jimmytwoshoesmovie · 5 years
Hi! I love Jimmy two shoes! I watched it when it first came out in 2009 and loved it! I just decided to check out the fandom and I'm kinda curious about this movie thing.
Hey, same here! :D Well, 2010 actually... I didn’t discover the show until after the first season had finished airing; the first episode I ever saw was Catalogue of Misery. Still, I consider myself a pretty OG fan, and I was definitely at the forefront of the fandom when the show was still running!
These days the fandom is tiny and not super active but definitely alive! I run a JTS Discord server you can find a link to on this blog somewhere and you’ll see people post fan art and such in the tag here on Tumblr occasionally.
If you have any questions about the movie project feel free to ask them! Right now I’ve stepped back from it for personal reasons but I would like to return to it eventually. Thanks for still being a JTS fan!
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 5 years
I need to step back.
Today’s the last day of February and as I was working on the screenplay this month, I started thinking about a lot of things and people that I hadn’t in a long time. Things and people who used to work with me on this project, who inspired and contributed greatly to much of it. And also who unfortunately have in the past made me not want to think about Jimmy Two-Shoes or this project at all. For a time I even thought about abandoning it because of all the bad memories associated with them. It was too difficult to remember the good ones that lead to all the positive things without being reminded of all the negative stuff as well.
I thought I was over it but I guess I’m not.
And I really hate myself for this because it’s been literally years since we went out separate ways, I feel like I should’ve moved past it by now. Yet here I am in 2019, writing a script I should’ve finished years ago, dwelling on things that haven’t mattered in years either. The JTS fandom is somehow miraculously still around, I’ve made new friends in it. They’re all wonderful. To all the folks on the Miseryville Discord server, I can’t tell you how much I love and appreciate all of you. You have really helped me appreciate one of my favorite cartoons again after it was almost ruined for me. I’m sorry that right now I can’t do this for you or even myself, at least not right now.
So I’m taking a step back and putting this project on hiatus for the moment. I wish I could’ve released the finished script on the show’s 10th anniversary, or at least in the same month. I know I tried, but I feel guilty regardless. I still want to make it happen one day though, even if it takes another 10 years. It’s just going to have to be when I’m finally ready, maybe after I start seeing a therapist again.
Until then, please stay awes-mazing forever and always❤︎  
With love and patience,
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 5 years
Guess what, Miseryvillians? (Is that what JTS fans are called? If not I think that’s what we should be called!) Exactly 10 years ago TODAY, on February 13th, 2009, was the premiere Jimmy Two-Shoes!! Can you believe it’s been that long!? I can’t!!! Gosh I feel old!!!!!
Sadly this comes with some bad news: For reasons mostly out of my control (like having to go in for and recover from surgery), I wasn’t able to finish the movie screenplay in time for the exact date of the anniversary like I originally promised. Fortunately (and barring any more extraneous circumstances) I should still be able to instead have it done by the end of this month, so at least it’ll still happen very soon and close to the anniversary.
I’m super disappointed I couldn’t finish it in time to post today, I really did try very hard to meet that deadline, but life happens I suppose. I swear the wait won’t be be too much longer though! I just hope you guys eventually enjoy it and feel like it was worth it ;u;
Have an AWES-MAZING Jimmyversary, everyone!❤︎
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 5 years
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Screenplay Excerpt #2 - “It Runs in the Family”
Just another few weeks until JTS’s 10th anniversary and the full screenplay goes live! In the meantime, I’ll be posting excerpts of some of my favorite moments!
Saffi’s parents, Esther and Isaac Bael, own a bakery called Sweet Temptations. Even though they (like a lot of things the movie introduces) mostly exist for additional world-building and to give Saffi herself some background, I almost wish they had more to do in the story. 
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 6 years
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A bit of fan art for this amazing project. 👌
Beautiful and adorable! I love it!! Thank you so much for drawing and submitting this!!!❤️
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 6 years
Setting a date to finish the movie screenplay...
Well howdy there! Long time, no update, huh? Thanks to everyone who’s joined the Jimmy Two-Shoes Discord server lately! It’s really nice to know JTS fans are still alive and kickin’!
Which has been a nice motivator to finally put my foot down and say, “Dangit, I need to actually finish this thing. I’ve been working on it for years and I owe it not just to myself but to everyone else who still loves JTS even after all this time.” I’ve gotten a lot more experience in screenwriting since this starting this project as well, which has made me more confident in my ability to create an entire feature length film script. So I’ve decided, I’m going to have the first draft of the movie’s screenplay finished and posted on this blog on....
February 13th, 2019
... which is JTS’s 10 year anniversary! The show premiered on February 13th, 2009, which as it turns out, was a Friday the 13th. Pretty fitting, but also maybe that explains why it never managed to get very popular or make it past two seasons; it was cursed from the very beginning.
Regardless, next February! It’s finally happening!
Until then, stay awes-mazing, friends!❤︎
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 6 years
Thank you so much for this awesmazing, wonderful fan art!! ❤️
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Lil cute angel and demon from “Misery loves company” project, that i like really much!
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 6 years
Technically this isn’t related to the movie project, but seeing as this is a JTS blog I felt it made sense to post this here. I’ve started up a Discord server for fans of Jimmy Two-Shoes, ‘cause I know you guys are still out there! Anyone is welcome to join! Thanks so much and hopefully I’ll see you in the server!
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 7 years
Hello spagethio, i have watched Jimmy Two Shoes back in the days where cartoons like it weren't so hated and i just wanna say thank you so much for all the hard work you are putting a movie about it even after it's end and also i would like to ask if you need any help and when the movie shall be over?
it’ll be done whenever I feel like finishing it
but thank you so much for your support!
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 7 years
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A simple sketch of my interpretation of Maggie’s reveal.
Whoa, thank you for the awesome fan art @sikowny! :D Love it!! <3
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 7 years
I said it’d be on this blog by the end of February, so here it is: my full story outline/summary of the JTS Movie that the screenplay is being written from.
I’m not sure if most 105-120 minute film outlines are 13 pages long or I just made this way too detailed but in any case, enjoy! 
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 7 years
One year later...
Uh, hey, anyone who might still be following this blog.
It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
I could try to explain why, despite posting in March of 2016 there would be updates “extremely soon,” none ever surfaced, followed by me not even acknowledging JTS: MLC for about a year. But honestly I’d rather not. The best I can do is sum it up as “a whole lot of complicated personal issues that made thinking about JTS entirely, including the movie project, immensely unpleasant for me.” Let’s just leave it at that.
I’d say I’m sorry but... I really don’t feel like that’s necessary. Unlike other things I’ve been working on for a while, from day one, JTS: MLC has always been a personal project for me. Keyword being personal, mostly because JTS was never a cartoon that was all that popular to begin with. It was mainly a show I really enjoyed, I felt had a lot of potential, and that I wanted to expand on. In other words this entire venture has always been for myself, first and foremost.
So instead of apologizing, I’ll give an enormous “Thank you” to anyone who has taken an interest in following this project and may actually be reading this in 2017. You’re all incredible people and I hope you continue to stick around for as long as possible. Especially since, despite how many years have passed (both since JTS ended and when I started this project) and how much else has gone on in my life, I still haven’t given up on this thing.
I still want the full movie’s script and certain pieces of concept art (like previously mentioned model sheets for new characters and new designs for old characters) to happen someday. As for when that someday will be... I haven’t got a clue. I’m sorry if that’s a lame answer, but it’s the truth. It’ll be whenever things just to happen to come together right and allow for it. That might be later this year, or it might be in 2019, on JTS’s ten year anniversary. I honestly don’t know!
But I have definitely decided one thing...
I’m going to post the full story outline for the movie, my “skeleton” of sorts for the screenplay, here on this blog by the end of February.
Once again, thank you so much for reading this lengthy post and staying interested in the my silly little pet project. Misery does, indeed, love company <3
Stay awes-mazing my friends,
~T.N. Newton
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 8 years
What's happening now?
I started some new model sheets and I’ll be finishing them once I’m done with winter quarter classes, which will be in about a week!
I’ve also been working a lot on a Gravity Falls fan game called PinesQuest 2Dimensions, but don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about this project either! Expect updates EXTREMELY soon!
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 8 years
Do you have a deviantArt account?
I used to. Maybe I’ll make a new one at some point, I just haven’t really had a reason.
My main blog (where I have an art tag, #novart) is here, btw!
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 8 years
You have a piece of development art of fallen angel jimmy. Can you do the same for normal jimmy, demon heloise and normal heloise please?
I would if I had any more! What I decided to call “development art” was just art related to the movie project that didn’t really fall under any other category, and I’m fairly sure I’ve already uploaded it all. There will be more art soon though! I’m hoping to do some in the next couple weeks, so keep an eye out for that in February or March!
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 8 years
what's going on? and what about the model sheets? and demon Heloise?
I just answered this! Basically 2015 sucked, had to put this project aside for about a year because of it, but I’m hoping to get working on it again here in 2016. Hopefully you’ll finally start to see some (real) updates here on this blog within the next couple of weeks! Maybe I’ll do Demon Heloise’s model sheet first just for you, Anon~ :3
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jimmytwoshoesmovie · 8 years
What's the progress of the model sheets?
Sadly due to my poor health the past several weeks, my plans to get back to work on those by the end of the year didn’t pan out. Another unfortunate circumstance also occurred where one of the people who I credit as a co-creator of the project, well... Long story short she’s chosen to no longer be in contact with me. It’s... done a number on my motivation.
I’ll just have to see where things go from here, I guess. I think I mentioned before 2015 was a seriously awful year for me, which is part of the reason I’ve barely even touched this project in about a year. Hopefully that’ll change in 2016 and I can get the ball rolling with this again, putting aside my falling out with one of the co-creators. I feel bad having had to push it aside for so long.
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