itsupportandconsulting · 10 months
The Essentials of a Small Business Computer Network
In today's digital landscape, a reliable computer network is the backbone of any successful small business. Whether you're a startup or an established company, a well-designed and properly maintained network can streamline operations, enhance communication, and support growth. 
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Components of a Small Business Computer Network
A small business computer network comprises various interconnected devices and components that enable seamless communication and data sharing. These components include:
Routers: Routers serve as the central hub, connecting devices within the network and providing access to the internet.
Switches: Switches facilitate data transfer between devices within the network. They improve efficiency by delivering data only to the intended recipient.
Access Points: Access points enable wireless connectivity, allowing devices to connect to the network without using physical cables.
Firewalls: Firewalls protect the network from unauthorized access and cyber threats by monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic.
Servers: Servers store and manage data, applications, and resources that are accessed by devices within the network.
Workstations: Workstations are individual computers employees use for their tasks and activities.
Cloud Services: Cloud-based solutions offer scalability, remote access, and data backup options.
Ensuring Security and Data Protection
Small businesses must prioritize network security to safeguard sensitive data and maintain customer trust. Implementing the following measures can help protect your network:
Firewall Configuration: Configure firewalls to filter traffic, block unauthorized access, and prevent malware intrusion.
Encryption: Encrypt data transmission to ensure that sensitive information remains secure during communication.
Regular Updates: Keep network devices and software updated with the latest security patches or versions to address vulnerabilities.
Access Control: Limit access to network resources based on user roles and permissions to prevent unauthorized data access.
Employee Training: Educate employees about security best practices, such as strong password management and recognizing phishing attempts.
Backup Solutions: Implement regular data backups to mitigate the impact of data loss due to hardware failure or cyberattacks.
Scalability for Growth
As your small business grows, your network should be able to accommodate increased demands. Consider the scalability of your network by:
Network Design: Design a flexible network architecture that efficiently adds new devices and resources.
Bandwidth Management: Ensure sufficient bandwidth to support increased traffic and data transfer as your business expands.
Equipment Selection: Invest in network equipment that supports scalability and can handle higher workloads.
Cloud Integration: Utilize cloud services for applications and storage, allowing you to scale resources according to your needs.
Future Planning: Anticipate future growth and technology trends to ensure your network remains relevant and adaptable.
A well-designed small business computer network is more than just a technical infrastructure; it's a strategic asset that drives efficiency, collaboration, and growth. By understanding the components, prioritizing security, and planning for scalability, you can create a network that confidently empowers your business to navigate the digital landscape. As technology evolves, a strong network foundation will remain essential for small businesses seeking to stay competitive, connect with customers, and achieve their goals in an increasingly interconnected world.
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The Core Responsibilities of a Computer Networking Firm
In today's interconnected world, computer networking plays a vital role in the seamless functioning of businesses and organizations. Behind the scenes, managed I.T. and outsourced computer networking firms are the unsung heroes responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining the infrastructure that keeps data flowing securely and efficiently.
Let's explore a computer networking firm's core responsibilities, highlighting its crucial role in enabling reliable and robust network connectivity for businesses.
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Network Design and Planning
Among the primary responsibilities of a computer networking firm is to design and plan network infrastructures tailored to the unique needs of businesses. This involves assessing requirements, understanding organizational goals, and creating a comprehensive blueprint for the network layout. The firm must consider scalability, security, performance, and future expansion factors while designing a network that meets current and future needs.
Network Installation and Configuration
Once the network design is finalized, the networking firm is responsible for installing and configuring network components, including routers, switches, firewalls, and servers. They ensure proper connectivity, optimize network performance, and implement security measures to protect sensitive data. It includes setting up virtual private networks (VPNs) and secure access controls to safeguard information from unauthorized access.
Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting
A computer networking firm is responsible for maintaining and monitoring the network infrastructure. This includes performing routine checks, updates, and patches to ensure optimal performance and security. In network issues or outages, the firm must promptly identify and resolve the problems to minimize downtime and disruption to business operations. They employ various diagnostic tools and techniques to troubleshoot network-related issues and implement solutions effectively.
Network Security
Network security is a paramount concern for any organization. A networking firm is responsible for implementing robust security measures to prevent network infrastructure from potential threats. This includes configuring firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS) and implementing encryption protocols. They also conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments and implement best practices to ensure high data protection and compliance with industry standards.
Network Monitoring and Performance Optimization
Continuous monitoring is crucial to maintain an efficient and reliable network. Networking firms utilize network monitoring tools and software to proactively track network performance, identify bottlenecks, and monitor bandwidth usage. By analyzing network data and metrics, they can optimize network performance, detect anomalies, and implement necessary adjustments to improve overall network efficiency.
Beyond the initial setup and maintenance, an outsourced I.T. computer networking firm is a trusted advisor and provides ongoing consulting and support services. They offer expert advice on network optimization, technology upgrades, and strategic planning. Networking firms also offer technical support and respond to network-related queries, troubleshooting issues, and providing timely resolutions to ensure smooth network operations.
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The Importance of Redundant Internet Connections for your Business Computer Network
Your business computer network can benefit from redundant Internet connections. In today’s interconnected world, businesses heavily rely on the Internet for their daily operations. A disruption in connectivity can result in significant downtime, loss of productivity, and potential revenue loss. Redundant Internet connections have emerged as a crucial solution to mitigate these risks. This article explores the importance of redundant internet connections and highlights how SkyViewTek (SVT) can assist businesses in achieving reliable and resilient connectivity.
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Understanding Redundant Internet Connections
Below are some common questions about redundant internet connections.
What is a Redundant Internet Connection?
Redundancy involves the implementation of multiple connections to the internet from different service providers, technologies, or mediums. All of these serve your business computer network.
Why use Redundant Internet Connections?
Redundancy minimizes the impact of a single point of failure, such as a service outage or physical damage, by providing alternative paths for Internet connectivity.
How Do You Implement Redundant Internet Connections?
Different types of redundant connections include diverse physical paths, multiple ISPs (Internet Service Providers), and technologies like wired and wireless connections. Depending on your business size, that could mean one fiber connection from Verizon, for instance, and one from Comcast. Or one physical connection from one or more of the above-mentioned providers, and a failover line using 4G/5G.
Benefits of Redundant Internet Connections
Improved Reliability: Redundancy ensures continuous access to the Internet, which reduces the risk of downtime caused by single connection failures. This is particularly important if your client’s data, documents, or the software that you use daily to generate income, is in the cloud.
Enhanced Performance: Multiple connections allow for load balancing and bandwidth aggregation, optimizing network performance and user experience. This means that instead of having one Comcast line to the Internet, we can combine, for instance, Comcast and FIOS to give you a larger pipe to Internet.
Business Continuity: Redundant connections enable seamless operations during outages or disruptions, ensuring uninterrupted access to cloud services, applications, and communication tools. By having one connection being a coax connection and the second one being a 4G/5G one, you are not dependent on the primary coax cable outside your office getting hit by a truck.
Scalability and Flexibility: Redundancy facilitates easy scalability as businesses can add or remove connections based on evolving needs. 
How SkyViewTek (SVT) Helps Manage Redundant Network Infrastructures.
SVT technicians possess specialized knowledge and experience in designing, implementing, and managing redundant network infrastructures. We design network infrastructures for clients from single, 15-user locations, to international, multi-office/multi-time zone enterprises.
We begin by conducting thorough assessments of existing network infrastructure, identifying vulnerabilities, and recommending appropriate redundancy solutions, based on a companies need and budget.
SVT assists businesses in selecting reliable internet service providers and negotiating service level agreements (SLAs) for redundancy. We will get quotes from different providers in your area and help identify the best one for your company.
Once selected, SVT will handle the technical aspects of deploying redundant connections, ensuring seamless integration with existing network infrastructure. We make sure the providers deliver what was promised, on time and on budget.
Once installed and configured, we monitor network performance, detect issues, and provide timely support, minimizing the impact of any disruptions.
Finally, SVT can collaborate with businesses to develop comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity strategies, ensuring data backup, redundancy, and rapid failover solutions.
Contact SkyViewTek for Managed IT Solutions
In today’s digital landscape, redundant Internet connections have become essential for businesses seeking reliable, high-performance, and resilient connectivity. Partnering with SkyViewTek brings a wealth of expertise, experience, and support to help organizations implement and maintain redundant connections, ensuring business continuity, mitigating risks, and maximizing productivity. Get in touch at 610-590-5006. Blog is originally published at: https://www.skyviewtek.com/the-importance-of-redundant-internet-connections-for-your-business-computer-network/
It is republished with the permission from the author.
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The Top Benefits of Using Proactive Monitoring Services
Regarding necessary IT services for your company, there are two categories: proactive and reactive. Proactive services are those that are performed ahead of time to prevent problems from occurring. These include proactive monitoring and maintenance, which helps prevent downtime and the loss of valuable data.
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Let's take a look at some of the top benefits of using proactive monitoring services:
Reduce downtime with proactive monitoring.
If you use a proactive monitoring service, you can identify problems before they happen and fix them before they cause any downtime or loss of data. This will help you save money by avoiding costly repairs and replacements. In addition, this means less downtime for your business, which translates into more productivity, revenue, and less stress!
Improve your security and provide peace of mind.
Proactive monitoring can keep track of all your system settings and let you know if something is wrong with one of them, which can help you avoid breaches or other security concerns. Security issues can lead to severe consequences, especially if not addressed immediately. Proactive monitoring services help ensure that all areas of your network are protected against unexpected attacks by hackers or viruses so they don't cause damage, while also helping reduce downtime from being hacked.
Make sure everything is running smoothly.
When you're using a proactive monitoring service, you will be aware of any issues that arise—so you can take action immediately!
Proactive monitoring services are one of the best ways to ensure your business runs smoothly and efficiently. With proactive monitoring services, you can get an expert's perspective on improving your operations and ensure that your company is operating at peak performance. Proactive monitoring services are a great way to ensure that your IT systems run smoothly and ensure that you're getting the most out of your technology!
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How Cyber Security Companies Help Small Businesses
There are millions of small businesses in the United States, providing jobs and stimulating the economy. But, these businesses are also vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
A recent National Small Business Association report found that almost two-thirds of small businesses have been hacked at some point. Breaches in cyber security can lead to lost profits and even bankruptcy in some cases.
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Cyber security is incredibly important. If you don't have a high level of security, you're at risk. So what does cyber security mean? 
Cyber security is not just about protecting your computers from viruses or malware—it also is ensuring that your data is safe and secure, even if someone manages to break into your network. Breaches can happen in an instant.
Small businesses often need more resources to secure their networks properly, and they may need to realize how important it is for them to do so. That's where cyber security companies for small businesses come in.
Cyber security companies help entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses with everything from setting up firewalls to managing their passwords and updating their software. They also offer proper protections and provide them with the tools they need to protect themselves against threats like ransomware attacks and phishing emails.
A cyber security company will monitor your systems for any potential issues, and alert you when there's an issue so you can take action before it becomes a problem. They will also provide solutions, in the event that an attempted attack or actual breach takes place. The company can also educate your employees on how best to keep their information safe and secure online—which means fewer risks for your business!
Every small business owner must protect their data —by investing in cybersecurity measures and hiring a cyber security company. While using a company may seem expensive at first glance, it will pay off in the long run as they can help you avoid costly data breaches or other problems caused by hackers.
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The Benefits of Cloud Computing Services
Cloud computing is a relatively new concept that has been around since the 1990s. It is a form of hosting where the physical servers are housed in a remote data center rather than on-site.
Cloud computing services provide organizations with many benefits. One of the most significant advantages is that it allows businesses to grow without buying more hardware or software. Cloud computing also allows easier access to information, which can be used to improve business processes like project management and customer relationship management (CRM).
Cloud computing services have become increasingly popular over recent years due to their ability to save businesses time and money. Here are some ways you can use cloud computing services for your business:
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Advantages of Cloud Solutions and Cloud Computing Services
Reduced Cost: Cloud solutions allow you to save money by paying only for what you use rather than buying expensive hardware upfront. You do not have to worry about backing up your files or transferring them between devices.
No Maintenance Costs: There is no need for maintenance costs when using cloud-based services as they are always up-to-date with the latest software versions available from their providers.
Scalability: Cloud-based services are scalable. They can grow with your business needs without buying more hardware upfront or relying on an in-house IT department.
Better security: Cloud computing providers generally provide better protection than other storage options because they're dedicated security experts—they deal with it daily! You can rest easy knowing that your files are safe from hackers and other threats.
Cloud solutions and cloud computing is a revolutionary technology. It is a way of sharing resources, like computing power and storage, over the internet. Cloud computing is not only beneficial for businesses and individuals, but it also helps the environment.
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Cybersecurity for Your Business is a Collaborative Effort
October is Cybersecurity Month and a good time to talk about cybersecurity for your business. Some people think that having antivirus software is the answer to cybersecurity threats, but if you want to keep your business’ sensitive data secure, much more is involved.
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Three Components of Cybersecurity
At SkyViewTek, cybersecurity is a collaborative effort between a business and its employees and our expert team. SkyViewTek’s cybersecurity model is comprised of three vital parts: People, Processes and Technology.
1. People
People are the most important part of cybersecurity. They hold the keys to the castle and can be your best or worst defense against intrusions. Therefore, the education of the staff is a business’ first line of defense against cybercrimes. A careless employee can easily undermine the best security process, so we provide initial and ongoing training for our clients’ employees. They need to be informed about a variety of issues, including:
Password Safety
Hackers can steal sensitive data from your computer in seconds, so make sure that all employees know how to keep their accounts secure. Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication whenever possible and avoid sharing passwords with others.
Social Media Use
Employees need to understand the risks involved with using social media at work (or on remote work devices). Many companies have policies restricting their employees from using social media while at work because they can click on links or attachments in emails that can infect their computers with malware or viruses.
Social Engineering Scams
Social engineering is a type of hacking that uses psychological manipulation and technical subterfuge to obtain sensitive information or bypass security measures. Social engineering attacks are often successful because they rely on human interaction and trust. They may also be combined with other types of attacks. Some common examples include:
Hackers send an email that looks like it comes from someone you know but which actually contains malicious links or attachments that allow malware to be installed on your computer or device.
Spear Phishing
Hackers target specific individuals within an organization instead of targeting everyone at once with mass emails and spam messages.
Hackers may leave a USB stick or CD containing malware in an area where they know people will pick them up, such as in an open corridor or even on top of someone’s desk.
2. Processes
Processes and procedures need to be developed that take into account the role people play in an organization’s security.
We send out a weekly training video and monitor the dark web for employee accounts, but if a person is careless, a security breach is more likely to occur. We also tell our clients that remote worker systems need to be as secure as those in the workplace. Employees should have dedicated systems with VPNs (virtual private networks) that should be protected from access by children and other family members.
A process should be in place for employees to report signs of suspicious activity on company computers or networks (such as strange emails). Employees also need to know that if they ever find themselves accidentally in possession of sensitive data (for example, passwords), they should delete it immediately and report it to management so that steps can be taken to prevent future incidents from happening.
SkyViewTek’s comprehensive cybersecurity service offerings are offered as a supplement to our proactive monitoring. Our first step involves assessment and training of the team and company processes. We offer
Annual Full Security Training
Security Risk Assessment
Continuous Training
Multiple Simulated Phishing
Continuous Dark Web Monitoring
Personal Dark Web Scans
Employee Vulnerability Assessment (Dashboard)
Sample Policy Documents
3. Technology
Technology tools are also an important part of an overall cybersecurity strategy, but they are only as good as the people using them and the processes they follow to use them correctly. We can advocate for and install firewalls, antivirus, content filtering, intrusion prevention software and more, but without the cooperation of the business team members, the company’s data and systems are still vulnerable. We offer
24/7 Monitoring of client Microsoft environments by a fully staffed security operations center (SOC) to detect unusual user activity, correlate events, and alert about real threats. The monitoring team looks out for leaked credentials, sign-ins from anonymous IP addresses, atypical travel, and more.
EndPoint Detection and Response (EDR) – continuous monitoring and mitigation of threats by SOC
Advanced AI enabled antivirus
Secure DNS for internet browsing
Microsoft 365 Backup
Collaborate with SkyViewTek for Comprehensive Cybersecurity Processes
SkyViewTek takes cybersecurity seriously. When you partner with us for proactive monitoring, we set up a process to work with you, train your staff, and implement the necessary safeguards to help you protect your valuable business data and networks. Contact us to learn about how we can help you.
Blog is originally published at: https://www.skyviewtek.com/cybersecurity-for-your-business-collaborative-effort/
It is republished with the permission from the author.
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October is Cyber Security Month
As we enter the final weeks of October, it's time to reflect on the importance of cyber security. However, it's also important to remember that cyber security is not just about technology — it's also about people.
Small, medium and large businesses should take cyber attacks very seriously. We know that protecting their computer networks and data is a top priority to our clients. Companies must invest in tools and resources that help them deter potential hacks and attacks.
Businesses should recognize the importance of keeping their employees up-to-date on the latest security threats. Keeping them educated is an excellent way to help them protect themselves and the company against potential cybercrime.
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Reasons Why Cyber Security for Small Businesses is Essential
As a small business, you may think that cyber security isn't something you need if you don't have sensitive information on your computer or network. Still, just about any company can be affected by a cyber attack.
Cyber security is essential because it helps you protect your business from hackers, malware, ransomware, and more. In addition, it can help you avoid data breaches and other serious problems that can devastate your small business's finances and reputation. Whether you're dealing with customer records or employee information, anything stored digitally can be compromised by hackers or other malicious actors if left unprotected.
Moreover, you don't want to lose any customers or damage your company's reputation by a breach or hacking attempt that could have been prevented with better security measures. 
Don't let those hackers take down the company you've built over the years. If you don't know how to protect your business's digital assets, you can consider partnering with a third-party IT company that offers cyber security services for small businesses. 
As a small business owner, you know how important it is to stay on top of your game. You're in charge of ensuring everything runs smoothly, from accounting to marketing to HR. You've got a lot on your plate, and cyber security for small businesses should be at the top of your list.
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Small Business Computer System Setup 101
Good computer network design is vital for every business. Computers keep everything running smoothly, from the smallest home-based businesses to the largest corporations. If you're starting a new business or expanding your current one, you may need an information technology expert to help you lay out the ideal computer network design for everything you need in an efficient office space.
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Top Considerations When Choosing a Computer Network Design and Systems
A small business computer system setup will typically include:
Computer hardware - This includes any purchased or installed hardware. Hardware includes CPUs, RAM, hard drives, optical drives, and other devices.
Software - The software used on the computer system should be compatible with the operating system being used on it. This is essential because software can be expensive, and incompatible programs can cause problems when trying to run them on different systems.
Operating system - Many different operating systems are available at home or in a workplace environment. When choosing an operating system for your small business computer system setup, consider what type of programs will often be used by employees.
Infrastructure - These are the physical elements that comprise the network: hardware such as servers, switches, routers, and cabling, including fiber optic cable.
Topology - The physical layout of devices on the network; how they are connected.
Routing - How packets travel through a network from source to destination; data packets are forwarded from one device to another across a series of interconnected networks or subnetworks.
Wireless connectivity - This includes how wireless devices connect and access points (AP) within a wireless local area network (WLAN).
Network security - Measures taken to protect against unauthorized access to confidential information or attacks on data integrity (e.g., viruses) or availability (e.g., denial-of-service attacks).
The computer network design process may be formal or informal and completed by one person or a team with varying experience levels. For example, suppose you're a small business with insufficient talent resources. You may hire the services of a local managed IT team like SkyViewTek to help you define network requirements, select appropriate technologies and equipment, install equipment, and test the network to verify that it meets requirements, and document the design for future reference. Visit their website at https://www.skyviewtek.com to learn more about their services.
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Business Technology Solutions FAQs
Many business technology solutions exist to help business owners run their businesses more smoothly, with better efficiency. Businesses of all sizes require some form of technology in order to function properly. For example, cash registers are an integral part of any retail store and are necessary for efficient sales transactions. Likewise, computer networks play an important role in office environments where it is vital to have a properly functioning computer network to operate your business. Computers and servers help you keep track of important documents (from sales and marketing to human resources) and other resources (such as email and financial data) while also providing employees with access to software programs that make it easier for them to complete their work tasks efficiently. If your company needs additional or updated equipment, or alternative solutions to manage and access data – like on “the cloud” — then this could be another reason why implementing a business technology solution makes sense for your organization’s stability and / or growth goals over time as well.
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Answers to 6 Popular Questions About Business Technology Solutions
Do you need to implement new technology in your business? What is available and which ones might help your company the most? Which solutions can your existing staff support? Below we answer some frequently asked questions about these technology solutions.
What is business technology?
Business technology is what helps your business run more efficiently, do business better, faster, smarter, more securely, and more cost effectively. The right tools will help you automate processes to free up your time and allow you to focus on growing the company and / or maintaining profitability. While many types of business technology can help a company streamline their operations, one aspect of business technology that may be overlooked is management: management of the technology used by a company so that software and hardware are kept up to date, data storage is secure, and systems are kept up and running. The best way to get this type of management is to hire an outsourced IT management and cybersecurity company, like SkyViewTek.
What is a Business Technology Solution?
A business technology solution is a technology that solves a business problem or improves the efficiency of the process it is part of. A good example is an online accounting system, like QuickBooks, which helps you manage and improve your bookkeeping processes.
By automating your business processes, you can save time and money by reducing the amount of manual work that needs to be done. For example, if every time you hire someone new you have to purchase a new computer, setup a Microsoft 365 email account and related Microsoft Office applications, provide remote access, setup a VoIP phone account, then working with an IT firm like SkyViewTek to handle these transitions will enable your internal management team to focus on other initiatives. 
An effective way to improve productivity at work is through collaboration tools like Teams, SharePoint, or Zoom – these allow employees from different departments to work together on projects more effectively than before, due to having all communication channels in one place (and no more sticky notes!). This could potentially lead to improving customer service levels too by making sure each department remains up-to-date with what’s happening throughout other areas within your company.
What is Collaboration Technology?
Collaboration technology is a subset of business technology that includes the tools that help teams work together on projects. Collaboration technology includes email, file sharing, calendars and video conferencing, like the aforementioned Teams, SharePoint or Zoom. This subset of business technology also includes things like customer relationship management software and ERP. For security of emails, shared files and other elements of a network to be used safely (securely), especially in a work culture that includes work from home elements, a network and cybersecurity plan must be in place, with monitoring by the employees and their managed IT and security solutions company.
Why Does My Business Need a Business Technology Solution?
There are many reasons why you should have a business technology solution. You could be looking to improve your productivity, data management, business operations, employee engagement or cybersecurity. You might want to improve efficiency, business continuity or profitability. If you don’t have any of those things right now—or maybe even if you do—it’s time to invest in them!
A good business technology solution can help your company reduce costs and increase revenue by making tasks easier than ever before. It can also help keep everyone on the same page by centralizing information and keeping everything up to date.
What Types of Businesses Can Benefit From a Business Technology Solution?
Business technology solutions are for companies of all sizes. Whether you are a startup or a large corporation, your business can benefit from a business technology solution. All businesses have the goal of becoming more efficient and profitable. Technology can help with these goals, though only as one piece of the puzzle. Business technology solutions help companies better understand their customers, grow their customer base and increase revenue through digital transformation.
How Do I Get Started with a Business Technology Solution?
Assess your needs.
Gather requirements.
Decide on a solution, whether it be an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), or other software that can help you with your business needs.
Implement the solution.
Train your staff on how to use and manage the new system so that it does not become another headache for them (or yourself).
Monitor the system for any issues or problems and address these as soon as possible to help ensure that things run smoothly in the short and long run. A managed IT services company is a great partner in monitoring a business’ systems and proactively taking care of updates before a system goes down and productivity or data is lost.
Contact SkyViewTek for Management of Your Office Network and Business Technology Solutions
Are you considering new business technology solutions? We are here to help! Subscribe to SkyViewTek’s proactive monitoring and IT support services and gain all of the benefits, including a partnership with us to create a collaborative cybersecurity plan designed just for you, to meet the needs of your business and the potential types of cyber attacks you could face. SkyViewTek’s experienced and highly qualified professionals provide a wide range of IT services, such as managed services, computer and server maintenance, cybersecurity, and more. We also specialize in ensuring that your business is IT compliant with third party organizations, such as HIPAA and PCI. For more information, contact us today.
Be sure to see our blog next month to learn about business technology solutions that require vigilant security.
Blog is originally published at: https://www.skyviewtek.com/business-technology-solutions-faqs/
It is republished with the permission from the author.
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Why Do You Need Email Security Solutions?
Email systems are often attacked as they form the entry point of getting access to valuable company or individual information. Hence, ensuring safety of your email system via email security solutions should be a priority. Today, let us help you understand the benefits of this solution. 
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Stop at the Entry Point!
When you join a company, you get a company email address. Once you start communicating via this email, you start exposing it to cyber attacks. Phishing, spam, spoofing, and ransomware are some of the common threats to email security. Opting for email security helps ensure that you do not lose data, that your email is not exposed to fraudulent systems, and that you can safely use your email to exchange valuable information.
Protect Sensitive Information
Many times, you exchange very sensitive information via your email, such as passwords for accounts, credit card numbers, account login details, etc. Companies use emails to send vital information via emails at times including confidential info which, if leaked, can cause havoc. Having an email security solution system in place helps reduce such possibilities by protecting  important data.
Safeguard Your Brand
Your business’s good reputation in the market and your brand value is dear to you. As an individual also, you have a certain standing in your social circle and will not want anyone to defame you. Cyber criminals can do that and within a matter of minutes! They can change information on your email and send it to your contacts, creating miscommunication and pulling down the image of your company or brand. 
SkyViewTek (SVT) provides IT support and consulting for business with 10 to 100 employees. SVT’s primary focus is to provide an expanded offering of proactive managed IT services, cyber security solutions as well as computer and server maintenance and support. They also specialize in ensuring that your business is IT compliant with third party organizations like HIPAA and PCI. Contact the experts today. Visit www.skyviewtek.com to get quotes for the email security solutions that they offer
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What is Proactive Monitoring?
Proactive monitoring has been around for years, but it has more recently gained popularity with the rise of managed IT. Proactive monitoring is a method to identify potential problems before they occur and disrupt operations.
Managed IT services offer proactive monitoring as part of their service packages. This service continuously monitors computer networks to detect threats and issues that may affect your company’s performance. Think of proactive monitoring as a form of preventive maintenance – the process of monitoring, reviewing and repairing IT infrastructures before they fail or impact performance and efficiency. Proactive monitoring helps ensure the availability of critical systems, increases the reliability of IT infrastructures, and decreases downtime.
Many businesses do not have the resources to dedicate to managing their IT infrastructure 24/7/365. This shortfall often leads to bad habits like ignoring problem indicators or waiting until after a failure occurs to address issues, leading to unnecessary time spent troubleshooting problems, lost productivity, and potential revenue loss. Automated monitoring of your network 24/7/365 for problem indicators such as slow server speeds, failed backups, high CPU utilization, low disk space, etc, allows you to get notified when potential issues occur so they can be addressed before they become critical problems.
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Examples of Proactive Monitoring
Proactive monitoring is a broad term for a number of different IT maintenance tasks. The best example of proactive monitoring is software patching.
Patching is the process of updating software (including operating systems and applications) to fix security vulnerabilities, improve performance, and add new features.
One famous example is the WannaCry ransomware that hit organizations in May 2017. WannaCry exploited a vulnerability in Windows, which was patched by Microsoft on March 14th — almost two months before WannaCry started spreading. If organizations had applied that patch, they would have avoided being affected by WannaCry.
However, many organizations didn’t apply that patch because they were focused on fixing problems only after they became apparent — rather than proactively identifying and fixing potential risks before they became actual issues.
Other types of proactive monitoring solutions to consider include
Network Monitoring
If your network allows users to access sensitive information remotely, it can be a prime target for a data breach. Network monitoring identifies vulnerabilities and helps you and your employees keep your network as secure as possible.
Vulnerability Assessment
A vulnerability assessment identifies security gaps in your organization’s systems and determines how attackers might use those holes to gain access to data.
Network Auditing
Audits identify areas where you should improve security processes and procedures related to hardware, software, compliance and other factors.
How Does Proactive Monitoring Help Businesses Avoid Cybersecurity Breaches?
Cybersecurity breaches are more likely when a network has vulnerabilities businesses face threats from different types of cyberattacks. One of these types of attacks is called Ransomware. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a user’s data, preventing them from accessing it. The attacker then demands a ransom to be paid to decrypt the user’s files. Ransomware attacks are rapidly becoming the most common type of cyber attack and are one of the biggest threats to SMBs today.
The proactive monitoring process includes working with a business’ team members to actively seek potential issues before they impact business operations. This includes security alerts and error messages from your servers and workstations, and monitoring backups to ensure they are actually working.
In addition to routine monitoring, managed service providers (MSPs) and company employees should collaborate to perform regular audits of systems and infrastructure. The goal of these audits is to identify security vulnerabilities and areas for improvement, such as outdated software, server misconfigurations, or processes that aren’t being followed correctly. These types of vulnerabilities can make it easier for hackers to break into a network and gain access to critical systems.
Benefits of Proactive Monitoring
There are several reasons why Proactive Monitoring is better than traditional IT support alone, including: Improved performance: Your network will run more efficiently without the threat of looming downtime hanging over your head.
Better security: Working collaboratively with your provider, you may avoid potential data breaches caused by unforeseen vulnerabilities in your network. Lower costs: If your systems are running smoothly, you won’t waste money dealing with crises as they arise or paying for emergency services.
The proactive monitoring process includes working with a business’ team members to actively seek potential issues before they impact business operations. This includes security alerts and error messages from your servers and workstations, and monitoring backups to ensure they are actually working.
In addition to routine monitoring, managed service providers (MSPs) and company employees should collaborate to perform regular audits of systems and infrastructure. The goal of these audits is to identify security vulnerabilities and areas for improvement, such as outdated software, server misconfigurations, or processes that aren’t being followed correctly. These types of vulnerabilities can make it easier for hackers to break into a network and gain access to critical systems.
Contact SkyViewTek for Exceptional Full Service Proactive Monitoring as Part of Our Managed IT Services
So what is proactive monitoring and how can it help your business? When done correctly, proactive monitoring keeps your IT up and running, prevents issues from happening and saves you money in the long run. Subscribe to SkyViewTek’s proactive monitoring and IT support services and gain all of the benefits, including a partnership with us to create a collaborative cyber security plan designed to meet the needs of your business and the potential types of cyber attacks you could face. SkyViewTek is an IT management and cyber security firm that offers services to businesses in the Greater Philadelphia area and beyond. Our experienced, highly qualified professionals provide a wide range of IT services, such as managed services, computer and server maintenance, cyber security, and more. We also specialize in ensuring that your business is IT compliant with third party organizations, such as HIPAA and PCI. For more information, contact us today.
Blog is originally published at: https://www.skyviewtek.com/what-is-proactive-monitoring/
It is republished with the permission from the author.
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What is Cyber Security?
We get questions all the time, so today we are taking a deep dive into the question “What is cyber security? Cyber security protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of a businesses’ networked systems in order to protect its data and services. Using a combination of human defense and technology we work to keep your information safe, private and accessible. While cyber attacks may seem unavoidable, their impact can be lessened with a comprehensive cyber security plan that includes protection of critical infrastructure and a disaster recovery plan.
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Evolution of Cyber Security
In the early days of computing, the focus on cyber security was limited to protecting a company’s mainframe or computer system from external threats. Now we know that companies need network security as well data security and employee awareness training. Today, companies must protect their data both at rest (data being stored) and in motion (data being transferred), and employees are an important piece in the process of minimizing risk.
Why are Businesses at Risk?
With the increasing use of technology by businesses, more and more data is available online. Businesses need to understand the importance of cyber security and have the right security measures in place to protect their digital assets. With a large number of mobile devices and their applications being used for business transactions, ensuring that the data used by these devices is secure from cyber threats has become very important for businesses. Some of the ways businesses are at risk are
websites could be infected with malware or viruses that can corrupt your data or steal information from you and your customers
cyber criminals may deliberately try to gain unauthorized access to your computer systems to steal or misuse personal information you hold about your staff, customers or suppliers
vulnerabilities may exist in internet-connected devices that allow malicious attackers to take control of them
Why is Cyber Security Important for Your Business?
Cyber security is important because government, military, corporate, financial, and medical organizations collect, process, and store unprecedented amounts of data on computers, in the cloud, and on other devices. And, a significant portion of this data can be sensitive information.
Cyber security measures protect that information from theft or damage by controlling physical access to the hardware, as well as protecting against harm that may come via network access, data and code injection.
In this sense cyber security is a form of cyberterrorism and/or cyberwarfare. Cyber-attacks are a serious risk for businesses of all sizes. In fact, 60% of small companies go out of business within six months after a data breach. Most organizations have adopted some form of cyber security measures to guard against attacks—but businesses have to avoid becoming complacent about their security operations.
How Does Cyber Security Work?
With increasingly sophisticated hacking techniques, now more than ever businesses need to take steps to protect themselves from cyber attacks.
Cyber security for a business works through the partnership of that business and a cyber security and managed IT company like SkyViewTek. Cyber security includes monitoring of applications, processes, user practices and protection of systems from unauthorized access, disruption, or modification while maintaining the accessibility and usability of the system by its intended users. Working together with a cyber security company, businesses’ networks are monitored in real time, increasing cloud security, information security, application security and all other aspects of a company’s information system. In addition, it is important to keep cybersecurity top of mind with employees, since our services work in tandem with employees’ awareness and collaboration with IT. That’s why we provide our clients’ employees with training in the form of an annual training test, weekly training videos and quizzes, and regular lunch-and-learns.
Contact SkyViewTek for Exceptional and Collaborative Cyber Security Programs
Subscribe to SkyViewTek’s proactive IT support services and gain all of the benefits of doing so, including a collaborative cyber security plan designed to meet the needs of your business. SkyViewTek is an IT management and cyber security firm that offers services to businesses in the Greater Philadelphia area and beyond. Our experienced, highly qualified professionals provide a wide range of IT services, such as managed services, computer and server maintenance, cyber security, and more. We also specialize in ensuring that your business is IT compliant with third party organizations, such as HIPAA and PCI. For more information, contact us today.
Blog is originally published at: https://www.skyviewtek.com/what-is-cyber-security/
It is republished with the permission from the author.
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Why Do you Need IT Consulting Services?
Do you desire to optimize the IT infrastructure of your company and reach new business goals? You can use the help of a local information technology consulting company in order to achieve the same. Why? Read on to learn more about the top benefits of engaging an IT consulting services company.
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Your business can save money and time by hiring an IT consulting service. The overhead costs of hiring a full-time IT department is very high. You can save on taxes and overhead expenses by outsourcing your IT-related jobs to an experienced IT consulting company. An outsourced IT company acts as your IT department.
Improved Maintenance
IT system integration, regular maintenance, monitoring, identifying problems before they snowball into a big issue is crucial to ensure that you face no glitches and that the functioning of your system is as smooth as ever. Your IT consulting services company can provide all of this and more!
Ensures Expertise
Local information technology consulting companies have experts that are educated, trained and experienced in all aspects pertaining to IT management. They can provide services like giving IT advice, estimating IT budgets, doing competitive analysis, developing IT corporate strategy, implementing and managing IT systems. You can trust their expertise and concentrate on boosting your business profits!
Focus on Core Business
When you engage an IT consulting company, your employees can focus more on their duties and the process gets organized. The plan they put together will give you the scope to work productively. Their advice and expertise will help your organization grow and better the management process in the long run.
SkyViewTek(SVT) is one such local information technology consulting company which offers services primarily to businesses in the Greater Philadelphia area. They offer a wide range of services which include managed IT services, cloud solutions, cyber security, wireless and wired network setup, email, spam and compliance archiving management and more. Contact them to understand how their services can increase the efficiency and productivity of your business.
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Cyber Security, Heightened Alert
The threat of cybersecurity has been heightened, due to the global conflicts surge. Cyber Security is much more than antivirus. Has your small to mid-sized business (SMB) subscribed to the Cyber Security services of SkyViewTek? If you’re a client of SkyViewTek, please schedule a review of your account. If you would like more information on Cyber Security services for your SMB, please email [email protected].
Also, we recommend you contact your business insurance provider to ensure you have cyber insurance. In addition, be sure to check with your bank and financial institutions. Businesses, small and large, should stay alert and be prepared for a cyber security incident.
Sincerely, Bernie Orglmeister, CEO
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What your business needs to know regarding potential Russian cyberwarfare
Intelligence finds that Russia has initiated cyberwarfare techniques against Ukraine as military engagement escalates. Given the potential for similar attacks on US-based targets, we want to provide an update on what we know so far, and the steps we are taking to ensure the ongoing fidelity of the cybersecurity services we deliver to you for the protection of your business.
What we know so far: cyberattacks targeting Ukraine
Malware — New malware dubbed WhisperGate requests ransom payment and destroys files even if the ransom is paid.
Website Defacement — 70 attempts have been made to deface Ukrainian government websites with 10 being successful.
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks — Targets include Ukraine’s armed forces, defense ministry, public radio, and 2 large banks. Several vital services were turned offline, and people were unable to access their bank accounts, use mobile apps, or issue online payments.
Many suspect a potential attack on the Ukrainian power grid as was executed during the 2015 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Actions to ensure protection of your business
We are in active communication with all our technology partners to exchange real-time threat intelligence that may impact our operations and are conducting ongoing audits of our infrastructure and processes to ensure defense against possible exploitation from Russian state-sponsored threat actors. The protection of your business is our number one priority, and we will update and advise you as circumstances necessitate.
In the short term, we recommend the following:
Remind employees of the role they play in keeping your business secure. For example, employees should actively look out for indicators of a potential business email compromise attack
Be skeptical—Last-minute changes in wiring instructions or recipient account information must be verified.
Double check that URL—Ensure the URL in the email is associated with the business it claims to be from.
Spelling counts—Be alert to misspelled hyperlinks in the actual domain name.
Be sure to subscribe to SkyViewTek’s Cyber Security services, including employee training.
Blog is originally published at: https://www.skyviewtek.com/cyber-security-heightened-alert/
It is republished with the permission from the author.
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Benefits of Managed IT Services
Do you wish to reduce the strain on your in-house staff and focus them on strategic growth? Maybe the time is right to utilize managed IT service providers. Why? Read on to learn more about the major benefits of hiring a managed IT firm.
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Boost Productivity
Outsourcing IT related jobs to a managed IT services company helps your employees focus on the tasks that they are meant to perform. As a business owner you can leave your IT tasks and management to the firm and pay attention to improving your core business and drive profits. While you do this, the outsourced firm can focus on their core competencies and ensure seamless technological operations for your business.
Enhanced Security
Your organizational networks are always exposed to new threats that can cause widespread damage. This threat is reduced or even at times nullified when the managed IT service providers remotely manage network security risks by preventing malware from entering the network and hackers from stealing confidential information or damaging critical systems.
Lowers Cost and Makes Planning Costs Easier!
You can pay managed services on a subscription basis, making the expense an operating cost rather than a capital expense. This makes it easier for you to plan your budget and gives you the flexibility to invest in other areas of business.
Also, you may not always get the desired result by going through the expensive process of hiring and training an internal IT staff for your company. An outsourced managed IT services provider with the required personnel and expertise can help you save a lot on IT labor costs.
SkyViewTek (SVT) is a computer and IT firm offering services to businesses in the Greater Philadelphia area as well as firms across the United States. Their wide range of services includes managed IT services programs, cloud solutions, computer and server configurations, etc. Contact SkyViewTek, a top-notch managed IT service provider to learn more.
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Role of Help Desk Support
It is virtually impossible today to think of a reputable company without well-organized help desk services. The help desk support specialists are the first point of contact for many of the customers looking for a company’s products and services. Let's have a look at the role of computer help desk support provided by phone or e-mail or via the internal ticket system.
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Basic Information
A company’s help desk services assist customers or end-users to get basic company information and up-to-date details regarding the products and services of the company. An internal help desk also answers technical questions within the company.
Customer Data
The initial role of this first level of support maintained by the company itself or outsourced is collecting customer data such as name, contact and information regarding the customer's query or concern and creating a ticket. This documentation is normally made in detail to ensure the best possible service to the caller and transfer of the inquiry to the next support level if needed.
Resolving Issues
With a tolerant and patient disposition, the members providing help desk services often resolve a customer concern or issue on their own, either by their level of knowledge or consulting external databases. They provide aid to a user faced with hardware, software or system issues. As soon as the customer's inquiry exceeds their expertise level, they forward the concern to the next level of technical experts.
Following Up
In addition to recording events, problems and their resolution in logs, help desk executives also follow-up and update customer status and information for extended queries. They pass on feedback and suggestions by customers to the appropriate internal team. They stay up-to-date with updates or changes within the company, they also research questions on available resources (FAQ manual) for customer and employee benefit. SkyViewTek is a managed IT service provider offering a wide range of services including help desk services and IT support. They ensure that your network runs smoothly while you concentrate on growing your business. You can count on them 24/7! Contact these IT experts today at 610-590-5006.
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