echoaudiology · 8 months
What Are the Key Impacts of Untreated Hearing Challenges
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Navigating the complexities of hearing loss is crucial for understanding its wide-ranging implications on personal health and overall lifestyle. The team of Audiologists in Orléans at Echo Audiology serving the Greater Ottawa area, shed light on this pressing issue, highlighting the transformative benefits of early detection and intervention.  
How Common Is Hearing Loss In Canada? 
Hearing loss is quite prevalent in Canada, affecting up to 4.6 million people in the speech frequency range alone, making hearing aids a much-needed solution.   
What Are The Health Risks Of Untreated Hearing Loss? 
Untreated hearing loss can lead to numerous health issues, including increased chances of memory loss, depression, anxiety, social isolation, decreased adaptability, and increased fatigue. It can also pose a risk to personal safety and environmental awareness.  
How Can A Consultation With An Audiologist Improve My Health Prospects? 
An Audiologist in Orléans can help tackle the challenges posed by untreated hearing loss. Regular hearing tests and the use of hearing aids can lead to increased social interaction, improved mental health, better cognitive function, and enhanced communication.  
Why Should I Consider Echo Audiology For My Hearing Health Needs In The Ottawa Area? 
Echo Audiology combines empathetic care with great knowledge. The dedicated team at our hearing clinic in Orléans and serving all of Ottawa strives to educate patients on the benefits of treating hearing loss and wearing hearing aids, and how it can enhance the quality of life and overall wellness. 
The journey towards better hearing health begins with understanding the risks of untreated hearing loss vs the benefits of treating it. Echo Audiology, located in Orléans, is ready to guide you through this journey. Contact us online or at 613-841-3033 to take your first step towards better hearing.  
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echoaudiology · 1 year
Do you have itchy ears after your hearing aid fitting?
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Do you have itchy ears after your hearing aid fitting? Everyone’s ears are different. They are different in the shape and size, and they are different in their levels of sensitivity. When we first fit a patient with hearing aids, some people don’t notice them at all, while others may feel like there is something foreign in their ear. 
Why do my ears itch and what can I do about it?
The itchiness may be caused by the style of the hearing aid. If your hearing aid has a dome, this little umbrella can tickle your ear canal, which can cause that sensation of itchiness. In these cases, if the patient cannot get used to this, we sometimes change the style of dome entirely, adjust it with a retention cord to stop the hearing aid from moving as much, or completely change the tip of the hearing aid to a custom mould. 
On the other hand, another reason for itchiness could be due to a skin condition like eczema, that the hearing aid is now exacerbating. In these cases, we often recommend for our patients to check in with their family Physician to see if there is a lotion that they can apply on their ear canal. Remember, the ear canal is basically just another area covered with skin. In these cases, whatever lotion is appropriate usually works. If there are no skin conditions that the patient is aware of, they can also try Eargene. It is a product that most Audiology clinics carry, that helps to alleviate this sensation of itchiness. 
Discomfort or Pain with New Hearing Aids
Hearing aids can also cause discomfort. Like the itchiness, we can adjust the tip of the hearing aid to see what works best for our patient. 
If the custom portion of the hearing aid is causing pain, it is usually because it is causing a pressure point. Most Audiology clinics are equipped with grinding and buffing equipment, so they can modify the mold themselves to make it more comfortable. In other cases, we may need to make a new impression entirely and have the Hearing Aid Manufacturer remake a new mold. 
Regardless of the issue, whether your ear itches, has pain or discomfort, there is always something that can be tried to resolve the issue. Your best step is to call your local Audiologist in Orleans and serving Ottawa and find out how they can offer a helping hand. 
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echoaudiology · 1 year
Why do my ears feel blocked and occasionally hurt?
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Blocked ears and ear pain can be uncomfortable and even worrying, but understanding why they happen is important for managing the symptoms. In this blog post we will explore some of the most common causes of blocked ears and ear pain, and look at when it might be time to visit an audiology clinic in Orléans. Read on to learn more about blocked ears and ear pain.
Common Causes Of Blocked Ears
Infection: A common cause of blocked ears is an ear or sinus     infection. These infections are typically caused by bacteria or viruses     that enter the ear, leading to inflammation and sometimes a buildup of     fluid in the area. This can lead to a feeling of fullness or pressure in     the ear, as well as discomfort and sometimes fever.
Allergies: Allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and     mold can all cause congestion in the Eustachian tube which connects the     back of your nose to your middle ear. When this congestion occurs it can     lead to difficulty hearing properly and even blockage sensation in the     ear.
Earwax Buildup: Earwax is a natural, protective substance produced by     your ears to trap dirt and debris and protect the ear from infection.     However, too much wax can accumulate in the ear canal and block sound from     entering, resulting in difficulty hearing as well as blocked ears. In     addition, excessive buildup of wax can lead to itching, irritation, and     even pain.
Otosclerosis: This condition impacts the bones in the middle ear,     which can impair the transmission of sound from the outer ear all the way     to the hearing nerve that then carries signals to your brain. It can     cause tinnitus and     a feeling of fullness or blockage in one or both ears, and can result in     hearing loss.
Common Causes Of Ear Pain
Ear Infections: In addition to making your ears feel blocked, an ear     infection is one of the most common     causes of ear pain. It is typically caused by inflammation, sometimes     due by a bacterial or fungal infection. Other symptoms may include muffled     hearing, fever, tinnitus, discharge from the ears, dizziness, and loss of     balance.
Trauma: If the ear has been injured due to trauma, such as     from a blow to the head or being struck by an object, you can probably     expect some pain and discomfort. In some more serious cases, the eardrum     may rupture which can lead to severe pain, hearing loss, and possibly     dizziness.
Jaw Problems: Painful clicking or popping sounds in the jaw joint     (TMJ) can be caused by a variety of problems such as arthritis or     misalignment of teeth as examples. This can sometimes cause a feeling of     blocked ears and ear pain, which may occasionally be accompanied by     headaches and jaw stiffness.
Allergies: Allergic reactions such as hay fever and seasonal     allergies can cause inflammation of the Eustachian tube, which can lead to     ear pain. During allergy season, you may also experience congestion and     sneezing, itchy eyes, nasal discharge, and thick mucus in the back of your     throat.
Air Travel: Changes in air pressure can cause pain in the ears     and a feeling of fullness due to unequal pressure on either side of your     eardrum. This is more common when flying at higher altitudes but can also     occur while driving in mountainous regions or underwater while swimming or     diving.
Earwax Buildup: If you have too much earwax buildup in your ears it     can cause a blocked sensation as well as discomfort and itching. It is     important to remember that although wax buildup may feel uncomfortable, it     does serve an important purpose of protecting the ear from bacteria and     other irritants. If you’re experiencing constant discomfort from excessive     ear wax, see an Audiologist for a cerumen consultation     & ear wax removal.
Excessive Noise: Prolonged exposure to loud noise can damage the     delicate hair cells in the inner ear and sometimes lead to ear-level     sensitivities over time, as well as hearing loss. This type of hearing loss     is known as noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). If you are constantly     exposed to loud noises, keep your ears and hearing safe with earmoulds & hearing     protection.
When To See An Audiologist About Your Ear Problems
If you are experiencing any of the following signs or symptoms, it is best to see an audiologist for a comprehensive evaluation:
Ear level symptoms: pain,     blockage, pressure or fullness
Difficulty hearing from one or     both ears
Ringing in your ears (tinnitus)
Balance issues or vertigo
An audiologist can perform hearing tests and specialized assessments to help determine if your symptoms are stemming from your hearing system or not, and provide appropriate treatment options, whether you require further medical investigation with your Physician or an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist; or if another health professional can help, or if acoustic rehabilitation options, such as hearing aids, should be considered. Depending on the underlying cause, they can also offer advice on how to prevent further damage and keep your ears healthy. By regularly visiting an Audiologist in Orléans and serving all of Ottawa, you can ensure that you’re taking the best possible care of your ears
By following these tips and visiting an audiology clinic in Orléans, you can take good care of your ears to help keep your hearing system healthy. Contact Echo Audiology today to make an appointment with one of our Audiologists.
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echoaudiology · 2 years
Hearing aids not working well for you? Ways to improve them
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If you are finding that your hearing aids are not helping you hear as well as you thought they should, it is important to talk to an audiology clinic in the Ottawa area to troubleshoot the issue. There could be several factors at play, such as incorrect programming, problems with the devices themselves, or even something unrelated to the hearing aids. By understanding why you are not successful with your devices, you can work with your audiologist in Orléans to take corrective action and enjoy better hearing. 
There are many potential reasons why you may not be successful with your hearing aids. Here are a few:  
The hearing aids may not be properly fitted to your ears. For example, if the hearing aids are not staying well in your ears, they will not function as     intended and may not provide you with adequate volume for your hearing loss   
The hearing aids you are using may themselves not be adequate for your hearing loss. Are you wearing hearing aids with domes or are they molded to your ears? This may impact the acoustics and how much volume we may be able to program into the devices themselves.   
Your hearing aids may need to be reprogrammed differently. The settings in your  hearing aids can have a big impact on how well it works for you in various hearing settings. If the programming is not ideal, it may impact your level of success. 
Have you received enough counselling about your hearing loss, your hearing devices, and why they were selected or how they were programmed for you? Sometimes, asking for further counselling or getting a second opinion about your hearing loss and hearing aids may benefit you in better  understanding why you may not be as successful as you had hoped.  
If you are having trouble with your hearing aids, it is important to consult with a hearing healthcare professional to determine why and what can be done to find a solution.  
What’s Involved in Working with Hearing Aid Patients During Their Hearing Journey? 
There are a number of different steps that the audiologists in Orléans at Echo Audiology take to help guide hearing aid patients during their hearing journey: 
We     conduct a thorough hearing assessment, which helps to determine the     severity of our patient’s hearing loss and what types of hearing aids     would be best suited for them. We take into account the results of the     assessment but also our observations and our patients’ reported     difficulties when recommending any appropriate options.  
Once     the evaluation is complete, we counsel on the various styles,     manufacturers, and technologies available; and decide alongside our     patients what may be best for them based on the acoustic requirements and     our patients’ preferences.  
After     we have selected hearing aids, we schedule another appointment to take     the time we need to properly fit, program and verify the hearing aids. We     measure the devices while they are in our patients’ ears to make sure they     are programed well, are comfortable, and are safe to     use.   
We     then take time to show our patients how to manage and care for their     hearing aids, as well as what to expect from them. There are realistic     expectations to have in acoustic rehabilitation, and we try to make sure     our patients understand their own limitations based on their auditory     systems, as well as those in real life communications.  
Finally,     we follow up as needed to make sure our patients are comfortable, are     adapting well, are benefiting from their hearing aids, and are working     towards their hearing potential, while taking into account their comfort     levels.
How To Maintain Your Hearing Aids 
There are a number of different things that you can do to maintain your hearing aids, starting with making sure that they are cleaned on a regular basis. This includes wiping them down with a soft, dry cloth or with the provided maintenance products, and removing any buildup of earwax that may be blocking the devices.  
You should keep the hearing aid batteries fresh. This means replacing them as soon as they start to run low. If the hearing aids are rechargeable, it is important to charge them on a daily basis or based on the instructions that have been provided to you. 
It is important to keep the hearing aids as dry as possible. This means storing them in a dry area, avoiding moisture, and protecting them from sweat or rain when possible.  
Finally, when you’re not wearing your hearing aids, it is important to store them in a safe place. This helps to prevent damage and helps to make sure you don’t lose them. 
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echoaudiology · 2 years
When and why should you schedule a hearing test in Ottawa?
If you’re asking this question, the short answer is probably, “Now!” Hearing is one of our most important senses, and it’s important to make sure that our ears are functioning properly. Luckily, finding out if you have a hearing problem or not is as simple as booking a hearing test in Ottawa with an audiologist. The sooner you get your hearing checked, the sooner you can start taking steps to protect your hearing and prevent further damage, or takes steps to manage your hearing difficulties better. 
Signs Of Hearing Loss  
There are many different reasons why people might book a hearing test, but some of the most common reasons include: 
If you’ve been exposed to loud noise, either suddenly or over a long period     of time 
If you’re having trouble hearing people speaking, even in quiet environments 
If  people have told you that you’re speaking loudly or asking people to     repeat 
If you feel people you are conversing with are often mumbling  
If you’re finding it hard to follow conversations, especially in noisy     places 
If you’re struggling to hear the TV or radio at a normal volume 
If you’re avoiding or removing yourself from social situations because of     your hearing 
People often think that hearing loss only impacts the older population, but this is simply not true. Even though statistics show that 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 have hearing loss, it can in fact impact people of all ages.  
Hearing loss may also present itself differently from person to person, whether we are looking at a hearing acuity issue or processing difficulties. Regardless of your age, as soon as you are experiencing hearing difficulties, it is important to get your hearing assessed by a professional.  
Seeing an audiologist in Orléans is the best way to find out if you have a hearing problem and what can be done to help, and provide you with acoustic rehabilitation options or strategies.  
Link Between Hearing Loss & Cognitive Effort Or Fatigue 
Hearing loss can have an impact on our daily life, including leading to increased cognitive effort and overall fatigue. This is because the brain has to work harder to process and interpret auditory information when your hearing is impacted. This can lead to mental fatigue and experiencing more difficulties with cognitive tasks such as focusing, memorising things and multitasking. 
Booking a hearing assessment in Ottawa can help identify any hearing loss, and steps that can be taken to protect your hearing and reduce the amount of cognitive effort required.  
Link Between Hearing Loss & Social Isolation   
Hearing loss can also lead to social isolation. This is because people who can’t hear very well can find it difficult to communicate with others, which can lead to feelings of frustration and often make them avoid or withdraw from social situations. If this sounds like you or someone you know, contact an audiologist in Orléans to schedule a hearing test. They will be able to help identify the reasons for your difficulties so that steps can be taken to help you hear better and improve your daily communications and social interactions.  
What Happens During A Hearing Test? 
A hearing test is a painless and non-invasive way to check how well your hearing system is working. During the assessment, the audiologist will carry out a series of tests to assess your hearing ability.    These tests may include: 
Looking in your ears to determine if there is anything blocking your ear     canals  
Measuring your middle ear to make sure the soundwaves are transmitting well 
Asking you to identify different sounds and repeat words  
Measuring how clear you can hear speech in various testing settings   
The results of the test will help to identify any problems and provide you with a better understanding of your hearing difficulties and help determine the best course of treatment for your acoustic rehabilitation, should it be required.  
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echoaudiology · 2 years
What Are the Functions of the Buttons on My Hearing Aids?
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Modern hearing aids are designed to seamlessly blend into your lifestyle, adapting naturally and automatically to your different hearing environments with ease. Your hearing aids should adjust themselves to noisier or quieter situations, and all hearing aids have features that help do this. However, you sometimes may need to make additional adjustments, such as changing the volume or the programs on the hearing aids, which can be done through the buttons on the device, or sometimes through external accessories or an app on your smartphone. The Audiologist at your hearing clinic in Ottawa will teach you how to use your new hearing aids and accessories to get the most out of them.  
Hearing Aid Apps And Devices  
Technology has advanced hearing aids in Ottawa to make them more effective for the users. As hearing aids got smaller, the buttons on the hearing aids also got smaller, or sometimes have even been removed.  Today, most hearing aids can be adjusted through an app on your smartphone or with other wireless accessories that gives users more control over their hearing aids and offer a better hearing experience.
Even for those with poor dexterity or vision problems, you can make discrete adjustments to your hearing aid quickly and easily through a device rather than trying to manipulate small buttons. You will have more control over using your hearing aids and accessories, making your hearing experience better whether you’re on the phone, in a crowded room, or while watching television.  
Hearing Aids That Fit Your Lifestyle  
Hearing clinics in Orléans are here to help you find hearing aids that suit your needs. Our Audiologists would love to share the newest technologies with you so they can help give you back your hearing.  
Originally Posted on Echo Audiology
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echoaudiology · 2 years
Is It Safe To Sleep With Hearing Aids?
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The short answer to the question is no. Yes, it’s true that now that you have your new hearing aids, you have more confidence and freedom. They make it safer to drive and go places, because you can hear sirens and other noises as a warning.
Many individuals may long for that feeling of security while they sleep and want to wear them at night. But you should not sleep with your hearing aids. Audiologists with our hearing clinic in Ottawa want you to know why.  
Why You Shouldn’t Sleep With Your Hearing Aids 
You need to take your hearing     aids out daily to let your ear breathe and the ear wax naturally migrates     out of your ear. Hearing aids are made of non-breathable     material.  
Your hearing aids also need     some breathing time to help dry them out, as humidity from your ear will     eventually break them down. Letting them dry is part of a good maintenance     routine for your hearing aids to keep them working well. Some hearing aids     need to recharge, too.  
Hearing aids are not     comfortable to sleep in. The materials can be hard and press into the skin     of your ear, which can disrupt your sleep.  
The microphone of the hearing aids     can rub against the pillow, creating scratchy microphone sounds or     creating a feedback loop. Again, this may bother both you and your partner     and have an impact on your quality of sleep.  
You’ll wake up more refreshed and ready to put your hearing aids in when you take them out at night. If you’re concerned about safety, there are visual and vibrating alarms that exist for people with significant hearing loss.  
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echoaudiology · 2 years
How Long Does Your Brain Take To Adjust To A Hearing Aid?
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Getting your new hearing aids is exciting. The first few days are great. You can hear so much more. You made the right decision. You then also notice that you are hearing a lot more than you anticipated. You are tired at the end of the day. Your voice sounds different than it used to. You get frustrated with all the sounds you are now hearing, especially in noisier environments. This is pretty common in the first week of wearing your hearing aids in Ottawa.  
Why Does Your Brain Need Time To Adjust To Your Hearing Aids?  
In most cases, your hearing didn’t change overnight. Hearing loss is more often gradual, so you may not have realized how much you were missing since it was happening little by little. When you get your hearing aids from hearing clinics in Ottawa, your brain can be overwhelmed with all the activity and new stimulation coming in. You have to learn how to process sounds again. Some sounds you may simply enjoy, others you may need to learn to tune out. Your brain also needs to relearn how to prioritize and filter these sounds.  
Tips For Adjusting To Your Hearing Aids  
When the background noise gets to be too much, you may simply need a break. It’s okay to take your hearing aids out to center yourself and then start the next day again. Keep a positive attitude and understand that your brain is relearning a skill. Be patient and keep wearing your hearing aids in Orléans as much as possible.  
After a couple to a few weeks, if things aren’t improving, talk to the Audiologist at your hearing clinic in Orleans. Your hearing aids may need adjustments to help you get used to them a bit easier. Contact us online or call 613-841-3033 to learn more about hearing aids.
Originally Posted on Echo Audiology
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echoaudiology · 2 years
Learn about wearing new hearing aids so you can get used to them and enjoy your new ability to hear clearly. Call your Ottawa hearing clinic for an appointment. Read more: https://www.echoaudiology.com/what-do-you-need-to-know-about-your-new-hearing-aids/
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echoaudiology · 2 years
Echo Audiology Applies Inspired by Ida Tools, Techniques
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The team at Echo Audiology has always taken pride in their patient-centric treatment practices and personalized approach to finding hearing solutions in Orleans. In this video, Karine Bossé, the Owner and Head Audiologist speaks about how participating in the Inspired by Ida program has helped all of the staff at her audiology clinic in Ottawa further enhance their care practices. She emphasizes that helping individuals understand the reasons for their hearing loss and hearing difficulties in simple, uncomplicated terms makes a big difference in how they respond to recommended treatment. From the intake forms to assessments to reports and finally, the treatment itself, everything is explained and made easy for patients.  
“I Can’t Wait To Come Back!” – That’s What Patients Are Saying
As Ottawa’s Best Hearing Specialist, Karine Bossé and her team at Echo Audiology love to hear that their patients feel relaxed, comfortable and stress-free. Many of them say, “I can’t wait to come back!” For Karine, that is the ultimate testament to her hearing clinic’s stellar approach that makes it a top choice for people in the Orleans area.
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echoaudiology · 2 years
Karine Bossé, owner of Echo Audiology speaks about how the Inspired by Ida tools and techniques have further refined patient-centric treatment at her clinic. Read more: https://www.echoaudiology.com/echo-audiology-applies-inspired-by-ida-tools-techniques/
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echoaudiology · 2 years
Meet Karine Bossé, Ottawa’s Best, Award-Winning Hearing Specialist At Echo Audiology
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Owner and Head Audiologist of Echo Audiology, Karine Bossé is the proud winner of the 2022 Ottawa Awards. She is declared as Ottawa’s Best Hearing Specialist in the Health and Wellness category. 
Born and raised in the area, Karine considers it her privilege to continue serving the local community in Orléans and the surrounding area of Ottawa. She leads an able, highly trained, and experienced team of Audiologists in Orléans at her established Hearing Clinic. Together, they are deeply committed to providing the best hearing care to their patients. The team at Echo Audiology takes into account the individual preferences and needs of each patient so that hearing appointments remain focused and personalized. Patients appreciate the Audiology team’s emotional support and count on their help to manage ear and hearing-related difficulties in their daily life.  
Winner Of The 2022 Ottawa Awards In The Health And Wellness Category 
Speaking about the recognition, Karine says, “It’s an honor to have won the award for Ottawa’s Best Hearing Specialist in the 2022 Ottawa Awards. Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. It is very humbling to receive this level of support from the community! Thanks to all!”
Originally Posted on Echo Audiology
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echoaudiology · 2 years
What Do You Need To Know About Your New Hearing Aids?
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Hearing aids make a big difference in how you interact with the world. While it’s exciting, it can also be a bit overwhelming initially when you get new hearing aids. You’ll want to follow your audiologist’s directions, particularly in the first few weeks while you’re transitioning, to get the best results. Hearing clinics in Orleans have specialists that can help you understand how to use your hearing aids and take care of them the right way.  
How Many Hours A Day Should You Wear Hearing Aids?
You should wear your hearing aids as much as possible while you’re awake. At first, you may need to start wearing your hearing aids gradually, starting with three to five hours each day and increasing in duration by an hour or two each day. Wear them at home or in quiet environments so you can focus on one-on-one conversations. As you get used to wearing your hearing aids, you can try more challenging environments.
Are There Possible Side Effects Of Wearing Hearing Aids?
Modern hearing aid devices are technologically advanced, which minimizes their discomfort. Even so, there are still some minor side effects you may notice when you start wearing your hearing aids. Some people do experience itchiness or discomfort when wearing their devices. Discuss this with the audiologist because you may need to try out a differently shaped device. When you first start wearing aids, you may experience tiredness or headaches because your brain is working harder to adjust to hearing more sounds.  
How Long Does It Take For Your Brain To Adjust To A Hearing Aid?
When you start wearing hearing aids in Ottawa, your brain has added activity, which can make you feel tired. You are getting used to a new acoustic environment in which you hear more background sounds. You also have to adjust to the device in your ears. These symptoms go away as you wear your device, often within a week. Wearing your hearing aids for increasingly longer durations helps you adjust more quickly.  
Is It OK To Sleep With Your Hearing Aids In?
It’s not recommended to sleep while wearing your hearing aids. Sleeping on the microphone can cause feedback or whistling, which can wake you up. The hearing aids may also be uncomfortable to sleep on. Your skin needs time to rest from wearing the devices, because the materials are not breathable. Taking your hearing aids out at night allows ear wax to migrate out of your ear. It also preserves your battery life. Always make a point to take out your devices when you sleep.  
What Do The Buttons On My Hearing Aid Do?
Typically, the buttons on the hearing aid let you select between different environments or to change the volume, but this varies by product. Modern hearing aids have an extensive range of features that can be easily accessed by an application on your smartphone rather than tiny buttons on the hearing aid. Ask for a demonstration at our hearing clinics in Ottawa to learn more about how to control different hearing devices.  
Learn What’s Normal And What’s Not When Wearing Your Hearing Aid.
Wearing your hearing aid can be overwhelming at first. Your own voice may sound louder to you. You may be distracted by background noises. You may get feedback while you’re on your cell phone. These are normal experiences, but your audiologist can help make adjustments to your device to make them less distracting. Modern hearing devices have more settings and more advanced technology that makes wearing aids more accessible and less uncomfortable than those of the past. When you understand what is normal and what isn’t, you can better adjust to your new hearing aids.  
If you’re thinking about hearing aids in Orleans, contact us online or call our office at 613-841-3033 to make an appointment.
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echoaudiology · 2 years
My Experience Fitting Hearing Aids at Echo Audiology
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Getting Hearing Aids Should Be Fun!
When you come in for your hearing aid fitting, you should plan to spend between 60 and 90 minutes with your Echo Audiology clinician. We will start by examining your ears to ensure that it’s safe to insert the devices. We use your ear measurements to position the hearing aids appropriately in the ear canal.  
Next, we will give you an idea of what to expect regarding the difference in sound while wearing your hearing aids. Here are the five parts of a hearing aid fitting:
Assessing the hearing aid fit
Programming the hearing aid settings
Testing & verification for accuracy
Adjusting your settings based on your hearing, but also your comfort level
Learning about your hearing aid and what to expect from them
Most hearing aid fittings are a positive experience for both the clinician and patient. As we say, “getting a hearing aid should be fun!”
Hearing Aid Fitting from a Clinician’s Point of View
Showing our patients the difference before and after getting a hearing aid is an exciting part of the job for our Audiologists in Orleans. Typical reactions include:
Gratitude for the ability to communicate more effectively.  
Amazement that they can hear voices or background noise more clearly.  
Shock at the difference in their hearing ability.
Curiosity about how the hearing aids work.  
Desire to learn how to adjust their hearing aids for a great fit and sound clarity.
“As a health professional, it is so rewarding to feel like you can help people and make a real difference in their life. We have hearing aid patients of all ages at Echo Audiology — from pediatric patients to seniors — but most of them range between 40-75 years old,” says one of our experienced Audiologists.  
At Echo Audiology, our Orleans Audiologists take extra time to ensure all patients understand their devices and feel comfortable wearing them. There is no better way to end an appointment than to hear your Patient say: “that was fun!”  
Want to know more about what to expect during a fitting for hearing aids in Orleans? Call Echo Audiology at 613-841-3033 to set up an appointment or contact us online.
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echoaudiology · 3 years
Hearing Tests & Assessments for Adults
Hearing tests can be done for a variety of reasons. We frame our appointments based on our Patient’s needs, so that they get the most appropriate assessment and benefit from the right amount of testing and counselling. We also offer hearing assessments for Children.
Employment Hearing Test
This appointment is for Patients who require a hearing test for a work application. Ex: Pilots, RCMP, etc. This appointment includes the completion of all required documents and reports.
Medical Hearing Assessment
This appointment is meant for Patients who experience ear-level symptoms such as pressure, blockage or pain in their ears, and also experience hearing difficulties possibly due to these symptoms. This would also be for a Patient who needs a hearing assessment before seeing an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist, and/or to rule out any other medical conditions. This appointment includes a thorough medical report for your Physician or Specialist, if required.
Hearing Assessment for Hearing Difficulties & Hearing Loss
This appointment is meant for Patients who are experiencing hearing difficulties and are looking for help to hear better, whether this means discussing acoustics rehabilitation options like hearing aids, or possibly needing to be referred to other health professionals. Our approach is very holistic, meaning that we consider more than just your basic hearing ability when suggesting any rehabilitation solutions.
The advanced appointment includes a thorough medical report for your Physician or Specialist, if required.
Hearing Assessment for Funding
Our Audiologists are registered and trained in performing hearing assessments for various 3rd Party Funders, which includes:
Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB),
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)
Non-Insured Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit (NIHB)
Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)
Our team makes sure to perform the required testing for the application, whether for hearing or for tinnitus, as well as help you understand the process of your application. This appointment includes a medical report if required.
Regardless of the type of assessment you may need, we pride ourselves on using a medical-based, patient-centered and holistic approach in our appointments, meaning that we always take the time to look at the big picture to determine if your symptoms are related to your hearing system or if they are impacted by other factors.  We also have a large network of health professionals to refer to should you require further help in your rehabilitation solution.  
Our ability to make our patients feel at ease, our knowledge in testing and our ability to counsel and explain the results also makes us a uniquely qualified team of Audiologists to work with.
Originally Posted on Echo Audiology website
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echoaudiology · 3 years
Getting Hearing Aids Is Not Like Getting Glasses
With the Proper Fit and Adjustments, Hearing Aids Can Vastly Improve Hearing
When you first get hearing aids in Ottawa, you may feel excited to finally hear everything you’ve been missing. If you wear glasses, you know how easy it is to simply slip them on in the morning or when you need help reading. They require little care besides occasional cleaning and proper storage to avoid scratches. With hearing aids, you may sometimes need to get them adjusted or reprogrammed, especially if your hearing changes, to make sure you are benefiting from them as much as possible.
Compare Hearing Aids to Glasses
The Audiologists at Echo Audiology have put together the following points to consider when comparing hearing aids to glasses:
Hearing aids typically won’t fully restore your hearing loss. With the right glasses, many people can achieve 20/20 vision. Hearing aids in Orleans can restore clarity and help you perceive sound at a higher level.
Hearing aids require adjustments. There are no knobs to twist to get a better picture when you’re wearing glasses. However, hearing aids may need adjustment depending on your hearing loss, and sometimes, the environment you find yourself in. For example, when you’re in a restaurant, you may want to make the necessary adjustments to hear the waitperson and your dining companions a little better.
Don’t get your hearing aids wet! If you drop your glasses in the pool or a water puddle, you can simply wash them off and put them back on your nose. However, hearing aids have complex electrical parts that are sensitive to water damage, just like a computer.
So far, your eyeglasses don’t require batteries. In some space age future, glasses may link directly to the optic nerve or brain and require batteries or electronics! However, that future’s a long way off. Because of the way hearing aids work, they require power in the form of batteries, whether regular or rechargeable, in order to operate properly.
Although hearing aids may not be as easy to use as glasses, they can improve your hearing with the proper adjustments. Your Audiologist in Orleans will ensure that you have the proper fit for your ears for more comfortable daily wear.
Once you understand that getting hearing aids is not quite like getting glasses, it’s easier to adjust to the extra care needed to protect your hearing aids and to adjust to them. Contact Echo Audiology in Orleans at 613-841-3033 to set up an appointment today.
Originally Posted on Echo Audiology website
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echoaudiology · 3 years
The Cost of Hearing Loss Versus the Value of Hearing Aids
Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Hearing Loss
Up to 4.6 million Canadians have hearing loss in the speech frequency range, while millions more have trouble hearing high frequencies. Despite these statistics, many Canadians refuse to wear hearing aids in Ottawa that can improve their ability to communicate effectively and live life more fully.
Lost Income from Employment Limitations
If you have a hard time hearing, you may not qualify for jobs requiring acute hearing to perform effectively. On average, Canadians with hearing loss also lose big when it comes to salary differentials. Are you satisfied giving up $30,000 per year — that’s $263,000 in your lifetime! In contrast, it costs about $3000-$6000 to buy two hearing aids in Orleans or elsewhere in Canada.
Health Impact of Untreated Hearing Loss
It’s important to know that untreated hearing loss also negatively impacts your health. The health impacts of hearing loss include:
Memory loss
Danger to personal safety
Impaired environmental awareness (more likely to fall or become injured)
Less adaptability
Increased anxiety
The good news is you can improve your health outlook with a visit to the Audiologist in Orleans, as follows:
Increased social interaction
Better mental health
Improved cognitive function
Better communication
Schedule a hearing test at Echo Audiology to learn more about the positive differences hearing aids can make in your life.
Originally Posted here: https://www.echoaudiology.com/the-cost-of-hearing-loss-versus-the-value-of-hearing-aids/
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