infinitelydiverse · 3 years
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Just got some earrings from @aftermathed etsy, and they're cute af. These look awesome!
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐞
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ind + priv + sel low activity multimuse. written by john valentine. check pinned post for links. featuring canon characters from various media, original characters set within various media, and fandomless original characters.
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𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐥𝐲 — 𝐰𝐞’𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
Platonic RP Starters
“Dinner! I made your favourite!”
“You’re definitely drunk.”
“Come on bro, no shame in hugging it out.”
“I think you need to lie down.”
“Quit hogging the couch!”
“Hey, are you okay? You’re making me kind of worried.”
“Don’t lie to me! I can tell. Your mouth is doing that twitchy thing!”
“What do you reckon? Does it look good on me?”
“That’s it! I’m taking you out for some fun!”
“Let’s go commit a crime.”
“That’s the last time I’m going anywhere with you.”
“Aw c’mon, I need a wingman!”
“Okay! Fine! Fine! I admit it! I took the last slice of pizza. Now quit it!”
“I’m not getting in a car with you. Not after last time. No way.”
“Please look after yourself better.”
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
emergency rent help!
i fucked up mega bad and i’m in rent trouble again right now. i had to help my mom pay for car repairs this past month and because her car was busted i’ve also had to use lyft and uber to get everywhere, including the doctor yesterday, my friend who gives me local rides was recently injured, and i had a bunch of garbage happen this month that basically puts me $400 short of being able to pay my rent—this one is on me and not keeping a careful enough eye to compensate for other factors, and i am so, so sorry, but if anyone can help me out with this i’d appreciate it so, so, so, so much, and i know it happened last month too but it shouldn’t come august because i’m working really hard at getting a better paying job, and the one i’m at also just gave us a raise to base pay, so i will bust my ass to have my shit together, i swear to you. there is just literally everything going on right now and i am a Foole.
paypal / ko-fi / venmo / cashapp
please reblog this even if you can’t help out!!!
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
Thinking about James and how his chaos levels are entirely dependent on who's around him. His base level is very chill when left to his own devices. With a chaotic person in the vicinity? He shows his true chaotic colors and alternatively eggs on and trolls his companion. Most of his chaotic adventures in childhood happened because his younger brother started it but James enabled it.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
The person I reblogged this from is someone I enjoy seeing on my dashboard.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
character aesthetics  (hecate)
BOLD what applies to your muse   /   repost, don’t reblog.
𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙵𝙰𝙸𝚁𝚈:  chipped nail polish. glitter highlight. tall trees with smooth bark. tangled hair. the taste of cinnamon sugar. talking too loud and too fast. overgrown flowers in your hair. crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature. flirting. walking home at three am with no coat. platonic hand holding. blowing smoke out of your nose. dragonfly wings. chaotic good. freckles. fairy rings. secret meetings. gender nonconformity. leather. smudged eyeliner. forbidden fruit.
𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙿𝙴𝚁:  computer errors. a shiver down your spine. haunting beauty. hard liquor. crowns of thorns. shadowed alleyways. decaying plant matter. shattered mirrors and broken glass. corrupted memories. stopped clocks. the scent of stale cigarettes. tattered black hoodies. walking your friends home. the crescent moon. the sea. a graveyard on a foggy day. cold rings on cold fingers. absolution. looking out of the window of an airplane. soft kisses.
𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙲𝙷:  graffiti. pretending to know what you’re doing. worn paperback books. growing up too fast. parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. lace and combat boots. moth wings. candles on every surface. a weathered deck of cards. turning the music up. fireflies in jars. calloused fingers. drawing on your skin. sunlight filtering through clouds. petrichor. a dying rose in a jar. wearing a crystal pendant. illusions of spells. black cats. mint gum. chapped lips. dirt under your fingernails. the cycle of life and death.
𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚆𝙾𝙻𝙵:  murders of crows. frostbitten leaves. wolves howling at midnight. knocking on your door. leaving food out for stray animals. the twang of an acoustic guitar. honey. tiny red buds on trees. claw marks on the walls. golden eyes. slightly too long stubble. knitted fingerless gloves. sleeping on the forest floor. always find your way back home.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
What kind of mark do you leave?
Understood. You're a good friend and shoulder to lean on, but you're no pushover. You have a way of making people feel comfortable and safe. You know what it's like to be in pain, and want painlessness for everyone else. You're not a martyr though. You won't harm yourself trying to play therapist for a friend. You're just a good listener and someone who makes others feel like they've known you for the longest time, that you know exactly what to say and how to say it. You're like a warm coffee shop, an attentive teacher, someone who may not have it all figured out yourself but you're willing to sit and chat for a while, and make someone feel known and loved. You're the best kind of friend someone could have!
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
where do you go when you close your eyes?
feather. you're anything but soft. no one has ever liked you at your softest -- in fact, you'd argue a vast majority enjoy the 'you' you've cultivated, all razor blades and sharp - toothed yells. now, though? now that you're as small as a flower, as beautiful as a rose, everyone seems to appreciate you just a little bit more. you feel the scissors grinding against your throat, skin, stem. maybe it isn't so great to have it all one way.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
Please remember that almost everyone around you is traumatized. I didn’t understand this when I was younger. I wondered why people acted so strangely and irrationally. Maybe all children wonder this. The author Robert Anton Wilson said (paraphrasing), “We have never seen a completely sane adult human.” No one makes it out of this life alive. It’s not their fault. Mercy, kindness, forgiving — these are what makes one human. They are other names for love. People break in the strangest of ways.
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
Preptober: How to be ready for NaNoWriMo
NaNoWriMo is on it’s waaaaayyyy. (For those of you who don’t know, NaNoWriMo is November, and it stands for National Novel Writing Month). I would be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified, but aren’t we all? And Preptober is here!!! So, it’s time for a NaNoWriMo Preptober checklist for you to get started:
Pick your story
Announce it on the NaNoWriMo website
Do any outlining you would like to do
Get a good idea of who your characters are
Get a good idea of what your world is like
Have a doc/notebook set up for your story so you are ready to go on day one
Have a back up plan in case your story just isn’t working out
Have a supply of writing prompts in case you need an inspirational jumpstart
Take care of as many non-Nano tasks as possible (work stuff, school projects, etc.)
Figure out a time outside of work/school when you’ll be able to work every day.
Decide a backup location in case things are too crazy at your house.
Factor holidays and unexpected life situations into your daily word count goal
Let your flatmates/friends/family members know what hell you’re about to storm so they will distract you as little as possible
Decide where you’re going to write everyday. Make it as cozy and as distraction free as possible.
Gather survival snacks and hide them in your writing spot.
Look for any write-ins in your area (virtual write-ins because of COVID)
Download an app to keep your phone locked while writing.
Set smaller goals for yourself, and make incentives for each of these goals. 
Find a writing buddy! Or even just a close friend to cheer you on. 
Optional: Make a playlist of songs that help you focus on writing. If you just want a vibe, I recommend checking out @Leewritess playlist highlight on Instagram.
εїз Good luck everyone, and have a fantastic Preptober!!  εїз
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
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Coming out is not some rite of passage allowing you to finally be proud of yourself. Read that again. You should be proud of yourself because you have jumped into deep and unknown territory on a quest to explore who you are. It’s a journey we, sadly, often start alone. We feel lost. We are in the dark, with no one to guide us. On this quest, we face many challenges. We have to fight self-doubt, denial, fear, society, and monsters. It’s scary. Every day we have to find the strength to take a step closer to accepting ourselves in a world where many discourage us not to. It’s one heck of a quest. The journey you are on takes courage. And a lot of it. It’s hard. And that’s why I don’t want you to think that you need to be out to be proud. For real, please take a moment to realize this. You are on a journey most people will never have to endure. Don’t you see how strong you are? If you are not already telling yourself this, I will: Dear beautiful, brave soul; I am so proud of you. Continue your quest. You will make it. All of us have your back. You are not alone. Never forget this. Stay proud. ~ Roderick
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
hc that jon looks normal when looking at him directly but if you see him out of the corner of your eye it always looks like he’s staring at you dead on
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
where do you go when you close your eyes?
ghost. true love is dead, and you're buried with them. you look in the mirror the day after the funeral to see your own eyes missing, face nothing but a blurred canvas. why aren't you surprised? every inch of you feels badly pieced together, mistakenly glued in some sort of rush. your brain and body never seem to agree. do either of them belong to you anymore?
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
what type of ghost are you?
a trick of the light. they'll call you a camera flare. a stray breeze. a betrayal of the eyes. i hope you don't mind
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
what sky are you?
stormy sky. you don't shy away from expressing yourself. your emotions can be unpredictable, but you try not to stifle them. you're passionate to a fault. you are fiercely loyal and won't hesitate to defend and protect the people and things you care about. but you can be impatient at times - with yourself and with others. sometimes you turn to "easier" emotions like anger when you don't know how to handle things like guilt, grief, or helplessness
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infinitelydiverse · 3 years
what aesthetic color are you?
Dusty Rose. My friend, you are hella aesthetic. Everything about you is thoughtful and intentional, from the way you present yourself to the way you've constructed your space. You'd probably make the most impressive cakes. You have a few close relationships that you've poured yourself into, and you both value the little every-day moments you have together. That said, sometimes you get a bit lost in the details and forget to take a holistic look at your life. Who have you left behind? Are you happy, or do you just look it? Remember to have an honest check-in with yourself sometimes.
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