indecisivebreadpeas · 3 years
I want to apologize to my followers for my actions and inaction.
I want to apologize for absolutely leaving my account and ignoring anything to do with it. At some point I remembered some of the posts I reblogged, the tags I put, etc. and at some point I felt like I messed up. It doesn’t matter if it was small or I misread something, it got to me, and I just refused to go on the site on my account. At first it was out of shame alone and I planned to write down an apology in a Google Doc. Soon however, my reason for not going on the site was less because of shame and more just plain being used to not going on Tumblr on my account. I abandoned the doc altogether after typing down two sentences. Even if I felt the need to work on my apology, I pushed the thoughts of the doc aside and forgot about it.
I used the words “my account” because even despite not using my account, I still went on Tumblr in Incognito Mode, not logging in whatsoever. I ignored anything to do with my account.
There’s my hypocrisy, I reblogged a post about actively helping black people, posts about being an ally and yet I didn’t even watch a single Watch To Donate video at all during this, I avoided the BLM tag or anything talking about the chaos going on till today. I stayed mostly in my comfortable, ignorant bubble until today.
There could be anything else I said in more of my reblogs, tags or not, that should also be addressed, but I wanted to get this out first, and then fix what I feel I did wrong, I didn’t wanna risk feeling even worse and thus postpone this post because of that. The least I feel I can do now is get this out in the same year I fucked up, even if for you, it’s already 2021 when this is posted due to different time zones.
Of course I have to commit to change so as to avoid anything like this again.
While I don’t know if my parents would let me go to any protests, what I can do is stream Watch To Donate videos daily and use whatever money I have myself to donate to causes.
I’ll watch my actions more, and what I plan to say, I’ll make sure I’m not misinterpreting or misreading anything, or anything I say can come off the wrong way.
If I wind up being hypocritical or do something wrong however, I’ll only put it to the side when something unavoidable truly needs my attention like school or my thoughts and emotions at the moment could negatively affect my attempts to make things right. When I have the time and in the right state of mind, I’ll make sure I correct myself.
If there’s anything I didn’t mention, did wrong, or could do better in my return to my account at all, please let me know and I’ll add onto this post when I can.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
y’all, i feel like i need to remind y’all that there’s a huge difference between ignoring what’s going on, and taking a mental break because you’re exhausted with trying to keep up with the situation in the country right now. this shit is no joke and is weighing incredibly heavy on people such as myself and if you need to take a break from this and just log out, please do. please take care of yourself and don’t feel bad that you’re not keeping up with things at every second of the day.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
not that I don't love the cursed bio facts, but do you have any blessed bio facts?
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Listen, I’m part of the generation that uses humor to cope, I love all the memes about 2020 just as much as you guys do. I laugh at the “we got the real roaring 20′s”, “we wanted 2020 to be a movie but we got the wrong genre”, “we really thought 2020 would be our year” sardonic tweets.
But to the people like me, who really thought 2020 would be their year?
Love, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry you walked into this year with a smile and hope, and that smile immediately fell, and that hope was immediately crushed
I’m sorry that every day there’s something else, I’m sorry that you’re scared, I’m sorry that you’re angry, I’m sorry that you’re tired.
And I know, I know that you’re having a hard time hoping again. Trust me, I know.
But this year, Adam Castillejo became the second person to be cured of HIV
This year, James Patterson art up a fund to help Indie bookstores
This year, scientists finally managed to record the narwhal 
This year, White Storks have hatched the first wild chicks in 600 years
This year, the worlds largest open-air gallery was opened with paintings by individuals with learning disabilities
This year, an eleven year old skateboarder landed the worlds first 1080 degree turn
This year, scientists mapped the entire surface of the moon for the first time ever
This year, Sweden and Austria closed their last coal plants
This year, White Tailed Eagles are spotted flying over England for the first time in 240 years
This year, NASA launched astronauts to a US space station for the first time since 2011
To all the people like me, who thought 2020 was their year: We’re here. We’re alive. The world will grow. The world will heal. Maybe 2020 isn’t our year of stress free fun and memories, but it can be our year to learn and stand up and fight, so that next year? We get everything we hoped for.
Don’t give up, don’t leave. There’s a world waiting for you.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
This bill is bullshit but the question is where it is now? Has it been stopped in its tracks, is it actively being voted down, the other way around?
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#JUNKTERRORBILL please sign the petition
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
There are post about how this caricature is racist like one by The Redline Station
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Hey jsyk it’s 2018 and if you’re still drawing characters with big lips like THIS, even if they’re pale/not black, it’s fucking racist. Stop doing it.
No excuses. “It’s a stylistic choice!” It’s a RACIST stylistic choice.
“Idk how else to draw big lips!” That’s because you relied on racist caricatures and are a bad artist. Teach yourself. Learn. If you’re not willing to do that, then you are a bad, racist artist.
“But it’s part of the character design!” Yeah, and it’s racist. If it’s your OC, then change it. If it’s not your OC, make the right choice and draw them with normal looking bigger lips instead of this racist monstrosity.
And if this post makes you uncomfortable because it’s calling you out for stuff you’ve done, good. Fix it. Own up to it. Grow.
If you see this and you’re first thought is to defend this: you are racist. You are part of the problem. Congrats. Now work on yourself and unlearn that.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
black people, please take care of yourselves. please take care of your health. please take care of your mind. please take care of your spirit.
i understand if your soul is not at peace. i understand if you are exhausted. just, please take care of yourselves in these dark, hateful times and surround yourself with people who understand why.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Here’s a link to a google sheet of ALL BAIL FUNDS around the country. You can also add missing bail funds here by messaging me!
Please spread this link around!
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
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LGBTQ individuals - we are obligated to stand with #BlackLivesMatter
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Here is a compilation of places to donate (IF you can, simply reblogging and sharing this can help) and petition to sign. I found these websites and organizations on twitter.
THE MINNESOTA  FREEDOM FUND: Donate to this to collect funds to pay jail bonds for the protesters who get arrested.
BLACK LIVES MATTER: An organization fighting for the BLM movement. Donate if you can. 
BLACK VISIONS MN: an organization that is led by Black, Queer and Trans people. Donate if you can.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: Fights for the overall equality fight. Donate if you can.
Willie Simmons has spent 38 years in prison for a $9 robbery. He had two prior convictions similar to robbery that he served time for. He was prosecuted under the Alabama Habitual Offender law and was given a life sentence for his third strike - stealing 9 (NINE) dollars. Sign his petition. 
Breonna Taylor was killed by police who were conducting an UNANNOUNCED drug raid, where they gave no request to enter. They bashed her door and entered, shooting her EIGHT times. They were in the WRONG HOUSE. 
George Floyd was killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck and suffocated him to death, after George pleaded with the officer and told him he couldn’t breathe. The officer had pulled him from where he sat in his car on an alleged FORGERY. You can also text “FLOYD” to 55156
ARREST THE OFFICERS WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD: The main police officer who murdered George is being kept in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. You probably have heard he was arrested, but this is NOT TRUE. He was placed under PROTECTIVE custody because of the riots and “threats” on his life. 
If you know of ANY other organizations or petitions, PLEASE ADD TO THIS LIST. The fight for justice doesn’t end here, it will never end. Especially when the president of the United States calls white supremacists good people and protesters of a mans death THUGS. USE YOUR VOICE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE. FUCK COPS. FUCK “BLUE LIVES”. ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER!
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
I havent seen this reach tumblr yet, but here is one of a few protests happening soon.
July 7th, poc across the US are asked not to spend any money to show the government and big businesses the financial power poc have and the consequences of the systematic opression both inflict.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Cory coming in clutch with words of encouragement 💯
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
My followers may be at 4 but those are still people I can spread info too & can still spread info on the post I’ve reblogged.
Check the notes, there are other people that’ve reblogged OP’s post w/ advice or left a comment on it
tips for protestors.
igas my parents went to many protests when they were younger, and although i can’t go to any protests because i’m too young (in their eyes) i do have some tips from them.
note: trump HAS given the word for the national guard to use lethal force against protestors. i understand that it is hard to stay silent if there is a protest in your area, but there is a chance the bullets won’t be foam or rubber. stay safe, stay smart. please don’t become a statistic.
secondly, if you are in the san diego area, do NOT attend the protest that was advertised on facebook. it was created by white supremacists to target black youths.
cover any scars, tattoos, or distinct features you have. cops will use this to identify you, especially if you live in the area. they will take anything you may have done and attempt to arrest you by any means.
wear a face mask, bandana, or some other covering. this is not only because of covid-19, but it will make it harder for them to identify you.
wear clothes you wouldn’t normally wear. this is for the same reason. make sure not to wear those clothes in public until after the protests are over, that way they can’t identify you based on your outfit. also avoid jewelry and accessories.
bring a backpack. this will not only help carry the items you should bring, but it will also keep your hands free and make running easier when needed. make sure it is a real backpack, one that is on your back. and over the shoulder bag or satchel will make it harder to run.
bring plenty of water, a tourniquet (or, if possible, the items needed for one) a medical kit, an extra face covering, and milk. the water is important for 2 things: rinsing your eyes from tear gas and putting out the actual grenades. a tourniquet will be especially important for when the cops start using lethal force. do your research before using one, though, to avoid causing additional harm. the milk will help with your actual skin that will be burning from tear gas, but don’t put it in your eyes.
prepare to be tear gassed. if you sense things are getting tense, try to douse an extra face covering (like a scarf) in water. it will keep the gas from getting in your airways. wear goggles, like the ones you use when you swim. they stick to your face to keep the water from getting in, and will do the same with tear gas. cover as much of your head as possible, and tie up long hair. don’t wear makeup, because tear gas clings to it like it does your bodily fluids. also, if possible, avoid contacts. it can get stuck behind your contacts and that isn’t something you want. similarly, don’t rub your eyes, because the chemicals can get behind your eyes, which will open a whole new set of problems.
if and when you get gassed, stay calm. if you are able, find anyone on the ground and get them help. tear gas will settle low to the ground shortly after being fired and will make their afflictions worse. make sure to watch out for yourself and others, and get out of the area as quickly as possible.
there are two methods to put out tear gas. the first is by covering the capsule with a traffic cone, then pouring water through the hole until it goes out. make sure to wear gloves and don’t touch your face. the downside is that this takes a lot of water because this is not very accurate. the second method needs to be handled with extreme caution. only do this if you are wearing heat protective gloves. take the capsule and put it inside of a metal water bottle WHILE WEARING PROTECTIVE GLOVES. shake it until the fire inside the grenade goes out. it is very important that you have proper protection, especially with such close exposure to the gas. a gas mask is your safest bet.
another way to avoid identification is by putting a rock in your shoe. im unsure of how advanced the stride detection system is in the us, but during the hong kong protests, they would recognize protestors based on their walk. if you put a rock in your shoe, although it will be uncomfortable, it will help keep you anonymous.
use your privilege for good. if you are not a poc and are attending the protests, protect your poc counterparts. unfortunately, cops are statistically less likely to attack white protestors. (see the physical protesting of the quarantine which was led mostly by white people.) if things are getting tense between a cop and a poc protestor, step between them if you are comfortable.
identify undercover cops. undercover cops will deliberately cause mayhem in a peaceful protest to give reason for cops to attack. you can identify them by their shoes and their masks, as well as their attitudes. all cops, undercover or not, will almost always wear the same shoes because they have iron fillings that allow them to break people’s feet/hands/other bones when they have no other defense due to being undercover. they will also wear the same gas masks as the other cops. if you see a protestor put on one of these masks, you should leave because it means there will be tear gas deployed soon.
don’t bring any weapons that are illegal. this will give them probable cause to arrest you.
most importantly: stay safe. protect yourselves and others. if things get bad, run. they can’t catch everyone, and if they take more lives it will only fan the flame.
i will probably add more things as they come to me. i am a really small account but i hope this helps anyone. if you have any tips, comment and i’ll probably add them on here.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Maaaan, where were all these White folks during the past 8 years that Black Lives Matter has been protesting? Because, honestly, this shit is irritating and infuriating. 
Why do you care now?? What took you so fucking long to give a shit about us?? What have y’all been doing while we’ve been suffering at the hands of cops and your people? What have y’all been doing while we’ve been getting gunned down in broad daylight? What have y’all been doing while we’ve been fighting, crying, mourning, and dying for our people? WHERE 👏🏾 THE 👏🏾 FUCK 👏🏾 HAVE 👏🏾 Y'ALL 👏🏾 BEEN?!?! 👏🏾
Some of y'all only give a shit about looking “woke” and “progressive” to Black folks and your White counterparts, and it shows. Y'all need to cut that shit the fuck out. You only hurt our cause when you show your ass like this. Allyship is not allyship when it’s performative, and even if you’re an “ally,” you’re still an oppressor. And y'all need to realize that. 
We don’t want another George Floyd. We don’t want another Tony McDade. We don’t want another Ahmaud Arbery. We don’t want another Breonna Taylor. We don’t want another Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Rekia Boyd, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Natasha McKenna, Samuel DuBose, Alton Sterling, Aiyana Jones, Laquan McDonald, Jocques Clemmons, Deborah Danner, Terence Crutcher…. We want justice. We want change. We want a future for ourselves and our children. We want to be able to exist without fear, without pain, and without our lives constantly being threatened. And we want y’all to do your part and work to dismantle the system that was created to harm us.
We are so tired of Whites sitting around doing nothing while our people are dying. Sharing posts in support of us and the movement is not enough. Signing a petition or two is not enough. We need y’all to call out your White counterparts for their racism and work on your own racial biases as well. We need y’all to listen to us when we talk about the injustices we face and learn from it. We need y’all to listen to and uplift our voices. And we really need y’all to be actively engaged in destroying everything that works to destroy us. 
Do better, dammit, or don’t bother getting involved in our movement at all.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Just so you know, Ghost isn't male, they're genderless, Team Cherry confirmed! Plz don't call 'em "he"
Frick, thank’s for catching that for me, I’ll find the post where I made that error
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