jinki-hyung · 6 years
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In my culture we create altars to honor the lives of those who have passed, so today I created my first one. My beautiful prince, now my angel- you worked hard.
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jinki-hyung · 6 years
There's nothing wrong with reaching out and asking for help
You could save a life:
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
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jinki-hyung · 6 years
info on Jonghyun’s condition i’ve been able to gather:
Kim Jonghyun (member of SHINee) was found in an apartment unit / officetel (?) in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul, December 18th 6:00-6:30KST
either in critical condition or already deceased, though unfortunately most sources state that he is dead
suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning from lit coal briquettes, attempted to commit suicide
Gangnam police have confirmed his death
Allegedly sent his sister a suicide message prior to the event
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jinki-hyung · 6 years
blue night radio ♡ 160331 jonghyun: if you tear up, then just cry. how is there such a thing like: “something to cry over” or “nothing to cry over”. (source: cosmicsticks)
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jinki-hyung · 6 years
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above is a list of suicide hotlines from around the world. please do not feel as though you are alone, it is important to remember that you are not alone and there are thousands experiencing the same thing you are. there is always someone who is willing to listen to you and stand by your side during these dark times.
there needs to be a constant and ever growing conversation about mental health and how harmful and deadly it can become. we need people to no longer be scared to reach out, to speak, to share, to no longer feel trapped and suffering in silence, scared of what others may think.
reblogging this post can help save a life
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jinki-hyung · 6 years
some jonghyun moments i never want to forget
standing up for lgbt students and minorities at large by amplifying their voices, but doing so respectfully (dec 2013)
reflecting on his appreciation for hero movies… ‘i have to protect my world’ (mar 2013)
receiving boxes of listerine after a joke comparing his deja-boo suit colors to listerine flavors went viral, during base promotions (feb 2015)
comforting a fan who was self-conscious about her name with a handwritten note at a shinee fansign (may 2015)
going to comfort a crying key during shinee’s concert at tokyo dome, but ending up crying himself (early 2015)
speaking playfully with a male listener on blue night radio (may 2015)
mentioning his gratitude for fans and listeners in creating a safe space with blue night radio (july 2015)
discussing his conversation with taemin about “gender roles, prejudices and negative views about artists, etc.” when writing pretty boy for taemin ft. kai on blue night radio  (aug 2015)
personally supporting radio guest baek young ok on blue night radio in her efforts to bring sanitary pads to low-income girls (mar 2017)
there are so many more moments to include but i wanted to hold onto these for sure. jonghyun, you were a celebrity like no other. i cant imagine a world without you. i wish you’d gotten to known how many hearts and minds you touched with your voice, your songwriting, and just by being yourself.
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jinki-hyung · 6 years
I know I said I wasn't going to post here again.
But today is an important day in which an important star became an angel. My fellow shawols, we are in this together, and I want you to know he wouldn't want us to feel sad, but don't be ashamed to let the tears flow.I will be sharing some posts here to help with coping.
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
Okay I've been reading every fix all day not paying attention in class to to get to the end omg this is like gold I'm shaking it's so well written I'm hooked like I can't stop omg
Lol I am glad you like my stories, hopefully you don't miss anything in class 😅😁
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
Thank you :) I hope this wasn’t in my ask for too long, I haven’t gone on tumblr recently...
Anyway, thanks again, your motivation is the reason I continue to write :)
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
Please update kpop x male reader, JB story pretty please, it’s very good and addicting.
Thank you, I will make sure to do the sequels for all of the projects :)
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
I realized yesterday as I was falling asleep that I really had lost interest in the current requests, so I have began to think, what if I just erase all of those and start fresh? There are some prompts I do not understand, or am unable to do bc of my lack if knowledge, but since I want to continue this story, and I know you guys also like it, so I just wanted to ask for your opinion on this.
Also, I think I may move blogs, like to turn a new page. I will let you guys know if I do end up changing it
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
can someone promo us? :0 we’re here n queer n were close to our next hundred!
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
Hurricane Irma
This hurricane has officially hit a category 5. To give you an idea of the strength of this storm:
Harvey was a category 4.
Katrina and Andrew were a category 5 and Irma is at the moment is stronger than both of them. This hurricane is going to cause absolute destruction when it hits. Puerto Rico (especially this beautiful isla)  Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Florida are all in it’s path. Here’s a checklist if you can afford these supplies.
Bottled Water- a week’s supply minimum (One gallon daily per person)
Non perishable items that don’t require cooking ( Tuna, nuts, fruit cups, Cereal bars, peanut butter, crackers, dried fruits, canned vegetables, chili)
Dry pet food 
Packaged juices 
Powdered or canned milk 
Manual can opener
Toilet paper 
Baby wipes ( this will make a great alternative for showers)
Batteries ( AAA, AA, 6V, C, and D)
Flash lights (if you have manual ones even better)
Battery powered radio 
Utility knife 
Waterproof matches 
5 gallons of gas
Tampons and pads 
Portable phone charger fully charged)
Sand bags (redirects water and debris flow)
First aid kit
Rain gear - Ponchos, boots. (avoid umbrellas)
Portable cooler
Documentation / Legal End
A closed water proof sealed container
Take pictures and send them to yourself in an email of the following: Drivers License, photo ID, social security numbers, medical insurance cards (of each person) 
Take photos of everything! Insurance companies are not your friends. Email everything to yourself. 
If you have young children and they are able to make sure they memorize your name, address, and phone number
Other tips: 
Before the hurricane hits fill up the bath tubs in your house (extra water for flushing the toilet) 
Bring any ornaments from outside inside 
Trim trees
Board your windows
Have a secure room that you an pile everyone ( has to have no windows) 
if you have any questions message me. Keep safe mi gente xx 
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
Thanks I'm looking forward to read more it's one of my favorite and I love suho story it's so great, thanks for the amazing stories. ❤️
Thank you very much :^) I will continue working hard so I can put out more chapters and one-shots, thanks for the patience 😃
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
are you going to write more in Wattpad the kpop one ??
Yeah, I have just had a lot of stuff going on, and I have been into writing that Junmyeon one, so it's not active but I am still gonna make one shots 👍
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
I am at kcon guys, just in case you wanna meet up
If you guys are at kcon la, hmu, we might be able to meet
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jinki-hyung · 7 years
I just wanted to let you guys know that I've been updating- but a new story on my wattpad account. I haven't posted it here because I have only been writing because I have been lacking a lot of motivation, so I've been writing for myself and posting there bc it is easier than here, and I have a soft spot for my fans over there. It's called "Room 191C (Kim Junmyeon / Suho x Male Reader) by youngjaes-husband. In case you want to check it out.
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