informationpurge · 4 years
Leslie looked up and slowly blinked. Wariness and desperate loneliness at war between her. Could she? Should she? WAsn’t it a danger to speak to those she didn’t know? LEslie’s little hands held the berries and looked back at the purple man.
So tired.
“They.. they came off the bush? I saw the birds nibbling from it. If the birds eat it, that means it’s safe. Doesn’t it?”
“You cannot trust the judgement of birds,” he says flatly, as though he’s oblivious to the how silly that sounds said out loud.
“Everything that you eat should be washed. Has no one ever told you that?”
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“Where are your caretakers?”
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informationpurge · 4 years
Netzach doesn’t quite appreciate it. They know Yesod well, and despite this, still wish that the other was perhaps, a bit less callous. A basic personality trait isn’t something one can change with their bare hands though, and Netzach sits in long suffering silence instead. They won’t say anything right now, it’s just not worth the heart to heart on emotional availability towards your friends. 
“I mean, they didn’t say, but the implications weren’t fantastic.” They’re not fond of the idea of being torn apart. After all, Netzach has learned, to some degree, to value their life. Even if they feel at odds with the world at times, there are things worth exploring, and frankly, they’ve enjoyed the relative freedom this place provides. “It’s better than being locked underground, so honestly? I’m not complaining.” Maybe Yesod can see the light as well. 
Not gone? They pale slightly, dread like a rock in their stomach. “That’s, weird. I’ve been here for at least a month. I’ve missed you and Hod and Malkuth.” It’s a quiet admission, gaze averted. 
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Netzach shakes their head. “Nothing. I’m fine. Pretty chill, actually. The people here have been pretty nice to me.” They don’t offer more in this moment, and end up dragging their fingers through their hair. “You seem like something’s bugging you more than just the fact that we’re here.” 
The silence is as uncomfortable for Yesod as it is for Netzach. He has never been terribly personable, even with his fellow Sephirot, and he’s mentally pushing himself to not have any of his frustrated little slips. Netzach is, after all, at least attempting to be helpful.
But Yesod does not know how he feels about that admission that he (and Malkuth and Hod) have been missed.
“I see.” He does not see how Netzach has been here a month despite not being missing, but the information is filed away anyway; he does not have to understand in order to file. The mental list of everything he doesn’t know is only growing.
“There are Abnormalities known for manipulating time as well as space. It’s possible that we’ve run afoul of something that escaped before it could be cataloged.”
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“… What was that about the people here being ‘nice’?”
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informationpurge · 4 years
( while i'm no part of vraelgard , i've been reading your interactions a bit and got to say that i love your writing ! hope yesod will get accustomed to the new place seamlessly lol )
[[thank you anon <3 this is very sweet]]
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informationpurge · 4 years
Yesod had no intention of interfering in business that was not his own. There was enough on his plate already, such as trying to have nothing to do with this eternal night business (he was not equipped for combat).
Yet, when faced with the sight of a girl about to eat food from the ground, his germaphobia won out.
“Do you have any idea where those have been?”
Quietly, Leslie huddled below the large tree. It had been half a day in this strange new land and.. She had grown very hungry! But none of these plants seemed to be anything like what she was used to.
For now, she cradled a handful of berries she had seen an animal nibbling at. If an animal ate it, that meant it was safe, right?
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informationpurge · 4 years
Netzach cannot get by on clinical coldness alone. However, the familiarity of the other offers a small spark of comfort, one that sits in the base of Netzach’s stomach like a wayward infection. Coming to the conclusions that you are still somewhat human means getting back in touch with one’s emotions, with what it means to feel overfull by qualms not relevant to artificial life. This means, they stand stock still for a moment, trying to separate and process everything all at once, until it becomes so overwhelming that they give up all together, and just let thoughts run like water from a faucet. 
“An hour? Shit.” They have little else to say on the matter, instead, drawing in a breath and trying to put everything in order. “Am, have I been gone for long?” Netzach asks that question tentatively, pausing over the other statement.
If Yesod is watching, there is a difference in how Netzach moves. There is a particularly fluidity to them, a tremor nigh impossible to reproduce by mechanics alone. They move much like a person would, taking breaths despite the need not to, and blink every so often as well. It’s a stark difference from the sluggish, mechanical motions from before their meltdown. 
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“Well, uh, we’ve been kidnapped, I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now. If you saw the message, it’s like we’re here on a kind of fucked vacation.” They’re fidgeting, toying with and tugging on their sleeves incessantly. They don’t touch Yesod, though their gaze bores through the other like a drill. “Uh, we can’t leave, or we’ll be punished. And we shouldn���t go out at night, apparently. I didn’t really like that, but I haven’t tried actually doing something about it yet. I’m still kind of taking everything in.” 
Despite the weight of Netzach’s stare, Yesod is, as usual, all business, with only the slight crease between his eyebrows to give away exactly how troubled he is.
“There was something about being assigned housing.” He speaks vaguely despite recalling it clearly. “I believe I have been assigned to M7. Do you know what this supposed punishment for leaving is to be?” For he has no intention to stay.
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The crease between his eyebrows deepens as he regards Netzach. He moves on despite his question.
“… You weren’t gone at all.” It sounds like he is only just connecting those dots himself; the last time Yesod saw Netzach, the other was wasted on the floor, yet, clearly, from Netzach’s own words the head of the Safety Team has been here for significantly longer than Yesod has.
The timeline’s between each of their stories aren’t quite lining up. To put it lightly? Vexing. It makes him itch.
But now that Yesod was thinking about that, he was starting to notice how something seemed different about his companion that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“Have they done anything to you?”
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informationpurge · 4 years
Yesod’s thoughts have been half-occupied with writing the listicle of all that he does not know: how has he come here, what is this place, who was that princess, what is this city, what is the Information Team doing without him, and how can he get back to the Corporation. Each concern is discarded as he thinks of it, because there is no point in panicking over what he cannot control.
The sight of Netzach’s face raises even more questions, but it is, at least, a known in a sea of unknowns.
And there are worse faces to recognize after all, Yesod considers. He adjusts his gloves.  
“I have not. Insofar as I am aware, I arrived here barely an hour ago,” he informs his coworker in his eternally flat tone.
At the very least, the being before him sounds like Netzach in addition to looking like Netzach, although something does seem different. That observation is too, discarded, at least for the moment.
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“… I would appreciate a briefing on what’s going on.” If it pained him to admit that he needed information from Netzach, he hid it well.
@informationpurge started following you:
Netzach is making progress, in the grand scheme of things. It takes effort, slowly picking through this whole new universe, and finding the things that they like. This time, it’s cooking. Netzach, determined to at least know the concept, has bought a strange variety of produce, as well as a few jars of spices. 
They actually drop one of the bags when they spot Yesod, struck dumb for a moment while they determine if what’s in front of them is reality. Hand dropping to their hip, Netzach pinches themselves hard enough to leave a mark, mouth caught open in a gasp as the pain registers. Awake, alert, conscious. Terrifying. They could rush up to the other, but the immediate chime in their head reminds them that Yesod may be angry at them for being boisterous, for letting their energy spread out instead of boiling in their chest like this. He’s not a fan of their antics, and this seems like another one of those occasions.
Despite everything, Netzach does not listen to themselves, and approaches Yesod in long strides with eyes alarmingly more clear than what the other is probably used to. 
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“If you’ve been here all along, I’m going to lose my damn mind.” It’s said matter-of-factly, though Netzach doesn’t seem truly incensed. “So uh, yeah. Hi.” 
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informationpurge · 5 years
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
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[thank you for threading with me so much ; ~ ;]
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informationpurge · 5 years
What do you want to tell me? Put a symbol in my ask box:
❊ I want to roleplay with you
✸ I want to plot with you
✤ I want to ship with you
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s)
✷ I wish our characters was friends
✢ I like your characters
✱ I don’t like your characters
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
✫ I don’t like the way you express your muse(s)
☬ I feel like your characters are underdeveloped
❂ I don’t agree on all your headcanons
✡ I agree on all your headcanons
❋ Your blog is one of my favs
✦ I like seeing you on my dash 
✵ I don’t follow you for roleplay
✧ I wish you would notice me
✩ You intimidate me
✪ You seem like a cool person
✺ You’re hard to approach
✻ I wish you weren’t so shy
❄ I look up to you
❆ I love your art
❇ I love the way you write 
* I want to learn to know you
# I’m too shy to approach to you
☓ We should talk!
♥ *Your choice what to write*
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informationpurge · 5 years
Send me questions about my character's series
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informationpurge · 5 years
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“Thinking that the moon can be improved upon is textbook hubris.”
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informationpurge · 5 years
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puts on………… a crop top
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............... that’s worth half a sweetroll, but it will only work once.
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informationpurge · 5 years
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buy her one yesod :-)
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If she puts on a shirt, he will buy her one in exchange.
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informationpurge · 5 years
“If you didn’t wake up tomorrow, would you be satisfied with today?”
The distinctly unpleasant look that crosses his face answers the question for him: No, he would not.
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“I do not like to engage with unlikely hypotheticals. Excuse me.”
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informationpurge · 5 years
“I sort of envy people who don’t get anxiety over just existing.”
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“I believe this is the first time we have ever agreed on anything.”
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informationpurge · 5 years
Existential Crisis Sentence Starters
For interactions in which your muses feel like having a deep, terrifying discussion about life. 
“I wish I could go back.”  “Did your life turn out the way you expected it would?” “Sometimes I think if I just did one thing differently, maybe none of this would have happened.” “What if we ran out of goals? What would we live for after that?” “I feel like I wasted too much of my time.” “Do you ever get that feeling like you’ve lost something you can never get back, but you don’t know what is was?” “I find myself missing things that I didn’t truly appreciate when I had them.” “Where do you think you would be if we never met?” “I hate thinking about the past and wondering if I ruined everything.” “Would you start over if you had the chance?” “I wish we could slow the whole world down.” “If you could take back one mistake, what would it be?” “If you didn’t wake up tomorrow, would you be satisfied with today?” “Sometimes my body just doesn’t feel real.” “I’m terrified looking up at the sky. It reminds me of how small I am.” “I wonder, in the grand scheme of things, if anything we do will make a difference.” “Do you ever get that feeling that you just don’t matter?” “Sometimes I forget that I’m a person. I just go through the motions.” “I think what you’ve got is called ‘dissociation’.”  “Nothing feels real anymore.” “Don’t you get anxious when you realize time just keeps going and going?” “I sort of envy people who don’t get anxiety over just existing.” “You never know how much time you have left.” “Just think about how big the world is. You’re not even a drop in the bucket, we’re more like molecules in a drop.” “Do you really think, hundreds of years from now, anything we do will mean a thing?” “Maybe I need to stop thinking so much and just live.” “If you keep worrying, you won’t get anything done except for worry.” “Maybe we shouldn’t think so deeply about it. In the end, I’m not sure it matters.” “What do you want to be remembered for?” “How long do you think people will still talk about us after we’re gone?” “I think as long as you lived your life how you feel was right, it’s never a waste.” “Do you think everything happens for a reason?” “I’m not sure if fate is real, or if things just happen because they happen.” “There’s never enough time. You just have to make use of what you have.”
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informationpurge · 5 years
Yesod’s expression prompts them to laugh, low and amused. It’s not a hard enough laugh to prompt teary eyes, but it does perk them up a little bit.
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“It’s not like, a physical thing you know. Just, getting better at expressing my emotions, and handling things. It feels easier to live day to day. It’s good, I promise.”
“Emotions can have a surprising amount of physical consequences,” Yesod comments, although it’s clear he means it as an observation rather than a critique. He cannot say he feels the same way, but if it leads to longer stretches of sobriety for Netzach, then Yesod cannot find a problem with it.
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“I assume that you will keep me abreast of any major changes.”
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informationpurge · 5 years
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hHell o this took ages because I hate cloth but I’m really proud of the cloth shading so–
I think my favourite Sephirah is very obvious shdshjlk–
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