jadenjace · 3 years
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Rumi, from Bittersweet (tr. by Fereydoun Kia & Deepak Chopra)
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jadenjace · 4 years
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jadenjace · 4 years
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Pokémon Camp ✧ Eeveelutions ✧・゚: *
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jadenjace · 4 years
TEXT || Jaden
Marshall: Oh I'm not dressing up; I'd rather just support all you guys who are entering it
Marshall: I'm in it for the haunted house and corn maze
Jaden: killjoy! i'll bring some devil horns and you'll be forced to wear them
Jaden: the corn maze, yes! i love those things. have you done one before?
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jadenjace · 4 years
( ☆ closed starter @nehemiahsolart​
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jaden was sick and tired of hospital appointments at this point . things continued getting from bad to worse , negating the uphill struggle he’d been working so hard to beat over the past few months , his life feeling like a rollercoaster given the amounts of ups , downs , twirls and loops . a pain lingered in his calf he couldn’t shake , hobbling on his crutches up to the ‘ trauma and orthopaedics ‘ wing that he could find with his eyes closed at this point . leaning over the counter he spoke his name to the admin staff , taking a seat to wait for his name to be called . thanks to the building pretty much having its own revolving door for the boy he recognised more than one face , and nehemiah’s of course caught his attention . “ hey . i didn’t know you were working today , “ small talk would make the time go faster , he hoped at least , “ you got a long shift ?? “
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jadenjace · 4 years
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To anyone on the outside, they were surely a rather nauseating couple, hardly able to keep their hands off each other, and trading love-filled looks whenever they got the opportunity to do so. But to Ezra, it was a whole other world that she felt she’d been missing out on for too long. The way Jaden treated her was more than perfect, always making sure that she was taken care of, that she was left with a smile on her face at the end of the day, and that she felt loved around every twist and turn that life through at them. Everything about their life leading up to this point was unconventional, but as she rubbed her thumb over that little gem and focused her eyes on his face, she couldn’t help but fall in love with him all over again. “It feels like I’ve been married to you my whole life, JJ,” she finally spoke, her voice still soft despite them being in the privacy of their own home. “I still say it was a major sham that I’m almost ten years younger than you; I think the universe was trying to play a cruel joke on us or something.” The blonde couldn’t help but give her husband a sly smile, her small hand slipping into his and a melodic giggle escaping the back of her throat as he chomped his teeth at her. “Fine, but if you chomp too hard, I’m banning you from doing it again, got it?” She hadn’t bothered to look at their path until now, her thick eyebrows coming together in curiosity, her thumb brushing slowly over his skin. “Where are you taking me, hm? How date at the Crashdown again?”
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it wasn’t out of distain for others that the two were hopelessly and undeniably in love . honestly , if jaden had it his way , he wished that he could go even a second without holding ezra , if anything for the comfort of onlookers that stared with eyes of emerald jealousy . there was never the intention for people to think of them as showing off , although it often seemed that way given their fairytale life on the surface . others didn’t see the turmoil they went through every evening , the struggle to lull both halves of the marriage to sleep , but this wasn’t a time to mull over the bad parts of their relationship . if only for a night the pair were putting their feet up , all three of them , and enjoying an evening in the company of one another without judgement , worry or stress . “ maybe the universe knew we’d be too powerful if we went to school together . they just threw in this little hurdle for us to get over to make sure we were real dedicated , y’know ?? it just meant it took a little longer for us to meet , or i guess for me to see the light .. “ hands remained intertwined , half for stability and half to continue ezra’s trajectory past their usual greasy fried-food joint to the more up market establishments . “ you can’t ban a shark from chomping , it’s literally all i’m good at . there’s an irony somewhere about me always wanting to chomp you , maybe it’s to make up for the fact that i’m missing a foot and you have two perfectly tiny ones , “ near dragging the smaller girl across the street from the cafe filled with workers of mint green uniform , his head shook . “ nope , i’m not doing the crashdown , i told you . this is fancy , alright ?? we’re celebrating our anniversary . we don’t get many chances to have big dates like this so i want us to have a big meal , all the trimmings . “
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jadenjace · 4 years
☎ (for copeland pls)
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NAME: ( i can’t ) cope RINGTONE: cherry flavoured - the neighbourhood LAST TEXT RECEIVED: ‘ are you doing okay ?? ‘ LAST TEXT SENT: ‘ i need you to cover my shift again , i’m so sorry . ‘ 
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jadenjace · 4 years
☎ (chandler)
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NAME: chan RINGTONE: rumor mill - we are the in crowd LAST TEXT RECEIVED: ‘ i’m in !! ‘  LAST TEXT SENT: ‘ i got two tickets to go see all time low next month , you in ?? ‘ 
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jadenjace · 4 years
Jeanine Mason and Tyler Blackburn at SXSW
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jadenjace · 4 years
☎ (for circe pls)
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NAME: mama bear 🐻 RINGTONE: gold dust woman - fleetwood mac LAST TEXT RECEIVED: ‘ what’s wrong , bumble ?? ' LAST TEXT SENT: ‘ i’m in need of some of some of your special go-go juice :( ‘
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jadenjace · 4 years
☎ (for ezra pls)
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NAME: honey 🍑 RINGTONE: mushy gushy - chapel LAST TEXT RECEIVED: ‘ i’m proud you be your wife . you know that , right ?? ‘ LAST TEXT SENT: ‘ i know , but i never get sick of hearing it . ‘
@ezrajeanlapointe .
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jadenjace · 4 years
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“These are so much better when you dip em in the shake.”
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jadenjace · 4 years
“That’s what I hear,” Kenny mused.  “I guess I’ve never gotten that close, though.  It seems like people are waiting longer to get married now a days, but.  I don’t know.  I guess I’ve never really felt that connection to anyone.”  He paused for a moment, letting his mind wander for a moment, causing his cheeks to flush before he turned his attention back to Jaden.  “Well…. that does sound really good right now…. ah, fuck it.  Why not?”
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he felt bad for kennedy hearing the way he described his love life . sure , in retrospect , maybe jaden had rushed into his marriage , riding on a wave of shared guilt and trauma , but two months in the male was convinced as ever that it was the right choice . that connection was something he’d never felt , and upon meeting the tiny blonde he finally understood what his parents meant when they kept hounding the idea of ‘ once you know , you know ‘ . hurrying on from the slump in conversation he brought up the idea of a sugary beverage once more . “ this question could make or break the friendship -- are you more of a red slushie guy , a blue slushie guy , or a mix of both ?? “ 
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jadenjace · 4 years
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jaden was far from the best influence when it came to eating a ‘ correct ‘ amount of candy . his wife had to practically wrestle the stuff from his grasp , a fight akin to a dog holding something they shouldn’t between their lips and refusing to let it go -- although jaden was approaching his thirties the boy would never give up his sweet tooth , and wasn’t embarrassed that he needed limits in place to keep him from gorging on the stuff until his belly hung beneath his waistline . “ believe me , you convince yourself you can eat one more , then another , then another .. by the time you realise what you’re doing the whole pack is gone and you’re sitting there in a circle of wrappers wondering what the fuck you just did . it’s a vicious spiral , let me help you out , “ reaching over , he plucked another wrapped candy from axelle’s collection , tugging the outer layer off with ease and popping the sweet upon an awaiting tongue . 
The Sweet Side of Life
send me CANDY! for a starter where my character has a stomach ache from eating too much candy. @jadenlapointe
“How did this happen? I thought I was smarter than this,” Axelle chuckled, before the sound was followed up by a groan. The woman clutched her stomach as the ache seemingly got worse. Of course the woman had somehow eaten too much candy, she worked in a bloody candy shop and yet somehow she’d eaten more than her body could seemingly handle. “It’s not even Halloween yet and somehow I’ve already eaten enough to last me ‘til next Halloween...or rather I don’t think I’m going to be wanting any until next Halloween.” The dry jokes rolled off her tongue as she leaned back in her chair. “Next time you see me grab for a piece of candy that doesn’t have to do with me filling a customer’s order, you have free reign to smack me upside the head.”
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jadenjace · 4 years
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“Part of marriage is the continuation of wooing, Jaden. I thought you did your research before you popped the question? Disappointed in you, Mr. Lapointe. Very disappointed.” The smile on her face stretched so wide, it made her cheeks hurt, the pink color almost permanent and spreading throughout her skin, causing her to go warm, her spine tingling with an unknown excitement. She was getting ready to turn to move towards the door when the older male stopped her, eyebrows pulling together in confusion as his hands enveloped her. Of course her eyes found his thumb, watching as it traced over her rings like it always did, almost a reminder of the fact that they’d gotten married just two months ago. She was ready to protest when he placed the soft pouch in her hand, her small fingers closing around it as she gazed up at him. “Jaden,” she said softly, her thumb brushing softly over the little pouch, the prickles of velvet against her skin making her tingle all over. Without another word, the blonde opened the little bag, thumb and forefinger reaching inside to pull the necklace out, a well of tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks. A soft, sad sigh left the back of her throat, her head shaking as she let her fingers run over the dainty chain in her grasp. “I didn’t get you anything, though,” she finally whispered, the corners of her mouth pulling down. “What kind of wife am I, not getting her husband something for their anniversary?”
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suddenly he found himself questioning whatever the hell he was doing surprising her with such a gift . jaden knew more than most that his wife was a humble girl , someone who didn’t take too kindly to being showered with gifts , affection and compliments , hesitating before an attempt to talk her down . “ sweetheart , i didn’t ask for you to get me anything . you don’t need to buy me anything , what you do for me is enough every damn day . i wanted to get you something for a while , not for any reason other than you being perfect .. i know money was super tight for a long time , it still is , but you deserve the world and one day we’re gonna get a cute little cottage , just us . it’s what you deserve . with your own little library .. everything you ever wanted , “ leaning to catch a kiss at the downturned corner of her lip his fingers nudged ezra’s jaw upward , brows raised , attempting to cheer her up again , “ hey , c’mon , i love you . you deserve this for all the money you pay for me to get fixed up , for the fact that you never get mad at me and we’re just .. i mean , we’re the fucking best couple in the world , right ?? nobody does it like we do , “ delicately he twirled the woman in this grasp , silently extending his palm to take the chain and bundling blonde waves up into his fist off the nape of her neck . a kiss marked exactly where the clasp would fall , securing the accessory before she was able to object , “ you can always pay me back later , hm ?? “ 
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jadenjace · 4 years
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Tyler Blackburn in Hello Again (2017)
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jadenjace · 4 years
☆ 。・:*:・゚meme monday
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