Summary: Everyone in Minnesota knew about the menacing serial killer in a Ghostface mask. The state tried to keep the crimes a secret but news travels fast and unfortunately murder tends to inspire copycat killers.
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher are inspired by the original Ghostface killer and set out to commit their own murders, unaware that the original Ghostface is more closer to home than they thought.
Warnings: murder, stalking, gore, violence. Anything related to horror movies. Each chapter will come with its own set of warnings as they may change.
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14 July 1995
The sound of the VHS rewinding a tape resonated throughout the living room as a lone sixteen-year-old blonde girl sat on the couch bored and playing with her long hair to pass the time. Her grey eyes glanced over to the clock ticking on the wall, her boyfriend Matt should be over soon to watch the movie with her.
Heather removed her hand from her hair and giggled to herself. Despite the two watching multiple movies together they somehow never manage to finish watching the whole movie. The blonde stretched her limbs and got up from the couch, walking over to the TV to stop the tape rewinding since it was at the start of the movie. Her eyes went over to the slip-case.
Poltergeist was tonight’s choice, a recommendation by a blockbuster employee.
Heather froze turning her attention away from the VHS and going towards the landline that had begun to ring on a nearby table. With a huff Heather walked over to the device and answered it, expecting the other caller to be her boyfriend.
"About time you called Matt. I've got the movie ready and I'm just about to put on the popcorn. And please don't say that you're going to be late," told Heather with irritation clear in her voice. The last time Matthew had come over to her house he had been over an hour late.
“I’m not Matt,” said the other person on the phone, clearly amused at the mistake.
"Oh." Heather was taken aback by that replied. "Then who is this? Unless you have the wrong number." She was so sure that this was Matts phone number.
"Do I?"
"I think you do creepy stranger." Heather ended the call and walked into the kitchen to prepare some snacks. The phone rang again as Heather put some popcorn on the stove. "Hello" She hesitantly answered into the phone.
"Hello, again." It was the same caller.
"Why did you call me again?"
"To apologise for the mix up."
"Now that you've apologised now, I'm hanging up."
"Wait, don't hang up!"
"Why? Do you want to ask me out on a date Mr stranger?“ Asked Heather with a flirty expression on her face as she watched the popcorn pop on the stove.
"Maybe later. What are you doing right now?" They changed the subject.
"I'm about to watch a movie. Poltergeist. Do you know that one?
"I know that one. Do you like scary movies Heather?" Asked the sinister voice that sent shivers down the blonde’s spine. Panic began to rise as Heather’s grip on the phone loosened causing it to nearly fall to the ground.
"How do you know my name?" Heather was freaked out at the new information; she shakily took the popcorn of the stove as to not burn it. "Listen you asshole I'm going to end this call and you’re not going to phone me again!”
As if on autopilot Heather ended the call, running to the front door to make sure that it was lock, staying for a moment more than she should as she tripled check that the bolts were secure and that nothing could get in. Once the front door was locked, she went to lock the back door, declining an incoming call before pressing the numbers for her boyfriend’s phone.
"Matt you won't believe what just happened. You better hurry up because I'm really scared,” she rambled on giving the details of everything that just happened.
“Sorry Heather.” The blonde froze, more frightened than before. “Matt can’t come to the phone right now.”
“How do you have his phone!? What have you done to him?!”
"I think you should be more worried about yourself.”
“Let's play a game Heather."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Why Heather? It’s because I wasn't to see what your insides look like." Heather eyes widened as she realised that she hadn't locked the backdoor. She rushed to the door to lock the thing before he could get in. "Why don't you turn on the lights"
"Or are you too afraid to find out." They taunted.
Heather was scared and now angry at the taunt. Part of her mind still believed that this was a prank. She would wish that she hadn't risen to the bait.
Flicking the lights on, Heather brought a hand to her mouth as she miffed her shocked cries. She felt sick to her stomach at the sight of her boyfriend Matt who was tied to a chair, gagged and gutted with his organs trailing all around the chair. She heard a noise outside and backed away from the glass door.
"Who's there?"
"Are you stupid? Saying that is a death sentence. Do you want to die Heather cause Matt sure didn't."
The house lights turned off and Heather screamed as she rushed to the front door on the other side of the house. A black robed figure with a Ghostface masked sprang out from a closet closest to the front door grabbing her and forcing her to the ground.
The Ghostface stabbed her in the stomach as she kicked and screamed, trying to get them of her. The knife went through her left leg as she attempted to kick them off her.
"Please, don't kill me! You don't have to do this." Heather bargained as she realised that she was close to her end.
The Ghostface skillfully slid the body behind Heather, positioning themselves on top of her back and pining her to the ground.
"You're right. I don't have to do this... but I can." The Ghostface slit Heather's neck, watching in fascination as the blood spilled onto the ground. After a minute, the Ghostface reached for a camera inside their black robes.
"Say cheese."
Click, click, click.
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Imagine the persona of time (tortoise reader) crossing paths with Death only to discover that he has adopted a certain puppy.
Imagine # 002
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Feel free to use these ideas but please tag me in them.
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Imagine Rhea Royce having a son with Daemon due to them consummating their marriage on their wedding night and he doesn’t know about his son until his brother summons him to court.
Imagine # 001
Gif not mine
Feel free to use these ideas but please tag me so I can read them.
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