jadegreenworks · 4 years
Annual Post so I don’t lose this username
Anyway, how are you guys? Thank fork 2020 is almost over, yeah? Love you!
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
If you are attempting to contact me about translating Overcoming into Spanish and uploading it to Wattpad, the answer is unequivocally NO. Overcoming has a Spanish translation and @gilbo-shu-59 worked very hard to finish it. You can find it HERE. I have Overcoming on Wattpad and I do not want others taking credit for it. Enjoy it on Ao3 where it is available to everyone, but do not upload it to Wattpad. This is not negotiable. I’m sorry for sounding so harsh, but I keep getting these requests and I am not happy that someone has already done this once. Please don’t do it. The work has already been done, just go enjoy it.
EDIT:  I am not a fan of Wattpad because it enables a free-for-all of theft from writers without credit. This has happened to me. They were caught because very nice people recognized my work and asked them if they had permission, which they didn’t. Thank you to people who actually ask, but again please don’t. Wattpad is awful and Ao3 deserves the traffic.
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
Hi, I'm a huge fan of your work, I really love your history, so I want to ask if you let me translate your story to Spanish, I have a lot of friends who are so excited for reading your story, but they didn't speak English. So, the question is if you let me translate your story. If your answer is no it's ok, I really understand that, but if your answer is a yes, you would make happy a lot of people. Thanks for your time, have a good day:)
Hi there! Firstly, thank you so very much for your kind words (and for asking permission!), I’m delighted you love the story so much and want to share it. However, a very good friend of mine, has already translated Overcoming into Spanish (it can be found in “related works” on Overcoming’s face page), so please, if you wouldn’t mind, share this link with those who would like to read it:
It was an absolutely grueling task I wouldn’t wish on anyone and they have worked incredibly hard to finish, so please share their amazing efforts on my behalf! Thank you for offering to take on such a monumental task yourself! I honestly do appreciate the offer! Please do share the story, I would love for everyone to enjoy it who wants to, and thanks again! ❤️❤️❤️
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
Hi, I'm the who asked you 'do you give permission to adapt your stories' because i saw a fanfic on wattpad that same with Overcoming, called 'Vandart'. The author didn't give any credits to you so i thought she/he might be stole your story? I don't know, i just wanted to let you know.
Please send me a link to the story, I can’t find it to figure this out.
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
Hi, do you give permission to people to adapt your books?
I don’t give permission for adaptations because I already adapted them for publishing. Overcoming is a listed paperback and the rest of my work is in the process of being published, so if that’s what you mean, no I don’t. I’m thinking that’s not what you mean, though. If you mean do I like AUs of my work, then yes of course I do! I encourage anyone who does a work inspired by anything of mine to list it as “inspired by” on Ao3 so anyone who sees the original can get to moar goodness! If I misunderstood, please send me clarification, okay? Thank you! 
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
♥♥♥ I was the lucky duck who got to see this beautiful work early! Please go have a look and leave lots of love for an amazing writer!! ♥♥♥
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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Coming 15 June! An Omegaverse Hannigram fic, set in S2 and beginning with Will and Hannibal’s Yakimono kitchen confrontation. Will is an Omega, tortured and confused by the fact that he desires Hannibal, who is (apart from everything else) a Beta. This fic is about what happens next, so it’s canon divergence A/B/O style! Written for the @hannigram-a-b-o-library A/B/O Big Bang in collaboration with the wonderfully talented @maydei!
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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Here’s a teaser for the upcoming big bang @hannigram-a-b-o-library is hosting! I was paired with the ever delightful @cinnamaldeide and I cannot WAIT for you guys to see what we came up with! Until then…
There’s broken glass in the road, glittering in the harsh morning light.
Vaguely he knows that first responders have arrived on the scene, but his ears are ringing almost violently that it’s impossible to judge which vehicle they’ve elected to tend to first. From his own experiences Hannibal doubts that the Bentley will be a priority, simply because it’s solid construction has done an admirable job of insulating Alana and himself from the worst of it.
The other three cars aren’t so lucky.
An old, beaten up Ford sprayed liberally with mud sits in the middle of the intersection, the front smashed in, but otherwise remarkably unharmed - he instigator of the accident, judging from it’s position.
It looks out of place there, amid the crushed glass. There’s another car on the sidewalk, a vivid green, but the make is hard to discern as it’s crumpled up like wadded paper at this point. Someone has thrown a sheet over the broken window, shielding the body within from view.
There’s another silver car near the ditch, smoking from the engine.
The Bentley, which had managed to survive the crash mostly intact, must unfortunately be cut open in order to extract Alana; somehow her leg was crushed between the door and the footwell. A pity, but they seem competent enough. Hopefully the damage can be repaired.
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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A quick little something for Beltane :)
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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Libraries with a sense of humour.
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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jadegreenworks · 5 years
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