For What Ails You
Rika was tired.
She hadn’t been sleeping well, you see. Her mattress, while not the most luxurious thing in the world, wasn’t uncomfortable. No no, her newly acquired source of insomnia came from something else - mostly thoughts, which all seemed to stir at once when Rika stopped moving around and attempts to distract herself finally stopped coming. What if’s and unanswered questions rose up from the dark corners of her mind, and rest became a feeble endeavor. This had the unfortunate side-effect of making it hard to go around and basically function at all during the day.
Medicine is nice. It tended to solve these kinds of issues. But see, there’s a problem with just going out to buy some: the stores around here? Yeah...not so easy to locate. It wasn’t that there weren’t any: it was that their location changed every couple of hours. Therefore, no one knew where to find any specific place, and maps were totally and utterly useless. That left it up to exploration, except that if you didn’t find it within a certain window of time, any searching up till then is completely undone, because now everything was in a new place again. 
As you would imagine, shopping in Hive City (or at least sector 1) could be more troublesome than it otherwise had any right being. Rika was discovering this now.
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“Hate this stupid place,” she mumbled, gruffly shoving open a door-
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-before her demeanor visibly shifted and her features lit up oh-so happily, like nothing was wrong and she was just some kid looking for candy in the store she just entered. Just in case someone was watching. Call it a habit.
It was a general store. A convenience store, even - it was hard to tell. No matter what, Rika wasted no time heading straight to the back, looking for the one thing she was in dire need of right now.
Sleeping aids would probably help, and so would pain medicine, but Rika’s number one goal? Wine. She needed it. Badly. Even cheap beer would do, if she had to. Hopefully this place sold liquor...
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they’re out for murder
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The trains are here nice. Rika never got to ride these back home. Very scenic. You don’t even have to buy a ticket either.
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The Usual Suspect
It’d been a long time since Rika felt this lost.
The questions grew louder as she wandered blindly, and the silence made them echo even louder every time. Why was she here? Where was home? Could she return? What were her friends thinking? Was this permanent? Did what she saw in the Sea of Fragments mean anything? Was this the last straw in her little scheme? How did she regain control from here? Was it even possible? What did that mean?
Hanyuu’s presence was sorely missed right now. Even if she didn’t know what was going on either, she was someone to confide in, to at least remind Rika that hey, they were in this together and totally lost as a pair, like they always had been. Rika had never truly been alone like this before. It was...frightening. The silence was foreign and dangerous. She was vulnerable out here. There wasn’t even a second set of eyes to help her watch her step-
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The sky fell on Rika, and it was colored a most distinct shade of vibrant pink. Cold, too. 
She immediately collapsed to her knees and covered her head with her hands with a cry, just in time to unintentionally block the can of paint that bounced painfully off her knuckles, re-awakening that dull headache from this morning she had never quite shaken.
Huddled in a fetal position on the sidewalk, covered in cold, sticky...what, what was this? Paint? It was cold. The air was cold and so was this. Rika didn’t open her eyes, pinching them shut instead to hold back tears of frustration. Her face grew hot against the spring air and the thick fluid soaking through her hair and down her face.
Otherwise unrecognizable beneath her little makeover, Rika waited for the nerve to stand to summon itself. It wasn’t there yet....nope, still not there. She was cool just sitting here for the rest of time and disappearing, actually. That wouldn’t be so bad.
Today was easily contending for one of the worst days of Rika’s life. And that was saying something.
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Holy wall of follows, batman-
Hang on, let her just...
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“Mii~ I’m very lost, sirs. You’re just in time to be my special hero, sirs!”
Nailed it. Look at that AoE charm. What a champ.
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The blocks move.
Not the streets, not the sidewalks, but entire rows of buildings. Right in front of her, they just shifted and were crawling away from Rika right this moment. An entire block’s worth of buildings. Rika was watching a row of stores slide away while she stood there and stared at easily the strangest thing she had ever seen.
What was wrong with this place? Who even built this? Why? Just...why?
On the other hand, one wouldn’t have to spend any money on taxis; just hitch a ride on a passing store. And she wouldn’t have to worry about a map...
How did anyone find anything in this city?
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Rika recovered. She still felt dizzy at times and her sense of temperature wasn’t 100 percent yet, but she could walk across a room and didn’t want to gouge her neck out with something sharp from the sheer misery of it, and that was good enough for her. 
She was in a...well, ‘house’ was generous, but the term checked out, somewhat. The bedroom was scarcely large enough for a bed, and Rika had to wonder how anyone managed to move this mattress in here. The kitchen and dining room were one and the same, and there was a small greeting card on the minimalist table placed by the only window in the house. Inside was a pair of medium bills, a small blurb of barely legible handwriting that said the house was intended for her, and some sort of insurance statement taped on the back saying that by opening the card, compensation for any damages due to burglary ceased immediately, signed off with a hollow, “Welcome to Hive City.”
She felt right at home already. Rika rolled her eyes and ripped the card in two before crumbling it and depositing it in a waste bin.
She had a lot of thoughts that needed to be sorted out yet, but the suddenness of all this made it difficult to take in. The gravity of her situation would likely not sink in for a while yet.
Rika was never good at sitting on her hands, and she soon caved to the impulse to explore. Donning a jacket left in her pint-sized dresser (much to her surprise, it actually fit), Rika collected the meager sum of cash left for her and left her hovel of a home to...
...she didn’t know what, really. But it would come to her eventually. That’s what she was counting on. 
One thing was becoming evident, though: her stay here, however long it might be, would not be an uneventful one.
(Not totally sure how to do this, so I’m just gonna put this here as an invitation to approach if you wanna do a thing. I’m also going to be going out to blogs that caught my eye while I was waiting for my app. Lolis must be exercised regularly, you know.
Meanwhile, I better fish up some reaction images; just realized my old batch is kind of underwhelming.)
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Plot Twist
Well before it even dawned on Rika that she had returned to the Sea of Fragments, she could tell something was wrong.
There was no air here, but it felt charged all the same. She looked for Hanyuu, but did not see her. She tried to call out, but found her voice muffled and weak.
A shadow was spreading. Some distant, unnatural shape was forming across windows to all the different worlds, moving in perfect sync as some abstract shape eclipsed all the crystalline formations simultaneously. Everywhere, across every world Rika could see and ever interact with, something was coming. No, it was here - it was touching them. Touching her.
The last thing Rika remembered was an overwhelming sense of violation before, like a light, her consciousness blinked out.
Waking up after being placed carefully in a world could be unpleasant. Being ripped from one mid-life and being shoved into another hurt.
The vertigo was debilitating. All of Rika’s senses overlapped and knotted together at once in a confusing, terrifying, sickening mess. Light hit like a fist to the brain, sounds tasted like poison, the feeling of her nerves prickling and short-circuiting smelled like eggs crackled like breaking glass, up was left and down was spinning, screaming, spiraling, she was sick to her stomach and all her other parts and just make it stop-
Countless dry heaves, an hour of weeping in agony, and a brief seizure later, Rika’s brain finally pieced itself back together in a way that she could make sense out of. The room felt hotter than Hell itself, her skin felt like ice, ants rolled up and down under her skin like ocean waves, her chest and face were sticky with drool and tears and bile, her head beat and throbbed like a second heart, and she no doubt looked like death itself as she picked herself weakly off the floor, but she was here. Rika was alive, as disoriented as was humanly possible, and had absolutely no idea what was going on.
Then the TV across the room clicked to life. The video played. She heard the noises, and she knew the man on the screen was saying something, but the words didn’t stick, ringing hollow as the bounced forcibly off the sides of her skull and the insides of her ears. Her eyes were glazed and her thoughts feverish and dream-like - nothing was going to register right now. Not in her state.
Other than absolutely everything being different, this was no different than normal. In hindsight that might make no sense, mostly because it did not. Unable to appreciate that (or much of anything else), Rika popped the tape out of the VCR and stumbled numbly out of the room to the world beyond, proceeding to do what she always did every other life: recuperate, gather her bearings, and try to un-live everything that had just happened to her.
And so the story continues...
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ひぐらし白黒 by 辛子ねぎ
※Permission to reprint this was given by the artist. Please do not repost without the artist’s permission. If you liked this fanwork, do take the time to rate and bookmark the original work.
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Things I’ve been upset about since I was 12: Rika reaching winter of 1983 
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(Was sort of hoping to be accepted by now...it’s sure taking a while.
I’mma resubmit my app. Idk, maybe something happened to it. Looking forward to RPing with everybody soon!)
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(I see u peeps following me and I owe you a starter once I get accepted into the group. Citta hype!)
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The Story Continues
Rika opened her eyes. She could not see, but she felt her eyelids moving, and the smears around her changed when she did, but the colors and smears meant nothing. Behind both eyes burned a throbbing, piercing pain, pulsating to the rhythm of her heartbeat. 
...heartbeat, huh. At least she could prove she was alive. Whatever that was worth.
The world consisted of fog and pain, but gradually the fog thinned. Nerves reminded her dully of the existence of her limbs, and Rika experimented with them, trying to feel out the position she was in without moving her head at all, lest her brains slosh against the walls of her skull. Senses materialized and the beginning of alertness started to form itself.
She was in her home, hunched over something and using it to support her weight. It was a trash can, recently deposited into. Its contents were not pretty.
Eventually Rika found her tongue, and used this opportunity to spit into the can, the essence of bile still polluting her taste buds. It didn’t help. 
“Gross,” she croaked, and spat again. Still didn’t help.
Shoving herself back, Rika sat on the floor and spent the next several minutes trying to recall what she had been doing. The memories came slowly and in pieces - someone dying. Lots of walking. The forest. Blood. Maybe carrying someth- no, pushing something. Maybe it was Rena’s turn to snap? Did they hide the body? It was so hard to recall. That would have been quite remarkable.
It hadn’t worked out, though. Rika knew this, because if it had, she would still be in that world.
Rika felt a presence behind her, and she mustered up the strength to scoff. “How long since I got sick like that?”
“Sick? Are you okay, Rika?”
Rika had expected Hanyuu. Turns out it was Satoko, on her way back to the bedroom to wake up her friend for breakfast, only to discover her deathly pale and having just been physically ill. After a little questioning, Satoko said that Rika didn’t seem to be under the weather the previous day, leading Rika to believe that her condition was the result of some ‘background noise’ that bled through into her current incarnation. Apparently her final moments had been difficult to stomach.
Another dead end.
The cover story of a stomach bug was indeed sufficient to get her out of school today, and Rika seized the opportunity. This would leave plenty of time for her to recuperate, gather her bearings, and try to un-live everything that had just happened to her.
And so the story continues...
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