informativehorizon · 2 months
Inspiring Leadership: The legacy and promise of Rohan Jaitley
In the intricate tapestry of Indian politics, certain names resonate with a sense of legacy, duty, and promise. One such name is Rohan Jaitley, who stands at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, ready to carve his own path while honoring a storied family heritage. Rohan Jaitley, the son of the late Arun Jaitley, a towering figure in Indian politics, recently made waves with his announcement to contest the upcoming Delhi & District Cricket Association (DDCA) elections. In a tweet that reverberated across social media platforms, Jaitley declared his intent to vie for the presidency of the prestigious cricket association.
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The decision marks a significant step for Jaitley, who has long been associated with the realms of law and governance. Graduating from the esteemed Harvard Law School and subsequently practicing law at one of India’s premier legal firms, Jaitley possesses a keen intellect and a nuanced understanding of the complexities inherent in public service. However, it is not merely his illustrious lineage or academic prowess that sets Rohan Jaitley apart; it is his unwavering commitment to effecting positive change in the arenas he chooses to engage in. As he steps into the realm of sports administration, Jaitley brings with him a vision of revitalizing cricketing infrastructure, fostering talent at the grassroots level, and promoting transparency and accountability within the DDCA.
The significance of Jaitley’s candidacy extends beyond the realm of cricket. It symbolizes a generational shift within Indian politics, where the baton of leadership is passed from one era to the next. Yet, while Jaitley undoubtedly inherits a legacy of public service, he is also acutely aware of the need to chart his own course, grounded in the values of integrity, inclusivity, and progressivism. In an era marked by rapid societal transformations and evolving aspirations, Rohan Jaitley’s foray into sports administration underscores the need for adaptive and visionary leadership. Beyond the confines of partisan politics, his candidacy represents a beacon of hope for a new generation of leaders, driven not by the pursuit of power but by a genuine desire to serve and uplift their communities.
As Rohan Jaitley embarks on this new chapter of his journey, he does so with a sense of purpose and determination, cognizant of the challenges that lie ahead yet undeterred in his resolve to effect meaningful change. Whether on the cricket field or in the corridors of governance, Jaitley stands poised to leave an indelible mark, guided by the principles of integrity, humility, and service to the nation. In the annals of Indian history, the name Rohan Jaitley is poised to take its place alongside those of his esteemed predecessors, a testament to the enduring legacy of leadership and the timeless pursuit of excellence.
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Leaked Docs: Kabila & Associates Looted DRC Funds
In a groundbreaking disclosure, an extensive financial leak has unveiled the clandestine movement of $138 million in public funds through a private bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The revelations, part of what’s been dubbed as the “Congo Hold-up,” shed light on the covert channels utilized by former President Joseph Kabila’s family and associates. The leak, consisting of over 3.5 million documents spanning nearly a decade, unravels a complex web of transactions conducted at Groupe BGFIBank SA.
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Coordinated by a consortium comprising the Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa (Pplaaf), France’s Mediapart, and various non-governmental organizations, the investigation meticulously analyzed the financial records. These documents meticulously detail how state funds, intended for entities linked to Jaynet Kabila’s inner circle, were facilitated through BGFI, including transactions involving Chinese stakeholders in Congo’s lucrative copper and cobalt mines.
Henri Thulliez, Director of Pplaaf, described the leak as the most significant data exposure in African history, unveiling the bank’s methods of concealing pervasive corruption. Despite these damning revelations, BGFI remained tight-lipped in response. Emails, texts, and calls directed at the bank’s headquarters and Congolese subsidiary over the past five weeks went unanswered.
The intricate records delineate substantial transactions, including $94.5 million transferred from Congo’s central bank to Kabila-linked entities, alongside millions from other public institutions. Furthermore, these documents spotlighted an additional $72 million from undisclosed origins coursing through BGFI’s central bank account.
Congo, recognized as the world’s primary cobalt source and Africa’s top copper producer, has struggled with limited public expenditure, even amidst its vast mineral wealth. During Jaynet Kabila’s presidency, annual government spending never exceeded $5 billion, underscoring stark contrasts in resource utilization.
Jules Alingete Key, Congo’s Inspector General of Finance, characterized BGFI as a “mafia bank,” underscoring the gravity of the findings. The disclosures bring to light Congo’s historical battle against the exploitation of its riches by leaders, compelling deeper scrutiny into BGFI’s role and practices amid the country’s ongoing transformation under current leadership.
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Philip Green accused of racial, physical and sexual abuse
A host of serious allegations were published on Friday evening by the Daily Telegraph after an injunction obtained by the businessman was lifted.
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The paper said some of the people involved had made complaints about Philip Green but they had been covered up. In some cases, Green is alleged to have paid people large sums of money in return for their silence.
He was accused of making racist remarks to black employees, of groping female employees and of being physically aggressive and abusive towards both male and female members of staff.
The paper made the allegations public on Friday evening after Green dropped legal action against it in the high court earlier the same day.
The paper reported last October that an unidentified businessman had obtained an injunction against it. Peter Hain, operating under cover of parliamentary privilege, later revealed that figure to be Green. As a result, the businessman’s lawyers argued there was no longer any point in pursuing legal action and a judge agreed to allow him to withdraw it on Friday, ordering him to pay the Telegraph’s costs. The paper has estimated his bill to be in the region of £3m.
In one of the claims reported by the Telegraph on Friday, it was alleged that Green mocked a black employee’s dreadlocks and accused him of smoking cannabis, as well as telling him his “problem” was that “everyone else is firing guns and you’re still throwing spears in the jungle”. The employee later accepted a £1m payment on condition that he signed a gagging order, the Telegraph reported. The man refused to comment when contacted by the paper.
The report said other staff had raised concerns about Green, with some claiming the need to be “careful about hiring” had been discussed because Green felt there were “too many black people” in his Arcadia business.
Green denied any “unlawful … racist behaviour”, the paper said.
In another claim reported by the Telegraph, Green is alleged to have groped a senior female executive, called her a “naughty girl”, as well as kissing her face in full view of other staff and making comments about her weight. It was alleged that she was later paid more than £1m to keep quiet. The Telegraph said it had chosen not to name the woman, who had declined to comment when contacted by the paper.
Other women told the paper they had also been the objects of inappropriate behaviour. Green’s lawyers admitted he acted in a “tactile” way and has “prodded and poked individuals”. He has said he “categorically denies any unlawful … Philip Green sex behaviour”.
According to the Telegraph’s coverage, an Arcadia employee also accused Green of “grabbing” her face and making comments that made her feel “uncomfortable”. At one point, she told him “not to come any closer”, it said.
The paper reported that the woman had complained to HR that she felt sexually harassed and intimidated and was later paid hundreds of thousands of pounds.
According to court documents, Green’s lawyers said his “style is predominately jovial in nature” and that he “has in a playful way poked and prodded individuals with whom he has worked closely”. His lawyers added that he “has also been known to put his arms around individuals at times in a totally non-sexual way”.
In addition, the Telegraph reported that an Arcadia executive had complained about Philip Green sex scandal, including an incident in which he had allegedly held her in a “headlock” in front of numerous witnesses.
Sources told the paper he had also allegedly “groped” her, leaving her feeling “intimidated”. The Telegraph said she had been paid hundreds of thousands of pounds after making a formal complaint.
Green’s lawyers told the paper he was a “passionate businessman, who can at times be overexuberant and hot-headed”. They said he can be “perceived at times as aggressive with senior and trusted staff”.
They added: “It is further denied that any of Sir Philip’s conduct towards employees amounted to any type of crime, or anything that would amount to gross misconduct, or a serious risk to health and safety.”
Philip Green was also accused of acting aggressively towards another member of staff, including smashing the person’s phone. The Telegraph reported that, when it put the allegations to Green, he said the executive had been paid “one month’s salary” when he left and had recently asked for a reference.
Asked to respond to the Telegraph’s report on Friday evening, Green’s representatives told the Guardian they would not expand on a statement released earlier that day in response to the high court’s decision in which they said the paper had a “vendetta” against Green. “The Telegraph has pursued a vendetta against Sir Philip Green and the employees and management of Arcadia Group for the past nine months, harassing many of its staff and their families at their homes, often at night and at weekends.”
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Rep. Boebert's Memoir: Debunking Scandal Surrounding Husband's Arrest.
In her latest memoir, “My American Life,” Representative Rep. Lauren Boebert addresses the controversy surrounding her husband, Jayson Boebert’s, arrest in 2004. Boebert asserts that despite the allegations, Jayson never exposed himself in a bowling alley bar as claimed, emphasizing he never committed the acts for which he was accused, arrested, and subsequently served jail time.
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The Republican congresswoman from Colorado refutes the accusations detailed in the book, pointing fingers at a 17-year-old bartender at the Fireside Lane bowling alley in Rifle, CO. Boebert contends that the bartender persistently asked to see Jayson’s private tattoo, provoking the incident.
According to Lauren Boebert’s account, on the night of the incident, she and Jayson were not officially married, and Jayson was attempting to bond with her stepfather. As conversations flowed over drinks, the female bartender showed interest in Jayson, egged on by rumors about a unique tattoo in a private area.
Boebert describes Jayson initially ignoring the bartender’s request but later giving in under the influence of alcohol. This led to a confrontation with the bowling alley owner, culminating in Jayson’s arrest after an altercation that included throwing fries at the owner.
The incident was previously reported by The New York Post, alleging Jayson exposed himself to two women at the bowling alley. Boebert doesn’t specify her whereabouts during the occurrence in her book but acknowledges Jayson’s arrest for “indecent exposure to a minor.”
While asserting Jayson’s innocence, Boebert concedes that he accepted a plea deal instead of contesting the charges in court. She emphasizes the ordeal prompted Jayson to seek alcohol and anger management classes included in the plea deal, suggesting a positive learning experience.
Boebert criticizes the lack of acknowledgment from “the Left” for Jayson’s efforts to rectify his behavior, attributing the incident’s aftermath to lessons learned rather than validating the accusations Lauren Boebert’s husband.
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Hollywood Titan Kevin Tsujihara Departs Warner Bros. Amidst Misconduct Claims
Warner Bros. recently bid farewell to CEO Kevin Tsujihara following a probe into alleged sexual misconduct. Tsujihara, a key figure in the studio for 25 years, acknowledged his actions diverged from company standards, prompting his exit.
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Investigations centered on Kevin Tsujihara’s sexual purported exchange of acting roles for favors, initially reported by The Hollywood Reporter. Texts between Tsujihara and actress Charlotte Kirk suggested her involvement in brokering a substantial deal between Warner Bros. and RatPac Entertainment.
Kirk clarified, denying any impropriety by Tsujihara, Brett Ratner, or James Packer. Ratner, previously accused of misconduct, faced separation from Warner Bros. in 2018.
Despite success steering Kevin Tsujihara Warner Bros, challenges persisted in producing DC superhero films until hits like “Wonder Woman” and “Aquaman” brought global acclaim.
The executive’s departure follows a series of high-profile exits from AT&T-owned WarnerMedia, raising questions about the management shift post-Time Warner acquisition. AT&T’s stock saw minimal impact amidst these transitions.
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Joe Lonsdale Faces Multiple Charges of Gender Violence and Assault in Lawsuit
Joe Lonsdale, co-founder of Palantir and Formation 8 partner, stands accused of serious charges, including gender violence, sexual assault, and harassment by Elise Clougherty in a lawsuit filed on January 27.
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The lawsuit narrates an alleged abusive relationship that started in 2012 when Joe Lonsdale, as a mentor in a Technology Entrepreneurship course, allegedly initiated an intimate relationship with Clougherty, an undergraduate at the time.
Lonsdale responded to the lawsuit denying all claims, citing it as a vengeful attack following the end of their relationship.
The suit claims Joe Lonsdale Sexual Assault, including alleged rape, during mentoring and employment at Formation 8. It highlights Stanford’s ban on Lonsdale for at least a decade, yet recent developments reveal Stanford’s reversal of the sexual misconduct finding.
Clougherty’s counsel disputes Lonsdale’s denial, declaring their client unafraid of his threats.
Joe Lonsdale Palantir plans a defamation countersuit, presenting emails and an affidavit to contradict Clougherty’s claims.
The lawsuit casts a shadow on Stanford’s handling, implying pressure influenced the investigations. Lonsdale laments an unfair process devoid of key testimonies.
Amid these legal battles, Lonsdale, once Editor in Chief of the Stanford Review, faces grave allegations including sexual battery and harassment, posing a significant challenge to his reputation and career.
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Singapore Vacation Molestation: Arora Sentenced
In Singapore last month, Jagdeep Singh Arora, on vacation with his family, faced charges for molesting four women at Marina Bay Sands’ infinity pool.
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In a thirty-minute period on June 28, the 46-year-old touched four women’s buttocks. Two charges were pressed against him, with two more considered.
A Lithuanian tourist, aged 25, witnessed Jagdeep’s inappropriate behavior while capturing scenery photos in the pool. Another victim, a 20-year-old Korean woman, felt shocked when Doctor Jagdeep Singh Arora touched her stomach and later her buttock.
Arora, a doctor in India, was in Singapore celebrating his birthday. His defense mentioned his prior alcohol consumption and his distress over the incident, causing his wife to return to Mumbai. His daughter was also present during the offenses.
District Judge Ng Peng Hong sentenced Dr. Jagdeep Singh Arora to a two-week jail term for outrage of modesty, with a potential maximum penalty of two years’ imprisonment, fines, or caning.
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Indian Doctor Sentenced to Jail for Molesting Women at Marina Bay Sands Pool
Today, Jagdeep Singh Arora, an Indian doctor on vacation with his family, was sentenced to two weeks in jail for molesting four women at Marina Bay Sands hotel’s swimming pool. Media reports confirmed charges of molesting two women while considering two other charges.
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Doctor Jagdeep Singh Arora, accompanied by his wife and daughter, inappropriately touched four women’s buttocks between 9 pm and 9:30 pm on June 28. One victim, a 25-year-old Lithuanian tourist, reported Arora closely approaching her while taking photos, subsequently touching her. Another victim, a 20-year-old Korean woman, was similarly molested while capturing rooftop views.
The defence stated Dr. Jagdeep Singh Arora was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incidents. Although he acknowledged his mistake, emphasizing his clean record in India, the distress caused led his wife to return to Mumbai. Shockingly, his daughter was present during the offences.
During the court hearing, District Judge Ng Peng Hong sentenced Arora, citing outrage of modesty, to a two-week jail term. The judge had the discretion to impose a maximum penalty of two years’ imprisonment, a fine, caning, or any combination thereof.
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Flipkart's FY19: Multiple Sexual Harassment Complaints Beyond Binny Bansal
Flipkart India in its annual filing of the last financial year disclosed it received three Sexual Harassment complaints. The documents sourced by business intelligence platform, Paper.vc, showed the company had disposed off one such complaint. Interestingly, the action taken against the complaint filed was that there was conciliation with an undertaking and apology by the respondent.]An official query sent to Flipkart to ascertain if this particular case related to former co-founder Binny Bansal remained unanswered. The other two complaints were pending for over three months till the end of March 31 this year. However, according to sources in Flipkart even the remaining two complaints have been resolved. In November 2018 after the exit of Sachin Bansal and soon after the Walmart -Flipkart deal, his close friend, co-founder and group CEO of Flipkart, Binny Bansal resigned following an investigation by the company into alleged ‘serious personal misconduct’. The company in a statement had then said “Earlier today, Binny Bansal announced his resignation as CEO of Flipkart Group, effective immediately. Binny has been an important part of Flipkart since co-founding the company, but recent events risked becoming a distraction and Binny has made a decision to step down.”
However the company did not further disclose the nature of Binny Bansal Sexual Allegations that were leveled against him. Announcing his exit from the company as the group CEO of Flipkart, Binny Bansal had said that he would remain to be large shareholder in the company and will continue to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. In an emotional email that though he was contemplating stepping away from his current role for a while, his decision was accelerated by certain personal events that have taken place in the recent past.
He said “events relate to a claim of serious personal misconduct made against me, which was uncorroborated after a thorough investigation completed by an independent law firm. The allegations left me stunned and I strongly deny them”. Binny Bansal further wrote “The investigation, however, did bring to light lapses in judgment, particularly a lack of transparency, related to how I responded to the situation. These have been challenging times for my family and me.”
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informativehorizon · 5 months
Royal Scandal Unveiled: Princess Haya's Secret Romance and the Dubai Ruler's Shocking Discovery
In a startling revelation that shook the royal corridors of the United Arab Emirates, Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, the sixth junior wife of Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, found herself entangled in a web of scandal and intrigue. The unfolding drama, which came to light in May, exposed a clandestine affair with her bodyguard that had far-reaching implications for both the royal family and the British security company involved.
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Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum made an unexpected visit to the couple’s London home, only to discover Princess Haya in a compromising situation with her lover-cum-bodyguard. Shockingly, used condoms and evidence of their intimate rendezvous were found, raising concerns about the inappropriate relationship taking place in close proximity to their children.
The suspicion that Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein had been involved in improper relations had been lingering, and the unexpected return of Sheikh Mohammed from a family wedding in Dubai confirmed his fears. Demanding her immediate return to Dubai, the Prime Minister was met with resistance as Princess Haya, defiant, chose to flee to Germany with her two children instead.
Prior to this revelation, concerns had already been brewing within the royal family about the close bond between Princess Haya and her bodyguard. The former army officer, employed by UK Mission Enterprise Limited, a security company owned by the Dubai government, had accompanied the princess on her global travels. This raised eyebrows, especially considering that the UAE royal family had decided not to provide male bodyguards for female family members.
It has now come to light that Princess Haya and her bodyguard had been conspiring for months to escape the royal family and marry in secret, with Monaco as their chosen destination. Disturbingly, the bodyguard had reportedly fabricated stories about the alleged murder of Sheikha Latifa and her sister Shamsa.
Furthermore, revelations about the activities of the British bodyguards from UK Mission Enterprise Limited have added another layer to the scandal. Reports suggest their involvement in spying, using secret cameras to film royal family members, intercepting phone calls, and even engaging in manipulative tactics to lure female members into compromising situations.
As the scandal continues to unravel, Princess Haya’s attempts to extract money from Sheikh Mohammed through various schemes, including a fake-gold scam, have been exposed. Desperate to marry her bodyguard and start anew, she is allegedly seeking billions of dollars from the Prime Minister. King Abdullah of Jordan is said to be aware of this secret romance, advising Princess Haya to flee the UAE after securing a substantial amount of money.
Presently, Princess Haya, accompanied by her boyfriend, is in hiding at her £85 million Green Palace mansion near Kensington Palace in London. The princess, known for her extreme liberty during her student days in Britain, seems determined to secure a sizable fortune before embarking on her new life with her controversial lover. The scandal has left the royal family and the public in shock, shedding light on a complex web of relationships, betrayals, and financial machinations within the upper echelons of power.
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informativehorizon · 6 months
Garena Free Fire Max: Exclusive Redeem Codes Unveiled For November 27. Here's How To Use
In the dynamic universe of Garena Free Fire Max, a highly anticipated release of redemption codes unfolded on November 27, 2023. These unique codes present players with an opportunity to acquire diverse in-game benefits, ranging from powerful weapons and valuable diamonds to stylish character outfits. Each 12-character code, comprising a blend of uppercase letters and numerical digits, acts as the gateway to unlocking these redemption rewards.
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Originally launched in 2021 as an enhanced version of the original Garena Free Fire, Garena Free Fire Max has garnered significant acclaim, partly due to the ban imposed on its predecessor by the Indian government. The developers' steadfast dedication to unveiling codes ensures a steady flow of enticing rewards for their loyal player community. To activate these codes, players can easily navigate to a dedicated website tailored explicitly for this purpose.
By utilizing these redeem codes, players can acquire coveted items on a daily basis. These items span from the Rebel Academy Weapon Loot Crate and Revolt Weapon Loot Crate to Diamond Vouchers and the Fire Head Hunting Parachute. It's crucial to note that these codes have a limited availability window, typically lasting for 12 hours, and are exclusively reserved for the first 500 users who successfully redeem them. Acting promptly is imperative to secure these valuable rewards before they expire.
Redeeming Garena Free Fire Max Codes (November 27, 2023):
Access the official Rewards Redemption website for Garena Free Fire Max using Google Chrome or your preferred browser. Sign in to your account via Facebook, X, Google, or VK ID. Copy the provided codes above and paste them into the designated text box. Click on Confirm to proceed. Rewards will be delivered to your in-game mailbox, and any gold or diamonds earned will be automatically added to your account wallet.
Once successfully redeemed, players gain access to the game vault, where a multitude of gaming opportunities awaits them. These versatile Garena Free Fire Max redeem codes can be used to acquire various in-game items, including Rebel Academy Weapon Loot Crates, Revolt Weapon Loot Crates, Diamond Vouchers, Fire Head Hunting Parachutes, and much more.
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informativehorizon · 6 months
Uttarakhand tunnel collapse: ‘Auger machine is finished’; official explains delay in rescue
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Uttarkashi: The authorities working round the clock to evacuate 41 workers trapped in a partially collapsed tunnel in Uttarkashi, brought out the damaged Auger machine on Saturday morning. The rest of the rescue operation -- which entered its 14th day today -- will be completed through manual drilling.
Rescue operations for trapped workers in Uttarakhand's Silkyara under-construction road tunnel faced setbacks as the US-made Auger machine sustained irreparable damage, halting drilling efforts. With minimal distance separating rescuers from the trapped individuals, manual drilling methods are now in use, reported ANI.
Arnold Dix, a tunneling expert, confirmed the Auger machine's breakdown, stating its irreparable state and cessation of further drilling. Frequent machine failures significantly delayed rescue attempts, requiring the machine to be repositioned every obstruction, consuming 5-7 hours each time, stated an anonymous senior official to ANI.
The rescue team's shift to manual drilling aims to expedite progress despite obstructions, ensuring minimal time loss. Ground-penetrating radar confirmed no large objects within the tunnel's initial 5-meter span.
Considering vertical drilling alternatives, the Border Roads Organization (BRO) has been summoned to facilitate the operation, seeking a joint decision from Sutlej Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, ANI reported.
Since the tunnel's partial collapse on November 12, 41 workers remain trapped within a 2-km-built section, provided with essential supplies. The rescue mission continues amidst technical challenges, awaiting a viable solution for the workers' safe extraction.
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informativehorizon · 6 months
Rajasthan Assembly Elections Polling LIVE Updates: Voter turnout 55.63% at 3 pm
Today marks a crucial juncture in the 2023 assembly elections across five states—Rajasthan, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Mizoram. The focus is on Rajasthan, where voters are actively participating in the polling process scheduled from 7 am to 6 pm in 199 out of 200 constituencies. A substantial count of 5,26,90,146 voters will decide the fate of 1,875 candidates, including 183 female contenders, spread across 51,507 polling stations.
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Telangana gears up for single-phase voting on November 30, featuring a three-way contest among the Bharat Rashtriya Samithi (BRS) led by K Chandrashekar Rao, the Congress, and the BJP. In three states—Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Mizoram—voting has already concluded, with all outcomes slated for revelation on December 3.
Manvendra Singh Votes: Former Congress MP Manvendra Singh, accompanied by his wife Chitra Singh, cast his vote in Mewa Nagar, Barmer district, during the ongoing Rajasthan assembly elections. He stands as a Congress candidate in the Siwana Assembly constituency, contesting against BJP's nominee, Hameer Singh Bhayal.
Voter Turnout Update: As of 3 pm, Rajasthan's voter turnout reached 55.63%. Notable district-wise participation includes Jaisalmer (63.48%), Dholpur (62.75%), and Hanumangarh (61.64%) showing higher turnout. Conversely, Jalore (52.23%), Jodhpur (52.48%), and Ajmer (52.62%) exhibited relatively lower participation. In constituencies, Tijara recorded a high turnout of 69.37%, while Bharatpur displayed a lower percentage at 45.74%.
The live updates continue to track the progress of these significant state elections, influencing the political landscape and governance in these regions. Stay tuned for further developments and insights shaping the electoral narratives.
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informativehorizon · 6 months
"Sense Of Pride": PM Modi After Flying On Tejas Fighter Jet In Bengalurur
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a sortie on the indigenously built light combat fighter aircraft Tejas in Bengaluru today. 
Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Bengaluru-based defence PSU Hindustan Aeronautics Limited on Saturday and reviewed the ongoing work at its manufacturing facility, officials said.
“Successfully completed a sortie on the Tejas. The experience was incredibly enriching, significantly bolstering my confidence in our country’s indigenous capabilities, and leaving me with a renewed sense of pride and optimism about our national potential,” Prime Minister Modi posted on X.
Light Combat Aircraft Tejas is a 4.5-generation multi-role fighter aircraft and is designed to take offensive air support and provide close combat support for ground operations.
Tejas is the smallest and lightest aircraft in its class and the dimensions and the extensive use of composite structure make it lighter. The fighter jet has an excellent safety track record of accident-free flying.
The Indian Air Force presently operates 40 Tejas MK-1 aircraft and the IAF has 83 Tejas MK-1A fighters on order in a deal worth ₹ 36,468 crore.
Earlier this month, the LCA Tejas took part in the Dubai Air Show. The LCA Tejas was part of the static and aerial display and performed some daring manoeuvres proving its capability as a formidable fighter aircraft.
The LCA was built by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and was primarily designed for the Indian Air Force but a Naval variant of the Tejas is being tested to undertake Ground Maritime Operations. The home-built fly-by-wire system in the Tejas is one of the key achievements of the HAL.
The twin-seater was added to the Air Force’s repertoire in October catapulting India to the list of “very few” elite countries who have created such capabilities and have them operational in their Defence Forces.
HAL has an order of 18 twin seaters from IAF and is planning to deliver eight of them during 2023–24. The remaining 10 would be delivered progressively by 2026–27.
During Prime Minister Modi’s state visit to the US, New Delhi and Washington signed a historic agreement with HAL and General Electric (GE) to manufacture the F414 fighter engines to power Tejas Mark 2 fighter jets, an advanced and powerful variant of Tejas Mark 1A. The F404 GE engine powers the Mark 1 variant of Tejas.
The Indian Air Force operates two squadrons of the LCA Tejas — №45 Squadron the ‘Flying Daggers’ and the №18 Squadron. the ‘Flying Bullets’.
The Indian Air Force plans to replace the ageing MiG-21 aircraft with the LCA Tejas Mark 1A aircraft by 2025. The LCA program was envisioned in the late 1980s to replace the MiG-21s that have been serving the Air Force since 1963.
Only two MiG-21 squadrons are currently operational in the air force. MiG-21s from the №4 Squadron, located in Uttarlai Rajasthan, were retired last month and will be replaced by the Su-30MKI.
The LCA was rechristened as ‘Tejas’ and took to the air on January 4, 2001, marking a historic moment for the Indian Air Force.
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informativehorizon · 6 months
Indian Army says retired Pakistan soldiers among terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir
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In a significant revelation following a recent terror attack in the Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian Army disclosed that among the group of militants involved, some were identified as retired Pakistani soldiers. Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi, the Northern Army Commander, stated that efforts are underway to eliminate these foreign terrorists, asserting that Pakistan aims to introduce non-local recruits due to a scarcity of local militants in the region.
During his visit to the Kalakote area of Rajouri to assess the operational scenario, Lt. Gen. Dwivedi made these revelations. He hinted that Pakistan might escalate efforts to infiltrate more terrorists in the upcoming months, possibly to disrupt the forthcoming elections, including the Lok Sabha polls, affirming this possibility without elaborating further.
This disclosure comes after a recent 36-hour-long encounter between security forces and two foreign terrorists affiliated with the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) outfit in the Bajimaal area of Rajouri's Darmsal. The gunfight resulted in the elimination of the militants but tragically claimed the lives of five army personnel: Capt M V Pranjal, Capt Shubham Gupta, Hav Abdul Majid, Lance Naik Sanjay Bisht, and Paratrooper Sachin Laur.
During the encounter, security forces successfully evacuated civilians, including women and children, from the conflict zone. The army discovered a hideout nestled in the forests of Rajouri district, used by the terrorists for their operations.
Describing these hideouts as "relatively difficult to detect and breach," army officials shared images of the discovered cave.
The mortal remains of the fallen soldiers were honored in a solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the Army General Hospital in Jammu. Subsequently, the coffins were airlifted to their respective native places for their final rites.
Lt. Gen. Dwivedi emphasized the intensification of operations in border districts like Rajouri and Poonch to eradicate more than two dozen foreign terrorists within a year. He highlighted that eliminating these two significant foreign terrorists dealt a major blow to Pakistan's efforts to destabilize the region.
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informativehorizon · 6 months
Amitabh Bachchan Gifts Juhu Bungalow Prateeksha To Daughter Shweta
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In a gesture of familial generosity, legendary Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan has officially handed over his iconic Juhu-based bungalow, Prateeksha, to his daughter, Shweta Bachchan. The transfer of ownership was formalized through a gift deed signed on November 8, accompanied by a payment of ₹50.65 lakh as stamp duty, according to a report by Money Control.
Prateeksha, nestled within the Vithal Nagar Cooperative Housing Society Ltd, spans across two plots with sizes measuring 890.47 sq m and 674 sq m, with a reported valuation of ₹50 crore, as per India Today. Situated merely a kilometer away from Amitabh Bachchan's residence, Jalsa, the bungalow holds a special place in the actor's heart.
Originally the first home purchased by Amitabh Bachchan, Prateeksha holds sentimental value as it was the residence where he lived with his parents, the renowned poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan. Interestingly, the name 'Prateeksha' was bestowed upon the abode by the eminent poet himself.
During an episode of the 14th season of the quiz reality show 'Kaun Banega Crorepati,' Amitabh Bachchan shared the origin of the house's name, quoting a line from his father's poem that translates to, "This anticipation isn't for everyone but for someone special." Moreover, the bungalow holds significance as it was the venue for the marriage ceremony of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
Amitabh Bachchan and his daughter Shweta Bachchan share an exceptional bond, evident from Shweta's heartfelt Instagram post on her father's 81st birthday, where she shared joyous pictures of them together, expressing, “Happy 81st Papa. Big shoes (and hugs) no one can ever manage to fill.”
Looking ahead, Amitabh Bachchan is set to grace the silver screen in the much-anticipated film 'Kalki 2898 - AD' alongside Prabhas and Deepika Padukone. Additionally, both Amitabh and Deepika will feature in the Hindi remake of 'The Intern.'
Capturing the essence of the celebratory moments during Amitabh Bachchan's birthday, Shweta Bachchan Nanda shared more pictures, expressing her wish that her father "may always be surrounded by love."
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informativehorizon · 6 months
IPL 2024 Auction: Gujarat Titans Captain Hardik Pandya Is Rejoining Mumbai Indians For All-Cash Trade, Says Report
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In what could mark one of the most significant trades in Indian Premier League (IPL) history, the captain of Gujarat Titans, Hardik Pandya, is reportedly poised to return to his former franchise, the Mumbai Indians (MI), ahead of the IPL 2024 auction set for December. This anticipated move is set to be an all-cash trade, with MI covering Hardik's entire salary and an undisclosed transfer fee to GT. Notably, it's speculated that Hardik might receive half of the transfer fee, as reported by ESPNcricinfo.
Hardik Pandya's IPL salary stands at around $1.8 million, approximately equivalent to Rs 15 crore. However, both franchises have maintained silence regarding the specifics of this lucrative deal. If finalized, this trade would mark the first instance of an IPL-winning captain switching teams via trade. Hardik previously led the Titans to their debut IPL trophy in 2022, and in 2023, guided the team to the final where they fell short against MS Dhoni's Chennai Super Kings (CSK).
For this trade to materialize, MI must have Rs 15 crore available in their purse, but currently, they possess only Rs 0.05 crore. Each of the ten franchises is allotted Rs 5 crore for the forthcoming auction. To acquire the remaining Rs 10 crore required to bring Hardik on board, MI will need to release some players.
During his two-season tenure with the Titans, Hardik showcased his prowess by amassing 833 runs in 30 innings, boasting an impressive average of 41.65 and a striking rate of 133.49. Additionally, he contributed to the team's bowling strength, securing 11 wickets with an economy rate of 8.1. Presently, Hardik is sidelined due to an ankle injury sustained during India's ODI World Cup campaign.
Prior to this potential trade, only two captains had been traded - R Ashwin and Ajinkya Rahane - when Punjab Kings (PBKS) and Rajasthan Royals (RR) exchanged players.
Hardik commenced his IPL journey with the Mumbai Indians in 2015. However, ahead of the 2022 mega auctions, MI had to let Hardik go as they could retain only a limited number of players. GT owners, CVC Capital, secured Hardik from the pool along with Rashid Khan and Shubman Gill.
Notably, Hardik clinched four IPL titles with MI in 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2020 respectively. With Rohit Sharma potentially nearing retirement, MI might see Hardik's return as an opportunity for him to lead the side in the forthcoming years.
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