I'd like to preface this by saying that i'm neither pro,or anti weed,i have friends that smoke it,and i have friends that don't touch it. It's never been my thing,but i can hang out with folk who are smoking,and it doesn't bother me.
It's a bit mad,that if you had 4 or 5 guys,in a workplace,who would all go for a cigarette break,and have a drink,each time the went,someone would eventually,or pretty quickly say something,but the same situation,with the guys going for smoke breaks,and smoking a joint each time,is entirely fine. Like,have your vices,and whatever but if you can't go an 8 hour shift,without needing a smoke,surely alarm bells should be going off. No?
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Holy shit. The Israeli whistleblower story CNN just broke is insane. I cannot believe what I’m reading
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Saw this on twitter (and promptly stole it) and it reminded of the time many years ago i went to the Cathouse,the local metal/alt club. We'd been at the pub first,and the promoters had been round,giving out the free entry tickets,so we'd headed into the club,pretty much for it opening. Got to the bar,and had a few drinks,to add to the "few" we'd enjoyed in the Solid. So we're in the Cathouse,it's about 5 or 10 minutes after it opens,we're a little tipsy,and some good song comes on,my friend Chris gives me a look,i smile knock back my drink,and we go for a dance. Cos it's just opened,the smoke machine has done a good job of covering the dancefloor to the point that it's not until we're about a third of the way into the song,that we realise that we're the only 2 folk up dancing,and everyone else is stood around the dancefloor watching. He says "whst do we do?" I looked back,"just keep dancing" there was nothing else for it really.
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You ever watching tv,like a live show,maybe a comedy special,but something with a live audience,and as the camera pans across,it shows the most attractive person you have ever laid eyes on,just for a second,and then they're gone. It's like the same fleeting moment,of seeing someone in the street,you have a brief moment of your heart going "!!!!!!!" then they're gone into the crowd,and you think about them,on the way home,then the next day,and the next,and so on,but less each day,until you remember them for the last time,then they're gone.
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I sometimes wonder,if Robert Smith's hair is ever not all backcombed. Like,are there days when he really can't be arsed,he's got a lazy day planned,just sitting about the house watching tv,so he doesn't bother doing his hair.
Alternatively,maybe it's not been un-backcombed for the last 20/30/40 years,he just adds more backcombing eery day.
Jesus i typed backcombing far too many times there for anyones good.
Oh,by the way,this wasn't meant in any sort of disrespectful way,i was just wondering. I bloody love The Cure.
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You ever just been sitting,alone,having a wee conversation with yourself,in your head. Then you suddenly realise you're not alone,and there's actually someone in the room with you? And you panic and think "did i have that discussion in my head,or did i say that shit out loud?" Cos i did it yesterday,and i hope i said it in my head,cos otherwise..........jesus.
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I'm not even kidding I think food service jobs are the hardest customer service jobs that exist and if you have them on your resume long enough that it's clear you could maintain them people should be begging on their hands and fucking knees for you to work for them.
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There's somethimg satisfying,when 2 of the things you're writing/throwing around in your head,suddenly come together,and you realise they'd fit in pretty perfectly. Or at least,would work to flesh out the idea some more.
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If a website has a paywall, like New York Times, DO NOT use the ctrl+A shortcut then the ctrl+c shortcut as fast as you can because then you may accidentally copy the entire article before the paywall comes up. And definitely don't do ctrl+v into the next google doc or whatever you open because then you will accidentally paste the entire article into a google doc or something!!!! I repeat DO NOT do this because it is piracy which is absolutely totally wrong!!!
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You ever been reminiscing about people,or stuff,and suddenly about 8 moments of cringey stuff you did,arrive in your head at once,like that bit in Star Wars where the Rebel fleet drops out of hyperspace (?) like "pop" "pop "pop" "pop". And you're just like "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"
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Saw this on twitter earlier. And yea,it all turns out good in the end,and the women get some flowers,but how in the seconds/minutes between being surrounded,and then finding out it was a "prank",must have been fucking terrifying. Who thought it was a great idea,"yea,we'll target women,on their own,we'll crowd around them,boxing them in,for a few moments,then surprise,we give them flowers" It's fucking irresponsible,and i'm willing to bet that there is a ton of footage,that shows women freaking out,qnd rightly so. All for a bit of internet clout. Fucking idiots.
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Folk at work find it weird that my jewellery only comes off for work. Other than that it's on 24/7.
i love the concept of never taking jewelry off like wearing it even when you’re naked or showering or whatever
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I like when Pinterest emails me,to tell me that one of my pins has been removed,cos it violates their terms,and that i should check my other pins for similar content,cos if more have to be removed,it could affect my account. Now,i have 2 issues with this,the first is that the link they give me,to check the offending pin,brings up a page full of stuff i've pinned,and none of is highlighted so i know what one caused the issue. And secondly,i didn't post the fucking picture,i essentially liked and reblogged the thing. And i'm getting shit for it? Just tell the folk that origunally posted it,that it violates your terms,snd delete it,i don't need to know.
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It amuses the hell out of me,that a guy i used to work with,used ro complain about his ex,so much,and then proceeded to go out with 2 girls/women that are her double.
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The sound of a cat being sick,in another room,is one of those noises that'll always result in "aw for fuck sake!" Cos it doesn't matter if i'm just chilling in bed,trying to enjoy a long lie,relaxing watching tv or gaming,or actually doing something productive. I know that i'm gonnq have to get up and clean it up,and it just ruins the peace of the moment,and has me swearing at whichever one of the cata has done it.
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Reddits mods are pissed that the CEO is getting paid 190m a year while they cull CSA and hate speech for free. Instagrams AI is mistakenly banning users for spam when they comment on friends pictures. Twitter is a hate filled bot farm run by an egomaniac. Facebook is a boomer graveyard filled with AI conspiracy theories radicalizing granola moms and your grandad. Tumblrs CEO is breaking data privacy laws on a targeted harassment campaign. Tiktok is making sexism woke and trendy again. 2024 is the year social media sites implode and take us all out with them.
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