inkyhearted · 3 years
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So regarding the hiatus... It’s kinda awkward for me, since both Vanna and Cornflower were transplanted from another defunct rp group.
Their blogs aren’t not going anywhere, though. At least not unless Vraelgard ever officially closes. If that happens, I’ll either place them on hiatus or find another group for them. (I’ll probably delete Cornflower’s discord, though...)
If anyone cares, I also rp for a character in isola, and my twitter is here
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inkyhearted · 4 years
“Well,” Hayato paused, trying to remember just what places here really stood out to him. No matter what, his mind always went back to the Costco-Denny’s he constantly frequented at.
He wasn’t completely sure if the girl would be all into that, but it doesn’t hurt to mention it, right?  After all, she’s gotta at least know where to get food! Can’t explore the world on an empty stomach! Hayato felt his stomach rumble, but he tries to not pay any mind to it. “Yeah, I usually always frequent that Costco-Denny’s over there,” He replies, glancing straight ahead, where said place was. “You can find pretty much anythin’ there. Teddy bears, sofas, hamburgers, and when ‘ya get to the Denny’s you can get a good Super Slam™ meal.” Ah, he’s making himself hungrier the more he speaks…
“Huh, interesting name for a store.” Back where she was from, the majority of shopping outlets had names that referenced what they sold, so Vanna was a little distracted wondering what Costco-Denny’s could be alluding to. Thankfully, Hayato clarified that point, and having an all-purpose store as a hangout spot seemed as good as any, for now.
“Soo, if this place has a little of everything, it’ll probably have a map too!” She couldn’t forget her primary concern of finding her bearings, especially since doing so could cause her to become lost. And while she could stand to have something to eat, she had no money at the moment, and asking a man she just met to spot her just didn’t seem right.
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If nothing else, she’d have a few answers and he could get something for himself. “Is it near here? How long would it take to walk there?”
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inkyhearted · 4 years
Well this was something wasn’t it? Taken from her own world and thrown into a new one with no warning and no idea what was going on...was this how he felt? With no map Raphtlia had taken to wandering and taking in the sights, was she supposed to level up here as well? Was this place also affected by the waves or was she safe? Was Naofumi safe and what about Filo and Melty? So many questions yet no one to answer them in the slightest. With nothing to do and no threats in sight, in fact it seemed everyone here was looking at her like she was normal, Raphtlia took to a Café. Linden Café to be exact, ordering some simple tea she sat down at a table and sighed.
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“Well i’m not sure what to do but...” Raphtalia would say aloud her eyes turning to the...inflatable sword at her side. “I need to find an actual sword fast...carrying around this thing is rather embarrassing...” Raphtalia would then look to her drink. “After that i should see if there is a way to contact Master Naofumi and Filo to tell them i’m alright...they’re probably worried sick.” Raphtalia would shake her head. “No wait, maybe a map would be better first, i might get lost easily around here, this place is so new...yet no Demi-humans in sight.” Raphtalia would say a bit more quietly as she looked around with carful glances trying not to seem suspicious.
Another Friday, and another day of classes come and gone. The magical subject matter taught to Vanna today was so unlike anything she had seen before, and as a consequence, it was somewhat difficult to process it. Especially since she was still new here, and yet to uncover the underpinnings of this world. The 17-year-old didn’t mind it much, if anything it was a challenge she was happy to tackle.
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Not wanting to walk back to her apartment just yet, the octoling instead wandered into a little coffeeshop along the storefronts. Cafes were good places to gather your thoughts, right? At this time of day, there were only a few people there. A young woman with ears unlike any she’s ever seen was rambling to herself, and if it weren’t for her befuddled expression, she would have fit right in with the local residents here. Thoughts of studying were momentarily forgotten as Vanna walked right up to the stranger. An outstretched hand, sharp-beaked smile, and an undulating mass of tentacles greeted the brunette. “Eh, hello there. Have we met before?”
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inkyhearted · 4 years
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quick pixeling i did just to ask this question in game
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inkyhearted · 4 years
     When first approached by the young girl, he couldn’t help but take a liking to her right away. While he didn’t know how old she was, she seemed to be a  BRIGHT  spark of her own.  That alone had him easily agreeing to assist in her endeavors. After all, it was nothing more than borrowing their door for a small  TEST.  While he knew his partner might’ve had some concerns against it, Arsène didn’t think it was that much of an issue.
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          It took a bit but when the mechanism suddenly  OPENED,  he gave a smile and congratulatory clap. “ Well done ! Not bad if that’s your first try. ” His attention was averted for just a minute while he looked over the lock to make sure the magic hadn’t damaged anything. “ From what I understand, yes. Magic is an important thing here and everyone is required to have a sage. That is unless you have abilities of  YOUR  OWN.  ”
     Finding nothing to be wrong, amber eyes turned back to the girl as he closed the door once again. “ I chose to follow a different sage so I can’t do what you can. For the time being I mostly just heal. Now, did you want to give it another try ? ”
Right, she could use this to open a lot of doors in this city, literally. It was a good thing she got Arsène‘s permission before trying her hand at it, and the young man’s praise caused her hair to wiggle in a more animated fashion. “Thanks for all this. It’s a good feeling when something goes your way, you know?” It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
So everyone here had magic powers? You’d think there would be more action going on around in this little city. Then again, she could only open locks and her new ally had healing powers. Did everyone here start out this small? Was that the ‘Sages’ way of leveling the playing field? She could probably get more use out of turning into an octopus...
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Oh right! Vanna only tested her magic in Octoling form! There was a possibility that it might not work if she switched forms. Resting a hand on the now-locked door, it suddenly became a tentacle as her body transformed into an inky octopod’s. “Good logic! Is it okay if I try it like this? I-er, might get some ink on your lock...”
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inkyhearted · 4 years
Hayato turns himself around the instant he hears a voice call out for him, when he finds the source of the voice he has to say, he wasn’t expecting to see a creature that had an aquatic appearance! Though he isn’t severely shocked or anything at the sight, he’s starting to get used to seeing supernatural creatures or otherworldly beings at this point. It’s a pretty common occurrence, Hayato had noted during the first few weeks of his stay.
Another thing was that he was also certain this creature wasn’t a bad person, after all, they look to be pretty innocuous and they’re asking him about the city! They’re also rocking some pretty neat eyeliner, Hayato admits. It’s just like his own! Before Hayato gets carried away from his own thoughts, he makes sure to speak up so he’s not standing there making things awkward. “Yeah, we’re in Terra.” Hayato replies, “I’m still kinda new here so I don’t know everything but I know the basics, like where the food and the apartments are and stuff. Anywhere specific you’re plannin’ to go?”
Terra? The name didn’t sound remotely familiar. Was that the city, a landmass or the planet they were on? Vanna didn’t expect her new companion to help puzzle that detail out, but the simple fact that she had no idea where she was meant that she needed to get her bearings as soon as possible. It wouldn’t do anyone any good to have a distraught teenager wandering the streets, after all.
Looking back on the young man, she just now noticed Hayato’s hair and clothing. While the lack of tentacles was a bit jarring for her, his style was rather reminiscent of the music idols she was fond of back home. The connection made her smile for the first time since she found herself here, and her hair started to undulate as her stress melted away. The familiarity helped a lot, keeping herself grounded despite being stuck in another world.
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“Thanks for that, but... I mean, I just got here, so I wouldn’t really know... Is there a place you like in particular? You seem like a pretty fresh guy and all...”
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inkyhearted · 4 years
@heartconvict​ liked for a starter!
The suckered arms on her head seemed to move on their own as Vanna manipulated the basic lock in her hands. She couldn’t explain it, but ever since she found herself here, she was vaguely aware that she received a boon to make the stay more habitable. Some part of the kid was adamant about uncovering this latent power, and so she closed her eyes and concentrated.
That’s how this works, right? If you concentrate hard enough, you unlock your power? Magic should really come with a manual.
It was fortunate that one of her new neighbors was available for the task, and even more so that the young man allowed her the use of his lock. The plate adorning the door identified him as either Arsène or Herlock, and he simply kept an enigmatic smile on his face as she worked.
With three minutes of effort, a subtle knocking sound was heard, and with it, the once closed lock seemed to open all on its own. Vanna’s eyes seemed to fill with wonder as she started to gush at the thief.
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“Whoa, did ya see that?! Can everyone here do things like that? Can you?”
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inkyhearted · 4 years
@blazingfalcon​ liked for a starter!
This was quickly becoming an ordeal. The city of Terra was nothing like what she was used to, what with all the brick and stone. Now, Vanna wasn't claustrophobic by any means, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t feeling a little intimidated by her situation. At least she had a lifetime to get used to the underground kettles she previously resided in, and the concrete-covered Inkopolis allowed her the choice to leave...
Shaking her head, Vanna quickly decided it was no matter. Despite the unfamiliarity, Terra seemed safe enough. Feeling daunted but not overcome, she continued forward until she saw the figure of a man in the near distance. Dimly, she thought that something was odd about this Octoling, but her desire for answers superseded any worries she had.
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“Hey! Please wait up! Do you know...where we even are? I can’t really figure this place out...”
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inkyhearted · 4 years
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I’m a little late to the party, but since the others are filled anyway... Like this for a Starter Call! Capping at 2 for now, and will likely involve helping Vanna acclimate to her new surroundings. Although, if you like to plot, my messages are open!
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inkyhearted · 4 years
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Vanna Sasakii Incirrata - Splatoon OC
Average High School Junior
Very fond of dogfish and milk tea (not together, though)
Will read anytime and anywhere, business or fun
A little on the proud side, but what can you do?
It’s her first time away from her parents, so be nice!
(Honestly, she could stand to learn some independence..)
Her weapon of choice is a modified bathtub, so that’ll be interesting once her magic grows
Seems cool and well-put-together, but she’s still a teen girl, and still figuring everything out
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inkyhearted · 4 years
Ready for an unexpected app? Here's my OC, Vanna Sasakii Incirrata! Her app can be found under the birdcage or by typing /app!
new guest, new guest!
hello hello, vanna incirrata, and welcome to our fabulous terra!
you will be housed in celestia apartments c1, where you will find a book of rorschach ink blot tests. we ... may have misunderstood what a “bloblobber” is, but this... could work, right? 😉
sterling has decided to grace you with their abilities; so you now are able to use knock.
☼ dawn
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inkyhearted · 4 years
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