isekaimeplease · 8 months
I was just listening to Kazuha's voice lines, when all of a sudden the game kept selecting the Receiving a Gift: III voice line.
When it stopped after a few seconds, I played it so I could listen to it and the first thing I hear is 'Perhaps you should get some rest?'
It is 12.30 am and I do have work today.
Am I in my delulu sagau phase or was this just a glitch - who knows! But the timing and irregularity of it is far too coincidental!
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isekaimeplease · 2 years
Omg i think i just had a sagau experience
i was doing a domain and farming some talent exp materials for ayato and like, all the characters in my team kept on disappearing??
Like, whenever i'd walk around with them they'd just be invisible but i could still see their shadow?
i wonder what bullshit sagau explanation i can come up with for this one 🤔 there's gotta be smth
(nvm the fact that it's probably my very bad ping 😅)
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isekaimeplease · 2 years
How do you think SAGAU would react to a player who likes to hold conversations? Personally I'm the opposite of a quieter player, but get a little shy from talking. Anyways I usually end up giving heartfelt advice, especially to the NPC's. Maybe I'm just a bleeding heart 😅
Hi there! My first ask how exciting! Sorry if this is too long I got a bit carried away 😅
I think that it's so sweet that you give advice to the npc's! And I just know they all feel the exact same way!
I reckon they consider you a highly empathetic and considerate creator, and I do believe that when your camera isn't focused on their face, they're smiling blissfully - how lucky are they to have such a benevolent creator for a god?
I'm sure that sagau would find it incredibly endearing and fulfilling that you enjoy holding conversations with them. You're talking to them! You know they exist! You care about them!
Though I'm also positive that they're disappointed that they can't reply to you.
It can't be easy speaking for so long with no one engaging with you and they want you to know that they are listening - they really are! But beyond their pre approved voicelines they can't say anything else. So they'll say what they can say, even when it isn't at all relevant, just to reassure you that they are listening.
And hearing your soothing voice, knowing that you care and value them, eases their current frustrations with the limitations of their being and they're able to bear through it.
For the time being.
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isekaimeplease · 2 years
Ok so I have more sagau brainrot, once again, idk if anyone's done this
So, I'm a pretty quiet player - like I don't talk to my characters or anything - but on the off chance I do, it's usually pretty quiet so I feel bad for the acolytes. I just get shy being heard okay! (T^T)
With this in mind, what if we could directly interact with characters through the chat? Like, what if a function was that we could add characters as chat participants? These could either be only characters you have unlocked or not idk.
And! Our voice might not even come through as our voice! It could even come through as this electronic disembodied voice, which would really reinforce the whole god thing maybe?? Who knows?? This could also play into cult!au cause the acolytes might not even recognise your voice? Further reinforcing the belief that you are the imposter!
Jeez for someone that's so soft hearted for the angsty imposter!au I sure do have a lot of head cannons for it huh?
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isekaimeplease · 2 years
Sorry, not an actual post! Just a SAGAU idea I thought of. (Hopefully the tags work)
I don't know if anyone's thought of this but what if in sagau reputation level plays a part?
Because you know how friendship level applies to playable characters right? And how easy it is for them to recognise tbe creator the higher the friendship level right? Then what if reputation level applies to npc's?? Like, maybe reputation level 1 imposter!au means you'd get ridiculed and like have tomatoes thrown at you or smth and level 10 means you'd be like, instantly recognised, praised like a messiah idk.
Another headcannon I have regarding sagau relates to alive!teyvat au, what if the exploration percentage for different areas relates to the level of alive!teyvat's sentiency?
Like, maybe below 25% exploration in imposter!au and teyvat will be very subtle in informing the creator of angry acolyte pursurers? Like barely noticeable rumbles of the earth or smth?
Alternatively so, maybe over 75% or smth and teyvat can actively be more sentient (???) Like manipulating the earth to create a maze around pursurers to deter them or launching them into the air?
Omg and what if exploration level could also effect monsters in that area?? Like, a higher percentage means that you could easily seek refuge in a hillichurl camp or smth but a lower one means you'd be viewed as an npc and attacked on the spot?
Aaahhh I have so many sagau ideas and headcannons I wanna talk about but no one to talk about it with 😭
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isekaimeplease · 2 years
Mournful Reminiscence
Just a short angsty oneshot of Venti reminiscing on what used to be. Contains spoilers of Venti's Story Quest : Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land (ft. Venti and the Nameless Bard)
Warnings : angst , mild gore and violence , character death
Do not interact if any of the above may bother you in any way, shape or form
Please Don't Plagiarise. All rights go to @isekaimeplease
Thanks for reading
It was nights like this where Venti allowed himself to be lost in his thoughts. To truly sink into the depths of grief and melancholic despair.
Nights where it was just him, alone at Old Mondstadt with the only company being a lyre, not unlike the one he used to play. He played so passionately and had the indiscernible talent to attract others towards him - including Venti himself - towards his music, akin to the Pied Piper luring rats towards him with his flute. Venti absentmindedly strummed a few strings of his instrument, not particularly aiming to play anything meaningful or impactful, just to distract himself - if only for a moment.
Violent strikes of thunder and brief flashes of lightning accompanied the torrential rainfall, that of which being the sole reason why Venti was at Old Mondstadt, or colloquially dubbed ‘Stormterrors Lair’. Venti didn’t particularly fancy that name, the negative connotations pertaining to the reputation of his dear friend Dvalin painted the soft hearted dragon as a malevolent and merciless dragon, uncaring towards human life and lacking basic moralities. It was a preposterous thought and struck a chord within Venti, yet given the circumstances of the recent events within Mondstadt City, he couldn’t exactly blame them. 
Afterall, they’d reacted the same way towards the previous tyrannical ruler of Mondstadt - Decarabian, the previous Anemo Archon before Barbatos. 
Thinking of Decarabian was something Venti often found himself avoiding, for it reminded him too much of what he used to have. The day Decrabian was overthrown was the day that Mondstadt had finally reclaimed their freedom. Yet there were still many that would never get to enjoy the spoils of their labour. One of which was Venti’s dear friend, a nameless bard, and the core inspiration for Venti’s entire being. 
His appearance, his talents, his personality - his everything - was courtesy of his departed friend. He adapted himself, no, he changed himself, Venti completely changed the entirety of his being to pay homage to his dear friend and now? He's not quite sure where his friend ends and where he begins. 
Has he been lying to everyone for all these centuries? Were all those smiles and laughs fake? Was his entire persona fake? Was his disposition fake? Was he fake? Would he be proud of what he’s become, of who he’s become? Venti, a Nameless wind spirit turned god and Venti’s friend, a Nameless bard turned dead. 
It was a morbidly true thought. So, so, so very true and real, despite how much he wishes it wasn’t.
He didn’t deserve to die, he ached and trembled as his jaw clenched and teeth grinded against each other for something much more than want, in need, for something he couldn’t live without. Something he’d die for, 
And die for he did.
Mercilessly and without a sliver nor an inch of hesitation or humane trepidation, his heart was struck by an arrow. And as the weapon sunk deeper and deeper and deeper into his skin, a white hot pain erupted throughout his entire being, eliciting a scream of absolute pain and agony. Venti, the little wind spirit flinched as the timbre of the voice ricocheted against the stone architecture of Mondstadt and echoed throughout the land, as deafening as it was heart breaking. The nameless bard gasped and struggled to breathe, the fatal injury causing him to clutch his chest in worthless desperation. He collapsed into a heap on the ground, staring up at the sky in immeasurable sadness as the pain of everything slowly numbed away. He glanced around and saw people - his friends - still fighting with everything they had for a world that had taken much more than that. The nameless bard smiled even as his throat tightened and he swallowed painfully. He looked away and tried to blink away the tears in his eyes, not wanting his last moments to be blurred by the salty liquid and noticed the little wind spirit fretting over his condition. 
The oddity in his mini companion worrying so much when he was usually such a mischievous and cheeky spirit was amusing in its own right and brought a tiny smile to the dying boy's face. This was it. This is what he had worked so hard for, and as they were so close, so close they could practically grasp the victory, he had to go and get hit. Though, he supposed that this wasn’t so bad perhaps, for he had always worried about being alone in his last moments. Yet he wasn’t alone now, for he had his allies fighting for their shared dream and his wind spirit right next to him. 
Yeah, maybe this wasn’t so bad. Perhaps in his next life, he’d get to meet the same little wind spirit again. It was unlikely, but a boy could dream. And if he could start a revolution and incite an authoritarian overthrow, then he could make a selfish wish to meet his friend again.
Yeah, he’d like that. He’d like that a lot.
As those thoughts drifted over the boy’s mind, he closed his eyes as a blissful and serene smile spread across his face. The hand he had been using to pet the little wind spirit fell limp as the warmth left his body and his body shut down. It was obvious as to what happened, the boy with braids, their nameless bard, one of the main supporters and members of the rebellion, had died.  
They vowed to properly mourn his death, along with the others that had unfortunately also fallen as soon as the fight was over and regretfully left his now still body, abandoning his cold corpse. 
All but one remained. The wind spirit. 
They had their little body pressed against their friends heart, listening to his heartbeat, or where his heartbeat would’ve been were he still alive, which he wasn’t. Yet still, they stayed and listened in the hopes that the little thump thump would spring to life once more. 
Seconds, minutes, hours and no signs of the steady heartbeat they recognised spurring to life. It was official. 
He really was dead, wasn’t he? 
The Nameless Wind Spirit and The Nameless Bard were no more, for the day that their friend died, was the day that the wind spirit died as well. 
Now all that remained of the awe inspiring duo was a fading memory of a hero and a copycat god trying to imitate the one thing they could never be.
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isekaimeplease · 2 years
Never Underestimate a God
Happens near the end of Prologue: Act III Song of the Dragon and Freedom of the Archon Quests
A different take on the events of what happens outside of the Cathedral following Prologue : Act III (ft. Venti and La Signora)
Self indulgent Venti one shot to soothe my insatiable need to consume Venti supremacy content. Very OOC I know but don't care.
I was listening to this while writing this and can I just say *chefs kiss*
Venti had finally had enough.
He was sick and tired of being underestimated and thought less of just because he wasn't as obvious about his power as the others. Everyone thought of him as a no good alcoholic, a 'tone deaf bard', the weakest Archon. It seemed that the world had forgotten who he truly was. Who he had always been since the beginning. Well, not the very beginning, but one digresses.
Barbatos, the Anemo Archon.
The world got too comfortable, too carefree, too nonchalant about his status as a God. It seems they forgot how he became a God in the first place. Now that won't do, will it?
Venti was a pleasant man. He was kind and smiled radiantly. He comforted and reconciled with the dragon that wreaked havoc on his city and he laughed lightly even as he was mocked and ridiculed by others.
However, that wasn't all that Venti was, he was so much more than that. So much more.
Venti was a God. Venti was a man strong enough to simply smile as others demeaned him because in the end, they wouldn't last long.
They never did.
Venti had lived for thousands of years, he had participated in the Archon war, even reigning supreme as one of the Seven. He had witnessed lives beginning, just as he had watched them end. He had even contributed to the destruction of an entire Nation.
Venti could be as benevolent, just as he could be as malevolent. Venti could be as merciful just as he could be as merciless. And if he so wished, he could be as tyrannical and terrifying as necessary to get the respect he so deserved.
Which he damn well did.
So, if no one could respect him, he'd make them fear him instead. Which brought him to where he was now.
Towering over a pathetic excuse of a human, one who had underestimated him and overestimated themselves. Truly pitiful it was. Trying to steal a Gods gnosis? just how naïve was the Fatui? just how naïve was the Tsaritsa?
The thought caused Venti to chuckle darkly, his figure floating above the weakened human, as it should be. A God shouldn't look anywhere but down because in actuality, who was better than a God?
He faintly remembered her subordinates referring to her as La Signora but he knew it wasn't her real name, just a petty alias in an attempt to hide her own identity.
But it was futile, because the wind heard everything.
The wind travelled across the entire earth, spanning across all the continents and spreading its influence anywhere it reached. Which was quite literally everywhere. So, it was when he saw her stone cold face, just like her icy master's, that he instantly put a name to the face.
Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter, No. 8 of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, better known as La Signora and currently? on the verge of death. How fitting, this entitled stuck up woman hell bent on fulfilling the wishes of another God would die in the nation she was born in to the God she had forsaken. Venti found the entire situation rather entertaining.
She had been so arrogant, even going so far as to slap him, her God. But all he did was snicker cheekily, even as he felt his teeth grinding and his powers begging to be let loose, because the traveller was there. The traveller was still conscious and watching.
So for the sake of reputation and formalities, Venti had to restrain himself from disciplining this cocky human drunk on their miniscule power and worthless authority. So when the traveller finally succumbed to the tempting grip of unconsciousness, he let loose.
A burst of wind erupted from him, spreading around him and his assailants and creating an unbreakable dome of solidified wind. It was reminiscent of the late Decarabian's, but not to be mistaken, Venti was far more powerful than that pathetic excuse of a God was.
He effortlessly pulled his assailants into a small tornado of wind, grouping them all together, then released them, allowing them to collapse on the ground, unconscious. The only one awake was La Signora, and just as well, no one needed to see what he was about to do.
So as the woman stumbled and staggered, struggling to stand, Venti released a sigh of happiness, the bright cyan of his eyes and braids glowing menacingly. He tilted his head down and stared at the fumbling woman apathetically with a hidden gleam of sadistic pleasure shining in his eyes, a mocking smile stretched over his unblemished face. Revealing his pearly white teeth in a way that shouldn't have been as unsettling to the prideful woman as it was.
He spoke lightly, yet his voice resonated through her entire being, the light timbre of the voice sending shivers down her spine, yet when she processed what he said, she paled considerably.
"So…what was it you called me again huh? Vermin?" the God spat out tauntingly, "anything you want to say human? any last words?".
All La Signora could go was calm her shaking and desperately hope that the God couldn't hear the clattering of her teeth. He did anyway, for he heard everything, but it was a naïve comfort of the trembling woman.
"I'm sorry...please have mercy" she muttered in her arms, pressing her forehead to the ground and bowing.
Venti acted like he was contemplating what she had said, tilting his head and humming absentmindedly. He looked back down at her bowed head and grinned sadistically.
"Hmm, I don't think I'll let you off that easy for belittling a God but an admirable effort nonetheless".
The last thing La Signora saw was the ominous glow of Venti's cyan eyes before her vision went black. But not too worry, he didn't kill her, that would be far too easy. However, after he was done with her, she'd wish she was dead.
That'll show the world what happens when you underestimate Venti; Lord Barbatos, The Anemo Archon, God of Freedom, and conqueror of No. 8 of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers La Signora.
Venti had finally had enough.
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