it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
So basically the same as those Indian articles that are constantly misreported. Hopefully.
A teenage girl was sterilised in a horrific attack by her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend - who pumped hot water into her uterus.
Sara Zagidullina, 17, was attacked by Aleksandra Dulesova and three other young women when they discovered she was seeing a boy identified only as “Igor”, according to police.
The shocking ordeal began when the perpetrators broke into Sara’s home, reportedly shaving her head, then forcing her to perform oral sex on them before taking turns urinating on her.
After dragging the naked young woman to the bathroom, they allegedly turned the water as hot as possible, inserting the shower hose into her vagina.
Police say the ordeal, which lasted for hours, could have killed Sara, who was left in agony on the bathroom floor, while the attackers ransacked her home, stealing money, a laptop and a mobile phone as well as other valuables.
Using her last bit of strength, the victim managed to raise the alarm, and was rushed to hospital.
There, doctors sadly confirmed that her womb had been badly damaged by the hot water and that she was now sterile.
The incident happened in central Russia’s Perm Krai region in the town of Gubakha after Igor allegedly dumped 17-year-old Aleksandra after she told him she was pregnant.
He is then believed to have started a new relationship with Sara, who knew nothing about his past until she was confronted by the angry ex.
Aleksandra reportedly warned her victim with the ominous phrase: “Leave us alone or I will kill and bury you!”
She then gathered her friends Kristina Poyarkova, 16, Maria Sheputaeva, 16, and Anastasia Voronchikhina, 20, allegedly bursting into the victim’s flat where they subjected her to the terrifying torture ordeal.
Three of the attackers have been arrested and taken into custody, while Aleksandra is under house arrest due to her pregnancy.
The four suspects filmed Sara’s torture on their phones and police have found the video, according to reports.
All have been charged with sexual abuse and torture of a minor committed by a gang and could face up to 15 years in prison if found guilty.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
I did check beforehand, one thing about having people be disproportionately sceptical is that it keeps us careful. Many of the articles of rape and torture in India are misreported by western media. Even the supposedly red-pilled used them to say that feminism is needed over there but not here, when a simple translation of the original article would have told a very different story.
A teenage girl was sterilised in a horrific attack by her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend - who pumped hot water into her uterus.
Sara Zagidullina, 17, was attacked by Aleksandra Dulesova and three other young women when they discovered she was seeing a boy identified only as “Igor”, according to police.
The shocking ordeal began when the perpetrators broke into Sara’s home, reportedly shaving her head, then forcing her to perform oral sex on them before taking turns urinating on her.
After dragging the naked young woman to the bathroom, they allegedly turned the water as hot as possible, inserting the shower hose into her vagina.
Police say the ordeal, which lasted for hours, could have killed Sara, who was left in agony on the bathroom floor, while the attackers ransacked her home, stealing money, a laptop and a mobile phone as well as other valuables.
Using her last bit of strength, the victim managed to raise the alarm, and was rushed to hospital.
There, doctors sadly confirmed that her womb had been badly damaged by the hot water and that she was now sterile.
The incident happened in central Russia’s Perm Krai region in the town of Gubakha after Igor allegedly dumped 17-year-old Aleksandra after she told him she was pregnant.
He is then believed to have started a new relationship with Sara, who knew nothing about his past until she was confronted by the angry ex.
Aleksandra reportedly warned her victim with the ominous phrase: “Leave us alone or I will kill and bury you!”
She then gathered her friends Kristina Poyarkova, 16, Maria Sheputaeva, 16, and Anastasia Voronchikhina, 20, allegedly bursting into the victim’s flat where they subjected her to the terrifying torture ordeal.
Three of the attackers have been arrested and taken into custody, while Aleksandra is under house arrest due to her pregnancy.
The four suspects filmed Sara’s torture on their phones and police have found the video, according to reports.
All have been charged with sexual abuse and torture of a minor committed by a gang and could face up to 15 years in prison if found guilty.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
A teenage girl was sterilised in a horrific attack by her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend - who pumped hot water into her uterus.
Sara Zagidullina, 17, was attacked by Aleksandra Dulesova and three other young women when they discovered she was seeing a boy identified only as “Igor”, according to police.
The shocking ordeal began when the perpetrators broke into Sara's home, reportedly shaving her head, then forcing her to perform oral sex on them before taking turns urinating on her.
After dragging the naked young woman to the bathroom, they allegedly turned the water as hot as possible, inserting the shower hose into her vagina.
Police say the ordeal, which lasted for hours, could have killed Sara, who was left in agony on the bathroom floor, while the attackers ransacked her home, stealing money, a laptop and a mobile phone as well as other valuables.
Using her last bit of strength, the victim managed to raise the alarm, and was rushed to hospital.
There, doctors sadly confirmed that her womb had been badly damaged by the hot water and that she was now sterile.
The incident happened in central Russia's Perm Krai region in the town of Gubakha after Igor allegedly dumped 17-year-old Aleksandra after she told him she was pregnant.
He is then believed to have started a new relationship with Sara, who knew nothing about his past until she was confronted by the angry ex.
Aleksandra reportedly warned her victim with the ominous phrase: "Leave us alone or I will kill and bury you!"
She then gathered her friends Kristina Poyarkova, 16, Maria Sheputaeva, 16, and Anastasia Voronchikhina, 20, allegedly bursting into the victim’s flat where they subjected her to the terrifying torture ordeal.
Three of the attackers have been arrested and taken into custody, while Aleksandra is under house arrest due to her pregnancy.
The four suspects filmed Sara's torture on their phones and police have found the video, according to reports.
All have been charged with sexual abuse and torture of a minor committed by a gang and could face up to 15 years in prison if found guilty.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
Just as they will correct perceived oppression with legitimate oppression, they’ll respond to their own interpretation of degeneracy with genuine degeneracy. Projection as usual.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
There is, or at least was, a very interesting unawareness in the UK over race, especially with integrated people (not so much the self segregating types). It’s difficult to explain but a great example was on one of Sargon’s livestreams a few years ago. They were talking about Red Dwarf and the American was saying something about half the cast being black and Sargon paused as he realised he’d never actually even noticed.
I miss the days when we didn’t even notice.
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hollywood has #yellowface fever
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
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I’ve moved half a square to the right over the past few years.
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My political compass hasn’t changed much over the years. 😂😂
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
Norwegian prisons are nicer than my apartment.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
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Map of Greek and Armenian populated areas before 1900 vs 2000.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
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[Archived link]
Buzzfeed are salty that in the UK, women that go to the police and are found to give false rape claims to maliciously harm others are prosecuted for it, unlike the US, Canada and Australia, for example, where false-rape-claimants are just left and ignored.
The UK has issues, but in this case:
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
How To Write a VICE Article - Adrian Alaberg
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
You're the most stereotypically British person ever, I love it.
Why thank you.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
I’m still going to try get a copy of the statement, though. I’d like to know what the police guy who stayed with me said, bet he thought I was a right nutter.
You didn’t stop a robbery. You didn’t get abused. Quit lying on the internet because you want attention. But A+ on your little fairy tales, you’re a decent fiction writer!
I said I tried. And failed. Couldn’t even do that right. Maybe I could get a hold of the report for you. It’d have my name on it. Though you’d probably claim that it’s not my name or something.
As for everything else, can’t write fiction to save my life, too clinical and I’m shit at embellishing so it’s always quite dull and not very exciting. My sister went through similar things, and some of the same things, she sometimes talks about them as well. I have spoken to many friends and some of mother’s exes, it wasn’t just us. Maybe people didn’t believe it because she was so open about it that they thought she was joking, hiding in plain sight. I plan to record her one day, maybe put it online, might be rather vindictive but at least people would understand.
It’s not wise to lie on the internet, too easy for people to find out. If you went looking, you’d find the truth.
It’s not attention that I want, it’s understanding. Not to be alone, you always hear about abusive fathers but hardly ever about the mothers. Always hearing about the evil of men and the purity of women, while living with a fine example of the opposite.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
Damn you didn’t need to take “mother fucker” so seriously 😂 zing!lmaooo
Fortunately it never got that far, she was an exhibitionist and a narcissist, the only reason she even went as far as she did was because I looked just like her. A common story among people with similar problems. Which is also why people thought me just as bad as her, now I look more like my dad which has helped with that, sickeningly enough.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
I read your story of what happened to you, and damn it brought tears to my eyes. I haven’t laughed that hard in a minute! You deserve all of the abuse you got, and I find it fucking hilarious 😂😂
Probably. Maybe not in quite that way but towards the end I definitely earned some of it, once I was big enough to fight back.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
You didn’t stop a robbery. You didn’t get abused. Quit lying on the internet because you want attention. But A+ on your little fairy tales, you’re a decent fiction writer!
I said I tried. And failed. Couldn’t even do that right. Maybe I could get a hold of the report for you. It’d have my name on it. Though you’d probably claim that it’s not my name or something.
As for everything else, can’t write fiction to save my life, too clinical and I’m shit at embellishing so it’s always quite dull and not very exciting. My sister went through similar things, and some of the same things, she sometimes talks about them as well. I have spoken to many friends and some of mother’s exes, it wasn’t just us. Maybe people didn’t believe it because she was so open about it that they thought she was joking, hiding in plain sight. I plan to record her one day, maybe put it online, might be rather vindictive but at least people would understand.
It’s not wise to lie on the internet, too easy for people to find out. If you went looking, you’d find the truth.
It’s not attention that I want, it’s understanding. Not to be alone, you always hear about abusive fathers but hardly ever about the mothers. Always hearing about the evil of men and the purity of women, while living with a fine example of the opposite.
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
When I was around 7 or 8 mother was talking to my auntie about how horrible we were. She said that when we claimed we hated her she knows we didn’t mean it. We bloody did. She still talks shit about us on bookface, getting sympathy from her twatty friends and bad mouthing us (which doesn’t help my sister any). She’s the only person I’ve ever blocked on any website).
There was a quite amusing moment a few years ago, an old neighbour and I trying to do fireman’s carry on each other (I carried another neighbour and ran up and down the road XD), as usual I came across as a bit of a nut, he said I was a right freak. Then my partner and I were talking about mother and he said “How are you still sane?”.
I can set any reminder I like, I’ve given the details to a few people who can then set alarms for me remotely (you can only set reminders via their website). Disappointed with the lack of trolling, though.
“All four released under investigation.” 
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” - people watching four people stomp on an unconscious man
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it-goes-both-ways · 6 years
I’ve mentioned before how I tried to stop a robbery once, because I’m a dumbass with no sense of self preservation, one of the reasons I enlisted was to control that. I’d lost so much weight that I was like a bloody ragdoll. They just threw me into a cardboard display thing effortlessly. 
Found the article about it.
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“Must have been scary”. I leapt on the guy’s back, without even thinking. Why did they have to portray me as a victim? I was lucky not to be charged with assault, I’m sure I would have been had it happened this year. Bah. Ged was not at all happy about it, he had to come to the hospital to give me spare clothes because the police took the ones I was wearing for evidence (and the storage place burned down before I got the chance to reclaim them, I miss that coat. Wonder if there’s any CCTV footage of it, I imagine it’d be quite amusing to watch.
Despite being utterly useless in the end I’m still quite pleased that I have that instinct. So I can honestly say that I would intervene in a violent situation.
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