iwannabeaproghost · 2 years
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iwannabeaproghost · 2 years
I ordered some seeds.
One of them is lychee seeds.
It looks wrinkly.
Will it grow?
I hope it will.
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
Sure I hate to be part of a group work and would prefer working alone but at the same time I like it. It prevents me from 🗡 myself since I wouldn't want to leave my group with much more work because of me shamelessly wanting to rip
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
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A Guide to Planning Systems
It’s important to have a system of getting things done, whether it’s tackling tasks as the day progresses or having a carefully planned schedule for every single hour of the week. How can you create an effective personal planning system that suits your needs and preferences?
Mentioned in this post:
Attention Management: How to Take Control and Live Intentionally
Energy Management: A Human-Based Organization Method
Flexible Time-Blocking: A More Breathable Way to Get Things Done
The ABCDE Method: Accomplish Tasks More Efficiently
My other posts
N.B. some categories include a few examples but they are no means limited to the ones listed here, e.g. there may be methods of organizing tasks other than the five listed here.
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
how to properly structure a query letter!*
Dear [Agent], 
[An optional brief introduction, no longer than 2 - 3 sentences, perhaps where you elaborate on the #ownvoices of your manuscript, or pointing out certain things in your manuscript that the agent asks for. I reiterate that this paragraph is optional. Unless you have a very specific reason to be querying this agent—for instance, if they tweeted an MSWL for a heist novel and you’re querying a heist novel—there is no relevance, so don’t include this paragraph.]
[The first paragraph of your summary introduces the world, the main character, and their Normal. For instance, Cynthia lives in the times of a pandemic and works to continue living in their new normal. Every day, Cynthia choose to get up and keep living and making the most of their situation while trying to find something to do to be useful.] 
[The second paragraph of your summary introduces the plot. To continue with the above idea, Cynthia has been tasked with trying to find a cure to coronavirus, but all they have to work with in their home is duct tape, tangerines, Tylenol, and a never-give-up attitude.] 
[The third paragraph introduces stakes, aka what will happen if Cynthia doesn’t discover a cure with the resources they have at home. Luckily for them, however, a woman named Jane they had a one night stand with needs a place to crash after she was evicted. Cynthia agrees to let her stay as their roommate, especially because Jane brings with her the missing ingredient to the cure for coronavirus, a magic bean she stole from a giant–but there’s only one magic bean. If Cynthia and Jane can’t find a way to make more beans, they might be sent to the realm of giants forever.] 
[The closing paragraph goes like this: Complete at 89,000 words, THE MAGIC BEAN is an Adult contemporary fantasy with potential for a companion novel. I believe it will appeal to fans of Erin Morgenstern and Naomi Novik. Briefly explain who you are and share what you’re comfortable with about yourself—I say I’m 26, headed to grad school for archiving, and that the book is #ownvoices for genderqueer representation. Also mention if you have any connection to the publishing industry. I mention who I was previously represented by, why we amicably parted ways, and that I’ve mentored in many writing contests.] 
[Final closure: Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you again!] 
[My name]
[My phone number and, though optional, my twitter handle] 
*i’ve been in the publishing industry for nine years now, have mentored many authors who went on to be published by the Big 5, and worked in writing contests to help writers, not only with their manuscript, but with their pitch and query letter and comps etc. i know what i’m about 😉
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
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every minute spent on planning saves you ten minutes spent on execution. short essays probably don't require that much preparation beforehand, but if you're writing something longer you should probably spend some time planning first. this is the process i go through when planning my essays, and i find it works really well!
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
vaguely academic things to do to keep yourself entertained
go down a wikipedia research hole by clicking the first term you don’t understand
binge a crashcourse series end to end (personal recs: world history, history of science, big history, philosophy)
find free books on project gutenberg
download some western classics for free
borrow books and audiobooks from the libby app or borrowbox
start a commonplace book
take a khan academy course
browse MIT’s free online course materials
teach yourself to code
go on a google scholar essay dive
try the open access button to avoid some paywalls for academic media, or install unpaywall that does a similar thing
research the history of the place you where you live
tempt the wrath of the duolingo owl and learn a language
search for online streams of the local tv in your target language’s country and use as background noise for immersion points
print and scrapbook favourite poetry and literature quotes
improve your handwriting by doing handwriting exercises
learn philosophy with the philosophize this! podcast. actually just check out all the educational spotify podcasts there are many good ones
start a weekly club with friends to share new and interesting things you’ve learnt that week
clean and reorganise your study space, physical or digital
check out online museums
fave educational youtube channels that I adore: vsauce, crashcourse, smarter every day, kurzgesagt, school of life, tom scott, r. c. waldun, vsauce3, primer, mark rober, veritasium, asapSCIENCE, scishow, TED-ed
hopefully you’ll find something to enjoy! happy learning x
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
Fic Titles: Alphabet A-C
Take one and create!
A little more warmth
A Midsummer’s Nightmare
A silence so loud
About the both of us
Aching bones
Adventure time
After nightfall
After this is over
All the love we lost
All the plans that went wrong
All the reasons why
All they got to give
All we ever wanted
Always and forever
As long as we believe
As the church bell rings
As the night turns into day
At the dawn of our history
Awful plan, great result
Awhile ago and far away
Back to square one
Bad reputation
Bad ideas (and good results)
Balls and other royal disasters
Barely breathing (but still alive)
Beating of two hearts
Beautifully wrong
Behind the façade
Behind violet eyes
Before it's over
Best-Laid Plans
Better days and even better nights
Better with you
Blast from the past
Bulletproof hearts
Buried underneath the lies
Butterflies in my head
Brave is the heart that loves
Bruised lips
Bruises on my heart
Calm before the storm
Candy cotton dreams
Can't erase those feelings
Can't feel your touch anymore
Can't look away from you
Can't you feel my heart beating?
Caught in the lies of our lives
Champagne dreams
Change of fate
Changing ways
Chaos in your mind
Chaotic times
Charismatic fool
Checkmate, babe
Chemical reactions
Coffee dates and disasters
Court gossip
Courting the beloved
Cowardice or bravery?
Find more titles: D-F|G-I|J-L|M-O|P-R|S-T
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! 🥰
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
What words should be written in all caps in the action lines? I'm reading some scripts and I see all kinds of words – like names, objects, verbs, adverbs and so on – being written in all caps but I honestly don't understand the pattern 😅
Things that should ALWAYS be capitalized:
Character names above dialogue
Scene headings and slug lines
Character extensions i.e V.O (voice-over) and O.S (off-screen)
Headlines and inserts
When it comes to action lines:
ALWAYS and ONLY capitalize a character’s name when they’re first introduced in the script.
Sounds are usually capitalized, as is anything important you want to draw attention to, like certain objects and visual effects.
Use sparingly, though. If something reads better without caps, don’t cap it. What’s most important is that your script is easy to read.
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
I'm fine
It doesnt matter, find (best friend) he's been stabbed, my magic will fix me up in a bit.
omg what’s happening why am i imagining glitter pouring out this poor man’s chest
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
Is it just me or do you also get numb from being over excited?
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
You could kill someone and I would still love you
Please dont kill someone to test that
you can't tell me that this type of dynamic isn't the best
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
Theirs ⤵️ :
Mine :
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Idk what I did wrong.
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
I suck at words.
That's it. ✌🏻
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
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iwannabeaproghost · 3 years
I still think about the time when we were riding home from school and there was traffic and right where we paused was a school and a random boy walked up to me and caressed my cheeks and his hands were rough (like nail file rough) and I SOOOO wanted to punch and give him the dirty finger but I was so overcame with fucking anger that he was touching my cheeks with his roughass hand that I just sat there and thought about how I would murder him but by the time I had the courage to act it the ride that was paused–continued and when we arrived home I just proceeded to wash my face thoroughly cause his hand were not only rough it was dirty as hell too.
5 years later and I realized that the reason I don't like people (mostly boys) touch my face was this exact reason.
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