its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
"......" Frowns. "Did he really say all of that..?" Doesn't realize she's still on the phone.
Ignores Erik for the most part, already hearing Danny’s voice on the phone. “Hold on..” she said into the phone before turning her head to Erik, mouthing “What happened?”
Frowns sadly without realizing it. “He…well, he’s disappointed in me…for obvious reasons…”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
"For what? Having.." Jerks her head forward a few times, trying not to say the word.
Ignores Erik for the most part, already hearing Danny’s voice on the phone. “Hold on..” she said into the phone before turning her head to Erik, mouthing “What happened?”
Frowns sadly without realizing it. “He…well, he’s disappointed in me…for obvious reasons…”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Ignores Erik for the most part, already hearing Danny's voice on the phone. "Hold on.." she said into the phone before turning her head to Erik, mouthing "What happened?"
“Ow!” Briefly touches his cheek where she hit him, but quickly recovers. “Yeah, well you’re short. I may someday become wise with more life experience, but you will always be short.” Pats her head.
Stares at him for a good long second, standing as tall as she can. Pushes her lips out like a fish. “I’m gunna go get Danny.”
“Hey, no!!! I take it back, I take it back! I’m a moron and I’m just taller than you but that doesn’t make you short! Just…just don’t go get Danny!”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Has a smug look on her face, pulling an old flip phone out of her bag. Dials his number, looking at Erik. "Aren't these things cool? It's a portable phone!" Waits for him to pick up, humming happily to herself, throwing a smile at Erik. 
“Ow!” Briefly touches his cheek where she hit him, but quickly recovers. “Yeah, well you’re short. I may someday become wise with more life experience, but you will always be short.” Pats her head.
Stares at him for a good long second, standing as tall as she can. Pushes her lips out like a fish. “I’m gunna go get Danny.”
“Hey, no!!! I take it back, I take it back! I’m a moron and I’m just taller than you but that doesn’t make you short! Just…just don’t go get Danny!”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Stares at him for a good long second, standing as tall as she can. Pushes her lips out like a fish. "I'm gunna go get Danny."
“But then…why would the anon say that…?” Sudden smug expression. “Oh wait! Maybe it was a compliment!”
“Maybe because they like mes-” Stops, looking at him like he’s nut. “How is that a compliment?..”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
"A-a..ah.. ERIK!" Slaps him across the face once he gets close enough, also stomping on his foot. "Don't talk like that!" Flails her arms around and pouts largely. "You're.. you're a moron!" 
“But then…why would the anon say that…?” Sudden smug expression. “Oh wait! Maybe it was a compliment!”
“Maybe because they like mes-” Stops, looking at him like he’s nut. “How is that a compliment?..”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Stares at him, her jaw dropping. "Wait.. How would you with.." Shakes her head. "Uhm.. He's good. I think it's good that him and his sister are spending a lot of one on one together." 
“But then…why would the anon say that…?” Sudden smug expression. “Oh wait! Maybe it was a compliment!”
“Maybe because they like mes-” Stops, looking at him like he’s nut. “How is that a compliment?..”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
"Maybe because they like mes-" Stops, looking at him like he's nut. "How is that a compliment?.."
erik-licious replied to your post: /Running up to her, out of breath/ ANETTE!!! I’MATERRIBLEPERSONANDANEVENWORSEFATHERWHATDOIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
/Hanging his head/ I poked the baby, with…you know…
Widens her eyes completely, her mouth hanging open. “WHAT”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Fiddles with her hair. "Uhm.. Erik.. Ithinkyoucanhavesexwhenshe'spreggo"
Takes a long breath. "Ahaha.."
erik-licious replied to your post: /Running up to her, out of breath/ ANETTE!!! I’MATERRIBLEPERSONANDANEVENWORSEFATHERWHATDOIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
/Hanging his head/ I poked the baby, with…you know…
Widens her eyes completely, her mouth hanging open. “WHAT”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
erik-licious replied to your post: /Running up to her, out of breath/ ANETTE!!! I’MATERRIBLEPERSONANDANEVENWORSEFATHERWHATDOIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
/Hanging his head/ I poked the baby, with…you know…
Widens her eyes completely, her mouth hanging open. "WHAT"
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
"Geh!" Nodding her head quickly, trying to piece together everything he was saying.
"Terrible.. Person.. Father.. Wait, why?"
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Anette was heading home after her rounds for the day, a huge smiled plastered on her face. It felt so good to be able to run so freely again now that her ankle was as good as new. She ran past her home and the others surrounding it, looking for a place to rest.
As she soon found herself atop a hill, a somewhat familiar looking man was.. what, sleeping? Anette positioned herself quickly on her knees before sprinting up and scaring whomever it was. "BOO!"
Currently wandering around Trampoli’s outskirts, Brodik found himself atop a hill; taking in the serene surroundings. Eventually giving in to the want, he moved to a sit on the soft grass, and leaned back; allowing the wind to tousle his silver hair.
He’d recently visited Mist, and because of the fact that they hadn’t killed each other (at least I hope they don’t), he was pretty pleased with himself. He looked a little less tired than before, though dark circles were obvious under his eyes.
At least he was out; a step up from him staying indoors all the time.
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Anette nodded, laughing at his response. She looked down at the little girl sitting next to her and very carefully poked her arm. "I know what you mean. I thought rain was generally supposed to happen in April.." Frowning, she went back to the bag, finally ripping it open. "Aha!" Anette looked back up at Danny, smirking a little. "I was planning on giving some to Mist anyway. She's a good friend." 
Her eyes widened when he explained what had happened, though it did take her a moment to make the connection. Forming her mouth into an 'o' shape, she figured to ask him more about that later. "Lukas is around again? Attempting to sell more poetry or whatever he does?" She tilted her head when Erik's name popped up curiously. "What happened with Erik..?"
“That’s great,” said Danny. “And yeah, it’s a shame about the rain, but what can you do? It always makes me want to sleep in, though. Would you believe Laurel got up before me today?” he said, making Laurel giggle. “Well, be careful that turnip girl doesn’t go bothering you for any of them. I think she has some kind of radar or something.” He watched Anette struggle with the clasp. “Need help with that?”
“Well, you know. This once creeper went and asked me for my- ah…” Danny glanced at Laurel. “My ‘v-card’,” he said, making quotations with his hand and rolling his eyes. He wasn’t sure if Anette knew what that was, but if she didn’t, he wouldn’t explain. “And then with Rosetta came that weirdo Lukas… and I’m not too fond on seeing Erik around, either.” Danny shrugged. “Yeah, well, give it time..”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
"I think I'm basically back on my feet already! This rain doesn't help much though." Anette looked out the window and frowned, plopping on the floor next to Laurel. She began to open up her bag, but the clasp was getting stuck. Making a face, she kept tugging. "Hmph.. Nothing really. Just turnips and pink cats for now! Gotta.. Hmph." Pauses. "Gotta start out slow."
Looks up at him questionably. "Oh boy.. Should I ask..?" She perked up at the mention of Rosetta, smiling again. "She did? Weird, her stocks haven't been popping up yet."
Smiles down at her, kneeling to be at her level. “No need to thank me.” Whispers, “I don’t get much time to play with this stuff by myself.” She stood up again, facing Danny. “Good! I’ve been sleeping a lot.. After my ankle healed up, I was still used to the not being able to move thing, so.. I didn’t!” Smiles at him. “I started a garden too.”
“How about you guys?”
Laurel giggled slightly at Anette’s comment. Danny was just glad to see Laurel smile. “Oh, that’s right. I’m glad it healed up well enough. You’ll be running around like usual in no time, I bet,” he said. “A garden? Huh. What are you growing?”
“Well, nothing much. I’ve gotten some… disturbing guests… but other than that…. oh! Rosetta moved back, so I work at her store once or twice a week when I can.”
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Smiles down at her, kneeling to be at her level. "No need to thank me." Whispers, "I don't get much time to play with this stuff by myself." She stood up again, facing Danny. "Good! I've been sleeping a lot.. After my ankle healed up, I was still used to the not being able to move thing, so.. I didn't!" Smiles at him. "I started a garden too."
"How about you guys?"
Makes a huffing noise as she attempts to close the bag, giving half a goodbye before she hands up. Looks out the window. “Rain, awesome.” Pulls on a sweater over her t-shirt and starts running.
Danny finished up business with a customer and fetched Laurel from upstairs. Laurel seemed happy to have someone to talk to. Danny would talk to Laurel when she was feeling well, but it wasn’t the same, since he still had to work.
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Anette finished up her running, slowing at a jog when she got closer. She quickly knocked on the door before answering it. "Hello!" Pulling her hood down, Anette walked over to Danny and gave him a hug before turning to Laurel, showing her the overstuffed bag.
Makes a huffing noise as she attempts to close the bag, giving half a goodbye before she hands up. Looks out the window. “Rain, awesome.” Pulls on a sweater over her t-shirt and starts running.
Danny finished up business with a customer and fetched Laurel from upstairs. Laurel seemed happy to have someone to talk to. Danny would talk to Laurel when she was feeling well, but it wasn’t the same, since he still had to work.
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its-mail-time-blog · 12 years
Makes a huffing noise as she attempts to close the bag, giving half a goodbye before she hands up. Looks out the window. "Rain, awesome." Pulls on a sweater over her t-shirt and starts running.
its-mail-time said:
“Oh! No, I didn’t know!” Makes some scratchy noises across the phone as she runs around the house looking for things to bring. “Hey- does she likes books?”
“Oh, yeah. There’s some construction going on back home, and it’s not really good for her lungs… hm? Oh yeah, she loves books, actually. You don’t have to go over-board though.”
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