imagines-never-die · 7 years
Hi! Not a request, sorry if I'm bothering you, but I had a question? I've been following this blog for a while and it hasn't updated, so I was kinda wondering if I just happened to start following during a slow period, or if this was on the verge of shutting down or something.
I think it's just a slow period, it's been so for a while. I guess summertime does that to blogs, as I've seen it happen to other ones as well. I'm aware we've been quiet for quite some time and I'm sure the other two mods are as well. I can't yet promise when we'll do something about it, though.--Mod Evie
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Helden sterben nicht! Aber nicht ohne preis~ Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more Mercy montages and tutorials.
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Headcanons for Mercy and Sombra seeing their usually quiet and stoic s/o laughing really hard? Like I mean side splitting, hysterical, wheezing laughter. Thanks!
Surprised at first
But then slowly smiles. She’s so happy to see her partner so hysterically joyous for once!
Will laugh a little herself, but mainly watch as her s/o laughs, trying to take in every detail of the moment. After all, this probably won’t happen again for a very long time
Angela might try getting them to laugh like that again in the future with a similar joke or prank. Even if it doesn’t work, she’d like to see them laugh again.
“Why can’t you laugh like that more often?”
Stares wide-eyed
“It wasn’t that funny.”
“Wow. I didn’t know you had that much laughter in you.”
The laughter is contagious and soon enough, Sombra is cackling, too
“Haha! Who are you and *snort* what have you done with the REAL name?!”
And after the laugh session is over, you can bet she caught that on tape. Just as a little memory to treasure herself, and maybe something for blackmail should she need it…
–Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Can I request a prefall!gabe who is dating the reader. By the reader is constantly getting hit on by a new recruit to a high degree of annoyance, so they have to have Gabe scare the kid away.
Gabe felt really bad for not noticing at first. With all the Blackwatch drama that had been going on as of late and talk of shutting the division down, he just found himself distracted. Meanwhile, as he brooded over concerning emails and paperwork in his office, his s/o was suffering a painfully awkward situation in the break room.
They had gone in to talk with the new recruit and make them feel welcome, but it seemed like this new recruit wanted to be more than just welcomed. They moved right in on Gabe’s partner and started laying on the charm right away.
“Maybe if they put you on the recruitment posters, I would have signed up sooner,” they chuckled, moving closer, “What’d you say your name was again?”
“Uh–[N-Name],” they stuttered nervously.
“Not a bad name,” they shrugged nonchalantly, “Well I’m looking forward to getting to know you real well, Miss/Mr [Name]. In fact, what time do you finish your shift today.”
The recruit nudged them playfully in the hips, “I saw some good alcohol in the bar and I could mix us up some cocktails, if ya like,”
“Well, actually, I’m pretty busy today,” they tried to say.
“Why not play a little hooky then?” this new guy would just not stop, “When’s the last time you let your hair down?”
Suddenly, [Name] felt the new recruit’s arm wrap slowly around their waist. As a blush crept onto their face, they knew they needed backup. Meanwhile, as Reyes sat at his desk, his phone suddenly buzzed. Upon seeing who had messaged him, his eyes went wide. It was from his significant other, saying “the new recruit’s hitting on me in the break room and i can’t get away. pls send help.”
Reyes practically vaulted over his desk and sprinted down the hall. His love was in trouble and he wasn’t just gonna take his time helping them! He burst through the door and into the break room, breathing heavily and looking livid. The recruit, who had started to play with [Name]’s hair, suddenly froze. Then they quickly pulled their hands away from [Name].
“Soldier, what do you think you’re doing?!” Gabe snapped in his usual drill sargent way.
“U-uh, well I finished my morning duties, sir, so–”
“So you slack off in the break room!?” Reyes stormed over to him, “I expect you to keep working. And in the future, keep [Name] out of your little break times! He/she has her own problems to deal with. So get back to work and leave [Name] alone!”
“Y-Yes, Commander Reyes!” the recruit yelped.
He scurried out of the break room like a scared pup, slamming the door behind him. [Name] giggled, turning back to their partner.
“Thanks for bailing me out,” they said.
“Don’t mention it,” he placed a protective hand on their head, “Couldn’t let him manhandle you like that. Really boils my blood when the newbies don’t know their place.”
“You were once a newbie yourself,” they teased, poking at his chest.
Gabe smirked and pecked them on the lips, “Well yeah, but I kept my hands to myself.”
“You certainly don’t do that now,” they pouted.
“Well, I’m a commander now, I can have my hands all over you,” he growled, suddenly sweeping them off their feet and into his arms, “And right now I feel like touching you in my office.”
“Don’t you have a lot of work, though?” they whispered.
“Stop bein’ such a killjoy, carino…”
–Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
--Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Hi! When do you think matchups will be open again?
We still have 21 unanswered asks to go through, so probably a while :S Not to mention I am out of the country right now on vacation
--Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
can i request a match up please? im a small bi girl, im shy and really very quiet (i often give people frights with how quiet i am) I've been described as really chill even tho i am a Ball of Anxiety. Im selective mute so it can be very difficult to get anything out of me. im kind of very oblivious, reserved & very easily embarrassed. I Love to read mostly about morbid topics (murder, true crime, etc.) or to bake! thank you!
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Roadhog is a definite match for you! He may look like a big, scary creep! Well, he is, but he’s also a big softie. He enjoys a bit of quiet every now and then and some lovely tea. You may be quiet and nervous in social situations, but Mako wouldn’t mind in the slightest since he hardly talks him self! The first few times you two spend your day together, I think it would just be spent silently enjoying each other’s company. Once you get to know each other, though, I think he’d take great interest in your morbid interests. Roadhog would find all those murder and crime stories interesting since he is a criminal himself.
–Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Question Do you do promotions for new overwatch imagines blog? Its okay if not :)
Yes we do! That is how this blog started after all :)--Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
hello! Im the anon who requested the s/o struggling with the garter belt/lingerie and i just want to say im screaming!! i loved it so much thank you! you guys are doing such a great job with this blog and i want to give you all the love i have to give
Oh thank you ^^
I had a lot of fun writing it. It was such a creative request, thank you for sending it  in~ Love you too!
--Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
ooh can i request fluff (maybe mild nsfw if ur feelin it) of 76, mccree and pharah walking in on their s/o trying on lingerie to surprise them but struggling to get it sitting/attached right and they help? (i recently bought a garter belt and boy... .i have no idea how it works lol)
Soldier: 76
It was strange to get home only to find [Name] not in her usual spot. They’d usually pop over to the front door from the kitchen, all excited to see him. It was what he looked forward to the most out of his day. But here was with no welcome wagon, just him and an aching back from a long day of vigilante work.
“[Name]?” he called.
There was no response. He began to worry something bad had happened to them like a kidnapping. Pulling his pulse rifle off his back, he slowly began to stalk through the house, checking for any signs of intrusion.
“[Name]?” he called again as he entered the hallway.
“Err–I’m in here!” he heard them call.
Jack let out a sigh of relief, letting his shoulders relax. He followed the sound of the voice and pushed the bedroom door open.
“What are doing in–” he stopped short of his words when he saw them.
They were on the bed, carefully poking at their legs with an irritated expression. What was so shocking was the lacy bra and panties they wore! Jack had no idea [Name] kept things like that around! He swallowed hard as he felt his face heat up. Jack even took off his visor and fanned his face a little with it.
“Sorry,” his s/o sighed, “I thought I’d be ready by they time you got home, but these garters are a lot harder than they look!”
Looking closer, Jack saw that they were intently fumbling with garter buckles near the tops of their thighs, desperately trying to do them right. They looked kind of adorable sat there with their face all scrunched up in concentration.
“They don’t tell you how tricky it is when you buy them at the store,” they whined.
76 just gave a husky chuckle and set aside his rifle. Approaching the bed, he ran a calloused hand up their leg and wrapped his fingers around the garter buckle.
“How about we just save time and have these taken off to start,” he smiled.
His s/o blushed and giggled, “Can you help me put them on later?”
Jack leaned in and pressed his lips softly against theirs for a moment and squeezing their thigh gently with his hand, “Alright, later.”
Jesse hadn’t expected to come home to such a pleasant surprise as his s/o all dolled up on the couch for him at the front door! Corset, garter, stockings, and even some handcuffs. It was enough to make him throw his hat and coat to the side and forget all about his plans for dinner. But as he walked towards them, he noticed the irked expression on their face.
He stopped and asked curiously, “Uh–everythin’ alright darlin’?”
“Yeah,” they said flippantly.
He looked around suspiciously, wondering if this was some sort of trick. Why would they get all dressed up for him yet look so pissed? Was he supposed to kiss them now or ask again if everything was ok?
“Ya don’t look too happy,” he mumbled nervously.
His partner sighed, gesturing to their legs, “I ruined a perfectly good pair of lingerie!”
He glanced down at their legs and saw all the rips and tears in the stockings. It looked like it had been a struggle put on.
But McCree just shrugged, “I don’t see what’s wrong with ‘em,”
“This stuff was expensive!” they snapped, “And I screwed it up! Sorry, I just wanted to surprise you is all…”
Jesse just chuckled and walked over to the couch. He scooped them up into his arms bridal style and placed a kiss on their forehead.
“Darlin’, yer just too hard on yerself,” he smiled, “Besides, I think they look just fine all ripped up. Make you look like a real rough girl/guy,”
His s/o gave him a devious smirk and wrapped their arms around his neck, whispering, “I’ll show you how rough I can get.”
It was late in the evening and Fareeha sat in the living room, sipping a mug of tea and watching the nightly news. She’d go to bed soon since she had work in the morning and that always required her to be up early. Everything was relatively calm and peaceful…until her s/o came storming in wearing a sexy lingerie corset and garters!
Fareeha’s eyes went wide and she choked on her tea! When she had recovered from her shock, she looked up at her partner who just stared at her with a look of annoyance.
“I am so done!” they spat, “I just wanted to have sex with you tonight, and I thought I’d make it more fun, but nooo! Stupid corset…”
“W…What’s wrong?” Pharah asked carefully as she looked them up and down, her face beginning to heat up.
“I can’t zip up this corset the rest of the way,” they pouted, “Either I’m too chubby or it’s too tight.”
“Let me see,” Pharah offered, getting up off her armchair.
Her s/o turned around, revealing the zipper that was a few inches from the top. The garment looked very constricting and she couldn’t imagine how it would make their time in the bedroom more “fun.” Nevertheless, she instructed them to hold their breath then jerked the zipper up the rest of the way.
“There,” Fareeha said before turning her s/o around again.
She wrapped her arms around their waist and nuzzled their nose, “Now I get to take you out of it again,”
Her s/o laughed and gave her a short peck, “Honestly just rip it off. I don’t think I want to wear this thing ever again.”
–Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Can I request a matchup, please? I'm a bisexual ESFP female who is a little shy and quiet at first, and it might take a while, but once I get comfortable around someone, I am extremely loud and outgoing. I love to joke around and act stupid but I know when to be serious. I hate insects and anything horror related and I can be extremely lazy at times. I'm passionate about everything I do especially drawing. I also enjoy listening to music, writing, playing video games, and reading.
Wow! I rarely see an ESFP! Especially from someone that is shy. That’s really interesting. Tracer was a very close second for you, but I felt like you needed someone who could be lazy with you, and Lena seems like the type who can’t sit still for too long.
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So I think McCree is a good fit for you. Also PFTAH THIS GIF IS FUCKING HILARIOUS! Sorry, I just had to use it. He can seem like a real, serious dead-set guy, but give him a night off work with some liquor and music and he just goes wild. He’d find all your outgoing antics very adorable. At the same time, this cowboy can also be a lazy fuck and just lie around and smoke all day if nobody stops him. Jesse’s a good partner to go crazy with and to spend down time with~
–Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Matchup? I'm not gonna describe my appearance because I'm my profile picture. But I am a homosexual transboy. I'm not too picky on partners but I prefer someone who's kinda goofy and or sweet. I really love animals and the outdoors. I also play a lot of instruments and sing part time. I'm an ENTP personality type so I'm pretty much always up for a debate. I'm also a huge history nerd so I like talking about that too. Also lots of people don't talk to me because my dyed hair and piercings :/
(Oops! I was gone longer than I thought!)
I would have said Hanzo for you because he seems to be like the type who would be into history, too, or at the very least admiring those who learn so well from the past. Even though I still think you too would work, you said you wanted a goofy, sweet s/o, so instead…
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…Genji would be the better option. He’s just as serious as his brother, but he still has a few voice lines that hint at his more silly side. He can be a dork when he wants to, and although it’ll be hard to see those moments at first, you’ll begin to see them the closer you grow to him. Genji would also be up for debates or discussions. After spending some time with Zenyatta, he learned about a lot of controversial topics and how to respectfully debate someone on them. And he looks pretty odd himself–he’s a cyborg ninja–so I don’t think he’s one to judge based on appearance.
–Mod Sirana
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
A scenario of Hanzo reading together with his s/o?
Hanzo saw hislover curled up on the couch, wrapped in one of their felt blankets.It was late and he’d just come out of the shower, only wearing boxersand a t-shirt. There was a book in his s/o’s hands, but he couldn’tmake out the cover from the bathroom door.
He didn’t lingeron the sight for too long before going into the kitchen to make themsome evening tea.
“It’s late.Are you coming to bed?” he asked while putting the water in theheater and then turning it on. His s/o looked up from the book,glancing at their lover over their shoulder.
“Oh, uh,yeah… I was just reading,” they said, a small yawn catchingthem off guard. The only two lights on in the apartment were thekitchen light and the dim floor lamp in the living room.
“I noticed,”Hanzo replied, smiling a little at the response as he took out thetea bags and cups. “Is it a good book?”
“Mm, it’s theone I picked up at the library,” they hummed and turned back tothe text. Physical copies of books were a rarity nowadays, but bothparties of the relationship enjoyed them over digital. It wassomething about feeling the coarse material against their fingers andthe smell of paper and ink.
A few beats passedin silence as the water got cooked. Once it was done, Hanzo poured itinto the mugs and put in the tea bags. He preferred actual tealeaves, but his lover liked this brand of instant tea and he’d grownto enjoy it, too. He went to the couch with the two cups and gentlyplaced his s/o’s onto the coffee table.
“Thanks,”they said, smiling and placing a brief kiss to Hanzo’s cheekbone. Heput his arm over the back of the couch, just behind his s/o’sshoulders, and leaned to see the inside of the book while sipping histea. “Oh, do you want to see?” they asked, leaning back alittle and turning the pages in Hanzo’s direction.
“It’s afantasy book,” he noticed, leaning his head against his s/o’swhile reading the text. They squirmed a little, chuckling as theypushed him away an inch or so.
“Your hair’sall wet,” they complained with a smile. Hanzo returned theexpression, glancing up at his lover’s eyes.
“Right,sorry,” he said calmly, breathing through his nose once and thenlooking back down at the pages. “So is the main character akleptomaniac?” His s/o turned to look down at the book, too.
“Yeah.Everyone hates him in the beginning,” they explained, turningthe pages back to the first chapter. “Here, we can read ittogether.”
Hanzo put his armproperly around his lover’s shoulders now, pulling them a littlecloser.
“Sure. Wedon’t have anywhere to be tomorrow, anyway…” he hummed,tracing the first line of the book with his finger.
–Mod Evie
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Matchup please! I'm a bisexual girl with a very kind heart. I love helping others to make them happy! I'm 5'7, have light teal eyes, and light blonde hair. I always try to bring out the good in others and make a lot of bad puns. I'm very loyal to my s/o! I have depression, so sometimes I have bad days where I kinda shut people out and get lethargic. I love art, music, and video games! I'm very sensitive and if someone raises their voice at me I'd probably start crying.
Oh!! I forgot to mention that I am achef! -Teal Eyes Anon
Teal eyes? That sounds gorgeous, actually.
Hmm, I first thought about Mercy or Lúcio for you. I have a thirdoption, though.
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(For this pairing, we’ll of course have to assume Emily is out of thepicture, unless you’re up for a poly.)
Lena would appreciate someone with a kind hard and a helpful nature.After all, that’s pretty much describing her! She’d be happy to havesomeone loyal, and she’d love each one of your puns, even if theywere really, really bad. She would laugh either way.
When she’s not in a hurry somewhere, Tracer’d be happy to pick up avideo game with you. Don’t expect her to be a pro, though, she onlyplays for fun on occasion. As for art an music, it’s hard to imagineshe wouldn’t like either. Whenever you’d get depressed, she’d find anice song for you to listen to and cuddle with you all day.
You would not have to worry about her yelling at you. Even if she gotpassionate about something, she would not take out her anger on herlover. And if she ever made that mistake and made you cry, she wouldfeel absolutely terrible. You would spend the next week covered ingifts like chocolate and flowers – she’d just try to make you smileten times more than she’d made you cry to make up for it.
Also, I’m sure anyone of the cast would love a chef s/o. Tracer wouldnever fail to mention how much she loves your cooking and would offerto do the dishes, too!
–Mod Evie
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
I'm in love with Sombra
I'm not surprised, she's quite amazing.--Mod Evie
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Can I get a matchup please I'm a rather short gay male i have really long black hair that I occasionally braid I'm a full blood Native American I love drawing mostly nature and stuff I suffer from depression when I'm felling down I go outside and look at the stars perks of not living in a city (I can name most of the constellations) I rarely smile I'm full of puns but somewhat serious most of the time
I had two verydifferent options for you, buuut…
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How about Hanzo?
My other optionfor you was Reinhardt, as he would find it easier to appreciate yourpuns. Hanzo would justend up staring at you with a deadpan expression most of the time. Butperhaps Reinhardt’d be a bit too eccentric for your calmerpersonality.
Hanzo, however,would get along with you well. He is serious most of the time, too,not to mention depressed. This might be a bit bad, since you mightend up enabling each other’s conditions, but you might also find iteasier to talk about between the two of you.
Once you wentstargazing, you might not expect Hanzo to lie down next to you, buthe would. He really couldn’t see the stars as well while living inHanamura, so he couldn’t name many of the constellations. He’d beopen to learning them from you, though, and you’d probably catch himsmiling at your knowledge more than once.
Hanzo would makesure your hair was always in top condition. He has a bit longer hairhimself that he seems to take proper care of, so I’d assume he enjoysthat quality in others, too. Expect him to thread his fingers throughit and place kisses to your temples. Never in public, though. He’snot too affectionate when there are others around.
He would also likean artistic s/o, since to him it shows of a certain kind ofintelligence. Hanzo would be curious to see some of your work and hewould comment on it, too. If it’s good, you’ll know from hisexpression. It’s quite subtle, though, so look hard!
–Mod Evie
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
Could I get Junkrat and Roadhog with an s/o who's recovering from surgery, and is getting frustrated with herself because of how long it's taking her to recover?
She got out of the hospital bed and grabbed the clothes she could nowchange into. Her broken arm was nearly immovable due to how it waspatched up, and she could already feel herself becoming frustratedwith it.
It wasn’t any easier a week later when her arm was still as good asuseless. She could barely hold anything in her fingers, even if itwas just a pencil, and it was difficult to do things one-handed. Thedull pain coming from the nerves around the broken bone didn’t helpand the medicine for it made her sleepy.
She was in her kitchen, cooking some water in the water heater. Thetea bag and mug waited on the table next to her, and she leaned herhips on it, tapping her fingers against her forearm impatiently.Finally the heater beeped to show that the water was boiling, and shegrabbed it with the thought of ’finally’.
Only, she grabbed it a little too hastily – her grip was terribleand it ended up slipping from her hand, falling straight to thefloor. Hot water spilled not only on her hand, but on her feet, too.
“AA, CRAP!” she shouted to herself, muttering morecurse words under her breath as she turned on the tap, getting somecold water on the burn on her hand. Her frustration was about toreach its peak when she heard the bedroom door open.
“Oi, why are you screaming so early in the morning?”Jamison asked, yawning and scratching his scalp once. His messy andburnt hair was even messier than usual, since he’d just woken up. Shelooked away from him, frowning silently. Of course Junkrat wouldn’tpick up on something so subtle, and he just went to pick up the waterheater from the floor and place it back on the counter.
“You always complain I make a mess of things,” he commentedbriefly as he started looking through the cabinets for a snack. He’dmore than likely be off soon, to his and Roadhog’s base. Theyprobably had a lot of crime to plan.
“Because you do make a mess of things,” she pointed outsnarkily, keeping her hand soaked under the water. The burn wasstarting to feel better. On her feet, her socks took most of the hit.“If it weren’t for you, my arm wouldn’t be broken, would it?”she continued in that same annoyed tone. Jamison barely stopped whathe was doing, only briefly glancing toward her.
“Geez, [Name], that’s a lot of hostility in a short time. Itain’t my fault you went and touched one o’ my unfinished projects,”he just replied.
“Excuse me! I didn’t want to touch it, I just tripped on yourother unfinished project onthe floor!”[Name] retorted, turning around to point at her lover angrily only torealize she’d taken her hand away from the water. She winced and putit back under the cold stream. It was enough for Jamison to noticethe burn, though.
“Looks like you hurt yo'self,”he pointed out and grabbed a piece of toast, eating it plain. [Name]wondered how he’d gotten so tall with a diet like that. God, was hetall. “Better be more careful or you’re gonna end up like me,”he said, eating the other half of the toast in two bites. [Name] tooka brief glance at the missing arm and leg of her pyromaniacboyfriend. She sighed.
“I guess,” she huffed andfinally turned off the water. Her hand shook a little, but it wasjust a first degree burn. She’d be fine in an hour. “Ah, itstill stings…” she muttered. Jamison swallowed the last of hispiece of bread, then grabbed [Name]’s wrist and brought her hand up.Before she could ask, he’d pressed his lips against the burn andkissed it.
“There, cured it,” hegrinned, watching the blush rise on his s/o’s cheeks. He figured itdidn’t actually help, but [Name]’s reactions were always funny.
“G-gah! That did nothing!”she protested and yanked her hand away, turning her gaze to thefloor. “Anyway! I have to clean this mess. Get out!” sheexclaimed, grabbing some paper towels to dry the floor. She no longerlooked toward Junkrat, and the man simply shrugged before heading forthe door.
“Sure. You know where to findme,” he said, waving lazily and grabbing one more piece of whitebread before exiting the apartment. [Name] kept cleaning the floorwith her burnt hand, blushing madly. At least she was no longerthinking about her broken arm.
She’d been confined to her bed forthree days straight. With her leg broken, she couldn’t move aroundlike before, and it ached constantly. Lucky for her, Mako was morethan happy to spend most of his time at her apartment, taking care ofher.
“Won’t Jamison miss you, withyou being gone so much?” his s/o teased while he placed thebreakfast tray on her lap. “Thank you.”
“The rat can take care ofhimself,” he said before slumping onto the small couch in[Name]’s bedroom. She just giggled, taking a bite of her eggs after.She always enjoyed Roadhog’s cooking. That he possessed such a skillwas a surprise, even though it probably shouldn’t have been.
“Mm, you’ve outdone yourself,”she hummed, complimenting her private chef like she usually did. Italways made Mako happy to see his lover smiling. Of course, due tohis nature, he didn’t say anything about it. She seemed content withit.
It was quiet for a few beats, [Name]eating and Mako watching her eat. Only when she stopped to sighbetween bites did he talk again.
“What’s wrong?” he asked,tone quite neutral. His s/o just turned to look at him and smiledagain.
“I’m just a littlefrustrated… Being stuck in bed all day. I’d like to do somethingelse than watch movies, you know?” she said, then put down herfork and placed the tray on her bedside table. “We could go tothe park, or I could finally visit your base…”
“No,” Mako cut in, shakinghis head once, “stay.” His s/o averted her gaze, thenreached for her crutches.
“Come on, I just want to dosomething more fun… I’m bored up here,” she said and leanedthe crutches against the floor. She was about to get up and put herweight on them when Roadhog suddenly stood up. He grabbed hershoulder, surprisingly softly, stopping her.
“Stay in bed. You’ll healquicker,” he said, causing his s/o to look up at him withfrustration in her eyes.
“Come on, I—”
“Stay in bed and I’ll let youinto the base,” he cut her off, causing a surprised expressionto appear on her features. There was an excited glint in her eyes.
“Really?” Mako nodded andshe smiled, showing teeth. “Wah, I’m glad. You’ve been keepingme away for so long. I’ve gotten really curious.” Now that shewasn’t resisting, he took away the crutches and helped her to herprevious position on the bed. “But I’ll get to pick the nextmovie we watch, though.”
“Deal,” he agreed easily,then moved the tray back into her lap. She was still smiling, happythat she’d finally get to see how the two Junkers lived. And Mako washappy to see her smiling.
–Mod Evie
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