jesusonacid-blog · 5 years
I’m learnin’. Don’t tell me I ain’t learnin. How do you do this? ;)
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jesusonacid-blog · 5 years
A Book Of F.B. Ranting. Random Facebook postings Jesus DeAcido Hate is cathartic! Being mere near powerless individuals, hatin' on Trump (for good reason) and expressing same (usually with humor, but with a little venom it's betta) provides psychological relief through the open expression of such strong emotion. But if screaming at everyone about how superior you are for not hating anyone gets ya off, go for it! Be your own personal Jesus! Then we can crucify you, or sumthin'. ;) -----Jesus DeAcido Actually it should be %90, like what it was when America WAS Great. ;) I'm serious. For no one actually paid %90. 'Cause they kept their money in their businesses or invested in one (thus not taxed at that rate) instead of liquidating assets. Then they'd expand operations and that created JOBS! Which was GOOD! We had the highest standard of living in the World, and the rich still got rich! Actually RICHER! More productivity, more consumers with more disposable income equals HUGE profits! Average people could buy homes and cars and only one person need work outside the home, as well. People that rail against higher taxes for the "Elites" are simply under-educated and/or brainwashed.-------Jesus DeAcido There have ALWAYS been those that will suck the King's Cock for Favor. And, of course, out of guilt, those same Cum Stained Chin Muther-Fuckers insist we ALL guzzle the mouth wash of disdain of which they gleefully partake! Yet I boldly say..."No thank you, Sir!". "Rim Me, Young Masters and Mistress, I say!" "Eat'est mine ass, Dainty Tits!"................Jesus DeAcido If anyone deserves hate, it's Trump. And it's not blind hate, it's real and based upon reality. He's attempting to destroy the United States! He's a rapist, as well. (at minimum his wife AND a 13 year old sex slave) Perhaps the word should be despise? Now, if YOU want to be a "Hey, Hitler was nice to his dogs" type, go for it! But don't expect others to be so blindly accommodating. BTW, "Hate Group" should be a designation for ignoble and illogical (i.e. racist, etc) organizations. And seems you are doing the Trumpian "there are good people of both sides" argument with it's use. "If your religion or politics require you to bend over while others suffer, you need a new religion or politics." ................ Jesus DeAcido As a kid I was a little head banger (MC5 to Black Sabbath, etc) but this one time I won two tickets to a Temptations/Supremes concert (musta been '72 0r '73) the ONLY reason I went was this song! I love this song! Anyways, The Supremes were NOT good on my ears, but I loved the entire Temptations set! I was hooked! A school friend and I were the ONLY Whites in the place, BTW (that I could see, at least) and EVERY Brutha and Sista was so nice to us. I guess they figured we were "good ones". (we were, of course) ;) One funny situation was when two Bros in full Pimp Regalia were "arguing" about who was prettier (better dressed). One was in all white, with white fringe trim, white bowler hat. Even a white cane. The other guy was in different shades of purple with a purple cowboy hat and purple feathers on top. My friend and I needed to get by them to get to our seating entrance so I politely said "Excuse me!". The guy in white said "Of course, my little brother!" so I thank him. And then, while passing, I turned and exclaimed to the crowd assembled "The guy in white is prettier!". They all bust out laughing, and the guy in white gave me a fist bump. Fun time! In more ways than one. ------------------ Jesus DeAcido I'd say that it's kinda dumb either way. Unless there is some actual redeeming value to doing it, which would be a rather hard hurdle. BUT it could happen. As for "(it's) not meant to make either look lesser than", I'd have to point to the fact that such depictions usually include actions or affects that was parodies of the race they are depicting. For instance, the Black actors made up as White Girls did exaggerated depictions of both Women AND Whites. Which was pretty bad. The sin, IMO, is that it wasn't funny. Robert Downey Jr. playing the White guy pretending to be Black was doing much negative Black stereotypes as well. That movie was funny though. ;) And there was some modicum of a point to it. L.O. doing Othello held no innately racist stereotypes or exaggerations. And the Black Face is but topical. The character is a Moor. I think it's, as always, the INTENT mixed with actions. I'm sure that you are bringing this up due to Gov. Northam being called upon to resign (I apologize if that isn't the case). Well, I believe that that IS an overreaction. The year AFTER Northam did that the movie Soul Man came out! (illustrating the mindset of the time) And anyone remember Gene Wilder in Silver Streak? Now THAT was pretty bad, but it wasn't back then! (well, maybe SOMEONE complained, but I never saw it) Anyways, and again, I believe it's all about intent AND actions. And the intent may be right, but the actions may not be. We should just stop it. We have evolved. For if doing it hurts anyone...that's reason enough to not do it. And it's not necessary. (even when playing Othello, for we all know he was Black) Sorry for going on so long, BTW. -------------------------------- Jesus DeAcido Dewey Rai Lineberry I agree. I'm a professional Comedy Writer, BTW. And I'm not Politically Correct. I'm just Correct! (jez kidding) ;) I CAN hold two or more opposing ideas in my head at the same time though, so I can see where most people are coming from (on both sides) and the reasons they feel certain ways. I can relent on certain comedic takes IF I get a reasonable account of why I should tread lightly. If only because I'm a nice person, and I don't intend on hurting anyone (well, except for people that deserve it) Again, as for Northam, THAT is P.C. Gone Wild! (although his waffling about the issue is pretty fucked up) I believe people should be able to do whatever they fuckin' want, in the case of Free Speech, even if it's disgusting and/or stupid. BUT if ya Speak Freely, albeit abhorrently, expect others to return fire, VERBALLY. For that's the way it should work. Oh, and Political Correctness is NOT an exclusively Liberal attribute, of course. Conservatives have their own versions. Try burning your OWN American Flag, or say something pro-Socialism, or take a knee, or protest Police abuse. They get as warped as any tree-hugger...and they'll often kill ya for it! Or you'll lose your job, like Kaepernick did. ............................ Jesus DeAcido Time for some True Love! Like yo' Dad gave! Like yo' Mom gave! Some "No! You can't do that!" about the Head and Shoulders! TRUE LOVE! -------- Thinking upon Grunge, haven't you all noticed that "Grunge" ain't/wasn't a sound? SEEMS it started as a Uniform. The Pendletons and Levis, and a graphic Tee Shirt. Just NOT the Glam! It was anti-Glam. Actually, it was what my friends and I wore forever! The MUSIC was everything! Every sound! Akin to the 60's, IMO. The only REAL "Grunge" was Mother Love Bone/Pearl Jam. That's about it, past that: Soundgarden...Metal! (at least at first) Alive In Chains...started as Glam! Nirvana...PUNK! (think about it!) Blind Melon...Hippy? Melvins...Noise Rock STP...Rock Toad The Wet Sprocket...Mellow. Mazzy Starr...? Here's more on this. ------- Jesus DeAcido shared a link. 11 hrs Now, I'm sure that this will start arguments of if Rap/Hip Hop is Rock & Roll or not, but lets assume the positive, but we can argue the point if ya like (I just offer this so as to affirm that I'm not trolling). Personally I believe it is. Anyways, to the point... Anyone here like/appreciate Rap/Hip Hop? And who/what type is your fave? Myself, I find the new stuff unlistenable. (It's not very heavy OR lyrical, IMO) I like Old School and especially Gangsta Rap. ;) (And I liked a lot of the "Nu-Metal" back in the day) I have to qualify that I like all genres of music. IF it's any good. BTW, to the haters...you do realize that Frank Zappa was a Rapper, right? ;) "BOOM! Blowin' da minds of the people that be illin'. But I be here psychopath chillin'!" ------ Jesus DeAcido Seriously though, people have a right to shave their heads if the hair is getting weird lookin'. And it feels GREAT! No need to insult or infer motives beyond personal preference. Do I scream and yell about you always shaving your less than ample bag sack until it bleeds? NO! Of course not! ----------------
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jesusonacid-blog · 6 years
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Just axin’ fo’ a friend. ;)
#CashGrassOrGas #Pot #Weed #Marijuana #Picard #MMJ
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jesusonacid-blog · 6 years
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Seems fruitful? No?
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jesusonacid-blog · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acYAFerWhVw)
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jesusonacid-blog · 6 years
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New an’ all.
Gotta finger this thing out!
(BTW, I foundt an app to “Homerize” myself...and it worked! That’s Me!) ;)
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