junehandlerduskwood · 19 days
~ Prologue ~
Summer nights were incredibly cold in Duskwood.
The sun had disappeared hours ago and the starless night sky had taken shape, giving way to dense darkness.
A storm seemed about to break, and with that, unstable winds and thunder rumbled far beyond the deep forests that surrounded the large estate a few kilometers from the city.
The rain showed signs of approaching, at the same time that the Pine Glade Festival came to an end. Meanwhile, the soft smell of wet earth and a cold breeze lightly slid over the skin of the child with beautiful emerald green eyes.
The girl hugged herself even tighter under her brown wool coat, shivering every time the cold wind reached her long black hair.
She was walking along the side of a road, huddled, trying at all costs to find her way to her uncle's house.
"Jennifer!" She screamed. "Jenn? Please, where are you?"
The little girl continued walking along the side of the deserted road as she followed the lights that twinkled beyond the center of Duskwood and the loud music she drifted away from seemed unlikely to stop.
Jennifer should be home.
That was the only explanation for not having found her anywhere after they separated during the festival.
June had said earlier that she wouldn't have liked to go to the festival, but Jennifer insisted, as she wanted to see the fireworks that the city would set off at midnight.
And that hasn't even happened yet.
It was almost eleven o'clock, but Jennifer promised that they would return home soon.
However, June still hadn't found her.
She didn't find her, so she figured she could have just gone home, leaving her behind without any explanations.
The cold hit her head like a stone.
June remained trembling, shrinking even more as she heard the sound of crows echoing through the tall trees, whose leaves swayed constantly as the wind reached them.
She couldn't help but scream as some of the birds crossed out of the forest, flying to the other side where there was another gigantic amount of dense vegetation that also surrounded the road.
Duskwood was normally a scary town.
Very scary.
But on that particular night, it seemed to be even more terrifying than usual.
And then, it wasn't long before she heard a crackle between the branches and the sound of leaves moving, probably with the wind.
June turned around as she narrowed her gaze towards the forest.
"Jenn?" She called her once again. "Jennifer, is that you?"
No answers.
The world suddenly seemed silent.
Without the sound of a strong breeze or animals sneaking around nearby.
Everything seemed too quiet, as if time had stopped.
And suddenly, a feeling of danger came to the surface.
A survival instinct pulsed within him for a moment.
The glimmer of headlights approached to his left, and the sound of an accelerator clicking too quickly.
Too fast...
Especially for an 11 year old girl.
But luckily, the tension had made her react. And she felt, for some reason, that something much worse could have happened if she had had the next reaction.
Her tension worsened when, on impulse, June quickly threw herself into the forest and fell toward the hill below.
The fall lasted a few minutes, until she felt a strong pain, in addition to the others she had felt since she had started rolling down the forest.
Her head was covered in blood after colliding hard against a rock, causing her to stop amidst the leaves of the trees that surrounded her, and feel as if she were trapped inside a natural labyrinth.
It took a few seconds for her to completely lose consciousness, and the last thing she heard was the sounds of fireworks going off nearby, lighting up the empty dark blue sky above her.
Was cold.
Colder than it used to be.
June felt her body shudder for a moment before losing strength completely.
Her face turned even paler as she seemed to catch a glimpse of Jennifer at the top of the hill, screaming her name.
She was fine.
June repeated this to herself several times as she tried to stay awake, trying at all costs to call her back so that she could finally find her.
She took a deep breath as her vision became increasingly blurry.
They had just lost each other and just like June, Jennifer left the festival to look for her.
Everything would be fine.
They would be fine and safe.
And then, in the next minute, the complete void reached June.
It was very cold, silent and completely dark in that forest in Duskwood.
— Written by autorabjuliachs
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junehandlerduskwood · 21 days
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