jdrxidarchive · 8 years
btw, most of the people that follow my new blog rn will be followed back so ayy.
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
Tumblr media
                                     Erasing the line between                                                          men and machine,                                        the line between                                                          men and gods
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
all i’m missing for the new blog is half of oli’s about, friday’s about and to think of a tagging system which is pretty vital. also, a promo graphic but...i don’t want to do it. i lost motivation. that blog might never see the light lmao. 
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
for my tags I looks for my muse's quotes on google, like "616 tony stark quotes" and take the ones that remind me to what i want to tag :P i.e;; #❝If I was you would I see anything in me worth saving? ❞ « Tony » it's a little easier and you can be sure you're being accurate xD
that sounds easy but also a lot of work and just !!!!i really want fancy tags but like...*cries because too much searching and what do i do with general tags? and what do i do with oli cause i can’t look up quotes for him?? aaaah, i hate everything*
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
life would be easier if i didn’t look for themes for my rules and navigation pages but then again...
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
going to bed, i’ll finish editing the page tomorrow, i hope.
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
the blog is made but now i have to make pages and a graphic to promote it.  the struggle is real, my guys.
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
I really want to make this blog a proper one instead of a side blog but..so much work. 
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
dont ever talk to me or my 47 destructive tendencies again
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
*blows on Oliver's ear*
He shuddered. “That was most definitely weird.”
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
At the other’s words, he dropped the plate,breaking it. When he got hugged, he cut his finger while trying to pick up the porcelain pieces. He moved, pushed Alex away from him. “Don’t talk about me and your father, Alexander. Not now, not ever again.” He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down to not sound angry. “No, I’m not family. I’m staff so just... Back off.”
“I know how I feel, horrible because you are the only one I could accept dating dad, I wanted to provoke you so you would fight for him but…I was selfish and didn’t think of you.”-Alex rested his head on Jarvis’ back, hugging him like a child from the back.-“ You are not the carpet, you are family”-
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
“Don’t talk as if you knew how I feel, Alexander. You don’t.” Jarvis made his way to the kitchen in silence, he threw away the remaining cookies and then started washing the dish. “I’m the carpet sir, you don’t need to ask for it’s forgiveness because you stepped on it.” He said, eyes on the sink. “Mhm, sure thing. Forgiven. Anything else?”
“You are like my second dad, you are my favorite person in the whole world. My friend, I look up to you and I hate that you can’t talk about how you actually feel”-Alex knew well that he couldn’t stop Jarvis from walking, but he could follow him.-“Can you forgive me? I don’t think about what I say lately. I can’t be well if you are angry with me”
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
“Well, I---” The words stung. Like being slapped in the face...No, it was worse. He knew how to deal with harsh words, they were a part of his life, it was usual and yet, getting them from Alex was as hurtful as a broken bone. He smiled. “That’s quite alright, sir.” He got up, back straight and hands on his back. “I am, indeed, a carpet. Yours and your father’s, you are the little master after all, aren’t you?” He took tha plate of cookies and the glass. “Now, if you excuse me, I have other duties to attend to.” He bowed as if they were nothing but butler and boss, then he turned around to walk away.
“Well Jarvis, you are a grown up and you still live with dad. It is not good to be a carpet all your life”-Alex hissed and looked away but quickly regretted his words so bad that he had to cover his face.-“ I’m sorry…”-
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
and with THAT i say goodnight, friends. i need sleep.
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
He listened to every word carefully. It was all too much to process but then again, he already knew all of the things that Anthony was saying. Or at least partially. He knew Anthony loved him, he knew they made each other better but he never expected...He never thought....
He covered his mouth with the hand that was not wearing the ring, trying to take it all in, to calm down, to remember how to function. His eyes were glued on the black band on his finger and his heart was beating so fast. Then Anthony took his left hand,  placed it on his chest and Jarvis could feel that his heart was beating just as fast, just as desperate. 
They had never made their relationship public, they had never been...Official. They were just what they were and now, here they were, with Anthony proposing, with a ring on his finger and his throat refusing to make a sound. 
Jarvis leaned against Anthony, hiding his face on his chest as tears began rolling down his cheeks without him being able to stop them. It was embarrassing and it made him feel pathetic.”Gods, the things you do to me. You’re a fucking prick.” He mumbled, punching his arm weakly. “You are a fucking asshole.” He pulled away, looking at Anthony’s eyes. “I fucking hate you.” He added, swallowing thickly. “And god, yes, I will marry you.”
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
The ring felt cold against his skin and strangely heavy. Or maybe that was just his imagination. Either way, he was having trouble remembering how to breathe properly and how to form coherent sentences.
He looked down at his hand, the black band contrasting against his skin, the question ringing in his head like an echo. The world around him was spinning, he felt dizzy, light headed. Breathe. “I….I c-can’t breathe.” He muttered, his hand trembling. Was this really happening? “Wha…? Why are…Why are you doing this?”
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jdrxidarchive · 8 years
“Alex...Matt needed the help. And know it doesn’t make it better but your dad was just trying to help him.” He sighed softly and shook his head. “No, it’s not unfair. Is reasonable. You just don’t want to see it because you are mad at your dad. Besides, does Danny really wants to see his ex when he comes visit you?” He asked, raising a brow. “And would you feel okay with that? I mean...Doesn’t that put all of you in an awkward position?” He took one of the cookies, a frown on his brow. “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m fine. And you can leave whenever you want, you should leave at some point too. Is healthy for you and for him. You’re growing up, Alex. Do you want to throw tantrums at your dad and live with him forever?”
“I don’t have a problem with dad loving someone, I don’t care if he dates Matt or a car to be honest”-Alex hugged his legs and played with his fingers before he ate another cookie and a sip of milk.-“ It made me angry that he didn’t ask me if Matt could live here, this is own home, Jarvis. Also he ordered me not to bring Danny here just because his boy doesn’t want him around, that is unfair. ”-He sighed and tried to fix his curly hair, stopping it from covering his eyes.-“ I know you can’t leave him…I wish I could stop you from being sad too, because I know you are hurt too.”-
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