i wanna try an experiment
reblog for sample size pls thx
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Pennsylvania, U.S., May 29, 2024. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz Elizabeth Frantz/ReutersCNN — 
President Joe Biden��promised Black voters Wednesday that he would appoint progressives to the US Supreme Court if elected to a second term, suggesting he expects vacancies on the high court over the next four years.
“The next president, they’re going to be able to appoint a couple justices, and I’ll be damned — if in fact we’re able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in really progressive judges like we’ve always had, tell me that won’t change your life,” he said during a campaign rally in Philadelphia.
It was as explicit a warning as Biden could offer about the stakes of the upcoming election, and a clear reminder that some of the nine justices have entered their seventies.
Clarence Thomas is 75 and Samuel Alito is 74; both are conservative and appointed by Republican presidents. Sonia Sotomayor, a liberal who was nominated by President Barack Obama, turns 70 next month.
Retirements of any or all of those justices could provide a key opportunity for either Biden, who has named one justice to the Supreme Court, or his Republican rival Donald Trump, who named three during his four-year term.
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the problem with “you don’t owe anyone else anything” is that what I think people first meant when they said it was “don’t apologize for existing, you do not owe others for tolerating you being alive especially if they are cruel to you” but what everyone online took it as “if someone in your life ever asks you for anything ever you should kill them”
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I know an awful lot of propals have me blocked, so I’m going to ask that while this post should be reblogged, if you know you have significant inroads in goyische Tumblr, copy/pasting or screenshotting this would be great, because we need all hands on fucking deck.
So for those who don’t know: we’ll start with “a whole bunch of articles on Jewish history and identity on Wikipedia have been vandalized, including but not limited to removing mentions of individuals being Jewish and referring to Jewish holidays as Palestinian holidays, and making Jewish holiday pages deliberately vague with such things as ‘it may mean’ or ‘it could represent’ as though real actual living Jews couldn’t tell you what it does or doesn’t mean.”
Next: the same thing started happening to articles about North American indigenous and First Nations people. When I say “the same thing,” I mean I actually contacted the person who brought this to my attention to be like “could these be linked? Because some of this verbiage sounds IDENTICAL.” And little surprise there, because guess what, at least two of the editors involved have been found across both sets of edits.
So at first I assumed this must be a group with some weird hate-on for indigenous groups.
I was on Marsha P. Johnson’s article doing some research for a Pride event, and someone has gone through the entire page replacing her pronouns with they/them.
Marsha used she/her pronouns. The Marsha P. Johnson Institute refers to her with she/her pronouns. Someone has decided that because she was gender nonconforming and called herself “a boy and a queen,” her pronouns should be what they feel are correct—not the ones she actually picked for herself.
They came for the Jews, they came for the North American indigenous groups, now they’re coming for the queers, WE NEED TO FUCKING TAKE WIKIPEDIA BACK.
I cannot encourage you strongly enough to become an editor. You don’t have to write entire articles (although you can). You can do cleanup, you can re-insert appropriate references, you can add sources. There are editing guides to help you and if you’re going “there are SO MANY ARTICLES, I don’t know where to start,” just hit the random article button and start fact-checking.
We cannot allow a group of five or six people to monopolize our identities and manipulate them as they see fit.
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I know a lot is going on in the world right now but this kind of loss of art is breaking my heart in two.
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The Valentino’s Costume Group in Hollywood has lost everything after the death of their co-founder, the pandemic, strikes, etc. and is now being forced to do a very quick liquidation sale before having to send all of their years of hard work to be turned into rags. (Yes this is a real thing)
These people have crafted thousands of costumes over 20 years to rent to everyone and anyone who needed one. They’re sex worker and queer friendly. They’re also being accused of being “fast fashion” while being one of the few places in this world actively working against fast fashion with their work. They don’t want to have to turn their hard work into rags. It’s the only option for them with the enormous amount of costumes/fabrics they have to remove from the building very quickly.
So, Californians and anyone willing to travel to Hollywood: YOU can save a costume! (or two?) YOU can save someone’s art from being destroyed! YOU can own pieces of Hollywood! YOU can save so much sewing supplies and fabrics!
Phone: 818-427-5248
Special hours for Influencers: May 20-30th 9:30am-4:30pm MON-SUN
What: Vintage, designer, menswear, historical, specialty, children’s, shoes, jewelry, vintage hats, show packages, racks, fabric, etc!
Important note: Please be kind and patient with the folks managing this sale. There’s maybe 2-3 people working at the most, and they all just suffered the death of someone close to them and the loss of their dream.
Please, please signal boost this. Their hard work should not go to waste and this terrible loss is already hard enough on them.
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I think another thing cats got right is the recreational smackfight. Like walking up to someone you live with and just unpromptedly smacking them just because you're bored and want some conflict to spice up your day, thump thump thump thump and knocking over some furniture, and then you're done as soon as you got it out of your system, and you're both completely fine with each other because obviously it was no real fight, just a little row of recreational sparring as civilised people do.
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i'm curious how many people also don't experience cramps as their main symptom, because back pain is the worst for me by far it's usually how i can tell my period is coming up too
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Round Four: C
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oh jees okay
this is really messing with my brain
Zoro and Sanji are both 21 right but Sanji is born on the 2nd of mar while Zoro is born on the 11th of nov, so where they born the same year?! Who’s older?! HELP PLEASE
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for some reason i am *convinced* that a modern au sanji (and possibly even canon sanji) would absolutely go catfish noodling. literally all his friends except luffy hate it. zoro has to tag along every time in case of bodily injury and/or near drowning. chopper has to tag along in case of the aforementioned and also to make sure they don't get obscenely lost if they need to leave and go to a hospital.
*googles* oh. Oh yeah baby, this is a Sanji activity. I don't think he does catfish exclusively I think he catches any fish he can get his grubby little feet on. Imagine a salmon leaping out of the water and he just taekwondo kicks it to shore.
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the image is from an article on skin color measurement in regards to oximetry readings, it was the best I could find as far as having a decent range but a small enough number to fit in a poll
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If you're going to see a movie in a theater and could choose any seats, which section are you sitting in?
Sections A, B, and C are on the floor, not the stadium type raised seating. The handicapped seating is on the floor, and the seats behind that row are where the stadium seating begins.
This is your ideal scenario, whether you're the only ones in the theater or it's a full house. You just get first dibs.
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