irlmun · 8 months
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Linnaeus taking a break after a workout. This took way too long to make 😩
Bonus, Colt reacts:
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irlmun · 1 year
Just reblogging this because it got a little attention, and I am really proud of this.
I struggled to find a full map, let alone one without any extras on it, so I just took as many official versions of pieces of the map as I could find and overlayed them until it came out looking clear. Some of my best photoshop work ^^
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Free-to-use, clean, blank map of Remnant for all your RP and world-building needs
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irlmun · 1 year
A bit random, but just as a warning: If you get overstimulated easily, especially with sound, I do not recommend watching the Seven Deadly Sins anime, specifically season 4. We’re on episode like... 13? 14? of the season, and it’s just.... SOOOO fast.... Just talking, talking, talking, no breaks, new info thrown at you every ten seconds, no time to digest the events and omg I got dizzy trying to follow everything TT~TT
I actually left the room in the middle of the episode to let myself breathe and sit in silence for a moment. Not a fun time.
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irlmun · 1 year
Sorry for posting more non-art, but I’m seriously confused by that last anon....
Like, I know that people can be homophobic when they themselves are gay, and that POC can be racist against others. I don’t understand why, but I know that’s a thing.
I’m honestly struggling to see where I had ever been an asshole to the trans community.... If I have, please point it out to me! I didn’t grow up in a queer-accepting home, so I’m still learning and growing into myself and I’d really like to better myself.
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irlmun · 1 year
Not acting like a transphobic asshole yourself would've been a great place to start
I appreciate you sending this anonymously.
I'm sorry, but I honestly don't know what I've done/said that would make you think I'm transphobic and/or an asshole???
When I was in high school, I was raised very conservative and had been transphobic.... But that was before I learned that my sister and I are both GNC. A LOT has changed since then.
If you're only judging by my last post, could you please highlight which parts you found to be transphobic/asshole-ish from my actions? If you're referring to any previous things I've posted, I would love to know which ones you saw that show me to be that way.
Thank you!
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irlmun · 1 year
Hi tumblr! I don’t usually post private/personal things on here, but there’s something really bothering me and I feel like I need some support....
Okay, so. To start, I live in the deep south of Florida (not my first choice), with my fiance and his mother, and now our niece. His mom and their family are pretty conservative and even though I’ve talked to his mom about my identity, she doesn’t seem to really understand or seek to....
I’m genderfluid. My sister is trans. My mother is a TERF, I just learned recently.... But to the world, I’m very blatantly female in appearance, so everyone calls me ‘she’ and I stopped correcting people because it just got tiring....
My family still calls me by my birth name because they think me wanting to change my name legally would be an “insult” to them, since they “gifted” me with my name. *rolling eyes*
I used to live near DC, in a very diverse suburb with pretty liberal-leaning friends and teachers. I was never scared to be myself up there. I got mad when my dad didn’t accept my being (at the time) a “tomboy,” but that was really the worst of it at the time.
Listening to the news now just makes my heart hurt. I’m scared for my sister who lives in Ohio, who’s actually on hormones and not in a great living situation. I’m worried for myself selfishly. I want to be able to wear what I want and do my hair in fun, masc do’s and dye it weird colors without fearing the people around me.
I know others are in much worse situations, but this is really the first time I feel like I *need* to be closeted for my own safety. But I don’t know how to live that way.
What’s the healthiest way to cope with hiding your identity? If anyone has any advice, or just wants to share an experience, I’d be very grateful <3
TL;DR: I’m living in a highly transphobic/conservative area and feel like I need to start hiding who I am, but I don’t know how to cope with that. Any advice would be really kind
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irlmun · 1 year
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irlmun · 1 year
They’re not even trying to hide it anymore- the audacity!
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irlmun · 1 year
Attention members of the
Spam Bot Resistance!
if we wish to eradicate the Porn Bot Threat we must first be sure we know how to Properly Attack a Porn Bot
Locate a Spam Bots Blog. Oftentimes a Spam Bot Blog will be apparent due to its Real Sounding Name, Link Blog Description, and Limited Content. you will most commonly find them Following Your Blog, do not let them stay there, instead:
Report the Bot. you do not want to only flag the adult content, as that will merely hide the Bots Blog, instead of destroying it. instead, you need to Report As Spam, this will get the bot investigated and (hopefully) executed.
Block the Bot. now that you have done your duty in reporting the Bot, you may cast it away from your homeland, making sure it gains no credence from following you.
Now armed with knowledge you may venture forth, destroying any Porn Bots that may foolishly block your path! good luck my noble comrades.
if you are not part of the Spam Bot Resistance fear not! any can join, be you Wizard, Skeleton, Mushroom or any other! we need all the help we can get in these trying times.
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irlmun · 1 year
please spam bots, stop following me >< It’s messing up my notifications
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irlmun · 2 years
Ah, yes, and with the influx of new members come the hoards of bots following you. Good ol’ tumblr
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irlmun · 2 years
I know I already posted this video for y’all, but with the fall of twitter, I’m trying to get more done on tumblr. So, ta-da~!! Please support my VTubing work and follow this new blog! <3
I work really hard (on the art/assets at least) so I’d love to be able to share it with everyone and hope to bring some joy to your day!
Hey there, y’all!
Hello and welcome to the moonkitty’s new and improved(?) tumblr~!!
Don’t know who in the heck we are??? That’s a shame. Let’s fix that~! Watch this video and you will see what kind of tomfoolery (or should I say… tomcat-foolery *finger-guns*) you could be enjoying:
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irlmun · 2 years
Hi friends!! 
I’m really excited to announce that I’ll be premiering a twitch compilation video on my YouTube today at 6:45pm EST and I’d really love if you guys could come out to watch; I could really use the views/subs/whatever <3
Hope to see you there! 
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irlmun · 2 years
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Thought I’d draw a scene from a recent RP I’m writing with @apricusnights
It’s just so cute, I had to. Catboy is my OC Night, the girl is Blek’s OC Cerise.
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irlmun · 2 years
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got bored and decided to do some vent art.
Have a grumpy Night possibly after a bad hecaball game
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irlmun · 2 years
Just so we’re clear where this blog stands in light of recent events:
Trans Rights are Human rights
Black lives matter
Abortions should be legal and safe
Healthcare needs to be free
This isn’t even really about politics anymore, because if you disagree on any of these points, our views and moral compasses are so fundamentally different that I want nothing to do with you.
And this isn’t about “earning brownie points” or coming across as woke or some other bullshit.
This is pest control
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irlmun · 2 years
So like, what’s the plan for the 4th? :D Will there be fireworks?????? Real ones?!?!
Will there be explosions in the sky? Or on the ground?
Will there be a chorus of voices in support of “American ideals” we foolishly thought would be true?
Will there be law “enforcers” watching over gatherings to make sure we’re “safe”?
Or will we see more death? Will it be a day of irony? The day we are meant to celebrate our nation’s independence in the wake of losing our rights without warning- is there anything to celebrate?
How will you be spending your Fourth of July?
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