jittersroleplay · 2 years
((their names are Habiki(Masculine on) and Botan(femanin one) )) Botan didnt move, it didn't say a word but it looked back a Ruth, its hair shot out and wraped around it and crushed it into bits. It whistles catching the attention of its sibling, they runn tworads Caedon grabbing his body and flying off the roof top and landing on the ground, they bolt into a sprint towards Delacriox Estate.((Hey so like whats behind the entirity of Showstoppolis? is it woods, or more city?/gen))
((it’s all city!!! if you need a better map ref just shoot me an ask at main!)
“After them!” Nineteen and Ruth both happened to shout. There was a moment taken to laugh and joke about jinxes before jumping off towards the two, desperately hoping a certain, platinum-blond wouldn’t be involved in their brawling.
Approaching Delacroix Estate and running past the grand gates leading into the affiliation of family houses revealed that it was uneventful— no one was out in the private land, fortunately. It seemed it was only the two forces to fight.
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
He start sreeching at the top of his lungs and then he goes limp like a doll, his hair starts to form into a hand, it reaches in and shuffles around inside his hair before pulling out a pair of golden sciccors cutting most of his hair off. It all falls to the floor reaveling his horribly burned scalp, the hair morphs into to biengs. One with very masculin features the other femanin, both wearing black and white kimonos with long jet black hair, they both lung at Ruth and try to fight her.
“Oh, shit! I hope y—you’re a shapeshifter! Gosh, I hope you’re one!”
Now it was time for Ruth to pick violence. She materialized his mallet from the inches of their palm and got to work.
Nineteen used his experience of fighting by wildly jumping in patterns and swinging at timed hits towards the masculine one. The baseball bat swerved and moved with the movement powered in his tightened fists, a certain aspect of creating your own weapons.
Ruth was once again pleading they had the same physics as natural toons did— her hammer was heavy and powerful enough alongside his impossible blow to kill a human if hit over the head.
“So sorry for this!” They clonk-ed the feminine one over the head, the one thing she was grasping to not do.
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
((Whitch one since they ran in diffrent direction to cunfuzzle them)) Caedon miraculusly made his way to Breathtaking Theater, he slingshots his way to the roof to take a breather. He falls to the roof winded and sore from the running "So parched," his hair spits out a cocacolain a metal can, he pops it open and glugs it down. Hairball then spits out a grawnola bar, Caedon swiftly unwraps it and gobbles it up.
[im thinking most definitely the beloved mason/tulip/julius gang]
“Okay, and now we wait just a second. I’m good at sneak stuff.”
Nineteen whispered the following instructions to his fellow partner, both leveled onto the edge of the building and eyeing the ones they’d be ambushing. “They look like they’re resting.”
“Give me the s—signal when y-you’re ready.”
There was quiet for a moment before Nineteen flashed three of his fingers, and they both lunged over the rail.
Ruth was quick on the case, her newly elastic arms flying out to tie them around Caedon in an attempt to subdue him before any sort of reaction.
Nineteen flung up and slung his baseball bat over his shoulder in case he reacted strongly to the capturing. “We seriously need to know who you and your buddies are. C’mon.”
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
the three book it straight out of there but they do it in their own styles at the same time; Caedons hair grabs a hold on one of the sides of the buildings and fuckin slingshots himself away to the east, Cecilia started to jump from side to side and managed to get to the top of the PD and starts jumping from roof to roof running away heading west, Caelen pulls out a paper throwing star and throws it over the two and then in a poof of smoke are right behind them, she starts running up north.
[so forth so forth the gang’s chasin them]
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
"THEY MEAN HARM!" caedon screeched, his hair streches out and grabs the top of the PD and starts slingshotting from roof to roof heading east. Cecilia in a blink of a eye is now running west. Caelen takes out a paper throwing star and throws it over Ninteen and Ruth, in a poof of smoke she teleports behind them and starts to run away, their 7 tails flipping the two off as she runs of. "Try and catch us now, bahaha!" Caedon yells in the distance.
It seemed it was time for the dual detectives to pause and catch their breath, obvious that the three were too much to handle for the two.
“But— seriously, we m-meant no harm?” Ruth sighed. “We’ll catch u—u-up in a b— bit, I’m sure they’ll slow down somewhere.”
“I don’t think they’re shapeshifters. Well, at least all of them. They.. seem— seem almost supernatural! Golly, that’s a dizzy one to think about.” Nineteen itched where his goggles were attached to the crown of his head, all with his brows furrowed in confusion.
The toon-presenting of the two cracked her knuckles and stood tall after the extremely short discussion. “Let’s ta— take a back alley and surprise them. It looks l-like they were heading towards the B—Breathtaking Theatre. Whiiich isn’t a good sign, gosh. Okay, let’s get on it!”
“Right after ya, Dex!” Nineteen followed him after they sprung off the building, sailing down towards the street to ambush the mysterious intruders that prevented a normal day.
Hopefully no one from the outside was terribly involved.
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
"Aigh that is it!" the same voice yelled, a giant void black mass krept it's way up the, Two giant clawed hands grabbed a hold of the dock, it revealed to have a face with 2 giant yellow eyes and big mouth with sharp teeth "STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY!" it was like a giant gust of wind came out knocking Ruth and Ninteen back a couple of feet, that was enough of a distraction for the the kids to be pulled up and out of the elevator shaft and then jump out of the closest window and go kersplat.
“WWAAAAAAAH!!” (It seemed they both had very shrill screams when they fell down the elevator shaft.) However, due to having a fearful amount of experience with heights, they both landed without a fuss.
Ruth gave a heaving sigh before she beckoned for Nineteen to follow and walked out of the building through multiple service doors.
Now they were back into the action after.. about three minutes of a detour.
“L— listen, we don’t want trouble! Just slow down!” Nineteen once again fruitlessly called. “We’re not trying to arrest you!”
“Yet,” Ruth mumbled under his breath.
“Shh. We mean no harm! We’re investigators!”
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
Caedon not wanting to acknoladge Ruth still kept climbing, she almost heard something from hi "common I can do, I wont die, I can't get caught, or else it'll be all my fault," he starts hyper ventalating. He hears another voice from no where "Kid, calm down it's going to be ok, let me handle these weirdos." "Thanks Hairball". Caedons hair almost starts to morph and shift into something.
“Alright, let’s get you three on solid ground!”
Nineteen was the next one to shift and call out. Without malicious intention, he swung himself upwards in an elastic fashion before he was onto the ledge of the next elevator dock.
“We don’t mean to hurt you.”
“Er, yes! We h—have no ill in— intentions. Yeah. Yeah, that’s, uhh..” Ruth muttered something as she leveraged himself onto the ledge alongside their partner.
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
"AND?!" He yelled back, I mean this really wasnt the WORST thing he and his siblings have done. Meanwhile Caelen was holding Cecilia by the waist wither thier tails, Cecilia tok her gloves off reaving her clawed hands and pried the door open. Using her strength she may have ascedentaly broken one of the doors of. Oh well, she flinged it to the side, almost hitting Caedon and falling to the ground with a huge KAthud. Caedon now realsing what them ment started to climb faster.
Finally, they were in proximity of how long her arms could stretch! “Gotch’ya, i—intruders!”
He was boosted up by Nineteen and was able to use the leverage of the falling door as well to clamber onto the ledge and seize the one closest by the unfortunately a/or fortunately dangling ankle.
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
The three children start climbing up the wire holding the elvator to the next adsent level " I DON'T GIVE 2 SHIT WEATHER YOU'RE A GOD DAMN DETECTIVE!" Caedon yelled back down at Ruth.
“YOU DESTROYED THE ELEVATOR CEILING!” He shouted back before gesturing to Nineteen to move to the side, flinging themselves to the cable.
If this was how she would be spending his morning, so be it. (And at this point, they just really wanted to know who the hell these people were and why they were all ascending an elevator cable at 7 in the morning.)
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
C3 just pauses and then Caedon smiles, Caedon speaks up "My name is...Nun ya buisness!" he blows a rasberry and fist of hair shoots up and bunches a hole in the elevator. Caedon grabs both of his sibling by the arms and puls them up with him. Cecilias LED mask hits the lights and they start flicker, her mask being slighly cracked in the process.
“Two! Two, kind of!” Nineteen follows Ruth’s statement with a queasy tone very obvious in his typically nasally voice.
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
Caedon hair levitates for a moment and then shhot up into the air punching a giant hole in the elevator roof, Caelen and Cecilia jump up and easily climb their two asses out or the elevator "Hey!" Caedon yelled, Caelen reaches down and pulls caedon up by the roots of his hair "OW! My scalp, god damn it!"((Caedon scalp is SUPPER sensative after he was oh ya know, burned alive at the scalp and then got hairball(the reason why Caedons hair is alive) and now his scalp is also his weak point))
Clearly, both Ruth and Nineteen had no choice but to follow the unknown but exceedingly suspicious intruders and doom their schedules.
“I asked, who are you!” Ruth cried again, this time louder. She had no trouble in springing right up, while Nineteen lagged behind, unfamiliar with his abilities. “Stop! S-stop! You’re in the p—presence of a d— detective, for slap’s sake!”
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
"Did...Did you two hear that" Caelen and Caedon hault their bickering at Cecilias inquery, Caedon now noticed some things, he walks over the edge of the building and leavs forward piering down and began to read the sign. "Shit! Siblings this popsicle stands a fuckin PD!"
((I am assuming they are in the elevator shhsdj))
Nineteen and Ruth shared an uneasy look from what they had abruptly commented.
“Who a—are you?” Ruth promptly asked as she stepped forward. “I— I ask that you s-state your names. And wh—where that portal came f-from.”
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
Some where on the roof a portal opens up and three children fall out screaming their lungs out and end up falling on the roof the police depart ment "Jesus fuckin christ sibs what the fuck was that!" Caedon yelled at Caelen "Oh please! Maybe if SOMEONE didn't play his EDM music so loud I wouldv'e been able to focus!" they retorted "You know damn well that 'Big Shot' is a fuckin bop!"
Nineteen was the first to react, the artificial shapeshifter’s arms immediately snapping out of proportion before he screamed and sprung backwards with agility.
Ruth was then delayed before they flattened herself to the wall and removed the mallet he trustily carried in their pocket as a form of protection. “I do not have the time for this,” she muttered under his breath.
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
((K besite you go first))-C
7 A.M., right on time. Ruth flicked her wrist and checked the clock to see that he had not strayed too late. Nineteen peeked to see that the two of them were not absent, and once his curiosity was satisfied, he settled into the elevator up to their shared office.
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
"Wah! I. Uh, um. I'm" she backs up form Shur and looks around for an exit, there was no way out, nothing she could do to hide. Hide! In her panicked state she covered her face and light blue aroura came off of her and poof in a puff of light blue smoke she was gone?!
Shur jumped, realizing the stranger was missing in front of her eyes!
“Wh— wait? What? Come back!” She straightened her chef’s cap and began taking the first few steps forwards, the shock rattling her body.
Then it seemed the ground beneath her was gone, and she was falling into a deep, dark abyss.
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
(ya know what I dont even know a lick of DnD can we just get rid of it in our RP?)-Music
((YEAH sure it’s been a while since I’ve played dnd so I’m rusty anyways))
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jittersroleplay · 2 years
The child stops and looks around, seeing no sight of Shur she stops to rest. She takes out a canteen of water and takes a sip, she looks around again, there werent a lot of tree in the area. This was the perfect area to take off, she take her staff and orients her self so that shes stradling it "Common me you can do it, all this training wasnt for nothing.", she takes off running and jumsp in the air levetating for a split second but then fell.
Ah! Shur noticed the child had stopped, so she ran up to see. It seemed they had fallen. She hoped they weren’t injured.
“I’m sorry I followed you, but— are you okay? Whuh, it looks like you fell.”
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