jookipookie324 · 2 years
Him, the first time he saw him?, he knew.
¨shuri im busy, your going to have to wait.¨ m ´ baku had told her as he hung up. m´baku was stressed. stressed out for anything he cared about at the moment. he wanted time and space, and so?, that what he got.
¨namor¨ he whispered. he waited with his eyes closed, until he knew he was there. ¨hello¨ namor spoke. nothing came from the boy sitting on the sand, but a hum. ¨mhh¨. tried namor thought. he picked the boy up, and all m´baku could do was lay he head down on the other male´s shoulder as he felt namor hold him.
he could he feel namor's eyes on him watching he angrily.
"nam-" was all he could get out before he was threw towards the wall.
"i have given you everything and still you act like the little brat" namor said as he laughed. ''namor please let me explain." m'baku had tried to say before he was cut off by namor. " explain what m'baku what? explain how you managed to get into mans sheets. for fucks sakes i should have knew." namor yelled at him. yelled at him. namor had never yelled at him nor put his hands on him, but everything changed that day.
"get out."
it had been 2 years since he was drugged at raped, leaving him carrying 2 children to raise on his own. Of course he had no idea how hard it was to raise this children, but they were both at the age of two now, and he had grown some skill and learnt much. him being a fast learner didn't take him long before he got the hang of it.
laurie and kaylnn his two beautiful little girls. his life, his world, his blessing.
he often would try not be in contact with some from wakanda due to this. it wasn't like it was a secret, it was because he wanted it to be safe for his kids. no matter how bad they begged m'baku couldn't bring himself to do so, that was untill.
"laurie don't run too fast ahead i don't want you to wander off." m'baku said "i promise queen shuri is waiting for you"
as namor was walking out he froze. m'baku 'what is he doing with two children said ''yes my love?'' the male replied. ''who he?'' kaylnn said pointing to namor, to the man who left her, them. '' ...'' nothing came from m'baku
"they could learn a lot from me m'baku.'' the king said. ''yeah but they haven't learnt shit from you for the last two years why start now.'' the younger man yelled. ''dada me and laurie heard you yelling, we came to check on you.'' kaylnn said quietly. namor watches as the man just yelling at him and arguing with him, turns to a soft male with care in his eyes. namor wonders if he would ever make that face when his with him ever again as well. m'baku kneeled to met his child. ''everything is fine my loves me and papa are just having a serious conversation.'' m'baku took a deep breath before he continued. '' do you wish to spend a week with him, and his people''
namors eyes went wide.
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