jhanvi-health · 2 months
Best Dental Care in Kompally, Hyderabad | FMS Dental Welcome to the FMS Dental Hospital: The best dental clinic in Kompally, Hyderabad. Our clinic prides itself on offering a multi-disciplinary approach to dental care, providing comprehensive services backed by years of experience and cutting-edge technology. Conveniently located to accommodate a steady patient flow, our dental clinic boasts a team of highly skilled dental specialists including prosthodontists, endodontists, oral surgeons, periodontists, general dentists, oral medicine experts, pediatric dentists, orthodontists, and more. At FMS Dental, we prioritize our patients comfort and satisfaction, offering a welcoming environment and personalized care tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're seeking routine dental maintenance, advanced treatments, or cosmetic enhancements, our team is dedicated to delivering top-tier care with compassion and expertise. Experience the difference at best dental care in Kompally, Hyderabad Branch - where excellence in dentistry meets unparalleled patient care. Book your appointment today and embark on a journey towards optimal oral health and radiant smiles. Call us at +91-88866 43237 / 04022221111 To book appointment visit the link: https://www.fmsdental.com/appointment... Visit our website: https://www.fmsdental.com/dental-clin...
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jhanvi-health · 2 months
Treatment options available for Gum Infection | What is Flap Surgery? | FMS Dental In this video, Dr. Preethi Krishnan (Senior Periodontist at FMS Dental) explains in detail about the Gum Infections & risks involved in Gum Infections. Gum Infection or periodontal disease is caused by bacteria that affect the tissues & gum surrounding the teeth, which result in poor oral health, tooth loss and many systemic health issues as well. Gum infections cause chronic inflammation in the gums that spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. Inflammation is primary factor in the development and growing of various diseases, including diabetes. To know the relationship between gum infection & diabetes and how the gum infection causes heart disease, please watch the complete video. For further queries, please comment your concern in the comment section, our senior dentist will answer all your queries. Call on 8885060770 to directly talk to our dentist! Book your Appointment @https://www.fmsdental.com/appointment... Visit our Website: https://www.fmsdental.com/gum-disease/
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jhanvi-health · 2 months
International Patient Review after Cosmetic Smile Design at FMS Dental | Ms. Doha, Australia Web Source: https://fmsdental.com In this video, one of our patient, Ms. Doha from Australia, had shared her experience about comprehensive smile makeover treatment at FMS Dental. Her journey in Hyderabad India began after a thorough research done by her on finding one of the best dental clinic in India for teeth replacement, fixing her irregular teeth and teeth gaps closure. Her extensive research led her to FMS International Dental Center located in Hyderabad, India. Within 3 days of her first contact to FMS, she was convinced to book her flight to Hyderabad which hasn't gone in vain. Our team ensured her comfort and satisfaction throughout the process through personalized care and support, from the initial consultation to the final results. Our team at FMS has tried to compile her whole smile design treatment process and you can witness her emotions all through out the procedure. Ms. Doha had a fantastic experience of her new smile and this can be seen in her emotional expressions when she had her first glimpse of her transformed smile. With genuine excitement and gratitude, she described how her confidence soared as her smile transformed before her eyes. Now its your turn, Contact us for consultation and discuss with our Senior dentist, Call us today: 8885060770 Visit our Website: https://www.fmsdental.com/cosmetic-de...
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jhanvi-health · 2 months
International Patient Review after Cosmetic Smile Design at FMS Dental | Ms. Doha, Australia Web Source: https://fmsdental.com In this video, one of our patient, Ms. Doha from Australia, had shared her experience about comprehensive smile makeover treatment at FMS Dental. Her journey in Hyderabad India began after a thorough research done by her on finding one of the best dental clinic in India for teeth replacement, fixing her irregular teeth and teeth gaps closure. Her extensive research led her to FMS International Dental Center located in Hyderabad, India. Within 3 days of her first contact to FMS, she was convinced to book her flight to Hyderabad which hasn't gone in vain. Our team ensured her comfort and satisfaction throughout the process through personalized care and support, from the initial consultation to the final results. Our team at FMS has tried to compile her whole smile design treatment process and you can witness her emotions all through out the procedure. Ms. Doha had a fantastic experience of her new smile and this can be seen in her emotional expressions when she had her first glimpse of her transformed smile. With genuine excitement and gratitude, she described how her confidence soared as her smile transformed before her eyes. Now its your turn, Contact us for consultation and discuss with our Senior dentist Call us today: 8885060770 Visit our Website: https://www.fmsdental.com/cosmetic-de...
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jhanvi-health · 2 months
Most effective and Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment | For long lasting results | FMS Dental Web Source: https://fmsdental.com Want a brighter, more radiant smile? Discover the secrets of professional teeth whitening with FMS International Dental Center In this video, we guide you through the easy and effective teeth whitening procedure, ensuring you understand every step along the way. From consultation to treatment, our experienced dental team shares valuable insights on. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more dental care tips and procedures! Teeth Whitening Procedure includes: Consultation - Our experienced dentist will assess your dental health and discuss your whitening goals to tailor the whitening treatment specifically for you. Preparation - We'll prepare your teeth by cleaning them to remove any surface stains. Protection - Your gums and lips will be carefully protected to prevent any irritation during the whitening process. Teeth Whitening Treatment - We'll apply a professional-grade whitening gel to your teeth and activate it with a special light, breaking down stains and brightening your smile. Results - You'll see immediate results after just one session, with your teeth several shades lighter! Aftercare - We'll provide you with tips and products to maintain your newly whitened smile for the long term. Whether you're preparing for a special occasion or simply want to boost your confidence, our teeth whitening procedure can help you achieve the smile of your dreams! Don't miss out on this transformative experience— Book your consultation today and start your journey to a brighter, happier smile with FMS International Dental Center Contact us at +91- 88850 60770 For More Details Visit us: https://www.fmsdental.com/tooth-white... Join us at FMS International Dental Center for a safe, effective, and comfortable teeth whitening experience.
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jhanvi-health · 2 months
What is Zygoma Implant & Zygomatic Implants Cost ? | Best Zygoma Implant Surgeon - FMS Dental India Web Source: https://fmsdental.com A zygomatic implant, also known as a zygom implant, is a specialized type of dental implant used to replace missing teeth in the upper jaw (atrophic maxilla) when traditional implants cannot be placed due to insufficient bone volume. These implants are anchored into the zygomatic bone, which is the cheekbone, providing a stable foundation for supporting dental prostheses. The placement of zygoma implants is typically recommended for individuals who have experienced significant bone loss in the upper jaw, often as a result of long-term tooth loss or advanced periodontal disease. By anchoring directly into the zygomatic bone, zygoma implants bypass the need for bone grafting procedures, making them a viable option for patients with compromised bone structure. The procedure for placing zygoma implants involves careful planning and precise surgical techniques. During the procedure, the implants are inserted into the zygomatic bone through the gums and secured in place. Once the implants have integrated with the bone, prostheses can be attached, restoring function and aesthetics to the smile. The cost of zygoma implants can vary depending on various factors, including the number of implants needed, the complexity of the case, the expertise of the implantologist. In general, zygoma implants tend to be more expensive than traditional dental implants due to the specialized nature of the procedure and the use of longer implants. On average, the cost of a single zygoma implant can range from Rs. 75000 to Rs. 90,000 or more per implant. This cost typically includes the surgical placement of the implant. Additional costs may apply for pre-operative evaluations, any necessary diagnostic imaging, anesthesia, fabrication and placement of the dental prosthesis. It's important to consult a qualified dental implantologist to discuss your specific needs and treatment options, as well as the associated costs. While zygoma implants may represent a significant investment, they offer a viable solution for individuals with severe bone loss in the upper jaw, providing restored function, aesthetics and quality of life.
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jhanvi-health · 2 months
Non Surgical Root Canal Treatment (RCT) vs Surgical Root Canal Treatment | FMS Dental | Endodontist
Web Source: https://fmsdental.com
Non Surgical Root Canal Treatment (RCT) vs Surgical Root Canal Treatment | FMS Dental | Endodontist | Best Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad India.
Both non-surgical and surgical root canal treatments are dental procedures aimed at addressing issues with the pulp of a tooth, where the nerves and blood vessels are located. The choice between non-surgical and surgical root canal treatment depends on the specific circumstances and the severity of the dental problem.
1. Non-surgical Root Canal Treatment: - Procedure: Also known as endodontic therapy, this involves removing the infected or damaged pulp tissue from the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and then sealing the space. - Indications: Non-surgical root canal treatment is typically the first choice for most cases of infected or damaged pulp due to decay or trauma. - Success Rate: Non-surgical root canal treatment has a high success rate, and it is often effective in saving the tooth. - Recovery: Patients may experience some discomfort after the procedure, but it is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medication.
2. Surgical Root Canal Treatment (Apicoectomy): - Procedure: This involves removing the infected or damaged tip of the tooth root along with the surrounding tissue. It is usually considered when non-surgical treatment has failed or is not feasible. - Indications: Surgical root canal treatment is often recommended if there are persistent issues after non-surgical treatment, if there are complex root canal anatomy issues, or if the infection has spread to the surrounding bone. - Success Rate: While generally successful, surgical root canal treatment may have a slightly lower success rate compared to non-surgical treatment. - Recovery: The recovery period is typically a bit longer compared to non-surgical treatment, and patients may experience some swelling and discomfort.
The decision between non-surgical and surgical root canal treatment is made based on factors such as the complexity of the case, the presence of anatomical variations, the location of the infection, and the overall health of the tooth. Your dentist or endodontist will evaluate your specific situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment option. It's essential to follow post-treatment care instructions and attend follow-up appointments to ensure the success of the procedure.
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jhanvi-health · 2 months
చిగురు సమస్యలకు Bone Grafting ఎలా ఉపయోగపడుతుంది ? | Types of బోన్ గ్రాఫ్టింగ్ ? | FMS Dental Web Source: https://fmsdental.com
Bone grafting is a valuable procedure in the treatment of gum disease, particularly in cases where the disease has led to bone loss around the teeth. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can cause the destruction of the bone that supports the teeth, leading to tooth mobility, tooth loss and aesthetic concerns. Bone grafting helps to restore lost bone tissue, providing a stable foundation for the teeth and supporting the overall health of the gums.
Bone grafting is beneficial for gum disease in several ways: 1) Restoring Bone Density: Bone grafting involves placing bone graft material into the areas where bone loss has occurred due to gum disease. This graft material serves as a scaffold, promoting the growth of new bone tissue and restoring bone density in the affected areas.
2) Enhancing Stability: By replenishing lost bone tissue, bone grafting helps to improve the stability and support of the teeth. This can prevent further tooth mobility and reduce the risk of tooth loss associated with advanced gum disease.
3) Facilitating Dental Implants: In cases where tooth loss has occurred due to gum disease, bone grafting may be necessary to augment the bone structure in preparation for dental implant placement. Dental implants require sufficient bone support for successful integration and bone grafting helps to create an optimal environment for implant placement.
There are several types of bone grafting procedures used in the treatment of gum disease, including:
1) Autograft: In an autograft procedure, bone graft material is harvested from the patient's own body, typically from the hip, jaw or chin. Autografts are considered the gold standard for bone grafting as they offer excellent compatibility and promote natural bone growth.
2) Allograft: Allografts involve using bone graft material sourced from a donor, usually from a bone bank. Allografts are processed to remove any living cells, reducing the risk of rejection and disease transmission while still providing structural support for bone regeneration.
3) Xenograft: Xenografts utilize bone graft material derived from animal sources, such as bovine or porcine bone. Xenografts are processed to remove organic components, leaving behind a scaffold of mineralized bone that promotes new bone growth in the recipient.
4) Synthetic Graft: Synthetic bone graft materials, such as calcium phosphate or hydroxyapatite are biocompatible materials that mimic the properties of natural bone. These materials provide structural support and promote bone regeneration without the need for tissue harvesting from the patient or donor.
ఈ వివిధ రకాల బోన్ గ్రాఫ్టింగ్ విధాలు రోగికి అనుకూలంగా ఉపయోగపడతాయి మరియు పరిష్కరించడంలో సహాయకమైంది.
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