justeczemathings-blog Ā· 8 years
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JustEczemaThingsā¤ļø I love fall because itā€™s cool(heat is one of my irritants) but the air is dry, which is also one of my irritantsšŸ˜©
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 8 years
love love love thisā¤ļø I am still very insecure about my skin and find it hard to be intimate with my boyfriend because of it. He reassured me that he doesn't care because beauty lies beyond skinšŸ’•
Dating With Eczema
I recently read some statistics on how eczema and other skin conditions can effect peoples romantic relationships and I found it really interesting.
I am 16 and have never had a boyfriend. Sure Iā€™ve been quite close a few times, but these boys typically find someone else before we get too close. Of course this led me to spend a deal of time wondering what was wrong with me, and why there always seemed to be an abundance of prettier or less difficult girls. It took a while for me to realize that it wasnā€™t my fault; had these guys been worth my time anyway, they wouldnā€™t have found anyone ā€œprettierā€ or ā€œless difficultā€ than me.
But it wasnā€™t until last year when my skin got really bad that I realized that Iā€™m also very good at pushing people away. I had been talking to this guy for a while and we werenā€™t sure about our feelings for one another, but there were feelings. He was very hands-on, always holding me or my hand. This made me uncomfortable; if Iā€™m already claustrophobic enough in my own skin, why do I want you draped on my body?
Soon enough I started resenting this boy. We were in the same friend group but I could feel myself growing angry and hateful towards him. I found him to be immature, narcissistic, and obnoxious. Whatever feelings were there died.
It wasnā€™t until my skin got better that I realized that I was the problem, not him. I didnā€™t think poorly of him; I thought poorly of myself and thought that pushing away those that cared about me was in those peopleā€™s best interest. My depression and lack of self-worth had taken over, to the point where I believed myself so hideously ugly and unlovable that I felt bad for anybody who saw any beauty in me, and pushed them away so they wouldnā€™t have to suffer under the weight of the burden I felt Iā€™d placed on everyone around me.
Weā€™re still friends. Best friends, even. Heā€™s still very hands on and he tells me Iā€™m beautiful and I believe him, because anybody who was willing to stick around through all those dark, ugly days and still love me is worth my time, not those silly boys who went searching for someone prettier or less difficult. To this day heā€™s the only boy who has ever asked to buy me dinner (I politely declined) or wanted to hold my hand or asked me for a hug, and heā€™s the only boy whoā€™s seen me at my absolute worst. Maybe we arenā€™t dating, but we get along and enjoy each others company, which is enough.
I guess the takeaway from this is that yes, it is hard to date with eczema. Eczema makes it really hard to love ourselves, and we fear that it will make it harder for other people to love us. But if someone thinks its okay to not love you because of your eczema, then it is okay for you to never speak to them again.
But when you find someone who loves you despite your flaws, love them despite theirs. Find someone that doesnā€™t mind your dry skin or your red eyes.
But most of all, its important to love yourself. I couldnā€™t let someone else love me until I learned to love myself, and thatā€™s how I found out that its possible for me to be loved. If I can accept myself, so can others, and maybe one day youā€™ll find it within yourself to accept yourself and then youā€™ll be able to find someone who accepts you too.
You are lovable and once you realize this and love yourself the love you feel will make it all worth it.
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 8 years
Me: omg my skin is clear and i can wear my favorite clothes now
Eczema: lol suprise bitch
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 8 years
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 8 years
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You know you have skin problems if... JustEczemaThingsā¤ļø
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 8 years
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JustEczemaThingsā¤ļø My skin problems will NEVER get in the way of my dreams and goals again. Even though they're a problem, I will never again make my skin condition a flaw because my skin is me and I am beautiful, and so are all of youšŸ’•
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 8 years
This is my third time apologizing for being inactive, so once again I'm sorry lol
I want you all to know that each and every one of you are beautiful, regardless of what anyone else thinks. I wish someone would have told me this when I first had a severe outbreak at age 12, when I felt extremely insecure about my skin and wore sweaters everyday to cover it up.
So, with that, if you want to submit your eczema story to inspire others, feel free to DM me and I will post itā¤ļø
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you can do it!Ā 
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 8 years
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 9 years
I have eczema, but...
I have eczema, but I do sports.ā›¹šŸ½šŸ€šŸ‡šŸ½ I have eczema, but I wear short sleeve shirts because I don't care about what others think. šŸ™‰ I have eczema, but that should not and does not interfere with my relationships. ā¤ļø I have eczema, but I love to play outside.ā˜€ļø I have eczema, but I have friends that love me for me and not my appearance. šŸ’šŸ½ I have eczema, but I also have a kitty named Whitney, and she is one of my outbreak triggersšŸ˜‚šŸˆ
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 9 years
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JustEczemaThingsā¤ļø I love fall because it's cool(heat is one of my irritants) but the air is dry, which is also one of my irritantsšŸ˜©
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 9 years
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JustEczemaThingsā¤ļø This always seems to happen because I get nervous. And I'm nervous all the time lol
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 9 years
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 9 years
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110 notes Ā· View notes
justeczemathings-blog Ā· 9 years
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JustEczemaThingsā¤ļø Sorry about being inactive everyone!!!! I'm back šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ» I do this at school all the time. I use to be insecure that people knew I was putting ointment on my rashes, so I use to go to the bathroom and do it. Now, I don't even care because my eczema is part of me and people can suck it if they think I'm disgusting, because I know I'm awesome ā˜ŗļø
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 9 years
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JustEczemaThingsā¤ļø thank you colorguardruinedmylife ā˜ŗļø I know from experience that during an outbreak, working hard is one of the hardest things to do because sweat on eczema is worse than sweat in the eyes šŸ˜©
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 9 years
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Just went to the doctors to get a prescription refill, and instead of just 1 box of oatmeal bath treatments, he gave me 3 šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜Š (BTW sorry I've been such a ghost lately, y'all are troopers for hangin' in there šŸ˜™) JustEczemaThingsā¤ļø
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justeczemathings-blog Ā· 9 years
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sorry about the mispelling of thešŸ˜œ This was a personal experience from last week, ive been a ghost lately and decided to tell the tragedy of the cute walmart shirt
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