junnieismylove · 2 years
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Pairing- Olivia (y/n) x Daniel (Yj)
Genre- fluff, angst
The fresh morning breeze went up her nostrils, as she closed her eyes taking in the scent, smiling widely. The gust of wind swept her long brown hair as she slid her slender fingers across her face to remove them and tucked her hair strands behind her ear. Sitting on a bench in the field covered with dandelions that swayed where the wind blew, Olivia would often come here to draw, spilling her troubles and sorrows, worries and tensions on the piece of paper which brought her immense joy. 
She wore a pastel pink floral skirt which stays till her upper thighs and white plain half sleeves crop top. Her eyes surfed through the mesmerizing meadow searching for the perfect scenery that could touch her heart. While  browsing her eyes landed on a particular person. Olivia couldn’t believe herself, she never in her life saw such beauty. She was in complete awe of the said boy who was sitting on the other bench, with his headphones on, his head bobbing with his eyes closed, too deep into the rhythm of the music. For Olivia he was the most handsome and pretty man she has ever seen. 
A lean figure, his plush pink lips, high bridged nose, a jawline so sharp that could make you bleed. Without her knowing her hands worked on their own on her sketchbook capturing his feature, Olivia captured his beauty with her eyes. Her heart skipped a beat when he opened those orbs. She wanted to get lost in those iridescent eyes. Her pencil worked on the details of the boy, but her eyes were fixated on him. The moment froze when their eyes met, sending in a rush of electricity spiraling their senses. Her heart accelerated when she felt the warmth of his smile, it's like a wave of comfort and a feeling of being safe just crashed through her. 
She quickly darted her eyes, breaking the connection that they both just shared, her cheeks flushed with a tint of crimson red. She sheepishly smiled, gathering up all her courage to take one last look. Glancing back hoping to see him again grooving to his music, but to her avail, he is no more there. Olivia frowned in confusion, pondering that just now he was sitting there and the next second he was gone, she found it a little bit weird…
“Maybe he has something important to do”
Shrugging her thoughts off she looks down hoping to see an empty page but gasps in absolute shock seeing the portrait of the boy that was made alluringly perfect  . Questioning if this was her sketch, she giggles not accepting the fact that she can create something so ravishing.
“Guess his charm worked on me” 
Olivia was very altruistic and considerate but she wasn’t easy, she could sense a red flag from a mile ago. She was known to be fearless with an extreme skill set. But behind that mask of toughness, she hid her tears, her heart as fragile as glass that even a slight pinch of needle  could shatter her into million pieces. She wasn’t the one to  cry in front of anyone but the walls of her room resonated with every little sound of her wails while her pillow captured all of  her precious scintillated tears. 
“YO!!!” Olivia jerked from the sudden greeting, putting her hand on his chest breathing heavily. “What the hell is wrong with you Kai!! You startled me”. Kai wheezed “ Man!it’s so easy to scare you!” he says while laughing hysterically. Olivia rolled her eyes slamming  her locker door, surprising the over too joyed boy. Kai's expressions changed completely, he looked at Olivia in horror, noticing her creepy smile that she puts on when she is angry. Mumbling a sorry, Kai free himself from her wrath, getting pretty best friend privilege.   
“Did you make your art for the competition?” Kai asks excitedly, making Olivia nod. “Oh!! What did you make?” His eyes which are filled with curiosity shift towards Olivia. She moves her head side to side signaling him no before saying “it’s a secret!! I'll show you on the big day?” Kai whines, throwing his head back “why???” She smirks as she turns around, now facing Kai  moving backward to the cafeteria teasingly moving her finger side to side gesturing a no.
The chattering of the students could be heard as Kai and Olivia went to sit in the far back of the cafeteria. “So what do you want?” Kai says, grumbling voices coming from his stomach indicating that he was hungry. Olivia sighs, laying her head down on the table, one thought or someone clouding her mind. 
The boy from the dandelions park
Kai frowns as he calls her name many times but she won’t listen, so he shakes her intensely making her come out of her trance. “What was on your mind that you can’t even hear anyone?” ” he asked, puzzled by her shy grin. This is the first time he has seen her smile like that, so he was pretty shocked. “Do you have a CRUSH?” he yells the word “crush” making Olivia widen her eyes, trying to get him to shut his mouth.
“What are you doing? Shh!! Keep it down!! I don’t have any crush or anything!! You know I don't do those kinds of things!!” She was clearly embarrassed when everyone looked at them weirdly. She bows her head apologetically to everyone and shoots a glare at Kai, making her melt in his seat.   
“I am not in a mood to eat right now! You can go take anything!" she retrieves back to laying her head on the table. Kai shrugs his shoulders getting up to get food. Getting comfortable she was about to close her eyes when someone caught her attention. Her eyes looked like it was gonna pop out any second and her jaw was literally on the floor, she pinched herself thinking that it may be some dream or else, but it wasn’t. She was wide awake and the person she had been daydreaming about was right in front of her. 
She was contemplating whether to go say hi or not, cuz her heart couldn’t stop pounding as if wanting to get out of her chest. She gulped coming to a final decision of at least knowing his name. She stands up from her seat, adjusting her clothes, even though she was just wearing a plain black hoodie and a black jeans. Patting her face and tucking her hair back, she started to make her way towards him. 
In between the walk she thought to herself, how much she has changed, she would have never done these things for a boy but something about him just makes her wanna put on some nice clothes and make up  when she knows she won’t do that at any cost. 
Her heart still thumping as she gets closer, her footsteps start becoming heavy, wanting to turn around but there is no going back. She sits on the opposite side of her, he didn’t seem to notice her as he was so engaged with his phone. Olivia inhales a good amount of air and chooses to speak.
“Hi!!” her voice came out ever so sweet that she gagged secretly. The boy looks up at her with the most innocent and pure eyes one can ever have. She swears her expressions that were tense just min ago soften just seeing his face. “Hi!!” He smiles , waving  his hand like a child. She almost died from the cuteness this boy held. His voice was the perfect blend of honey and solace. 
A comfortable science spread in the atmosphere as no one dared to speak, their eyes were looking everywhere but at each other. Before it gets awkwards olivia starts a new conversation. “What is your name?” the said boy looks at her “Daniel!! What's yours?”  she grins “olivia!! Nice to meet you!!” Daniel bows “ nice to meet you too!!” 
“I have never seen you here before!! Are you new?” she bit her lip, showing interest “ yeah!! I shifted a week ago!! And i also remember you from the park” she inaudible gasps, trying to swallow his words but is not able to. “Oh my god!! You do!! Wow mee too!!” They both laughed as their conversation was going pretty well.
Kai gets back with a food tray in his hand ready to share with his bestie but she is nowhere to be seen. He looks around trying to find her and then sees she is on the other table talking with somebody. Kai was lowkey happy and he also felt odd like who is this person that is making her days so much brighter now. But whoever it is, Kai is grateful because it's been long since he had seen her all contended and cheerful. With this thought he goes back to eating his lunch.
Olivia threw herself on her bed, feeling on cloud 9. After so long she has felt like this. Daniel makes her feel so many things, in just one day he gave her so many butterflies, made her feel so special, they talked like they have been talking for ages. It didn’t feel like Olivia was speaking to him for the first time. 
“Is this what falling in love feels like?” 
She questioned herself, going deep into her thoughts. Her eyes get droopy, as they start to close, making her fall into a deep slumber. Days went by as Olivia and Daniel got closer and closer. Her crush gradually became her first love. She always gets this euphoric feeling whenever she is with him. Olivia spends most of her time with daniel. They talk, they go out on multiple dates, they devote their whole time at Olivia's house since she lives alone. It’s like she has gotten attached to Daniel, she can never let him go.
She is in love with him.
Canceling her plans or rejecting anything Kai wants to do with her made him very upset and angry with the person that got her tied with him. Kai was now desperate to know that person and have a word with them. 
Laying on the dandelion field where their eyes collided for the first time, they looked at the bright sky with the sun shining its ray on both of them in a complete stillness. Only  the cloud’s slow movement could be seen and the pleasant wind blowing could be heard. Olivia’s head lays on Daniel's chest with his finger entangled with her hair caressing them tenderly.
She lifts her head to look at the boy who is smiling like an idiot. “You are too unreal” she grins as he chuckles “what? Why do you think that?” she takes in a good amount of breath before speaking “ i mean, you are so perfect, how can a human be so perfect!!” he giggles “maybe i am not one!!” Olivia rolls her eyes playfully. “Yeah right!! But on a serious note you legit made me feel things no one ever has!! And I was dying to feel this way, wanting to be loved and to love, I wanted someone to spoil with my love but I guess here it's the other way around, you spoiled me with yours!!” She giggles like a little girl, but he just stays silent looking at her with all the adoration he has for her.
Olivia gathers up the courage to finally say what is in her heart. She sits, her expressions all serious making Daniel worry. She holds his soft hands into her as she looks deep into a bottomless pit in his eyes. “I want to tell you something” he nods his head signaling her to continue. She closes her eyes, swallowing the lump in her throat..
“I love you!!!”
Daniel’s eyes held the world for her but his lips held a pained smile, knowing the reality of life. He wants to reciprocate her feelings but the circumstances were not in his favor. Olivia opens one of her eyes to see his reaction, he was oddly silent making her anxious. Slowly opening her second eye, she starts shaking a little bit, since she has always been afraid to confess to anyone. Rejection might be something she won’t be able to handle.
" I love you too!!” He spoke suddenly but Olivia didn’t hear it, because she was busy overthinking unnecessary scenarios. “I am sorry!! If you don’t like me it's tot- wait what? What did you just say?” She was too stunned to speak, she thought her ears were ringing but they weren’t, she heard all too correctly, he loved her back, she was in denial still she wanted to jump, dance and sing on top of her lungs, but restricted herself. Tears welled up in her eyes, as Daniel's concerned face was visible. 
“Why are you crying?” he asks, his voice softens, she sniffles, quickly hugging him, her hands wrapped around his shoulders, while his hands quickly wrap around her waist. “Thank you for always being there for me!!! For loving me, for never leaving my side”.
‘For never leaving my side’ this line got stuck deep into his heart….
He bit his lips, resisting  himself from crying, as they both sat there relishing each other’s embrace. Daniel breaks the hug, saying the thing that is impossible for him to conquer: “I will always stay with you no matter what!!” sliding his thumb over her cheeks to clean her tears, he leans in to give a sweet little kiss on her lips. They want to say so many things to each other, but some words are meant to be left unsaid. She keeps her head on his shoulder as they peacefully weave their future together which ceases to exist.
" promise me forever?" She took out her pinky finger, giving him puppy eyes. Daniel gulped and felt a sting in his heart, with hesitation he took out his pinky finger and linked it with hers. "I promise you-"
Forever… always remember even if I am not here I will be with you in  HERE always!!!” 
Taking his index finger and motioning it to her heart….
Olivia’s happiness was on top of the world without knowing that her world was about to crumble down..
Happily skipping the hallway, she makes her way to the cafeteria only to be stopped by her best friend that she has been ignoring. “You look happy!!” he says standing on the cafeteria entry point with his hands crossed keeping his poker face. She smiles “yes i do!!” he nods “care to explain why?”. Olivia remembers that she forgot to tell her best friend about her boyfriend, she was so engrossed in Daniel that she did not realize that she had been ignoring her own childhood best friend.
“I am so sorry!! I forgot to tell you!! I have a boyfriend!!” Kai's eyes widened, all of his anger turned into contentment as he used to think that she doesn’t have the ability to make boyfriends. “REALLY!! WHO?” he again yelled making her embarrassed but this time she was not mad “ssh!! I'll tell you everything!! Lower your volume down!! Geez!!!”. Kai excitedly nods his head as they go to the far back table to sit.
“So his name is daniel!!and-”she told him everything from when they met to her confession. Some words that she said felt weird to kai, like how she just told him that she used to sit with him in the cafeteria all the time but he never saw anybody with her, not at school at least.  “Where do you guys sit?” he asked “over there! He might be sitting-” she looks over to the empty table that is lying on the other end of the cafeteria, Olivia's smile drops and she suddenly gets an uncomfortable vibe, her intuition telling her something word is coming “Maybe he didn’t come today!!” she assured herself but on the other hand Kai knew something was up with her because whenever she sits there, 
She always sits alone…
He never paid attention to her, always thinking that she might be on the phone with someone. But now that he thinks about it, isn’t it weird to always be in the same place and in the same location. “Well i wanna see how handsome this man is” she smiles widely ready to take out her phone but stops midway. “Oh yeah!! He doesn’t like taking pictures!! So we don’t have any!! But he is absolutely ethereal. ``Kai furrowed his eyebrows together, finding it extremely weird, ‘there is not even a one pic of them together, that's impossible’ . His mind was foggy with just confusion. “Well do you have anything that can give me an idea how he looks!!” she ruminates for a  minute “yess!! I have his sketch I made the first day I saw him!! It’s actually an art competition too!!” she says elevated. “Ok, show me that!!” “sure”
They both enter Olivia's room as she looks for her sketchbook, finally finding it she turns the page till she comes across his sketch. She hands it over to Kai, who’s full concentration is on the sketch. “He is very handsome!! It's weird how he doesn’t want his pictures to be clicked” he says clearly puzzled “i know right!!`` Olivia stood there grinning crazily, completely oblivious to reality.
Suddenly something strikes Kai, the sketch is strangely familiar to him, it's like he has seen this boy before but where?. “He seems familiar tho” olivia frowns in confusion “where did you see him”.
“I don’t quite remember but I surely did, '' he says, still thinking as to where he could have seen him. Olivia shrugs her shoulder “well maybe you saw someone who looks similar to him” he sighs, his memory working clearly, the deeper he thinks the more it clears out but heis not sure if what he is thinking is correct  or not. 
Next day Kai runs to Olivia who is sitting there saddened, because it's been 3 days since she didn’t see or hear anything from Daniel, from the day she confessed he seems to be missing. These were restless and sleepless nights for her as she cried for him. But didn’t let anyone even know what she is going through. She looks towards her right to see Kai running towards her coming to a halt, keeping his hands to her knees breathing heavily.
“I need to tell you something important!!” She didn’t say anything and nodded. “So the picture you showed me, I remember where it’s from and why it felt so familiar!! Remember we went to an art museum 3 years ago?” she nods still connecting the dots. “There is an exact artwork of the boy you made!! And if you want proof I can take you to that museum” still not knowing what he is trying to say “what are you trying to say?” he sits on the bench holding her hand “what i'll say next!! I don’t know if it's true or not and by any means I am not trying to hurt but telling you the reality and I am sorry for that  but I think you may be hallucinating him!” she quickly retreats  her hand away from him, looking extremely angry. 
“What rubbish ? Why would I hallucinate someone?” she jerks her hands away from kai. She is now totally paranoid. “Look you are getting it, you told me that you used to sit with him in the cafeteria, but trust me you always used to sit alone, how such a handsome boy wouldn’t want his pictures to be taken, how in the world you don’t have his phone number, Why doesn’t he talk to anyone at school? All these things are weird aren't they?” Olivia was now beyond scared because whatever he said was true except for the cafeteria one.
Not wanting to believe all of this, she stands up ready to leave but kai holds her wrist. “Let go of me,” she says, blinking her tears away. Kai’s face softens “please listen to me and do the things i say and if i am proven wrong, you have all the right to stop talking to me” she turns her body towards him looking him in his eye.
“Only one chance” 
He nods.
Her footsteps feel heavy as she drags them alongside kai. Making their way to the said painting. She bit her lips feeling extremely anxious as they got closer and closer. “Look” she closes her eyes not wanting to look but has no choice, she slowly lifts up her head to see the painting, she is frozen on the spot, not able to move or speak or show emotions, she becomes pale as if she saw a ghost. The man in the painting looks exactly like daniel. Those lips, nose and those pearly chocolate brown eyes, everything is the same.
She shakes her head as no, her steps one by one taking a step backward. “This must be a coincidence!” She speaks under her breath, but Kai hears it. “You still don't believe it!!” He was now extremely worried about her mental health. Olivia was already going through depression of losing her family to a fatal car accident, then her aunt took her in her custody but she would treat her like an outcast, and in school too, she keeps a low profile just because of how she is scared to get emotionally attached to someone, thinking they will too leave her. 
Kai is the only one she’s close to because they are friends even before her parent’s death. He was there with her when her parents died. Kai never wanted to see her cry, so he made it his mission to never bring tears to her eyes. Her condition day by day got worse as her aunt would treat her really badly, so decided to move out. She was deprived of love. She wanted someone with whom she could share the mildest things,  who can make her laugh and make her feel special. Kai can’t do that because she thinks  one day he will also leave her. 
She runs out of the museum, not being able to take in everything, her head hurts, she doesn’t understand anything. She wants more proof. This can just be coincidence, her mind stopped working, all that could be heard was her heart beating rapidly. Kai reaches out for her but she jerks his hand away.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!! YOU ARE JEALOUS OF ME AND DANIEL!! THAT’S WHY YOU ARE DOING THIS RIGHT?” Kai had enough, his blood was boiling, he couldn't keep his best friend in the dark, he calmed himself, not wanting to make the situation worse by yelling at her. “Do you really think I am jealous?” she looks towards him, seeing her bloodshot eyes, kai couldn't help himself, letting his tears slide down his cheeks.
“Livie!! Understand what I am trying to say!!! I am not saying that he is not real, he will always be with you just not physically!! You want more proof right? ok!! What is the last place you guys went!!” She knit her eyebrows together trying to see to what extent his lies can go. He gestures to her to speak up.
“The new cafe that has recently been opened”
Upon reaching the cafe, the pace of her steps gradually slows down,  her head starts feeling dizzy, she doesn’t feel like going inside but Kai insists her, knowing that what he is doing is going to hurt way more than anything else. Her eyes were swollen telling exactly that she had been up all night crying, his words overwhelmed her too much.
The wind chime of the cafe clanged as they opened the door, stepping inside. Mustering up all her courage, she goes to the counter. She heaves a sigh of relief, seeing the women who were here to take their order.
“Hi!!” she sheepishly smiles. “Oh hi!! What can I get for you!!” the lady grains ready to take her order. “Oh I am not here to order something, I just wanna ask if you remember me from the day before yesterday!” the cafe lady thinks for a minute puckering her lips, her expression saying that she is trying to remember something. “Oh yeah!! Well I usually don’t remember people but today is your lucky day! Is there something I can help you with?”. Olivia inhales and exhales as she nods preparing herself for what’s about to come next.
“So, I came here with a friend too. Do you remember him?” Olivia was hoping to get a yes but “I know I don't remember things but I certainly remember there was no one with you that day.” She froze, everything in her stopped, she couldn’t comprehend what she heard. She felt numb, her body completely stiff.  After a few seconds, she released a prolonged breath which she didn’t even know she held. When the realization hit, it hit HARD. Her lips start quivering, tears start sliding down her cheeks, as her breathing becomes ragged. “You are lying!! YOU ARE LYING!!! This can’t be!!” With that being said she sprints out of the cafe leaving the women petrified.
Apologetically bowing to the lady he goes out of the shops only to find that Olivia was gone. She brushes his hair back with his hand getting tense. He searches the whole area but she is nowhere to be seen. Then it hits him..
The field of dandelions..
Olivia was sitting on the bench where she saw daniel. All of her vivid memories of Daniel come flashing in front of her eyes. The way he smiled so warmly at her the first time, that melted her heart right away. And then accidently meeting him in the school, their first date and so much more that she could never forget.She caresses the bench, her tears uncontrollably falling on it, her cheeks stained , her eyes going numb. But no emotion could be seen on her face. She was angry and upset. Her heart was completely  crushed into pieces that will take infinite time to collect and piece together. 
He left me… HE FUCKING LEFT ME..
It took years for her to build her own wall and let someone step in it but it took a second for it to come crashing down. She feels his presence, that he is somewhere near but he is not, it's in her head. She stands on the place where she made her first confession to the love of her life. She tries to keep her calm but the minute she reaches it. all of the reminiscences starts clouding her thought breaking her down, she falls onto her knees, her tears uncontrollably falling. 
He is not there to catch them…
She felt splinters stab in her heart brutally slow multiple times. Her nose was running and face became totally red from crying. She holds some of the dandelions in her hand, crushing them right away. She screamed on top of her lungs..
“Why god why me?? What have I done to you? I didn’t know my fate was so fucked up, the only boy I ever loved turned out to be just a character of my mind” Olivia started laughing maniacally, but then her laughs turned into her wails as she couldn’t stop bawling her eyes out!!  She was feeling completely empty, her eyes were feeling heavy, she was struggling to keep it open, they were blurred by the amount of tears she had. Suddenly, his words hit her…
“Remember even if I am not here!!! I will always be with you in your heart!”
She screamed and cried into the abyss, they echoed but no one was there to hear her. Even though the sun was shining,she could feel the darkness engulfing her. She lifted up her hand and put it on her heart, Closing her eyes, trying to feel his warmth again…but she couldn’t all she could sense or feel there was a..
A meaningless void..
She lays in the field covered with dandelions for a few minutes, her tears falling onto her side. Smiling, she could see the visions of both of them having fun at the cafe, in Olivia's home and in this very park, his laughs, his voice, everything. Her eyelids heavy with all the haziness from crying
“If this seems to be the reality i don’t never wanna open my eyes, death is far better than to live in a world with no one to hold on, nobody to walk with, no shoulder to cry on, no jokes to laugh with, no person to care for and no one to love me!!”
The wind swiftly blows her hair, ready to give up on her when she hears a voice. She opens her eyes, looking around for the source of the sound but nothing. She goes back to her previous position, when she again hears the voice but this time she lets the voice envelop her..
“Baby!! I am so sorry!!! I know i promised you that i'll always be yours till the end of time and trust me i will be, it's just not physically, whenever you want to think about me or hear my voice just put your hand on your heart and close your eyes feeling my presence,i'll be there  i promise this!! I have and will always love you no matter what?” 
Her lips shivered as she clutched her hand into her chest, shedding tears and sobbing loudly. She felt immense pain with each and every word that he spoke. She laid there numb, Wanting to feel his touch, hugs and kisses but couldn't. Olivia was scared how she was gonna survive without Daniel but she somehow had to!! 
“Even if you are not here!! I'll always love you too daniel!!”
What she didn’t know was that someone was watching her go through all of this. Kai stood there seeing her breaking right in front of him, shattering his heart, he was blaming himself that he was not able to do anything. sniffling, his tears slid down his cheeks, he turned around not bearing to see his best friend in this condition. “ I am sorry I am not there to console you but I promise that from now I will never let anything harm or hurt you. EVER”
After a few days, Kai took her to a therapist, he told them that because of her traumatic event and the abuse she had to go through, with her already diagnosed depression, and her want for love, led her to her hallucination. He diagnosed her with schizophrenia. That painting they both saw, stayed in her unconscious mind, and when her condition only got worse. Her unconscious mind gave life to the picture that stayed with her till now.
Olivia was given medication, whenever she wanted to hear his voice and feel his presence, she would always keep her hand on her heart and close her eyes, she didn’t want to heal, cuz that means he would fade away too. But as the medication started working, his voice turned into mumbles to barely any sounds and then at the end it stopped, Olivia had to  accept the fact that one day she had to give up on him.
And eventually she did..
In her art competition, Olivia displayed  the sketch  of Daniel that she made when for the first time her eyes locked with his. She smiles at her artwork that was beautifully put up in the exhibition. It was a masterpiece indeed, and for that Olivia won the competition. 
“So would you like to talk about your art!!! It’s magnificent, this boy seems close to your heart!!” the host of the show said, making oliva’s face twinkle. She came on the stage, with letting out a heave of sigh she started..
 “so, the boy that i made is indeed very close to my heart, the first time i saw him i remember how unknowingly my hands started to draw on its own, guess even my sketchbook knows that he was such a work of art, cuz god has favorites clearly and it was like a fairytale, a beautiful maiden meeting a charming prince, that kind of moment, and he was indeed very charming too. He made me feel special, I was craving for love and he fulfilled all my cravings. On my saddest days he would become my ray of hope!! Never leaving my side!!! If I get a chance to say thank you again, I won't miss it for the world!!!” she went silent for a minute, keeping her calm, blinking her upcoming tears away. “So where is he now?” 
she looks towards the host, giving him a broken smile “In HERE!!” she motions her index fingers, bringing it to her heart, smiling before lowering her head and closing her eyes, ruminating the very exact moment he said and did the same thing..
“Sometimes people that are fragments of the unconscious mind become your loved ones more than the real people that exist in this world. That’s what he was a piece of my mind, that showed me what love actually feels like…”
8 notes · View notes
junnieismylove · 2 years
Warning:18+, foul language, smut(explicit)
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2 notes · View notes
junnieismylove · 3 years
Choi yeonjun x female reader
Summary- you have been experiencing some unexplainable events which were quite ignorable for some time but as you started to get more comfortable the events grew more frightening you, so your friend tells you about this person who can help you but things turned out to be something much more than you expected!
Warning- mature content (smut ahead), foul language, frightening scene( even tho they are not scary)
Word count- 3.6k
I have been experiencing some odd stuff, like loud thuds in the guest room, things shattering in the kitchen in the middle of the night. Creaking and scratching. Sometimes I feel someone is laying in the bed with me at night and I am even terrified to look at my back. I feel unsafe, and it gets even more dangerous. 
One morning I woke up with a bruise on my neck like someone left it there. I am sure that it could’ve not been me sleepwalking. Even if it was me,  the bruise was not looking like something a piece of furniture would give. I was beyond scared, knowing the fact that…
I live alone
I would get chills down my spine, goosebumps feeling something just passed through my body and the sudden temperature drop tells me that I am not alone in this house. Something much more that I can’t  imagine living under the same roof as me, it's inhuman and beyond this world.
Before moving here i did hear the rumors of this house being haunted by some entities but i didn't put much thought to it now i regret, plus no one even told me that is it bad or good or just straight up demonic..i don’t know what i am dealing with, but looking from my experience it's something evil.
I would hear my neighbours whispering as I got out of the house to go to college. They whisper stuff  like how do I live in this house alone? Or how am I even alive?. i have never heard of any deaths here after the murder of the two boys, that is said to be what haunting this goddamn house. 
The story is that two boys lived in this apartment and they got murder by theives, the theives didnt get anything since they both were pretty much broke, like me they were college going students. But when one boy was about to call the police, the thief slashed his throat instantly . killing him, the other witnessed and froze watching the lifeless body of his best friend, the blood pooling underneath him staining the wooden floor. The thieves didn't want to get in trouble, so they stabbed him too..and then ran away but soon they were caught by cops. Sometimes I think it's pretty sad, how those thieves ruined the boys' lives. Tears form in my eyes thinking they would've been happy enjoying their lives. But they were destined to be sent to God at that time.it actually happened 4 years ago so it’s not an old story!!
But i am scared because recently too i woke up with a bruise on my neck which almost looked like a hickey, even my friends misunderstood it for that..Gosh the boy ghost is horny!!, but it's concerning. Day by day the spirits are getting active and more communicative like I've tried talking to them several times, no response but after i am done it starts knocking and creaking as far as breaking stuff..
Getting fed up with all of this, I told everything that has happened to me to one of my friends who specifically told me to stay away from that house, she gave me a ghost hunter. At first I thought it was a hoax but then she told me he has been to over 50 houses. I widened my eyes at the number,
Freaking 50
She says that he has a special gift of being a medium. Medium is someone who has psychic abilities which may include seeing spirits and vision instilled by the spirit world, they are also the one spirits use to communicate with the human world. They are not exorcists, they are not qualified in this field but they are definitely someone who investigates why, what,how,who, which and where of the hauntings and then tells you if there is a need for an exorcism (cleansing) or not. So believing her I gave a call to him and told him everything that has happened to me in these past few days, we set up a meeting to talk more about, he definitely seemed professional but his deep sexy voice tho….umm stop thinking about that you horny ass.
Now I am here waiting for him, looking at the clock from time to time. The condition is getting worse day by day from the minute i called him, it’s like the spirits have sensed and it got more aggressive. I have thought of leaving the house but my friend told me that now they have latched onto me, wherever i go, they will be with me. Th bruises are the evidence that they will not leave me at all. From that day i started to live in fear. Everyday i wake up with a small , fresh bruises on my legs and neck, even in weird places like my inner thigh. Sometimes I think the spirit just marks me as it’s. Weird!!
Just then I hear the doorbell ring indicating he must be here. I get up from my sofa and start walking to the door, as soon as i touch the doorknob, it burns my hand, tf- its freaking burning. I touched it again with my finger and now it’s gone. Is the spirit playing tricks on me? I roll my eyes and sigh before opening the door, of course they don't want him here.
I open the door to see a fucking hot man standing in whole black attire. This. is. the. Medium. ok now i wanna see how large his- ok gurl stop it get some help, why am i so thirsty? Anyways….the intimidated look followed by a sweet smile…Oh lord fuck the duality!!! I wanna scream but i can’t. I need to keep a straight face, why is my body reacting like this? I don’t want him to think that he has an impact on me.  I shake my sinful thoughts away and put on a smiling face hiding the heat that is running around my body.
“Hi i am y/n” “i am yeonjun! Nice to meet you ``I smile, waving my hand at him,gesturing him to come in, he nodded while stepping inside my house, I closed the door behind me and turned around seeing him standing in the hallway scanning the house. His facial expression told that something’s wrong, he felt someone’s presence. I called out for him but he didn’t listen so I tapped on his shoulder gaining his attention. He told me that he needs to go to every corner of the house so that he can investigate properly.
I started to give him the house tour. Any room he goes into his facial expression changes as if he saw something or hears something. There was one room that was actually, i was forbidden to go there. People say that's the most active room and that’s where the second boy died. I had the room keys so one day i decided to open the door when the owner specifically told me not to, but me being the curious brat and still regret what i experienced.
When I entered that room, the sudden temperature drop gave me goosebumps all over my body, feeling like someone’s eyes are on you. The immediate fall of the book that was kept far on the desk that had no chance of falling and getting shivers down your spine when you felt that someone just pass through you and the worst was yet to come
I saw someone standing behind the curtains….
I went to check and to my horror there was no one, and that was my que to get out of the room as soon as possible. I ran outside the room, locked the door. Taking a moment to breathe and processing what had happened. I packed my bags and went to my mom’s home for a few days to get my mind off of that room. After coming back to the apartment everything was quiet only for it to get more intense.
“Take me to the room” I flinched when he suddenly asked me to take him to the room, I widened my eyes, in complete shock “what room?” I asked hoping that maybe he is talking about the rooms in the house but why would he say singular room and then “no, the forbidden room!” i was beyond shocked by his abilities, i couldn’t believe my ears, because
I never brought up the forbidden room for him to suggest otherwise..
“How did you-” he cut me off “i sensed it, being the most active room in the house the vibe is too strong, 2 boys died in that room right?” I nodded. woah.. I didn’t expect him to know. Maybe he searched for it but why would he ask me? Idk this feels complicated, i am stunned by his powers. At this point all I can do is follow his instructions. 
I rummage through my cupboard finding the keys which I swore I'd never touch but I have to now. I feel a cold metal thing touch my fingers knowing that it's the keys. I grab them and lead him to the room. Fidgeting with the keys, i was really nervous to open the room, my hand was shivering, resulting in the keys not getting into the keyhole but i unlocked it. 
The door opened with the creak and the sudden cold temperature hit our faces which sent chills over my body. I hid behind Yeonjun, feeling safe with him. He enters the room and his expressions get intense, not gonna lie it's hot.. Why am I like this? He immediately started investigating the room with me on the door not daring to enter the room.
Now that i see him properly, his black attire looks fucking hot, with his bisceps flexing when he holds something. Him biting his lips in concentration makes my mind go crazy and that damn tongue flicking over those lips which I badly want then on my- STOP you horny hooman...ughh!!!! You know what fuck this ghost shit!!! I smirk at the idea that popped into my mind. Nothing that happened that much anyways since he stepped into the house, maybe the spirits went away in fear. Who knows? Imma go grab the opportunity!!
I start walking seductively towards him. “Is it just me tipping or it has become hot here?” he chuckles, still not looking at me focusing on his work. “Usually the places where there is a ghostly presence  always have a cold temperature but i must say you have  good flirting skills”. I blushed heavily when I saw his lips curl up in a smirk. “Who-who said I am flirting? I am not”. I put on a tough girl face in front of him but from inside I am melting from the hotness he is radiating.
“Ok then!!” I frowned upon hearing his dry answer. Tf- how could he not even glance at me. He is so busy with his work that he can't even get a hint that I badly need him. It’s been a while since I have had hookups and one night stands. I don’t do relationships, I am gonna have to marry one day so why not enjoy while it lasts. I just remembered that I am wearing a mini dress that stops just above my mid thigh!! Well well…..
I went to pick up the book that fell on the ground when I first entered this room. I bent down seductively and pushed my hips further up so that he could see a bit of my pink lacey underwear .“This was the book that fell on the ground when I first entered this room!” I can feel his eyes on my hips...I playfully grin knowing my plan is working. 
I get up, turning around to show him the book, but when I do I immediately meet his eyes which were filled with lust at this point. Goosebumps spread over my body as his intense gaze makes me wet.
Well looks like i am not gonna be able to walk for weeks!! Oops, just dug my own grave.
He extended his hand and signaled me to give him the book, I am scared tbh.. I gulped and started walking towards him, when I extended my hand to give him the book he let the book drop on purpose and held my hand instead, pulling me closer. He pinned me to the nearest wall with him caging me in between his arms. My breathing became uneven as he leaned in, our faces dangerously close, his hot breath fanning over my lips. “I got the hint babygirl!!! You know I have been to so many houses and I know girls swoon over me but I have never seen someone so bold like you!” I purse my lips into thin line in order to not smile at the sudden compliment.
I don't know why I am suddenly feeling so shy that I don't even dare to look at him. He hooked his fingers under my chin to make me look at him. “Aww!! What happened to the bold baby just now huh?” he smirks, licking his upper lips. Stop!!! At this point a swimming pool is gonna be formed in my panties. I was burning with desire. All I wanted was his touch all over my body. “You know what fuck the ghost, ill just fuck you” i smirk giving him the permission. 
He crashed his lips onto mine in a heavy make out pushing his tongue in my mouth making me choke out a moan. Our tongues fighting for dominance and ofc he won. I wrap my hands around his neck threading my fingers in his soft lock and his hands tightly wrapped around my waist. The intensity of lips and tongue just made my mind go crazy. He taps on my thigh indicating me to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. He started walking out of the room making his way towards my bedroom, our lips still connected.
He lays me on my bed hovering over me as he attacks my neck leaving a trail of wet kisses as I let out a moan when he starts to suck and bite my neck leaving purple marks all over. He travels his kisses from my neck to my cleavage pulling away to take off my dress. He holds the hem of my dress and looks me in the eyes. I nodded and he slid the dress from my body, I shivered when his cold fingers came in contact with my thighs softly creating a tingling effect. 
My breath hitched when he took off his shirt revealing the sexiest body i have ever seen. He smiles playfully “I am not gonna ask that question cuz I know you like what you see!” I chuckled at the playfulness but then suddenly I let out a shaky breath when his lips came in contact with the plump portion of my breast. I was just left in my pink bra and panty while he was still wearing his pants. 
He unclip my bra hook and take it off. My breast fell to the side as the cold breeze hit them, hardening my nipples. But soon gets warm when he takes one nipple in his mouth and starts sucking on them like a baby wanting to drink milk and his hand fondling my other breast. I moan loudly when he roughly sucks my nipples. I pull on his hair as I become desperate. He releases my nipple with a pop sound. Taking care of the other nipple just like he did with this one. 
He kisses just above my belly button and traces every curve of my body with his lips and fingers. He stops at my abdomen to take off my panty. My breathing becomes uneven, my chest heaving up and down. I hissed when his fingers touched my clit, making circles and eights.
“So wet for me baby!!!”
 My mind went blank as my mouth just let out a string of moans. He hovered on top of me again while his fingers doing wonders on my clit. Taking the cue that I am ready he inserts his middle finger resulting me to moan loudly.  He thrusted his fingers at a slow speed adding one more as he sped his hand movement. His thumb on my clit stimulating me, sending me on edge.
I started clenching on his fingers indicating that I am about to cum. As I was about to reach my high, he took out his fingers. I whined and opened my eyes to see him smirking. He unbuckles his belt and removes his pants along with his boxers. He sighed when his dick sprung out hitting his stomach. Man!! He is hard...woah!! 
He aligned his dick in front of my entrance and intervened his fingers with mine pushing in me slowly. I close my eyes tightly as its been months since i haven’t had sex. We both moaned in unison when he fully pushed inside me giving me time to adjust. He kisses me to make me relax as I get adjusted to his size, he starts to thrust slowly but hard. He groans at the tightness of my walls around him, I clench hard making him lose his mind as he starts to thrust at a rapid speed.
The sound of sinful moans and skin slapping could be heard as he had my hands intervene with him above my head while he thrusted in me at animalistic speed. My head spins around, i couldn’t see anything clear as i clench hard around him making him groan. 
“Fuck i am cumming!! YEONJUN!!!”    "fuck me too!!"
I threw my head back, tears welled up in my eyes as I hit my orgasm hard, coating his dick , while he moaned loudly, pulling out as he shot his seeds on my stomach. His body gave up as he passed out on top of me. His face in the crook of my neck, we both panted heavily. I look over to the door feeling someone’s eyes on us again.
Yeonjun rolled over to the side as he put the blanket on us both. I snuggled up to him feeling his warmth,  we were about to doze off when we heard loud noises from the kitchen. We jolt up on the bed. Thinking about what it could be. We looked at each other deciding that we should go check, ofc that was what he was here for. We clean ourselves with the wet cloth and put on our clothes.
We went to the kitchen on tippy toes so as to not make a sound. We reached there to see my plate was shattered on the ground and all of a sudden one plate just straight launched on us. I screamed and hid myself behind yeonjun. “This house needs cleansing!” i gasped loudly “you mean exorcism” he nodded “you know what you should stay at your mom’s house today, i'll send a priest tomorrow to practice exorcism here!!! 
“Actually my mom is out of town and my friends' houses are  far away. It'll take me two hours to go there, all my friends have their houses near my college plus it's almost night!!” I bit my lips thinking what should i do now. “My apartment is near where I live with my brother, if you want you can come there ok?” I nod immediately. I don't have any choice.
“I HAVE GIVEN YOU NO PERMISSION TO FOLLOW US !!” he yelled these words, i guess one has to say these words for the spirits to not follow people. “Let's go!!” I nod and take my phone from my bedroom and get out of the house…
No one’s pov
“Yo boy he took your girl in front of your face!” a boy’s voice could be heard laughing hysterically. “Shut up taehyun, it's not funny!!” another voice said, pissed off, he clenched his teeth, if he wanted he could’ve killed yeonjun on the spot but he didn’t because of her.
“Oh get over it soobin it's not like she was gonna be yours anyways, you are the ghost boy with a human crush, ohh good story idea, a story with funny sad ending.” Soobin looked at Taehyun dead seriously, not even smiling. “Ok i am sorry but look on the bright side we got free porn!” He smiled at him widely, showing his teeth. Soobin didn’t find his comment amusing. 
“I wish i wasn’t dead!”
“I know it's hard!! We had dreams which were destroyed by those thieves. I still get so many story ideas like i just got one but i can’t write it but dw we will find them and kill them that's how we will be get peace anyways i know how to get your mind off her '' taehyun smirks, confusion was visible on Soobin’s face. “I know many ghost girls you can hook up with!” Soobin sighs and thinks for a moment, acknowledging that ofc he doesn’t have any chance he eventually agrees to taehyun’s offer. 
“Yes that’s my buddy come on” taehyun swings his arms around soobin’s neck struggling to keep them as he was smaller than soobin. “That plate throw was good tho!!” Soobin put on a smug face “I know right!!” they chatted and laughed and in a blink of an eye….
They vanished into thin air
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