initiatefaliara · 2 months
Make sure to opt out of third-party sharing! Apparently the Tumblr CEO wants to sell all our user data without asking for permission.
I see some new people have followed me even though I've been inactive on this account. I'm sorry about that! Don't worry, I've still been trucking on, I just haven't used this blog in ages. I hope everyone I've followed and are following me have been well :'D
I logged back in for the sole reason that I found out that - as with many companies cashing in on the current unethical practices AI companies are going rampant with, Tumblr is planning to do so with our user data as well.
And I have a lot of art here. Not necessarily all of them are GOOD art, but I know it was appreciated regardless (and I must thank anyone who found and appreciated my stuff even with my absence!) and I drew them with a lot of love in my heart, so I need to opt out right now.
I was considering deleting this blog entirely before learning of this specifically with the lack of consent with AI's current data sourcing, for transparency (and I may still nuke this account in the future, for those same reasons!) but in the meantime I'm toggling off the third party sharing, which Tumblr automatically makes you opt in to in the Visibility section of the Settings.
Make sure to do the same in your settings too, if you're reading this and find this to be of concern! Not just if you're an artist or a writer, too - there is AI that actively use data of simple interactions to use as products, and so on.
Stay safe, everyone!
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
logically i know that a serious good omens/the magnus archives crossover would probably not work due to the massive tonal disparity, but also i can’t ignore the comedic potential of crowley coming in to give a statement and jon playing the tape back later only to discover that the whole thing has been replaced by the best of queen
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
Concept: fighting game with ridiculously low stakes. None of the characters can actually FIGHT, they’re just slapping each other and throwing whatever objects they can find, hp is represented as “pain tolerance” and someone loses by tapping out once they’ve reached that limit, and winning a “battle” grants the victor a cheap ribbon. (Winning the whole thing grants the victor a somewhat-fancier cheap ribbon.)
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
I just dealing with censorship in my country and fuck now there's a threat of censorship in AO3 from Tiffany G. I'm a Muslim but this shit makes me saying Jesus fucking Christ. Look, perhaps some westerners cannot comprehend it... Because you never really experience hard censorship. But you wouldn't want it... You don't want censorship. Do not vote Tiffany G
She's not your savior... She's NOT and she sounds like a politician from my country
Edit: Tiffany apparently working as a technical support for government organization
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
Just clarifying this for the AO3 folks that aren't familiar with Chinese fandom, but Tiffany G misrepresented the reason for the AO3 ban in China. It was NOT because of "pedophilic content" like she claimed. AO3 was banned in late February 2020 after the fans of a Chinese idol named Xiao Zhan mass reported the site to the authorities. His fans found an RPF fic depicting him as a transgender sex worker, were pissed off by this, and then decided to take action by drawing the attention of the censors. His fans made detailed tutorials on how to report that AO3 fic to the government on grounds of pornography and pedophilic content and mobilized other fans to report it en masse. They were sucessful and the entire site was permanently banned. They also reported RPF content featuring Xiao Zhan on other Chinese sites like Lofter and Bilibili, and the result was even more stringent censorship for these already heavily censored platforms.
The reason their reports were honoured was not because the content they reported had any actual "pedophilic content" (The RPF fic did not have pedophilia), but because sexual intimacy 'below the neck' is banned in Chinese platforms, and LGBTQ content regardless of rating has been the target of increasingly strict state censorship for years. It was never about pedophilia like Tiffany G claims it is. I think a lot of people (including myself) think that censoring truly morally reprehensible content is a good thing, but from my experience with state censorship it always starts out that way, with things that we generally agree is abhorrent but then it never stops there. As of now, sexually intimate scenes are no longer allowed to be portrayed in stories, especially in LGBTQ centered stories, even though it was possible just a few years ago.
AO3 was able to exist as a gray area in Chinese internet for so long because of its niche existence. In the uncertain world within the 'Great Firewall', things like this can usually survive longer as long as it stays in its little niche corner, that's why minding your own business and being meticulous about tagging your content is such an important concept in Chinese fandom. It was generally agreed upon that no matter how bad things get in fandom disagreements, reporting content should never even be an option, because drawing mainstream attention is a surefire way to kill a free creative space within the firewall. Xiao Zhan's fans disrespected that and ruined everything for everyone, and since then rules like "No Xiao Zhan fans allowed" are common to see within Chinese online spaces.
This issue has made its way to weibo and plenty Chinese fans are pissed at that Tiffany person. Just look up 'Tiffany G' on weibo and read what people are saying. Although I have seen some genuinly hurtful and racist takes about Tiffany on international social media, I would also like to say that reducing the criticism against her as nothing more than 'white people being racist' isn't fair either because Chinese fans are just as worried and angry about this. I hope people can fight for this without unfairly misrepresenting Chinese fans, who were the biggest victims of the AO3 ban in China. It was the last bastion of creative freedom and uncensored LGBTQ content within the firewall and to have it taken away really brought so much pain to a lot of people. Tiffany G's views do NOT represent Chinese fans, and even though some people are painting her as possible representation for non-white fans on the OTW board, the reality is that her views are the exact opposite of what Chinese fans want.
Here's an excellent twitter post that explains this much better than I can. Please give it a read and share!
Thanks for reading and I apologize for the clumsy english 😂
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
Friendly reminders:
Disagreeing with a person because of their specific actions, speeches or ideology is not racist.
Disagreeing with a person because of their ethnicity is racist.
Not allowing people to disagree with someone because this someone is POC is racist.
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
Sorry for a serious post but as this blog was originally made as a reminder not to trust every “fact” you read on tumblr:
Do not trust medical advice from random tumblr blogs, especially on how to perform surgery on yourself. This can kill you.
There appear to be troll/anti-abortion blogs posting self abortion advice that will get people killed. Posts sending people to religious fanatics instead of legitimate info resources. Posts advocating avoiding real medical assistance in favor of self harm and more.
We have all seen the reality-shredding lies that got this country where it is today, and you can expect them to continue, taking advantage of panic and fear as always to harm us.
Do research. Find resources you trust. Talk to people you trust. But for the love of god:
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
Your best is what you can do without harming your mental and physical health, not what you can accomplish when you disregard it.
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
Actually life is beautiful because the sound I make while trying to breathe around hot food sounds like my dog trying to eat an apple. When I yawn my cat tries to put his face in my mouth like a little dentist man and when he yawns I put my finger in his obligate-carnivore trapzone and we both know he will not hurt me. When I do not fold my clothes, they do not hold it against me.
I am demonstrably sad, and lonely, and full of fear. But there are other people who will hold my hand, who will point out the hawk overhead, who will give you That Look in a public place. The other day at a coffee shop a child said "look! It's snowing!" so all of us strangers went to go look out the windows. It wasn't the first snow and it won't be the last but wasn't it lovely, like that?
How wonderful to live in a world where birds and frogs both say beep! How wonderful to have an ocean of beautiful sharks with their dinosaur teeth! How wonderful the moon and her changing face, how wonderful the bees and their dancing to communicate, how wonderful shrimp and their forbidden layers of vision! How wonderful, you, and what you will give the world! The way we love things enough to spend entire blogs devoted to them? How people will let me explain my Pokemon team to them? How we will both jump at the scare in the movie, how we laugh so loudly, how it feels to give someone your baking? How wonderful to be alive. I am sorry for forgetting.
This is the process of getting better. With wonderful people and wonderful strangers and wonderful friends: I am getting better, slowly. Thank you, whoever you are. In some way, you've been wonderful, and left a wonderful place in the world to ripple out to me. In some small way - isn't it beautiful - I promise, you've been helping.
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
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Original Tweet (with video!)
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
A lot of adulthood is shouting “AUGH MY LAUNDRY” hours after you put it in the washer/dryer and running to go fetch it
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
there have been many cases already international clients dropping their commissions from filipino artists or avoiding commissioning filipino creators altogether, either due to a fear of consequences getting associated with us because of current events or the misguided notion that not supporting us somehow hurts the oppressive government we’re under. lemme address both those issues:
for the first reason, nothing will happen to you, a foreigner, for supporting filipinos. theres nothing to be afraid of, youre not in this country and wont suffer any consequences. many of us, however? we’re afraid. especially artists and creators who rely on commissions to support themselves and their families
for the second reason, you are not hurting our oppressors at all. you are hurting filipinos, majority of which did not want this to happen and are actively speaking out against the looming dictatorship. dropping filipino creators does nothing but hurt us. our inflation rates are predicted to rise, and money is fast becoming an even bigger issue for so so many
so if youre looking for art, dont give up on us. commission filipino artists and/or boost commission posts! 1 USD is literally enough to buy a meal here, it really helps. here is a link to a thread of filipino artists posting their commission rates. and here is another thread of filipino commission rates. tips and donations outside of comms to these artists help even more.
edit: fixed links
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
PSA: Just a friendly reminder that whenever you start a creative project, you will invariably hit a phase where the Thing™️ appears horrendous and you start asking existential questions. But if you keep working, it invariably passes and starts to resemble something less like the devil’s vomit. Doesn’t matter if it’s art, writing, or what–this happens repeatedly. Carry on.
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
just saw a post where someone put “detrans dni” and like… hey we should be supporting detransitioned people bc if we don’t terfs will
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
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Tsunayoshi Sawada, Enma Kozato
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
while i distinctly remember that the good omens tv adaptation is, in fact, good, i will forever be bitter over some of the changes they have chosen to make. too many times have i read fanfics declaring that AZIRAPHALE healed the dove instead of crowley, and considering that crowley healing been one of my favourite details in the book… i get staging, i really do, but that had been so intrinsic to how i perceived crowley and aziraphale it feels like betrayal every time people decide to depict them otherwise.
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initiatefaliara · 2 years
I’ve seen a lot of fics disappear from my bookmarks, some 10+ years old, because they were added to an unrevealed collection. It makes me wonder if people realize what your fic being added to a collection actually means and if the authors approved it automatically without realizing what would happen.
If someone adds your fic to their collection, they can hide it! They can mark the collection as unrevealed and your fic will be unreadable to anyone other than them! If you’re writing works for a surprise event, like a Secret Santa, this is really nice.
But if you’re just writing and someone adds your fic to a collection for their own personal use and marks it as unrevealed, that… really sucks.
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I bookmarked this fic in 2017, almost 5 years ago. Knowing me, the fic itself was probably at least a couple years old at the time I bookmarked it.
This is a 5+ year old fic that is completely inaccessible now because it was added to a collection that, as far as I can tell, is literally just for the collection owner’s own reference. There’s almost 30 fics in the collection, all of them unrevealed.
Please don’t blindly accept collection requests and if your works ARE in a collection, make sure that they aren’t being hidden without your knowledge or consent.
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