you watched as Francesco stabbed Giuliano again, and then again, and then again, until finally, your brother’s eyes dulled and the man holding him let go, his body falling to the floor.
Francesco nodded his head towards Lorenzo, gesturing the man before him to go after him as Francesco turned to you once again. It seemed you finally snapped out of your stupor, tears welling in your eyes as wretched sobs left your lips, your eyes on that of Giuliano’s limp and bloodied figure. When Francesco neared you, you backed up in fear, stumbling into one of the benches with fear.
Francesco held his hand out towards you, shaking his head. “I won’t hurt you.”
You already have.
Whimpering, you continue to back away from the man, your body shaking in fear. You crawl yourself around the bench, inching towards the Sacristy that Clarice had practically dragged your mother into. You want to run to Giuliano, hold him in your arms, but you’re fearful of the man before you. You’re afraid of the man you love.
You stare at him like you don’t know him, and even though Francesco knew this would happen, it breaks his heart.
“Y/N, please–”
You catch sight of an escape route, and without hesitation, you take it. You turn around with haste, picking up the feet in your step just as Clarice screams for Lorenzo to get into the Sacristy. You know Francesco is right behind you, and you move to meet Clarice, but Lorenzo’s cries of Giuliano’s name catches your attention, and you shift your direction there, tears streaming down your cheeks.
You fall next Lorenzo, clinging onto him as he attempts to grab Giuliano. Then, a gasp echoes, and you turn your head, watching as Nori is stabbed by the same man that had held Giuliano back. Lorenzo hesitates just a moment, before getting back up on his feet, rushing to help Nori. You don’t move, pulling Giuliano by his arms closer as sobs leave your lips, your entire body shaking in response to your tears.
“Y/N!” You heard Lorenzo scream, “the Sacristy!”
You don’t respond, nor do you make no movement of hearing him. Instead, you stay rooted at your spot next to Giuliano, sitting there with barely concealed tears.
Setting your hand on Giuliano’s cheek, you smile weakly down at him when his fading eyes glance up to meet your own.
“Get in! Get in!”
You hear the Sacristy doors slam shut, leaving you alone. You do not blame Lorenzo or anyone, you’d been the one to ignore his pleas. And with Nori hurt and all the man after him, he had no choice. 
Though, even as you remain unmoving, you can’t help but hear your mother; “you left him! You left Y/N! No! No! I must go back! I have to… I have to go back to get them!”
But eventually her pleas and screams and the others seem to fade in the back of your mind as you stare down at Giuliano’s bloody face and envision Francesco stabbing him in the chest repeatedly. 
You’d loved him and this is what he does to you. 
It is only moments later that a shadow falls next to your side. You do not have to look to know who it is.
And something in your mind and body just snaps. Suddenly, you are on your feet, before Francesco, screaming at him until your voice grows raw, pounding against his chest. You curse him, you tell him you hate him and you regret the day you ever met and Francesco simply takes it. Then, as emotions overwhelm you, and your tears well up all over again, you sneak to your knees by Giuliano, in despair.
You now understood why Francesco told you not to go to Mass. It was because he was too much of a coward to face you head on, that he’d rather you find out the truth when he’d gotten all that he wanted along – power.
He never loved you. Not in the way you loved him.
All he ever wanted was power.
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
requests are closed!
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kanevill · 5 years
after all // lorenzo de medici
request(s): I really don’t need much, I just need sweet Lorenzo imagine. Like he takes care for sick/hurt Reader. Or she looks after him. Just pure emotional intimacy. That’s it. Thank you.
How about a Lorenzo one where the reader almost died while she was protecting him? Aaaaaangst with fluffy ending 
Ooooh, how about a Lorenzo one in which he knows the reader since they were children, but they hate each other. They end up being forced to marry (it could be because of political/economical reasons or they were caught in a compromising position idk) and one day something dramatic happens (like an assassination attempt idk) and they realise that they actually loved each other all along
please don’t plagiarize my work!
word count: 1,286
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Your grip is tight on that of Lucrezia, pulling her in the direction of the Sacristy. She’s relentless in your grip, her hands outstretched desperately in the direction of Giuliano as her voice screams raw for her boy.
You ignore the racing of your heart and the tears that well in your eyes as you push Lucrezia in the Sacristy. You understand why she relents, you understand her need to get to Giuliano, but if you let her she will be killed and enough Medici had already died today and you weren’t about to let more. Shutting the door behind her, you mentally pray that Lucrezia will not attempt to ran after her boy again as you turn your head over your shoulder, eyes falling on that of Lorenzo.
He’s cornered by Francesco and two other men. Nori is racing towards Lorenzo, in hopes of helping, but his path is blocked by another. Eyes widening, you push off of the Sacristy doors, taking hesitant steps in the direction of Lorenzo.
After years of professing your hate for one another, cursing him and all the Gods above that forced you to marry him, you can’t help the fear lurching in your throat at the sight of Lorenzo’s neck, which is bleeding profusely. Every lunge Francesco or any of the other men take towards Lorenzo causes your heart to practically leap out of your throat, afraid – no, terrified – that they’ll get him. That they’ll kill him like they killed Giuliano.
“Lorenzo,” you screech, your voice pitching, “the Sacristy!”
“My boy! No!”
Whatever Lorenzo had been about to say is interrupted by Lucrezia, your eyes widening as she lunges towards Giuliano. You grab a hold of her once again, pulling her back and nearly tripping over your own feet as she struggles relentlessly against your grip.
“Get her in!” You hear Lorenzo screech, and you listen without fault, pulling Lucrezia once again in the direction of the Sacristy.
The moment she’s in you, you practically bleed with her; “stay here! I’m going to get Lorenzo and Giuliano!”
Once again, you rush towards Lorenzo, “Lorenzo, come on, the sacristy!”
He’s slips past the three that corner him, running towards the Sacristy and in your direction before he trips over his feet. You feel your heart plummet as Francesco is quick to run up to him, his knife raised threateningly as Lorenzo crawls backwards, his hand raised pleadingly. “Francesco,” he whispers, “Francesco, please.”
And you’re not sure why, because you have no experience in fighting whatsoever, but you cant’ stand the sight of Lorenzo on his back with a knife pointed at him. Even more so when you hear Jacopo scream at Francesco to kill Lorenzo.
So, without a second of hesitation, you rush forward, grabbing something mindlessly along the way. It ends up being a candle stick, and using the element of surprise to your advantage, you swing it towards Francesco, hitting him in the shoulder. It causes him to stumble back in surprise, and spinning, you grab Lorenzo by the arm, halting him up. You ignore his look of disbelief as you pull him in the direction of the Sacristy, yanking on him relentlessly.
But then, your path is blocked by one of Jacopo’s men. Like Francesco, he holds a knife before him threateningly, causing you and Lorenzo to shuffle back. You feel Lorenzo slip his hand into your own, his grip tight and nearly bruising as he gauges the man’s movements before you.
Then, you hear footsteps, and turning, you find Francesco up on his feet behind you, knife poised threateningly.
“Lorenzo,” you screech, pulling your husbands eyes on the threat that lies behind you.
For a moment, the two of you shuffle, anticipating either’s movements, and then Francesco is letting out a cry of roar and he lunges forward, obviously heading for Lorenzo. You use that to your advantage, shoving Lorenzo out of the way, causing Francesco’s knife to land directly into your shoulder, It tears a ear-piercing scream from your throat, the world darkening for a moment as your hand rips from Lorenzo’s, reaching out for your shoulder.
Arms catch you before you fall to the ground and you hear Lorenzo screeching out your name, pulling you back.
It’s a different voice; in the middle of your pain, you recognize it as Nori calling out for Lorenzo. He must of cleared the path, because you feel Lorenzo shift slightly, picking you up in his arms and then he’s running, and before you know it, you’re in the Sacristy, Lucrezia’s sobbing and screams of panic the only thing you hear and the pain in your shoulder the only thing you feel.
Your skin is warm, clammy and you feel yourself being placed on the ground before Lorenzo is hovering over you, his eyes set straight on your shoulder.
“You left Giuliano? You left my boy?”
“I had to, mother,” Lorenzo cries, and your eyes fall shut as another wave of pain hits you. “Y/N–”
“I have to go back for him! I–I–”
“No, Lucrezia,” you hear Nori call out, undoubtedly holding Lucrezia back. “There is nothing we can do. He’s dead!”
Suddenly, there is a weight pressed against your shoulder and a scream leaves your lips. When you open your eyes, you find Lorenzo reaching over for the knife. “I have to pull it out,” he explains breathlessly, and you meet his watery eyes, assessing the tears that stream down his cheeks and the cut across his neck that is still bleeding. “Okay?”
You nod, and then, you’re hit by another wave of pain. It causes your body to tense, your muscles straining as Lorenzo instantly applies pressure to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
“My boy! My boy!”
As the pain fades, becoming more a dull ache, you hear the thumping against the Sacristy doors, Francesco and the others are still breaking in, no doubt trying to finish the job.
Your hand falls on Lorenzo’s, halting his movements. “I’m fine,” you pant, voice raw, “your mother–”
“You’re bleeding profusely,” Lorenzo dismisses, interrupting you. “If we don’t get you help, and soon, you’re going to die.”
“Lorenzo,” you call, “your brother–”
“I won’t let you die.”
Swallowing thickly, your eyes fall shut as Lorenzo brushes back the loose strands of hair that have clung to your sweaty forehead. Then, your eyes slowly flutter open, meeting Lorenzo’s who haven’t left your own. “It hurt,” you groan slightly, shifting as you feel a sharp pain flood your entire body.
“That was reckless,” Lorenzo breathes, “you could’ve–”
“I had to help you,” you cut off, shaking your head. “I couldn’t let you die like… like Giuliano.”
At the mention of his brother’s name, Lorenzo’s face twists and his body tenses. “I should’ve done more, I–… I should’ve listen, I–”
“There’s no way you could’ve known.”
Lorenzo falls silent at your words, and your eyes fall shut with discomfort as Lucrezia’s sobbing, the banging against the door and Nori’s pleads towards Lucrezia fade in your mind once more. It’s relentless, and your heart hasn’t stopped pounding relentlessly since this all begin.
“Thank you.”
You blink, your eyes falling on Lorenzo.
“Thank you for coming,” he continues, “if you hadn’t…”
Your hand falls on his cheek, interrupting him. “I did it because I love you.”
Your words shock Lorenzo at first. For so long, you’ve pretended that you hated Lorenzo. Ever since you were children, and now, after everything that happened, no longer could you deny how you truly felt.
Lorenzo doesn’t reply right away, but it doesn’t take him long before he realizes, after nearly and possibly loosing you, that he loves you too.
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
requests are closed!
442 notes · View notes
kanevill · 7 years
anxiety: ur gonna be late!!! get there early
me: *is 15 mins early*
anxiety: no ones here ur in the wrong place!!!
283K notes · View notes
kanevill · 7 years
me: *clicks a settings menu*
my family: love having a tech expert in the house :) 
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kanevill · 7 years
*incredulous voice* mERRY CHRISTMAS????? WHAT ABOUT PIPPIN CHRISTMAS?????  
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kanevill · 7 years
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kanevill · 7 years
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she drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra
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kanevill · 8 years
I get road rage walking behind people.
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kanevill · 8 years
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Reblog this picture of me holding a Family Size box of Honey Nut Cheerios? I’d really appreciate it.
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kanevill · 8 years
I’m honestly convinced 2016 is just a big marketing ploy for A Series of Unfortunate Events
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kanevill · 8 years
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“Even though this year still has seven weeks left, I’m calling it early, 2016 has been the fucking worst.”
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kanevill · 8 years
Beauty and the Beast US Official Trailer
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kanevill · 8 years
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kanevill · 8 years
Reblog If You Can Take Off Your Bra Without Taking Your Shirt Off.
0 notes
kanevill · 8 years
What idiot called it “best man” instead of “lord of the rings”
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